Five Likes Tuesday

While looking up vacation photos from my last trip to England I also stumbled across this one. This beautiful walking path at Torpoint, Cornwall looks so inviting right about now.
My home has already started to take on the feeling of winter, so the flowers around my house are all deep, purple tones. Apart from other seasonal things it's a nice way to embrace the transitioning  of seasons and add a beautiful glow with autumnal hues.
One of my favourite indulgences is Sweet Cheese Filo Rolls. These are made from filo pastry sheets, and can be filled with butter (melted), caster sugar, and a sweetened mixture of fresh cheeses, (cream cheese, fresh ricotta, softened, fresh cottage cheese) or  possibly sweetened whipped cream as a filling. They're oh, so crisp, and light, and easy to prepare.
I bought this pair of fancy, striped, wool/mohair, knee-high socks. There is nothing better than curling up in comfy pants and warm socks on a cold winter day.
Braided hairstyle. A classic and cute hairstyle that is simple, fun and easy to do and also a great way to keep long hair neat and up off the face. Modern trends may come and go but the classics stays forever.

What's your favourite hairstyle? Does your hair look better long or short? xx

Update: Happy Thanksgiving to all my fabulous American blogging friends. I hope you all have a great and blessed day!


  1. Those socks look SO cozy. And that path makes me want to follow it. And I'm so drooling over the filo rolls.

    My hair has been long pretty much since my teens.. though it's at an all time shoulder-length short for the first time in decades, cut just this past week.

  2. I wish you to make many trips!
    I believe that my hair look better when they are curly and not straight.Also,when they are short I believe that my face seems also better.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi,
    very nice pictures!
    Have a good Advent time
    hugs Crissi

  5. before i read your post, i saw the first photo and thought Scotland. I was almost right. if I could go one place in Europe, it would be Scotland, if 2 places, England would be the 2nd

  6. I've always called those sweet cream rolls cannolis! They are wonderful.

  7. The dessert looks delicious, and seeing that pretty braid makes me wish I still had long hair!

  8. I love your path at Torpoint and new socks! I have long hair and prefer simple, classic styles like the braid. :)

  9. That first shot looks like a painting! Italians make that dessert - called cannoli filled with rigotta cheese and sometimes chocolate chips; the outside filling is dipped in pistachio nuts and the whole thing is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

  10. Love that first photo a lot!

  11. The socks and the cheese rolls are wonderful, that's also mine!!!
    Have a nice week my friend

  12. I could sit on my hair until I was age 11 and often wore it in a plait. Since then its been long, its been short and its been permed.

    Great photos, those socks looks so cosy. When will I get my invite to taste those filo rolls? x

  13. I do love your variety of shots for the day, Betty! I just got up so the Sweet Cheese Filo Rolls look delicious! Love your first shot at Torpoint and it does indeed look like a painting! It's cold and wet here so the socks look great. I've worn my hair quite short for many years, it's naturally curly, so short is easiest! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


  14. Nice photo, I like those colors and crisp, clear light, great scenery!

  15. Wonderful images! My compliments!

  16. Torpoint Path is so inviting with its light and colors!

    I have heard you talk about England, but do not know if you have named your home. (Maybe it's because I'm relatively new to your blog.) If that's by design, I apologize for bringing it up.

    Hair... In my youth, I always wished I could wear longer hair, but my hair type is wavy and the Chicago area is windy... bad combo. I knew I was grown up when I started to keep my hair short... and preferred it that way.

  17. those cheese rolls look so good!

    and my hair is short, short, short!

  18. Wonderful photographs Betty, and those cheese rolls look and sound absolutely sinful!! :-)

    Not sure which way my hair looks better, but it is long and for better or worse, probably always will be. I cut it very short once. That probably won't happen again. It was simply more work!

    Sending you wishes for a beautiful week!

  19. Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
    Η φωτογραφία σου από την Κορνουάλη είναι πολύ όμορφη και ρομαντική!
    Το όνειρο μου είναι να πάω εκεί...
    Με γειά τις κάλτσες, υπέροχα χρώματα!
    Αυτό το γλυκό το συνάντησα στην Σικελία και το έλεγαν "κανόλι".
    Πολλά φιλάκια

  20. I love candys eeehhehe

  21. Nice and cozy very identical photographies to the station in which we are.
    A cordial greeting and I wish you a happy week.

  22. The ingredients of filo is a bit too fatty, but, I think they would be SO yummy. Really great photos to warm your other parts.

  23. My hair! Don't even get me started. My hair is waist length and dead... both of them. I need to cut it off and put it out of its misery. It doesn't look good short, or long, it just looks dead. However, it matches my face.

    That first photo is positively amazing! Love it!

  24. fun post!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  25. sandra, i'm with you 100%. i've never had the chance to visit scotland;
    it sure has a unique landscape character.

    and i'd also love to visit your beautiful place as well:)

  26. I love filo dough and those cheese rolls look delicious!!

    Hope you're having a wonderful week, Betty. I really enjoyed all your photos.

  27. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Once I had hair half a metre long - now my son asks where it has all gone.

    Please have a good Wednesday.

  28. Wonderful photos. My husband just bought a new camera yesterday (!) so we'll see what is forthcoming. The socks are my favorite. What is it about socks! Hair has been all over the place but never really, really long. Enjoyed the visit. Sandra

  29. These are lovely photos dear Betty, Cornwall looks beautiful and so to your flowers, socks and the yummy filo rolls.
    I like my hair just below my shoulders so I can wear it down, braid it, or tie it back with a scrunchie.
    xoxoxo ♡

  30. And those rolls look so inviting too. Wonderful photos, as always, Betty.
    Be well.

  31. Would love to walk on that path while eating cheese roll.

    My hair was Always short growing up and has been long now for decades. In fact I need a trim.

  32. I so love that first photo! Such pretty countryside. We were in Ireland last year ... so beautiful!

  33. The first photo is beautiful.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  34. I like all of those too, especially the walk in Cornwall. I have short hair, easier to comb, easier to wash and cooler in summer. My daughter has long hair and it is lovely but when she stays here I an forever finding hair in the bathroom.

  35. Anonymous1:48 AM

    No. No. Stop. I'm not ready for Christmas yet. And here you have cool photos of food, fashion, and footwear. Okay...only 48 hours til the Midnight stores open and maybe I can catch up to you.

  36. Mezclas sensaciones visuales con olores y sabores.
    Magia en estado puro.

  37. That first photo looks almost like a painting. Lovely.

  38. Love the socks, of course! Pretty muted colors.

    My hair has been long for some time now and I go with a braid 99% of the time to keep the tangles at bay. :)

    Happy Wednesday, Betty!

  39. Oh...magnificent fotos. The Sweet Cheese Filo Rolls...very good, i suppose!!!
    Here is cold too. I have my foreplace...yessssss!!!
    My hairstyle? well, I have long , blond hair...but I'de like to have some curls (?) (waves(?)...but I haven't!It is long (very) but it is not curly, do you understand?
    Sometimes I can do a "poney tale(?)"...but my neck freezes....and my hears too...heheh. Can I sent you a picture of my long hair?


  40. The first image is like a post card, the cheese rolls are really tempting, and the pair of wool/mohair high socks have an exquisite combination of colors. I’m told short hair suits me.

    Thanks for your visit and comment. I explored your blog for a while and sighed for stunning photography.

    Greetings from Japan

  41. Beautiful photos Bettty!


  42. Wonderful photos and I want some Sweet Cheese Filo Rolls. :)

  43. como siempre original a más no poder. Un placer pasarme por aquí, besos.

  44. Ah, that shot in Cornwall looks very inviting to go exploring, and those Filo Rolls ... mmmm - should chase away any of those don't-look-forward-to-winter blahs !

    Have a great week, Betty !

  45. The first picture is breathtaking .. very lovely. I wish to be there now.. Sigh!

    I usually braid my hair in that manner ..

  46. pat, that is such a great variation on those rolls! it also sounds delicious. thanks for sharing:)

  47. petty witter, i'd be glad to make you some and send them your way! :)

  48. Sweet Cheese Filo Rolls That must be very good, if I prove insurance also becomes my favorite. Hugs.

  49. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Gorgeous colours in that first shot!

  50. Amei o caminho... agradável de passear a qualquer hora do dia.

    Não gosto dos doces mas amei as meias... coloridas e lindas.

    Bom fim de semana!

    ❤ Brasil

  51. Love your first photo, looks very inviting indeed.

  52. Oh, lovely photos - I love the sweet cheese rolls - they remind me of cannolis. On the hair, a medium to long works best for me....

  53. That walking bath picture is gorgeous. I wish I could step into picture and go for a walk:)

  54. what a beautiful landscape! ♥

  55. Hi, The first pic, it looks like a wonderful painting!

  56. Hi Betty

    Your Sweet Cheese Filo Rolls look delicious. I like the first picture with the warm and friendly colors and light.

    Have a nice weekend
    Yvonne and Raphael

  57. The filo rolls look yummy!

    Fantastic walking path!!

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