Spring Glow

My friends, I hope you all had a wonderful, dashing weekend.
It has just been a crazy week, but I'm still alive! :)
I'm in such a better mood in the springtime even if it is not very warm.
How can you not be happy during spring?
Let us open our leaves like a flower and be passive and respective.
John Keats.

Spring flowers bursting into bloom. 

I love Spring. I love the weather in Spring. It feels great. The sun feels warm, but the wind is chill; the rain is pouring down one day and the sun shines the next.
It has been said..."the earth laughs in flowers". 

I love seeing the first soft flush of green on bare trees. Now woods put forth their blossoms.
I love the look of the fresh earth, the smell of new cut grass, and  
the feel of it beneath bare feet.
I love the look of leaves as they just popped out of their buds. 
It's lovely to see all the spring flowers daffodils, narcissus-es,
lilies, and forsythia bushes in full blossom.

"If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by 
a flower in Spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been
in bloom."
Terri Guillmets

How cute is this spring puppy! I know you gonna love it!

What are your favourite things about spring? xx                                              


  1. Speaking of not having been here forever, that's me too! I haven't been anywhere forever, but oh, my! How can I not stop in and see this beauty? It's as if I was called in... just to revel in this celebration.

    I love most about spring... the flowers, the colors, the sky, the air, the bees, the trees... and just... Spring!

    Wishing you a beautiful season, my dearest!

    Big hugs to you!


  2. ah, nevine, you're so sweet. thanks... been thinking about you- fondly. xo

  3. It is already quite toasty and humid, here, but everything blooming does have a way of lifting the spirit! Even a heavy spirit, like mine. Thanks for the lovely flowers.

  4. .... and I've missed having you here, Betty!!

    These are absolutely beautiful photos!! Ah, Springtime!

  5. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Natures way to smile.

    Thank you for this softness during me night, much needed indeed. Guess it might be me next, 'missing' for a couple of days, as it feels as if something 'has to grow out from the innerst within'.
    Wishing you a wonderful start into the new week.

  6. Lovely pictures and thoughts! I love everything that spring brings and represents!

  7. I think spring is my favourite season.Nice flowers!Holidays are close!Great post!And by the way I think you changed the form and your photo in the blog.Have a nice time!

  8. The beginning of Spring is my favorite time of year! I'm journeying to DC tomorrow to take in our famed Cherry Blossoms. These Snaps certainly are Superior!

  9. Smelling the roses, and I swear I did when your blog page opened. Thanks!

  10. posts like this!

    Spring Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral



  11. Welcome back Betty. Your springtime blooms are absolutely beautiful. We are finally getting a little spring color here as well.

    Have a delightful week,

  12. Beautiful spring photographs Betty.
    Have a nice week.

  13. Υπέροχα λουλούδια!!!
    Καλή εβδομάδα!!

  14. Καλωσόρισες Μπέττυ μου με το υπέροχο ανοιξιάτικο σου post !!!!
    Δεν χορταίνω να βλέπω τα πολύχρωμα λουλούδια σου, άνοιξε η καρδιά μου !!
    Στην ερώτηση σου, απαντώ ΟΛΑ ...Κάθε ένα με την ομορφιά του !!!
    Φιλάκια πολλά και μια καλή εβδομάδα για όλη σου την οικογένεια !

  15. Hello Betty

    You make me happy with such nice and colorful pictures..... my compliments for this nice work.

    Hugs and kisses, Joop

  16. What a beautiful flowers :) So colorful

  17. Very nice spring flowers!
    Thanks for your visit and comments.

  18. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Thanks for sharing those wonderful flower pictures!!!

    Have a great Monday!

  19. Looking at flowers make the world a better place to live in (...and nice smelling too). I love all the photos esp the last two.

  20. Belas fotografias de lindas flores...Espectacular....

  21. I'm always amazed at the variety of colors that flowers can put forth. Equally happy we are able to view them all. Lovely photos.

    Have a great week, Betty. :)

  22. Well it is autumn here so I'll tell you what is good about autumn. It is cool when you wake up, I can go for a walk and not be hot and sweaty when I get home. I can work in the garden for longer than in summer. I can snuggle under a doona and not have to kick off the sheet. I can walk on the beach without burning my feet and I can save electricity by not having to use the air conditioning.

  23. my soul sings at all nature, I love trees and dead sticks and rivers and paths through the woods and LOVE all things beach. flowers make me happy and I love them, but i like them in the wild... these photos are stunning, i really like the dog wood and they way you focus on pieces of the flowers. you are inspiring me to try a few new things

  24. I'm so glad to see you back, Betty! Your flower pictures are gorgeous!

    I love spring, too. Unfortunately, it hasn't happened here, yet. It snowed yesterday. I can't wait to see leaves on the trees and flowers popping out of the ground.

  25. Good to have you back. As always a beautiful post - I especially love the photograph that is third down. Quite a contrast from the flowers that I mention on todays Monday Media post in which a local council has replaced all the flowers in its hanging baskets with plastic flowers.

  26. I just love the bursts of color! I also really like the smell of freshly cut grass.

  27. KikiMo7:33 AM

    Aww, there are so many things I really like in Spring.
    Those Spring pics are very, very, very beautiful!!!

  28. The spring flowers, how can anybody miss them? Wonderful.

  29. Hi Betty, I am now following you.. I love your photos... The Spring flowers are INCREDIBLE. Where are you??? We are on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee --so our colors aren't near as pretty yet as yours...

    We still have Daffodils blooming --and lots of Tulips. The Redbud is blooming --but the Dogwood hasn't bloomed yet. And our Roses are just getting started!!!!!


  30. The shades, shapes and colors of those flowers are exquisite. I just breathed it all in, and I'm ready for a new week. Thanks, Betty.
    Big hugs, friend.

  31. I love Spring and your wonderful pictures!

  32. nice pics Betty - you have to love spring...

  33. Wau!!!
    Que maravilla, una delicadeza de fotografías, excelentes macros. Me encanta la serie que subes.
    Gracias por pasar y comentar en fotos que importan
    Un cordial saludo

  34. Fabulous flowers, I love them all. Happy Spring to you!

  35. I really like all these beautiful Spring flowers and the glimpse of blue skies in some of the pictures. Spring is probably my favorite time of the year, even if it does mean a great deal of work needs to be done in the yard. But I love it.

  36. Love your spring pictures!!

  37. Glad to see you back with your eyes full of spring!
    Wonderful post!
    We are waiting for spring to came!
    My compliments!

  38. What beautiful blooms! I need to go pick some up for my house!

  39. Hi!
    I'm your newest follower from the Mailbox Monday blog hop. Just stop by to say hi! Beautiful photos!

    Feel free to check out my blog here: inadaze13.blogspot.com

  40. These flowers are so lovely. I have been incredibly stressed lately, and honestly, these photos put me at peace right now. I'm so happy it's spring. :) I just wish the weather would comply! Hehe.

  41. "the earth laughs in flowers" that must be one of my favorite quotes EVER...I love this post...it's a delightful oasis in the midst of stressfilled caffeinated frazzles...THANK YOU MY FRIEND!
    Always good to hear from you!

  42. Just seeing all these pretty flowers on your blog makes me sad that we are coming to the end of our summer.


  43. Spring holds such promise -- knowing the dark winter is over makes me excited -- the flowers don't hurt, either!

  44. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I love Spring, too! It's my favorite season. I love the weather and all the blooming pretties (even if I'm allergic). Also, love the longer days and the sunshine.

    Glad to have you back.

  45. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Those flowers are beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm your newest follower!!! I would love to walk on water, do they let adults do that! That looks like so much fun!!! It's the kid in me!

    Have a great night!


  46. These blooms of spring are exquisite ! They literally yell out 'Spring is here' ... but quietly.

    What I like most about spring is the stirring of life in that which has lain dormant and seemingly dead for so long - a miracle unfolds every spring !

  47. Spring is still a ways off - downunder here in OZ it's Autumn!! Love your pix - especially the first one. I've been incommunicado for a while too - great to catch up again!!

  48. Wonderful blog! Beautiful photos!

  49. Lovely photos. You are lucky...Spring and blossoms and what not. Here in India, it is Summer. Really very hard to put up with the scorching heat.

    Enjoy the season...

  50. The delicacy of your photos talk with your pictures, they are really wonderful for you Betty, my compliments

  51. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Beautiful spring blossoms, and you're so lucky to have them at this time of the year!

  52. What a wonderful blog! I'm glad you got home from the flower petals so delicate and bright! Celebrate Spring is around the gardens and it is a feast for the eyes! Spend a nice evening!

  53. Thanks for your visit on VDP. Yes, spring is a joy. Make the most of it while it lasts and then you'll have the gorgeous photos to remember it in winter.

  54. Great pictures with a lot of love. Thanks your visit :)

  55. Gorgeous pictures, so many wonderful flowers and I do not know most of them! What a shame...

  56. What a stunning, life affirming post! I like spring but I love summer!!

  57. What a stunning, life affirming post! I like spring but I love summer!!

  58. KikiMo2:36 PM

    I love all things spring.
    Beautiful pics!

  59. melissa, i'm just jealous. lol!

  60. Spring time is always great =)


  61. I love the beautiful tones you have achieved in these flowers, exquisite, deliciously attractive. Really beautiful.

  62. Great photos and what a beautiful way to capture spring. Now following you from the UBP. http://tvstake.blogspot.com

  63. Your pictures are beautiful!! Happy Spring!

  64. What a soothing series this is and nicely presented.

  65. "The earth laughs in flowers," one of my favorite sayings. These photos are just amazing.

  66. Our tulips haven't bloomed yet; just daffodils, wild violets, hyacynths and and a few other things: ah...my helleborus is blooming. Betty, you are a master with the camera.

  67. What do I like about spring? I love light (more and more light) and the sweetness of the air, and to go outside without shivering.

  68. Wonderful flower close-ups! They feel like a down pillow from here... cream pie.... soft silken yarn!

  69. Beautiful flowers ... I better in the spring ...

    Thank you for your attention ...

    Rui Pires - OLHAR D'OURO - Portugal

  70. Your flower photography is beautiful and your season is way ahead of ours so thanks for sharing your spring.

  71. oh i have a love affair with spring as well...your flowers are gorgeous....love it when they come back each year.

  72. I feel warmer already! :) Lovely photos. Blooming flowers are the most exciting things after a long winter. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the comment. I'm so glad I popped over!

  73. Wonderful set of shots! Signs of spring are so cheerful.

  74. Love that first bright yellow image. Reminds me of Georgia O'keefe's painting.

  75. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Thank you for the wonderful comment on Blueviolet's post.

    These photos are amazing. I love the delicate petals and wonderful colors.

  76. Beautiful uplifting spring images, didn't it feel like winter was really long this year or was it just me? Anyhow yaay for spring.

  77. Anonymous4:35 PM

    AwesOme pictures!

  78. Gorgeous flowers!
    Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog :-)

  79. Lovely blog and gorgeous photos!
    Thanks so much for hopping by! I'm now following you and it's nice to meet you too!
    Have a great weekend!

  80. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Great flower pics! Happy spring :)

  81. Ahhh ..what lovely photos Betty ..I am so happy spring's here finally ..
    Also it was hard to pick out the best ones but I managed to shortlist ..my favorites #13,14 and the last two photos ..
    Hope it helps and I hope you win the flower contest ...
    Have a beautiful weekend .

  82. This are all beautiful! VERY spring! I definitely love this time of year when everything is in bloom.

  83. Wonderful flower photos! Just love your Spring puppy :)

  84. Nice captures.....refreshing! :)

  85. Wow, all these are fabulously gorgeous, thanks for linking up! Your blog is wonderful!

  86. So many lovely blooms and the puppy image was very cute!

    Thanks so much for your visit and lovely comment.

  87. Gorgeous flower photos!
    Lovely blog!
    I'm a new follower from Live every moment photo chg.
    Amy's Life @

  88. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Fantastic pics! the yellow rose is my fave.

  89. Anonymous1:07 PM

    These flower photos are beautiful! There's really nothing in the world like a flower, is there? Great captures!

  90. Such pretty Spring Textures! Thanks for linking up with us!!

  91. Wow, great captures !!! Ag

  92. Each of these is absolutely breathtaking!!
    Wonderful captures of the amazing beauty of spring!

  93. Each shot is a work of art. Amazing!

  94. What amazing flower photographs-
    Happy spring!

  95. Gorgeous lower photos! Love the yellow rose, very buttery!

  96. Beautiful yellow rose, I love the light they emit. Exquisite all. A hug.
