Emollient Food

I have a habit of using this emollient food-organic white oats- for pampering myself and I find it wonderful for my dry skin.
Here's an easy tip for smoothing skin and a pretty simple technique:

I mix 2 tsp. organic white oats with a little milk to make a stiff paste.
Then I rub into skin to soften. I rinse with lukewarm water.

Do you know any tips or remedies for smoothing skin using food, my dears?
I'd love to hear. Thanks so much. xx                          


  1. Dear Betty:

    I use oats this way as well.

    Mix yogurt and oats with a few drops of lemon. This will help the skin to glow.

    Mix tomato juice, cucumber juice and lemon juice together and apply on face. This will also help the skin to look clear and supple.

    Joy always,

  2. I love to use oats as a body scrub

  3. South African rooibos tea is meant ot be excellent for skin with its anti-oxidant properties. Not sure if that applies to drinking it or using it on skin but I used Annique products on my skin for a long time which have rooibos tea in them. I don't want to leave a link in yourcomments, but be sure to google Annique!

  4. I think that greek salad is very good for our health.

  5. This seems like a great trick that I must try. My skin is super dry all of the time - especially now that we have winter upon us in the next few months. Check out this link to one of my posts back in August - I gave some tips for pampering yourself too:
    Have a great day my blogging bestie - love ya! xoxoxo

  6. Yeah sweets i have one, use avocado and eggs and apply them on your face and wherever else you want then let it dry and wash it off. Makes skin feel so smooth x :)

  7. Not a problem I have, my skin is extremely greasy. I do use lemon as a rinse for my hair though.

  8. wow! that's a great idea for my dry skin! i love the smell of oatmeal flakes as well!
    thank you for sharing :)

  9. I like to make a simple scrub with olive oil and sugar for dry areas like feet knees and elbows...add a little peppermint oil for a refreshing feeling.

  10. Hi Betty! What a great idea! I'll have to try it!

  11. Well, I like to EAT oatmeal, so I bet I have a soft stomach!

  12. Hey Joe, hahaha! thank you..you made my day!LOL!

  13. ooo this sounds great! I will have to try it! I love oats and I believe they help the skin so much. Me and My Mom have started soap making and we only use natural ingredients, no chemicals, and the ingredients include oats always!! :) here's our site if you have a second to stop by - www.oliveyourbeeswax.blogspot.com

  14. I will have to try this!

  15. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I am so gonna try this...thanx for the tip ;)

    big hugs

  16. Wow ... I just received 5 lbs. of organic oats ... and I have "end of summer" dry skin. So thank you, so much, for this tip ... I'm definitely going to try it!

    So nice to "see" you at Reduce Footprints!

    Take care, my friend!

  17. Great tip, Betty! Oats are good for horses, bread, pancakes...and especially the skin. Have a great day!

  18. Betty, this sounds like a great idea. Will try of course.Also, I am loving cucumbers for my skin! It has such a great cooling and soothing effect.

  19. that's interesting. I will have to try it this winter in the cold and dry weather.

  20. I need that good tip. Thanks Betty :)

  21. When my kids had chickenpox (or other itchy rashes) I would put oatmeal in a sock and throw it in the bathtub with them. I really helps ease the itch!

    When I had long hair I would rinse it with beer for a healthy shine.

  22. So the secret is oat and milk...I'll definitely try this one...thanks for the tip :-)

  23. I always eat my Oats lol.

  24. Sounds good - just hope no-one rings the doorbell when you have that on your face though!

  25. Dearest Betty, I love to mix cool yogurt with some honey and leave that on my face for a few minutes... three times a week if I can help it.

    I also use cucumber slices to depuff my eyes when I've had too much salt the night before and I wake up looking like I was punched! ;-)

    This was a yummy post, though it was about food in a different kind of way.

    Big warm hugs, my friend!


  26. Anonymous4:58 PM

    What a welcome contrast to the last couple of days of news reports and things to read - guess it demands a strong and healthy will to choose what to feed into a body, mind and soul.

    And yes, thank you for the reminder, as "taking care of me skin" was something I did not think of before. Please have a good Thursday.

    daily athens

  27. When my mother eats avocado, she saves the skin and rubs the little bit of fruit left on it onto her face and leaves it on for 20 minutes before rinsing off.

    Betty, thank you for being such a wonderful supportive friend. You kind words have given me comfort.

  28. My dermo dr suggests warm olive oil rubbed in skin and then a sea salt scrub. I'm not dedicated enough to continue once a week but it did feel great the time I tried it.

    Plan B

  29. Ah Greece - yep I have only really been to Zykynthos and Athens but I do miss Greece and always wanted to get to Kefalonia after reading Captain Corelli's Mandolin. Fraid I don't know any body rub formulas but it's always a pleasure to catch up with your blog.

  30. Thanks for following me! I am returning the favor:)

  31. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Not off the top of my head. Seems like oats are popular! :-)

  32. I have not started using oats for skin treatment yet.. but there is always time Betty.
    Have a great day.

  33. That's a nice recipe. I also like avacado. Peppermint is really nice too, but I don't know any recipes.

  34. I know nothing about home prepared beauty treatments. Thank goodness for my fellow bloggers!

  35. Great tip! I must try it.

  36. THanks for linking up! I am now following you!

  37. Never heard of this before! I thought oats were just for eating!

  38. I've heard avacado and pineapple is great for the face.

  39. I tried this, but my dog kept licking it off!

  40. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I've never used oats. I have used baking soda and water as a scrub for my face. A friend of mine uses lemons.

  41. I think i need to try this...thanks for visiting during my SITS Day!

  42. Betty, my dear,
    I didn't know this very easy way to soften the skin. My skin is dry
    as a sheet and over the years I am
    using tons of skin smoothers.
    Usually from the Body shop.
    Wish you a nice and sunny weekend,
    Monika. xxx

  43. I know olive oil is great as a hair conditioner for dry hair. You apply before washing your hair. Let it stay for 5 minutes and then you wash your hair with your shampoo.

  44. I'm your newest follower from FF! I'd love for you to follow me at:


  45. Hi Betty - that's a great idea. Following you from Fun Follow Friday.

  46. Thanks for the follow!! Im following back!! Love your blog!!

  47. Great post! and it looks like some helpful comments too - I'll have to try it. Thanks for visiting my blog and following. I'm following you now too. Have a great weekend!
    Mark it with a B

  48. Following you back! I have a lot to learn! Can't wait to read more! :-)

    Christy Lee
    Petals and Pine

  49. Thanks for letting me know the follow thing didn't take. I'm on satellite and it's wonky.
    Trying it again - lmk if it still doesn't work. Thanks!
    mark it with a b
    gfc ID: :)cokelush

  50. Hi Betty,

    Thanks for stopping by. I am now following you too. Your wonderful ocean pictures make me long for the beach. I grew up in Northern California, just a few hours from the coast...sure miss that.

    Have a Wonderful Weekend!


  51. Hey thanx for stopping by my sight. I love this idea---does it plug the drain?????

    Following ya back, sista!!

  52. Great tip!

    Thanks for stopping by Day by Day Savings. I am a new follower!

  53. Thanks for the follow...getting you back. Your photos are stunning!


  54. Thanks for the follow I am now following you back!

  55. Showcase Sisters is now following you back...thanks for stopping by today! : )

  56. I'm your newest follower from FFF!

    Keenly Kristin

  57. Thanks so much for stopping by MK&K! I find that nothing helps with a healthy glow (and a blemish-free completion) like honey!

    I'm following back now! :)

  58. Hi Betty! Thanks for visiting my blog, hillaryathome.com! I'm returning the follow. :)

    Olive oil always works for a wonderful cuticle moisturizer...I also like to soak my hands and my daughters (she is just starting to take care of her nails but they can get rough sometimes!) in a bowl of warm water with a few drops of EVOO and fresh lemon juice. Smells fresh and works great! :)

  59. Ooops! Got so excited reading about homemade skin care, I plum forgot to follow! lol I'm following now! :)

  60. I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone for providing such great tips and ideas.
    It really means a lot that you take the time out to stop by and comment.

    So, thanks to all of you guys!

  61. Anonymous3:43 PM

    My friend Joy made me an awesome body butter as part of my baby shower gift. I asked her how she did it and it's really easy. She just melted an all-natural cocoa butter stick and then added coconut oil to it and let it harden back up. It's awesome and smells delicious!

    Cool post--I loved reading all the comments :)

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  65. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Absolutamente con Ud es conforme. La idea excelente, mantengo.


  66. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Esta opiniГіn entretenida

