Obligation To Future Generations

For a living planet.

In a world of emerging common markets, of international trade and relations, of global interdependence and air and sea pollution, the need for safeguarding earth is an obvious one.
It is also about the obligation we have to our children.

Today, the threats to our environment are even clear to see. We live in a world where climate change, deforestation, holes in the ozone layer and air pollution are growing sources of concern.
Finding a solution as individuals and as nations against the environmental crisis has never been  greater.

I'm passionate and concerned about the environment. Apart from health care and education, this is what I talk about with my friends and family and what keeps me up at night. xx

(WWF cards).


  1. A passionate post that we should all take note of. Thanks for making me think about these things.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am too environmental conscious.
    Thanks for your post!

  4. A good reminder!Thank you!
    Happy Holidays!

  5. Betty,

    You are so right! I do worry at times that the problem is too big, yet every big problem is really a thousand (or million)little problems which means that if we de-construct it, there is an equal number of little solutions that are actionable by anyone. Everytime, we remember to turn off a light, adjust the thermometer by a degree, or re-use an item, we are being a part of the solution. And as more and more are made aware, we can work together for the bigger fight. Thanks for reminding me of this! As always, I'm glad I stopped by.
    P.S. Stay tuned later this week for part two of my big thank you to you and my award tags. :-)

  6. That is a very good reminder!
    Great post!

  7. PopisK10:15 AM

    Love it!

  8. You're right. I am so worried at times that the threat is too big.
    Thank you.

  9. Great post and a good reminder of safeguarding earh.

  10. Environmental damage is so critical!
    Thanks for reminding me of this.
    Much love

  11. This very thought has been weighing on my mind lately. How are we going to fix this growing problem. Have we gone too far? Thanks for putting it out there.

  12. Great idea to help awareness!

  13. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Thank you for the video Betty. I always talk to my friends about preserving future generations. I get so mad at people who catch and keep undersize fishes, I tell them they are wiping out the species!
    But some of them don't care.


  14. Very important message and one we need to keep reminding others of on a regular basis. Good post!

  15. Thanks for sharing this passion of yours. What a beautiful picture.

  16. I agree. If we don't take care of it now, there won't be anything left for our kids.

  17. Anonymous11:54 AM

    What a lovely post, filled with passion! I too feel it starts with us...

    Sassy Chica

  18. I feel it is a duty to be environmental friendly and do whatever is in our power to respect the nature and animals. We HAVE to recycle, it is not an option; we have to save energy and use alternative ones. We can give another life to "useless" objects donating them or finding a new creative use. A new life. If we truly undersstand that we are all one in the Universe, it is very easy to change attitude.


  19. I'll admit I'm not QUITE as hippie as I have been in the past, but I don't understand ppl who don't at least freakin recycle???

  20. Let's hope that something good happens in the Copenhagen meetings to enact changes that help our planet before it is too late. If we continue as we are, soon there will be nothing left to save. It affects us all. We all need to do out part.

  21. I am concerned about the protection of environment,too.I always buy environment-friendly products and recycle plastics.

  22. Thanks for this great post!

  23. Anonymous1:48 PM

    take care of mother earth and she will take care of you....wonderful post my friend;)

  24. We are all responsible for this planet and it's future. Great post.

  25. Nice post! It's a good topic to think about all the time!

  26. I live in the passion for our environment...I'm not saying that as an American Indian we are more aware of this dire issue but it seems that our forefathers and mothers laid the groundwork for us to keep a watchful eye on things. I remember before he passed my cousin often said to me when hearing on the news about a cougar being spotted in Chicago city limits, or a moose wandering around lost in Spokane, WA, or a coyote getting caught on the freeway in LA he said "when the animals are going places not naturally frequented then you should look to the skies because something cataclysmic is surely on its way..."

    My two cents. GOOD POST

  27. I try to be as green as I can and encourage others to do so as well. I tried to watch the clip and my computer wouldn't let me. Will have to try again later!

  28. Oh, Betty, you're just so thoughtful to post such a thing. To be honest, most of the time I'm so busy with life I don't stop to think about Mother Earth, but thank you so much for reminding me. Without Her, we wouldn't be here, would we? ;-) Hugs!!!


  29. Thanks for this wonderful post Betty!

  30. Betty, much love for your passion.
    ps, i have not forgotten

    It means a lot to me!

  32. Hi Betty! So great to meet you too:-)

    Loved your comment. Sometimes I forget that the same people I wouldn't normally do things for (or be friends with) IRL are the same ones I shouldn't be dealing with in the bloggy world!

    This was a wonderful post - I think sometimes we get so caught up in our busy lives that we forget there are very important issues we must be aware of and support ;-)I heart wildlife!


  33. Super post Betty, the unpredictability and extremes in weather should already wake people but it's amazing that many do not think of it and is still far from reality for them.....May we remember it too in this season of giving..

  34. What a wonderful post Betty! Thank you so much for the reminder! :o)

  35. Thanks for posting it Betty.. I worry about the world my kids are going to live in all the time.. Love and hugs.
    You are wonderful person

  36. I agree. If everyone just did a LITTLE more than they are doing, wouldn't it be so much better? I pointed out how much paper my coworker had in her garbage (i am famous for taking paper out of people's garbages and recycling it) and her response was, "I don't feel like walking over to the recycling bin"
    Get a clue people!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. What a beautiful innocent image. I love deer. Growing up near Queens, I had never really known deer. Here in New Jersey we're surrounded and the native Jersians hate them. I adore them. Thank you for that important reminder about being conscious.

  39. Completely agree with you and Yann. Time to take action!

    Greetings from London.

  40. great post betty! i completely agree with you...
    have a sweet day,

  41. What a great post and I agree we owe it to future generations to take care of what's here and make sure it remains.

  42. Nice reminder, Betty--needs to be said, needs to be heard, needs to be heeded.

    Peace, love, happiness and health,
    'Diary Of A Sad Housewife'

    P.S. I am so envious of you: 42 comments above mine! I'm lucky if I get two! Well done, sweet lady.

  43. An excellent article, thank you for bringing all of these things to our attention. This is important now during the climate conference in Copenhagen.

  44. I'm so glad you like priscilla!

  45. Anonymous5:10 PM

    My biggest concern is deforestation. Its generally accepted there are cures for diseases in the rainforest plants. And there are species we do not know about that could become extict before they are discovered. I understand there is a need to clear forest, but there needs to be a planned an d controlled approach along with a replanting of areas that are stripped bare for the raw materials.

    Stephen Tremp

  46. This is a great post and a wonderful reminder!!!

  47. Pretty nice that we have something in common. I can stay awake at night if the discussion is all about environment, healthcare ( of course I am in this field) and education. I call these 3 as legacies.

    Thanks for the reminder Betty. Happy weekend.

  48. Love the photo. I often say we must take care of the environment for our grandchildren....we don't have any but other people do and it's all our obligations. Thanks.

  49. I wish everyone would wake up!

  50. We all agree that we are responsible for this planet. The problem is that we don't know who is inresponsible...

  51. I have been around now for sixty years and of those years, fifty to be exact, I have seen considerable changes and not the better for all living things.

    The decline of butterflies and other insects, this year we seem to have less birds and general land conservation.

    The good news is that social intervention is on the rise as never before, so there is hope.

    Warmest regards this holiday season,

  52. That is something I'm trying to teach my kids about. They are so much more open to environmental preservation than many adults. It's kind of sad.

  53. You got me here, been reading and perusing..........So proud to now follow you too.......Let's keep the obligation alive, by spreading the word monthly!
    PS Welcome to the swing, we have a blast..

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