Have a Great, Snacking Weekend

                                             When I'm typing away...
                                              I tend to treat myself to this one below.                        
                                              I have to admit that's my guilty pleasure.
                                              Ooops... I know I should only have a little bit of this but I
                                              just ate the whole bag! shame. (blush!)
                                              So, I ate that one instead of this one,
 or this one,
     or this one.
                                               Yes, I know that some foods are better snacking choices
                                                than others. That's easy. What's not so easy in real life
                                                is putting healthy snacking into practice.
                                                Actually, I tend to eat unhealthy snacks (blush!) for
                                                emotional reasons, like stress or when I skip meals or
                                                I am out with friends.

                                                Okay, I know. Snacking on fruits and vegetables sounds
                                                great! I'll try to choose green apples and peanut butter
                                                in order to get a round of applause from you all!
                                                However, it's not always a piece of cake  to snack
                                                well when there's so much temptation out there.
                                                It is probably tempting to go the quick route by grabbing
                                                a burger and fries or potato chips (my favourite), etc. etc.
                                                Seriously, I'm trying to eat healthy.
                                                But from time to time I give myself something less
                                                healthy that I really like. Oh, well... sometimes you have
                                                to splurge.
                                                If I deny myself everything that doesn't meet a healthy
                                                standard, one day I'm going to come home and pig
                                                out! What a shame! (blush!).

                                                How do you manage to snack in a healthy way?
                                                I'd love to hear.

                                                Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my lovelies. xx


  1. My problem is not snacking in a healthy way.
    Apple vs. donut? I'm picking donut
    Orange vs. chips? I'm picking chips
    strawberrys vs. licorice? Licorice.

    That's why I need to not have the winners around the house. If there is just fruit, that's what I eat. I'm so weak...
    candy please?

  2. I'm learning a lot about eating healthier but eating what I want too without going overboard and stuffing myself. I find myself getting a lot more fruits, veggies and water in - especially during the week - but the weekends like tonight, make it difficult because we went out and had Mexican food and Mojitos! LOL Oh well... sometimes you have to splurge! :o) Have a lovely weekend my friend! xoxoxo

  3. I try to keep lots of fruits and veggies around but sometimes we've got to splurge! I love ice cream but instead of two scoops (okay, or more!) I'll have a small scoop over sliced strawberries.

    Have a great weekend Betty!


  4. Ok, I am usually pretty good about not eating too much crap, but when I get the craving for garbage, I can easily put down a whole bag of Ranch or Taco Flavored Doritos all by myself!
    Also, I love donuts...they are my very favorite fruit!

  5. Yummy! That food all looks divine. Have a great weekend!

  6. Funny you should ask. Your post reminded me that I bought blueberries today. At $2.50 for a not even a double handful of them - and that's $2.50 half price on sale regular $5.00 - you darn right they're getting eaten!

    Bonus that they're healthy.

  7. Betty, I apologize in advance for using for blog to comment to one of your comments...

    Joe Cap - Speaking of chips...
    They just came out with Cheeseburger flavored Doritos!

  8. I love chips. I wish I didn't, but I do. I can resist sweet snacks, but some delicious crunchy chips will get me every time.

  9. Its a great post again Betty. But how many of us are following the healthy way of living..?
    We are either too lazy or simply dont bother.

  10. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Oh those guilty pleasures! I love feasting on fruits and vegetables but whenever there are chips, I always get tempted to eat some. I love tomato ketchup flavored baked potato fries. And sour cream and onion flavored fries :-)

  11. Strawberries, my favourite but not for snacking whilst reading and, as I learnt the hard way, certainly not for when using Pooter - sticky keyboard=new keyboard. Shame I have to stick with chocolate.

  12. Lovely photos!I like eating healthy but I also can't resist in pizzas,chips and ice creams.

  13. Nice post,
    a little bit of what you fancy - does you good, - little and often.lol.

  14. Strangely the only place I snack is in the office, there's just no time for it at home....

    I'm taking more and more to my bicycle on the weekends.. I hope I can keep that up... to a healthier fitter weekend.


  15. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Sadly I am dribbling on my PC... My colleagues don't like it!

  16. I love the crappy carbs, but trying to enjoy fruits and veggies now a days..

    Strawberries and pineapple and cukes are my faves

  17. My keyboard is all wet... need a napkin.

  18. We have fruit in the house, but I LOVE popcorn. If I want to be healthy, then maybe I'll make that Smart Choice microwave popcorn. But if I'm feeling really naughty, I'll pop the corn myself and add butter. Yum!

  19. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Hi Betty!

    I'm not worrying about snacking at the moment! I'm using being prego as an alibi :)

    Thanks for visiting my site and my Examiner column! You're such a sweetie :)

    Have a wonderful weekend,


  20. I'm trying to eat healthy but it's an ongoing struggle for me. It always will be. I'm trying to cut back on the sweets and carbs. *sigh*

  21. That all looks yummy. I'm usually on the run with two kids and so I'll just pack fruits and veggies and crackers. As soon as I start to try to eat something....it's gone. Little fingers take over everything around here, LOL!

    Have a great weekend,

  22. Eating healthy (or snacking) isn't easy... but when there's fruit on hand, I eat that.
    I'm a lot like yourself Betty when it comes to snacking it seems.
    Fruit smoothies are always good too. Although I would prefer a chocolate milkshake.
    It's really busy these days in Chicago with the Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup and the Cubs and White Sox playing against each other and the Blues Festival in town this weekend.
    Have a great weekend!

  23. My Guide to Healthy Snacking: For five chocolate-covered strawberries, I eat one non-covered one.

  24. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Those strawberries looks so yummy! Thank you for the Friday Follow. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  25. I can't help you here dearest i'm so disgustingly healthy - I genuinely would choose an apple over a donut or an orange over chips any day - they are so yummy and I just love the feeling of being healthy!

    Merci beaucoup for stopping by darling, it’s so much appreciated =]

    Je suis désolée for the late reply!

    Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
    English Rose x

  26. Those potato chips certainly look good. Hee hee

    Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you to and enjoy your w/e.

  27. Λατρεύω τα φρούτα!Αλλά,δεν θα ήταν πιο γευστικές οι φραουλες με λίγη σαντιγυ; ή η μπανάνα με καυτή σοκολάτα;ή τα μήλα καραμελωμένα με σιρόπι;γιαμ..γιαμ..απο ότι κατάλαβες είμαι λιχούα και μου λείπουν τώρα που κάνω διατροφή μπήκε καλοκαίρι,βλέπεις!
    Καλό ΣΚ!

  28. Your strawberries and apples look beautiful (and delicious!), but I'm probably most tempted by those chips!!

    I think the key is in portion control (meaning small portions!) rather than limiting specific foods or snacks. That way you satisfy cravings.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Well I am stuffing my face with a donut as I read your post so that is proably an indication of my feelings. LOL. Seriously, though, I believe in all things in moderation. I think a treat every now and then is just fine. That's why it's a treat.

  31. Oh it is one's pleasure to snack on something like that once in a while. Healthy snacking is way too boring lol xxx

  32. Hard to snack in a healthy way.
    But I'm trying..

  33. Peter5:52 AM

    I'm stuffing my mouth all the time!

  34. I love green apples too:-)Great pics!
    Happy Sunday!

  35. i do have my "off days" too and i go vegan on odd days.so it's alright to snacks,snacks... and remembers to balance - Yin & Yang

  36. Anonymous8:51 AM

    how do i manage to snack healthy??
    i try to not buy ANY unhealthy snacks... but when they are in my house, they CALL TO ME. im on my blog.. and all of a sudden.. "HEYY CLAUDIA!! THERE IS ICECREAM IN THE FREEEEZER!! COME GET MEE"


    so, i try to put out grapes and strawberries on my kitchen table... or take an apple around to where i go

    anyway, i am a new follower of your blog!
    care to follow me back?


  37. Ah, your snacks are much healthier than mine! Especially if I'm working. Right now my weakness is red licorice. But at least I got off my jelly bean kick ;)

  38. Anonymous9:34 AM

    what I find so funny, is I always think an apple, ewwwww...then I eat one and wow are they good:) But nothing will replace my oreo cakesters, lol


  39. Right now im sitting here thinking I want a cookie. But looking at this I maybe want a apple or orange...

    Care to follow me back ?


    alice h

  40. What a great blog you have! So glad we found it! Looking forward to following you! Now I'm hungry for those Burt's chips!

  41. I love to snack on veggies and hummus!

  42. sorry about the following messup before !! I should be following you now !!!

    thanks for the comment


  43. I pick cookies too many times. I need to put the healthy stuff out so I have it right in front of me.

  44. Yum, the fruit loks so good. Especially since It's been so hot!

  45. Mmmm... candy... fast food... chips... mmmmmm.....

    I get lots of exercise but now I need to really smarted up with my snacking habits. Not so much for my weight, more for my health and my budget!

  46. Sometimes you just have to have chips.

    I always eat a banana. But I eat mostly the same things all the time.

  47. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Hi Betty I ask prayers for the surgery, I will get on Tuesday in Spain. Orr Father of Fair Love and best criujano of surgeons ... Jesus Christ ... to guide the hand of the doctor who will operate. Thank you.


  48. I have to cut/preportion everything and have it ready to go otherwise? I eat like junk! and most of the time? I eat like junk!

  49. Oh I know how to snack in a good way but the bad tends to get me more. For the kids, I have snack bags prepared with carrots and celery or grapes. They can grab a yogurt as well.

  50. Yummy snacks!! Those strawberries look tasty!!

  51. Those all look YUMMY!!!

    HAPPY HAPPY TUESDAY. I am your new follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday. YEA!!
    Thank you for linking up.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Best wishes,

  52. I feel hungry here lol.

    I joined Follow Me Back Tuesday and I am following you now.

    Have a great day.

  53. Hello! Thanks for tagging along at this week's Tuesday Tag-Along blog hop! I was already a follower of your blog, but just wanted to stop by and say hi!


  54. Thanks for linking up with us for FMBT. I am now following you back. Have a great week!!
    STaycee ( Survey Junkie )

  55. I love eating healthy! It tastes the BEST too! Thanks for following. I am following you back, nice to meet you. Have a great week!

  56. Yes. The fruit have beautiful colors.
    And the colors that seem to be delicious. . .

    I thank for a blessing of the Nature.


  57. Thank you for coming over to my blog and deciding to follow me. I am now following you too.

  58. Hi Betty, I'm having some difficulty finding your summer awards & gratitude post - my reader tells me it's there and yet I can't find it anywhere. Is anyone else having similar problems?

  59. The only thing that makes me snack healthy is that I have to be an example for my little guy. Hope you are doing well!

  60. Anonymous10:54 AM

    You just made me insanely hungry..but in a nice healthy way!

    Happy Tuesday doll & thanks for linking up!

  61. While I do love my fruits and veggies, those chips do look pretty delicious. I don't think there is anything wrong with having a few chips now and then. The trick is just moderation. It's not easy though!

    Following you back, thanks for stopping by my blog!

  62. Oh Gosh, I'm the worst person to give advice on this subject as I love to snack on junk food and hate fruits and veggies. I suppose posting pictures of fruit was the first step to this health plan so A for effort.
    Following you back, so great to meet you and your blog!

  63. I *try* to work on choosing the healthier option. That's my "diet" so to speak. I'm not a very devout follower, though!

  64. Following you, please follow back:)

  65. Hey! It's okay to indulge to our guilty pleasures. It's the simple joys of life right? :) Btw, thanks for dropping by and I'm now following your blog. I enjoyed reading your post! :)


  66. Stopping by to thank you for the follow, and to return same! Nice to meet you, and have a good evening

  67. I love "eat natural" they are sooo tasty and healthy@ Great snack.

  68. Got your message no prob, following you too! Have a great day!

  69. My computer is far from the kitchen so I tend to forget about food. I do like to drink ice water all day. :)

  70. Love this post! Love unhealthy snacking too!!
