Frankly, Mrs Tomato, I Love You!

Oh, your vine-ripened sweetness!    

Looking for something tempting and colourful, tomatoes seemed the obvious choice as willing subject.

Are you in on this Tomato Love Fest?

I love this tomato time of the year. As I can remember there is a folk song that goes...
"Τhere's just two things that money can't buy and that's true love and home grown tomatoes."

"Ah, your juicy flesh is my food, your aroma is my wine and the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness."
Ηow I love the incredible taste of biting into a just picked-up right off the vine sun-ripened tomato! 
Your tongue says to your brain.." Oh my gosh, that's good..."
Tomato is a fruit and one of the most treasured gifts from the garden.

Did you know that it has been called everything from the Moor's Apple to the Wolf Peach, to the Love Apple? Interestingly enough, in French, the word for tomato really translates as "apple of love"
pomme d'amour.                    
Shots of mayonnaise, olive paste (tapenade) and tomato and cucumber slices. Yum!                                                          

I like tomatoes especially in the summer. How about you? xx                                                                                                                                           


  1. Love me some tomatoes. These look just great! Beautiful pics!

  2. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I ove them so much, I have them with most meals...yummy.

    Steven Anthony
    Man Dish~Metro Style

  3. Yummy, what was that in the glass with the tomato sticking out? Picture 4 I believe? That looked awesome. I thought tomatoes were veggies? Oh well.

  4. I love them too. These look especially delectable.

  5. Following you back! Thanks so much for stopping by! Your tomatoes look delish! Yum!

    Beth @ Two Monkeys & a Washtub

  6. What a gorgeous tomato! I took pictures of mine the other day and they did not pose nearly as well!

  7. Your tomatoes looks interesting with your photos. I so love tomatoes. Back home, breakfast isn't complete without salted egg with tomatoes. Oh! you made me miss my hometown.

  8. Yes, you are well rhapsodical over this queen of Summer!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki :)

    Comfort Spiral

  9. Right off the vine, eat it like an apple...

    Or prepared any other way...

  10. The tomatoes look so lovely in this post! Frankly, I cannot eat it raw. All our food items require tomatoes so it is always part of the cooked food.

    The pictures sent me drooling but in reality, I don't much like them :)

    Joy always,

  11. mmm mmm Fresh from the garden, a little dill and pepper, bite into the plump fruit , mmm juicy

  12. mmm mmm Fresh from the garden, a little dill and pepper, bite into the plump fruit , mmm juicy

    I can smell the tomatoes in the photographs.

  13. I also love tomatoes especially home grown ones. What's that other song 'I say tomato, you say tamato'?

  14. I like tomatoes very much!Some days I eat only tomatoes for lunch.

  15. You're going to thnk I'm strange but I'm not a fan of tomatoes. I like them in sauces, etc. but not the fresh picked ones that people love. I know I'm weird.

  16. I love them so much. My favorite sandwich in the summer is tomato, lettuce and cheese. The downside of wonderful summer tomatoes is winter tomatoes from the stores that taste like cardboard. I've yet to develop a taste for cardboard.

    Lovely photos.

  17. Betty, you are an awesome photographer, and your pix make me want to jump and run to my fridge so I can sink my teeth into some tomatoes. My favorite way to eat this delectable fruit is with salt and pepper and some lime juice.

    And, where are you? I haven't seen you in a while... hoping all is well... and you're taking care. I know there is much to do after a vacation. Keep well, Betty.

    Sending you warm hugs,

  18. Your photos are gorgeous! I love lightly salted sliced tomatoes.

  19. Anonymous7:43 AM

    oh I'm so in on this love fest.....

  20. I love tomatoes too. Maybe not as much as you, but they're very yummy.

  21. Your tomatoes look yummy!! I love them, our plants are past producing and I mentioned to my girls the other day how much I miss them.

  22. Oh, yeah, I love tomatoes...I wish they would grow here in Texas...too hot, they always die.
    We grew them in California all the time.
    Imagine that years ago people thought they were poisonous!

  23. Frankly Miss Betty, I love you! LOL!
    Yummy photos! Those tomatoes look great!!!!

  24. Sadly, I only like them cooked!

  25. I love tomatoes too. I like them with other foods normally like cheese or chicken and I really like cooking with tomatoes.

  26. I love tomatoes but this time of year I get tired of them. There are SO many on our plants we can't eat them fast enough. The neighbors are a bit tired of them as well.

  27. Beautiful photos of one of my favorite things in the world!! Nothing beats a homegrown tomato!

    Our crop is fizzling now, but we've had a great summer of delicious yellow tomatoes. They're not quite as acidic as the red varieties, but equally tasty.

    My mouth is watering just looking at your photos!

  28. I love them too! Those look so refreshing.

  29. last weekend I planted a baby grape tomato bush in the back garden. I love tomatoes as well. These photos are so beautiful!

  30. Oh my gracious alive - I LOVE LOVE LOVE tomatoes! They are some of my most favorite things to eat in the whole world! These pictures are awesome and look delicious! You have such a talent for making them jump off the page. Thanks for sharing your beautiful tomatoes with us! I'm curious as to what picture number 4 is though? Big hugs my friend! Have an awesometastic day! Love ya! xoxoxo

  31. What excellent photos - I wish I had a scratch and sniff screen! Ha! I grew up eating a tomato salad:

    cut up tomatoes
    cut up onion
    extra virgin olive oil
    Italian seasoning

    Mix well. You could also add fresh mozzarella chunks right in the salad, too.

    If I don't mix the cheese in with the salad, I buy a good sharp provolone cheese and slice that up and serve it along with the salad, and good crusty bread to dip in the juices. Yum!

  32. Beautiful photos and love the meals you prepared :) We will have to wait for another few months for such beautiful tomatoes. big hugs xxx

  33. Yummy, Betty! They look divine! Tomatoes are great and versatile. Can't live without them!

  34. Yes, i love tomatoes also a lot! In all forms; even dried. We eat tomatoes mostly everyday.
    Wonderful photographs!

  35. Any way you can taste them, tomatoes are my weakness Betty.
    Especially those grown naturally during summer and outside. Not those grown in green houses.
    You can check my latest post if you wish.
    There is a different way to have them.
    Have a great afternoon.

  36. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Love them, I have an overabundance of them from my garden at the moment.

  37. I never knew any of this tomato lore. Thank you Betty. You are amazing my friend.

  38. Anonymous9:35 AM

    anything you write is worth a second look;)

    Steven Anthony
    Man Dish~Metro Style
    Life in the Fish Bowl

  39. Guy Clark got to love it.
    The modification of tomatoes has driven the taste out of them (at Least I heard on this news program, because of the breeding to keep them on the shelve longer and for shipping times), but they are trying modify them again to try and capture that taste when you were a kid and picked the tomato off of your mom's garden.
    Me I don't like the mess that comes with eating tomatoes, so I only eat the grape sized ones.

  40. OMG I love tomatoes - will eat them plain or in any other way they're served...they're refreshing and joyful!

  41. Sumptuous Photos! I try to grow heirloom varieties in my garden though this was not a good year in the far north for ripening tomatoes. I like the humble tomato sandwich with just a bit of mayonaise. I like to crush a clove of garlice in some olive oil with a bit of ground pepper and a cubed tomato. All the "mess" of the tomato becomes a tomato and oil gravy.

  42. Steve Julian, thanks so much for providing such an useful info.

  43. Yum. That's all, yum!

  44. I just started eating tomatoes this year. WHY? Because when I was 6, my mom cut one open and a big black spider crawled out. Scarred me for 24 years.

  45. I could eat tomatoes every day!

  46. Few things are better than a caprese salad on a hot day. I LOVE tomatoes. Especially heirlooms and ugly tomatoes, they are the best.

  47. HI there just stopping by from the Boost my blog Friday stop by and say Hi and tell me why your smiling this Friday. I love a tomato with some salt just like an apple. yummy

  48. I love them,too.A thin slice of bread, cheese and tomatos are my everyday breakfast routine..

  49. Hi Betty~ So sorry for being such a sporadic visitor. I love these shots and love tomatoes. When I was pregnant with my second daughter, that is all I craved.
    That daughter happens to be my redhead ;)

    Be well and I so enjoyed catching up on so many of your posts.

  50. Thanks for stopping by and following me. I'm following you back :) Your tomatoes look yummy!! Have a great weekend!!

  51. Yummm...I love tomatoes. I could eat them in almost anything!

  52. You're so right, on the vine and sun-dried are simply the best - great series of photos!

  53. Hi Betty! Wow... you've got some lovely tomato shots here! I love the first one - the lighting and shadows are just perfect! The photo of the tomato resting on the window ledge is really great too.

    I can't eat too much tomato or I get a tummy ache... too bad because I love spaghetti and tomato sauce! :o) Oh and I LOVE that Guy Clark song about homegrown tomatoes! ;o)

  54. Yummy, awww really beautiful pictures!! I love tomatoes so much like you. :)

  55. Yummy, awww really beautiful pictures!! I love tomatoes so much like you. :)

  56. Awesome shots, especially the top one. Well done!

  57. three cheers for the tomato. I am a huge fan, when I moved to Italy I would eat them like apples. Delicious so sweet. CArla

  58. Neat blog- following you back!
