Promoting Healthy Choices

I've decided to make healthy snack choices from now on.                                      
I really love snacking. Don't you? It can help me curb hunger throughout the day as well as provide energy. The quality of snacks is key.
I tend to keep a good selection of ready-to-eat veggies in the refrigerator or fruit kebabs when I need to snack in front of the TV I use skim milk, fat-free yogurt and fresh fruit to make my smoothies.
Whole-grain snacks, such as whole-grain pretzels, or tortillas, as well as breakfast foods such as whole-grain toast, and high -fiber, whole-grain cereals make great afternoon snacks.

So, go for the grain!
I love mix and match. I serve baby carrots or any other vegetable with fat-free ranch dressing.
I love to dip cracker sticks or fresh fruit in fat-free yogurt, and top celery, sliced apples or bananas with peanut butter.
Tip: Try yogurt with one clove of garlic or mustard seeds. Pour olive oil on it. It's so delicious!

Do you love snacking? xx                                       


  1. I love snacking, but it's usually all the stuff that's bad for me. I try to keep granola bars on hand though. :)

  2. Hi Meeko, Glad to see you. I love granola bars too

  3. wonderful food photography! I have a weakness for chocolate but I like to have almonds or other nuts on hand as a quick, healthier alternative when a snack attack happens.

  4. Yes, I do love snacking and I need to follow your lead and switch to healthier options.

  5. Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. I don't know how I do as much as I do in a day...the blogging, reading, commenting, writing, takes a lot of time, I agree with you. Yikes!

    I don't really snack but when I do I eat peanut butter preztels.


  6. Who doesn't love snacking? The problem is in keeping it healthy. Therein lies the problem. So many "snack" foods are easy to eat. You just tear open the wrapper and chow down, but the ingredients are less than desirable. So, I find your healthy snack choices here very enticing. And yes, I love, love, love peanut butter.

  7. When I'm a good job, I eat healthy snacks. Otherwise, I don't tend to snack.

  8. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I love snacking, I eat alot of hummus and olives, yummers;)

  9. I am a snacker. Not on healthy foods though.

  10. I love snacking and I love veggies. I just don't love snacking on veggies. It's a problem, I know.

  11. I try not to snack too much, but when I do snack, I love peanut butter with pretzels, peanut butter with granny smith apples, and smoked almonds. But, my favorite is toasted pita chips with baba ghannouj and black olives. Yummy!!!


  12. good..very adventurous with food..

  13. I do love snacking, but at the moment it is whatever is the closest. lol Bad, I know. I going to start working on that!

  14. Anonymous6:44 PM

    You fooled me bad! I thought you meant celery,cucumbers,carrots,apples, stuff like that.

  15. Interesting.

    In India we have bajji's , bondas and vadais. :)

  16. I love to snack on cheese and crackers and apple slices.

  17. Yes, I'm a snacker. Unfortunately, when I do snack it's not usually a healthy choice. I'm trying to do better though!

  18. Betty, I am a snakin fool, healthy snacks, unhealthy snacks, light snacks, hefty snacks, man i just love to snack, on my head stone it will say "sponsored by frito lay"
    Now as far as that pretty table, I woulda ate that up in ten minutes, good thing you got a picture,lol,

  19. I love snacking but have never tried anything healthy. It's always potato chips or tapioca chips or at times peanuts...

  20. def. love to snack, but could do better to snack healthier :) great post

  21. I love snacking but I am not smart snacking like you...
    The pics look Yummy enough to make one lick the monitor.. LOL

  22. Hi, thanks for the comment, your post just woke me up.. Lol
    Check out my blog, I may take you to the next Paris Fashion Week ;)
    I'm following you now with rss feed, follow me too!


  23. I love snacking a little too much! LOL I need to try and keep teh healthy stuff around more often.

  24. I love snacking too!

  25. I have a total weakness for hummus which is great with celery. I love snacking too

    Kate x

  26. Betty , that green mexican dip, man I love that stuff too, can't spell it but it sounds loke "gookamonkey" or somethin like that.
    I hope I did that award thing right too.

  27. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Oh I am the late night snacking queen! I really try to keep it healthy but at times it can get out of hand. You suggested some yummy alternatives to some of the things I try and get away with.. :o)

    My best, Lynn

  28. oh how lovely these cookies look! i love snacking too ;)
    have a great day!

  29. I soooooo love snacking and I sooooo love your sharing the goodies. I will be in the spirit of what you blessed us with here.


  30. I love all kind of nuts! My son eats only peanuts. Great photos. Yum!!!

  31. who doesn't???
    ωραίες οι θηκούλες με τα όσπρια !!!

  32. I recently found this ready made fruit mix at our store--it's like a jug full of grapes, pineapple, berries and melon and cantelope--perfect for both Ben and I to snack on!

  33. up until recently I also loved snacking on junk food, it was an all time favorite of mine....I have since then changed my options and added more fruit and nuts and it seems to curb the appeitite better than junk food, which kept me wanting for more. Great post!

    Sassy Chica

  34. Now you made me hungry :(

  35. Mmmm I do love snacking! Those snacks looks soo yummy. I love having almonds and dried cranberrys, I just got a food dryer, so we'll see how it goes!

  36. I love snacking. Το κακό είναι ότι δε μπορώ να σταματήσω:)

  37. I love night! It is my heart's desire. Mostly healthy but sometimes too much. My healthy winners are almonds, apples, green tea, PB on whole wheat. I'm not tellin' about the 'not healthies'. This kind of post helps us keep on track...motivational to me.

  38. I try not to. I have a weakness for hummus (red roasted pepper type) and Stacy's pita chips, though...and if I am out I keep some chocolate nut power bars in the car...nuts and fruit are so sublime...

  39. I love snacking on healthy foods. But I *heart* chocolate more, I think...

  40. Sure I love snacking. But I, like you, eat healthier snacks. I no longer will sit down in front of the TV with a bag of chips. I plan better now and make the healthier choice.

  41. I do love snacking; unfortunately all the bad stuff! But if we don't but it then we don't eat it. So I try to grab a piece of fruit or cheese instead.

  42. Hi, love love the look ^^
    Come check out Dolce&Madonna!


  43. I absolutely adore snacking. Couldn't get by without it. I also adore the healthy alternatives and make things such as flax seed crackers in my solar dehydator, homemade yoghurt, mung bean sprouts etc etc. In fact the only snack I do buy ready made is the occasional bar of good quality white chocolate.

    Thanks for coming by and leaving me comments. It was so amazing to see the many many of my lovelies that came by to visit during my absence.

    Have a great weekend!

  44. I ma not a big fan of vegetables but I could live happily with almonds and nuts..

  45. It is better for me not to be home during the day because I like snacking too much!!

  46. I am a huge snacker! Unfortunately, I can't say that I am a healthy snacker like you. Your pictures, however, inspired me to rethink that. You have inspired me today.

  47. I have been a chronic snacker all my life. Unfortunately, it has never been the good stuff. I am in the process of "relearning" how to snack in a more postive and healthy manner, so your snack ideas are great! Must be working- have lost 8 kilo so far!

  48. Do I love snacks? Uh, I sit here chomping on my kids' Halloween candy. NOw I feel all guilty for not eating something healthy...maybe I'll eat a carrot before I eat another Milky Way.

  49. Oh yeah, I love snacking.

    I snack on chips. Shame on me.

    Or chocolate.

    Or ice cream.

  50. In my case I go for nuts. Cashews, Brazils, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans. They're not only healthy but a good source of vitamins.

    Good post. I think that it hsould be read by everyone who ever thought of starving him/herself to death by not eating.

    Greetings from London.

  51. Yael, I am glad to hear that!Good for you.

    Helene, a carrot! it would be great!!

    Whisperer writer, oh, how I love those!

  52. I love snacking. In fact, I consider sit-down meals to be an unnecessary interruption. My favorite snack? Whatever I can find.

  53. Thanks for these. I lve healthy food.

  54. I should follow these choices.

  55. PopisK11:55 AM

    I love snacking, but not the healthy one.

  56. Love your choices.

  57. Good choices. I love snacking.

  58. I like snacking I have potatoes chips.Bad!

  59. Loved your post!
    much love

  60. What lovely cookies!.Yes, I love snacking.
    Much love

  61. WOW! snacking ! Love the cookies!

  62. Snacking is what prompted me to start running. lol!

  63. I have a pack of nuts in my desk drawer right now and I'll snack on those a bit before lunch so I don't overeat then. Healthy snacking is def the way to go.

    Thanks for stopping in for sharing in my SITS day last week. STill playing catch up!
