Defining Happiness

To live happily is an inward power of the soul, mind.

Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.

I strongly believe that happiness is the warm glow of a heart at peace with itself. 
To live happily is an inward power of the soul and mind. Happiness is a choice. So, I choose to feel happy.
Happiness must not be asked to anyone, because it is a personal experience.Not trying to find answers of what happiness is; just try to answer your own question.
Martha Washington once said, "The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. We carry the seeds of one or the other about with us in our minds wherever we go."
Take care of yourself. Good health is everyone's major source of wealth. Without it, happiness is almost impossible. And remember, the seeds of happiness only and always lie within.
What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear. Please, speak your mind, your thoughts really matter! xx                                                                                   


  1. All who would win joy must share it, happiness was born a twin.
    (Lord Byron).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If you have the option to choose, choose happiness.

  4. I believe in the power of the mind. I just don't have the power to control mine.

  5. ya, be happy and stay happy!

  6. I believe that happiness is the funny moments we spend with our favourite people.

  7. I like your definition of happiness...a heart at peace with itself. Brava! Excellent definition.

  8. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Beautiful and insightful! I agree, happiness is a choice and we can always choose to be happy. We can find happiness even in the darkest moments of life.

  9. Happiness.. is difficult to define,..
    It is something that fill you with joy..
    Something that makes your heart to soar..
    Like when you hear and witness the wild nature's .. untamed forces
    ..when you see a the wild eagle flying high..
    when you listen to the murmur of the small, crystal clear mountain stream..
    when you see the the shy smile forming on the beautiful rosy cheeked young girl...
    Dont worry.. Be happy...

  10. I believe we determine our own happiness. We can't depend on people or things or even circumstances to make our hearts and minds content.

  11. I think we can find joy even in our deepest moments of darkness. In fact, sometimes it is in those very moments that I stop and go inside myself to find a bright light... and I always do! Sometimes we are blinded by our desperation, but if we brush it aside and look carefully, that bright light will show itself... guaranteed!

    A lovely topic for discussion, Betty!


  12. missed you Betty... smile is the ned of the hor for me.. very very thnk u...

    love Naqvee

  13. I agree a lot of it has to do with our dispositions rather than our circumstances. Though I do have my 'down' days I choose to at least try and remain cheerful. What is that saying - laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.

  14. i am with you about this ,Betty .
    it is a choice . so i choose happyness as well .

    kisses !

  15. Lifebeginsat30ty9:14 AM

    I think happiness is partly attitude and partly circumstance. We are not going to be happy if our house just got hit by a hurricane. I believe in living my life in a way that makes me happy. But I refuse to be happy when I'm not feeling it!

    Lovely topic :)

  16. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I love how simply you state, You choose to be really is a choice, isnt it? hugs my wonderful, inspiring friend;)

  17. I agree that happiness is a choice. It is all about your attitude on life. As the saying goes: when life brings you lemons, make lemonade!

  18. Hi Betty! I agree with you - happiness is a choice. It is a decision made; much like trust, love, and peace. (each to different extents and for different reasons)

    I don't know how to explain it any better. :o)

    Wishing you much peace and happiness, today and everyday!

  19. I believe it so, much of the time, how we live is because of the choices we make.

    Be Happy

  20. I think happy is what we make of it.

  21. my darling friend, I needed to read this today! I believe as you do happiness is many different things and unique to each one of us! and yes happiness is when the heart is at peace.

    mwah mwah
    Sassy Chica

  22. I wholeheartedly believe that happiness is a choice. Unfortunately, I have not always made that choice. I think my nature tends to lean toward a darker place, but I'm getting better. Live and learn.

    I also believe that happiness begets more happiness.

  23. Honestly I do try to be happy but sometimes I'm just not. You are right it is a choice!1

  24. I absolutely agree. Just a few weeks ago, I grew really tired of feeling grumpy and irritable and angry. I had to ask myself, "why?" What is it that this emotions are in the forefront of my existence?

    My answer became that so much is constantly going on around me, literally. As we all know, children can be extremely loud and noisy.

    When I slowed down my mental processes, it lead to a feeling of more peace. I began to "create" my peace i.e. happiness.

  25. I concur, wholeheartedly! Happiness, for me, also revolves around wrapping up loose ends as another school year comes to a close.

  26. Hi Betty. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I think happiness is defined by moments that are linked together by regular life. These moments must be seized, appreciated and enjoyed for what they are. They are actually precious jewels to be guarded and protected. Of course it helps to view the world with a glass half full...that way you enjoy many more happy moments!!

  27. Happiness found me when I stopped trying to find it!

  28. I think we find ourselves most happy when we stop TRYING to be happy. It just comes naturally.

    Sometimes I feel like people expect happiness all the time and when they don't have it, they think they're's not normal to be HAPPY all the time!

  29. Betty, you are brilliant! I choose happy! Being miserable is such a waste of energy and time.

  30. They say you can choose happiness. Now we just have to hope it's one of the options to choose from.

  31. I believe we have so much power in determining our own state of being!!!

    Thanks for this post! It made me happy!

  32. For anything that is not physical, we always have a choice. Happiness usual depends whether we are just reacting or responding... and off course attitude is great contributor to happiness...

  33. I agree that it must be a conscious choice. I also believe that there is a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness can often be more dependant on circumstances and joy (for me, at least) comes more from within.

  34. I believe, having positive mind brings happiness.

  35. I think I OD'd on the New Orleans pralines. LOL!

  36. I am finding more and more that simplicity is happiness.

  37. Hi Betty- I haven't stopped by in a while, but I needed to see this today. I'm choosing happiness!

  38. It really is a conscious choice. We so often get distracted by stress or routine. Thanks for the reminder. I will be putting that "happiness" high on my daily list!

  39. Perfect- I believe while we cannot choose all of our paths and circumstances, we can choose our view. I have a hard time with people who look at the negative side of all things.

  40. Happiness is impossible if you aren't at peace with yourself!

  41. I completely agree my friend! Only WE can make ourselves happy - no one else has the power we do. Have a great evening my friend! Love ya! xoxoxo

  42. I keep coming back to reread this and the comments. So beautiful and needed right now!

  43. This is quite profound. Really has my mind going.

    Thanks for stopping by. Returning the follow from Friday Follow!

  44. I completely agree with you. I can choose to be happy or I can choose to be miserable. It may be hard sometimes, but it is always a choice.

    oh and I believe cupcakes can also bring much happiness! :)

    Have a lovely weekend!


  45. Such a cute post Betty - I'm glad you're happy!

    Thanks so much for your lovely comment darling =]

    Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
    English Rose x

  46. So true! Choose to be happy! You can't paste "happy" on your face and expect people to believe it!
    I am following you on Friday Follow. Please come visit me @

  47. You must control your mind to feel happy anytime.It is difficult but not anachievable.Takes a few minutes practice but i do not practice!It is monotonous to feel happy all the time.I like emotional variation.
    Nice post Betty!

  48. Now that shirt would make anyone smile! Great blog. Lloyd

  49. Hello, Betty Manousos.

    The smile is the starting point to the happiness.
    It is free of charge, besides.
    It is happy, too.

    lovely weekend...

    From the Far East.
    Best regards.

  50. No matter how bad a day I have, there is always happiness on the floor of my soul. It is up to me whether I pick it up or leave it there...

  51. How amazing were our first couple? I'd like to have another politician who could speak as intelligently and eloquently as the Washingtons.... Those were the good old days....

  52. Very deep.
    Nice to meet you. I hope you will drop by to check out some way more shallow subject matter. :)

  53. Wow- what a wonderful post... I will try and look inside myself for more happiness always.

  54. I choose to be happy life is just too short. Being happy will make you strong. Being unhappy will make you weak. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!! :)

    Visit my blog at

  55. From FF
    Take a minute an check my blog out if you haven't already.
    I have lots of great giveaways going on.
    Thanks :)

  56. Great Blog! Love reading your posts! We are your newest follower. Come follow us and check out our Welcome Wednesday!

    Jaime & Kristin
    Take It From Me:

  57. Love your happiness post!
    Have a great weekend! :)

  58. I absolutely believe that happiness is far more about your response to circumstances than the circumstances themselves. I have known people who have been surrounded by loss and tragedy but stil see everyday as a blessing. I have also known people that are surrounded by blessings who aren't happy. So each day I try to focus on my blessings -- some days it is easy and some days it is a real struggle! I think that it may be the ultimate struggle and lesson of life.

  59. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Hi! I'm your newest follower! I would love for you to follow me back at


  60. Happiness IS a state of mind. If someone treats us badly, WE choose how we respond or how we let it affect our day OR NOT. If I wake up in the morning and every thing seems to be going wrong, I can let that dictate my mood for the rest of the day, or I can "restart" the day in my mind and be happy!

  61. Happiness is most certainly a state of mind...the ability to accept the way things are and not constantly exhausting yourself to changes things you have no control over.

  62. Happiness

    is the inward chuckle
    inspired by a positive twist,

    the half smile
    evoked in the presence of beauty,

    and the inner laughter
    erupting from a sense of delight.

    Happiness is a way of travel.


    (I think we SeptemberMom as a mutual blogger. How nice.)
