On De-clutter

From a trip to Ikea.

I have to say that I feel much better and lighter! After de-cluttering my home I got great satisfaction because
I know that the energy flow in my house will be better.
I got rid of things that I didn't like clothes, shoes, pillows,sheets, whatever!
I am only surrounded by things I really love.
I knew other people who needed these things more than I did. So why not give these things to them?
I've already donated seven large garbage bags full of stuff to charity. But I kept all my books and papers I wrote for classes. I often refer back to them at some point because of my work; and also because I enjoy reading, studying, and researching so much.

I strongly believe that clutter (physical/emotional) can negatively affect your emotional well-being (and v.v.). In fact, organize is always better than clutter but it is hard to do every time.  
I have to confess that I'm just facing that kind of mess occasionally. 
Imagine the sight of piled up papers, folders, books, and cups, and cluttered closets...argh, it is literally a nightmare experience, I assure you.
Albert Einstein once said, "A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind." On the other hand, when you think of getting organized, a few people may think, "Oh, No, I'll become a control freak!" It's all about finding balance.

I'm not sure if cluttered houses could mean cluttered minds but a cluttered space leaves me with a cluttered mind;) xx

How I got organized and clutter free!      


  1. τι καλά...μακάρι κάποιος να έφτιαχνε και τις δικές μου ντουλάπες....:)

  2. It does feel good to de-clutter once in awhile. I do it once or twice a year and find my improves considerably. The only place that is rarely clutter free is my desk. Using Einstein's logic I suppose I have a healthy mind?

  3. I'm a clutter bug, but not totally by choice. Seems I have become a dumping ground for perfectly great things that nobody else wants. Sometimes, even me.

  4. I firmly believe in 'a place for everything and everything in it's place'. I have quite a lot of stuff but like things to be tidy and regularly decluter. Thanks for those wonderful photographs.

  5. i can't be organized while i am studying especially for exams but i like being tidy
    donating ur clothes, books etc is a great thing
    love u a lot hugsss

  6. I always feel better after I declutter. I recently took another load of 5 or 6 big trash bags full of clothes, shoes, etc ... to a donation center.

    I still have more decluttering to do ...

  7. I'm glad you finished it up! I did that not too long ago and it felt great!

  8. It's good to have you back! I so need to declutter as well. Unfortunately Mr. Sister is a pack rat.

  9. I know I feel better when I declutter. I am doing that this month. It's difficult to remain decluttered but it is ever so peaceful. It somehow for me declutters my soul too by freeing up my mind of the "things" I don't need. Less worry and confusion.

    Love this post!!!


  10. Beautiful photos!

    I'm not a pack rat, but I do have a fair amount of clutter around (though I usually know where something is when I want it!).

    I periodically have urges to purge the clutter and do so with great satisfaction.

  11. I think that I am cluttered only in the place of my work but I don't mind if there is a mess in my home.
    You are lucky for having your house cluttered.

  12. Betty, Welcome back! It's so good to see a light shining from here again. Your photos look gorgeous... everything looks so neat and clean and airy. I know the feeling... I am not a clutter bug! For some reason, when things start to get messy, I get nervous and frantic and I can't even sleep well at night. So, I take the time to clean up. Like you said, a clean home allows for higher energy flow... as does donating your unwanted items.

    Good for you for making the decision to tend to yourself and your home. I'm sure you feel ready to take things up with a bang!

    Big hugs,

  13. I like things clean and neat and put away properly. But it's hard when you live with someone who is NOT like you! I've learned to let go of some things so I don't drive myself crazy!

  14. I hate clutter. I think a cluttered environment means a cluttered mind. Right now I am in a similar process like you. I cleaned out my pantry and kitchen cabinets and it feels so good!!! I hope you are well!

  15. Great to have you back, Miss Betty.
    I love being organized, I hate crap and clutter all over the place. We always give away stuff we don't need.
    Love the pic of the wine and the preserves.

  16. Oh, how desperately I need to do this myself!!! Clutter is absolutely oppressive ....

  17. Hi! I'm visiting (and following) from Tuesday Tag Along. Have a great week!

  18. now that's spic and span .yeah,i gave to charity many of my unwanted stuff(but much wanted by others).even after every little scale of de-cluttering ,the feeling is goood

  19. I think I need a professional de-clutterer... you make it look so easy! :)

    Thanks for the follow (on FMBT) - I'm following you too.

    Shasher's Life - FMBT

  20. following you back :)

  21. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I've spent the last two days getting everything organized, as of today I just need to work on all my books...it feels great.

    glad u r back ...hugs

  22. Visiting from tag-along Tuesdays following you back! Your pictures are great I wish I could get organized like that! I am so bad at it LOL

  23. I can breathe so much easier after I clean out the clutter.

  24. Oh I'm in good company with that Einstein quote. Following you back.

  25. Wow, so I think my home will never be as organized as yours! But now that I am moving again, I've just starting the process of keep/store/sell/donate. Which is entirely therapeutic and let's you know very quickly what is essential and what is not!

  26. Still have 3 rooms to go! I swear paper breeds itself in the house. I no sooner get things cleared and another pile is there. LOL

  27. It's been Real!
    It's been fun!
    It's been Really fun!
    Love you really big bunches,

  28. What a great idea! I know my linen closet is full of old sheets or towels that someone else could use! Time to de-clutter for me too!

  29. Oh..don't even get me started on the clutter...ha!ha!
    Thanks for stopping by...I am following you back! Have a great week!

  30. Now I know this sounds stupid, but I don't have time to get organized...
    I'm impressed and just a bit envious! nice work!

  31. Good to have you back! :) Glad to hear you succeeded with your decluttering. Now all you need to do is avoid shopping.... LOL

  32. I think all Artists are the same lol, great post my friend.

  33. What a lovely blog! Following from the Tag-Along which I am playing from my Everyday Mommy blog...but you might prefer my other one: Everyday Bliss

    Either way I'll be back here!

  34. Hmmm....I like cleanliness, but necessarily neatness. My room is often messier than my kids. Isn't that weird, that I clean & organize & pick up their room every single day, but go through mine once a week to get all those clothes that never landed in the hamper??

  35. Usually I can only keep one room in the house organized at a time. When I get it under control, the rest of them end up a mess! It's a huge cycle.

    I think it stems from having too much stuff but I can't get the husband and kids on board with purging.

  36. Are all of these pictures from your actual house? The reason I ask is because I LOVE the dishes in the first picture and I love the way you have completely organized everything. I can't stand clutter either and actually, my desk at work is probably the cleanest in the entire law firm - I can't work with stacks of paper all around me! LOL P.S. Welcome back... Again! HA! xoxoxo

  37. Congrats. I completely agree! When my boyfriend and I moved from our old apartment I got rid of and donated bags and bags of stuff. It felt great. You just don't realize how many unnecessary and clutter-full things you keep around that others can use. (As for my desk and work area that always needs help), but as for the home in general de-cluttering is great.

  38. I've totally been decluttering every week! Newest Follower from FMBT!

  39. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I can be a big clutter bug! I have gotten much better, but as I look around, it's time to go through things again. I always have grand ideas!

  40. neat and beautiful displays..

  41. Welcome back! ")I am going to do the same this weekend. Have put heaps of used clothes in a box for the charity, need to tackle the kitchen next! xxx

  42. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Its been ages since I have de-cluttered. I don't do it, ever! Every time I start off, I manage to lose interest and everything around seems important!

  43. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Glad you're back and that the de-cluttering was a success! I've been doing a bit of the same here as well. Seems that someone filled the entire guest room closet with Victorian reenactment attire and photo shoot costumes and now needs to ditch it all to make room for baby... Ebay, anyone? Lol!

  44. I totally agree...I find that when I clean and sort my house my mind becomes sorted and clear again.

  45. It's amazing how light you feel when you declutter isn't it?!

    Merci beaucoup for your wonderful comments and support darling, it really means a lot ♥

    Je suis très très TRÈS désolée for the late reply!

    Have a lovely week dearest =]

    Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
    English Rose x

  46. I'm glad you're back.

    I prefer organized clutter. :)

  47. I like things very neat and organized. I do not do well in clutter. Having said that my husband can't ger rid of anything!!! I am not saying my house is spotless. I have areas that right now I need to go through and organize.........like my file cabnit, 2 closets upstairs and some other things. I just like things organized but so far this summer break I haven't done anything to get it that way. As I get older I am finding I would much rather play. BTW what is v.v?

  48. Anonymous4:44 PM

    How refreshingly promising an entry. Have to admit that there's even order within me fridge ;) which indeed greatly helps to find things during the night, when eyes won't work that good...people tent to say, it's because of being German...yet Einstein was as well.
    From a clean desk, I'd like to wish you a wonderful Thursday.

    daily athens

  49. I'm a clutter bug!
    Beautiful pics, Elizabeth!

  50. I love being organized. helps to reduce hours spending cleaning my house. Great photos, my favorite is 1

  51. Wooooooo! That is quite an accomplishment! You are inspiring me!

  52. I am a de clutterer. I can't stand clutter. In fact, when my kids are at their dad's, that's when I find the time to declutter. Of course, they don't even notice when they come home..that's how much clutter there is!! New Follower!

  53. I try to be organized. It's a process :)

  54. I actually used to be an organizational consultant! One would wonder if they saw my home now. After Hubs & this 3 boys moved in, I lost control of my neat little house. I just take it one drawer at a time!

    I'm following you now - thought I already was! Sorry :( Thanks so much for stopping by!

  55. Welcome back. I wish I could say I was as organized as you. HA! Love your little nook with the preserves!

  56. Good for you, Betty! You remind me...I need to get started cleaning out the basement...
