Getting Into the Holiday Spirit

On the first days of December. Something about these little scenes way calling me to shoot them.
Slowly but surely I'm getting into the holiday spirit. I'm not in a super Christmassy mood this year, but all those things...sounds, decorations, sights, lights and gatherings just make me feel happy inside. I love holiday songs, ah, this one tops the cake. Nothing like music of the season to get us in the spirit of Christmas. It's definitely an entertaining way to get into the holidays. I love classics and somewhat nostalgic Christmas music, Christmas Carols, and last but not least my all time favourite Last Christmas. 

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas and I can almost hear The Little Drummer Boy playing his drum...

Are you feeling the holiday spirit yet? What are you doing to get into the swing of it?

Happy Holidays, everyone! xx

I love The Creative Exchange by the wonderful Lisa.

P.S. The Little Drummer Boy is one I grew up with, I love it so much! This song was also the inspiration for a 1968 animated TV special by the same name.


  1. Your pictures of Christmas decorations are beautiful. Did you know I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas is the biggest selling song?

    Love, sandie

  2. Unas fotos muy detallistas, yo tambien te deseo una Feliz Navidad.


  3. i like that 3rd photo up from the bottom of the dangling lights. beautiful and it makes me feel festive. i love the little drummer boy

  4. Hi,
    very nice photos!
    Have a good day
    ciao Crissi

  5. Well I wasn't feeling at all Christmassy but your photographs have gone a long way to rectifying this. I also love the Little Drummer Boy and always find myself putting my heart and soul into the 'pa rum pum pum pum' bit.

  6. Wow!Christmas decorations is beautiful..Great work...

  7. My dear Betty..
    I don't have any Christmas spirit yet
    and I don't think that I am going to get..
    Your Holiday images are very nice and they
    give me a hunch together with your
    "Little drummer" song that you are enjoying this season...
    Be a child again together with all children!!

    Send my love

  8. chatty crone, no, i did not. great info! thanks:)

  9. petty witter, if i can get you and others in the holiday spirit then i'm doing something good.:)

  10. I went to see How The Grinch Stole Christmas - The Musical at our Fox Theater in Atlanta. That kind of kicked off the season for me.

    Like you I love the lights, sounds and shininess of the Christmas season. It is a most wonderful time of the year.

  11. Dear Betty,
    the windows with light are so wonderful, great pics, the others too ♥♥♥ Thanks
    Have a nice day

  12. Getting excited about the holidays is difficult this year for me and my family, but your photos are so delightful and I felt my spirits rise! Love the shots of the lights through the window and particularly the window framed by the blue shutters! Beautiful! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!


  13. Anonymous8:34 AM

    The twinkle lights always get me more into the spirit!

  14. i've been slowly getting into the spirit. seeing so many bloggers decorating has made me get into the season. :)

  15. Beautiful early Christmas decorations Betty.

  16. The pictures are fantastic, and little drummer boys agree with me.

  17. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Stunning pics!

    My list:
    Watch a good Christmas movie.
    Go Christmas light looking.
    Make holiday cookies.

  18. I started feeling the holiday spirit some days ago when I went in the mall and had already a christmas tree in the middle!!Christmas is very nice season.In some places there is snow and it is interesting to visit in a place like that.

  19. So not feeling the holiday spirit! Love your series of photos though!

  20. Love the photos! You know I don't have the Christmas spirit... so I'm sticking to the margaritas as a temporary fix and visiting blogs to see what actually having the spirit feels like.

  21. I have to say how much I liked the windows pic! (The third from the top.) I like the simple geometry of the composition and the way the outside subdued gray and blues frame the complimentary warm incandescent lights. It is an appealing image, Betty!

    I am hoping to pay more attention to advent themes and the ministry of John the Baptist this year.

  22. I can do without all the Christmas songs until the eve. Not feeling real motivated about decorating. But once I feel better will dig out the boxes of decorations and do something. Love all the lights.

  23. lynn, what a great way for getting a dose of the holiday spirit!:)

  24. Ive just had the holiday feelings, now for Christmas and New Year, with another holiday.

  25. Se acerca la navidad se puede ver por todos los rincones y también en tus bonitas fotografías, saludos...

  26. It's a lovely set of photos you've posted today. :)

    I finally started getting in the spirit once I got a few decorations up at my house. I'm not feeling 100% festive yet, but I'm getting there!

  27. I am most definitely in the holiday spirit! Whenever I find that I am getting somewhat stressed over it though, I watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." For whatever reason, nothing gets me in the holiday spirit as much as that little half hour show. I have watched every year for as long as I can remember.

  28. All beautiful shots, Betty but those open shutters just wow me!

  29. I'm glad you answered the call of these little scenes. These are marvelous pictures. I also like Christmas music, and 'Little Drummer Boy' is one of my very favorite songs. The Harry Simeone Chorale version is probably the one I like best.

  30. Holiday decorations make me so happy!

  31. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I just love all the Christmas lights, so beautiful! =)

  32. I have been going in and out of the holiday spirit this year.

  33. love the christmas mood..

  34. Early December is full of promise. May we love it well.

  35. My congregation in Washtucna decorated the Sanctuary the first Sunday in Advent (my other congregation is doing it gradually), that sets the stage for Christmas for me. I'll post some pictures in my blog closer to Christmas (my but it's almost here now!).

  36. Anonymous9:30 PM

    What wonderful shots that capture the essence of Christmas.

    We had a small sprinkling of snow, but the best present of all would be lots more!

  37. Your lovely shots sure do capture the spirit of Christmas. I am slowly getting into gear, We went Christmas shopping today in the rain but got most of it done before the school holiday crowds hit the shops next week.

  38. Hi,
    What an amazing post you have here.
    You are into the holiday spirit
    It’s always enriching and inspiring to come.
    have a Kiss!

  39. Good photos. The second is a great composition of lines and colors, I like a lot, all are precious as the latest recreating a pleasant Christmas atmosphere.
    Un Abrazo.

  40. Here, we are feeling the Chinese New Year spirit even it is in Mid January next year !!! cheers for the holidays !!!

  41. La mezcla es perfecta, las sensaciones se agolpan. Calor de hogar en unos días tan especiales. Excelente serie y Felices Fiestas
    Un abrazo

  42. Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
    Κι εγώ χαίρομαι σαν παιδί, με τις υπέροχες Χριστουγεννιάτικες φωτογραφίες σου!!!
    Τζάκι αναμμένο, δώρα κάτω από το δέντρο, τα παιδιά, στολισμένο το σπίτι και Χριστουγεννιάτικη μουσική!
    Πιο οικογενειακή γιορτή από τα Χριστούγεννα, δεν γίνεται!
    Πολλά φιλάκια

  43. You captured those holiday lights beautifully. TV commercials are aplenty now with Christmas theme, and that is a great help for me in feeling the spirit of this season. Also, listening to Christmas songs, I love the Little Drummer Boy too. I was humming that song all day last Saturday. Hahaha. Happy Holidays!

  44. Betty that the Christmas spirit does not leave you.
    I share with you what you have expressed, since the same thing happens to me.
    I wish a HAPPY CHRISTMAS you.
    Cordial regards and thank you for this nice article with ... " Christmas spirit ".

  45. What a pretty collection of pictures!

    We're in full swing w/ the tree up and such here, so I guess we are in the holiday spirit.

  46. I'm all about Christmas!

  47. What a lovely set of seasonal photos. I am now following to enable me to keep up to date with your posts. thanks for your recent lovely comments on my photography blog.

  48. Hello Betty,
    I am not great with Christmas spirit as you, but we're past it and in good health ...

    Beautiful photos!

    Kisses for you

  49. Twinkly lights always make me happy, no matter what time of year it is. Thank you for sharing a slice of your holiday spirit, Betty. xoxo

  50. KikiMo10:19 AM

    Gorgeous photographs.
    I'm with you. I love listening to the Christmas songs so much!

  51. Hi Betty,
    I am a scrooge when it comes to Christmas. Not the true meaning of Christmas, but the tacky displays of gaudy decor and the crowds and the push to get the right presents. I know, I am a scrooge. LOL

  52. Loved getting in the holiday spirit with you!

    What am I doing - well my stairs are decorated and the chandalier in the dining room, but my tree, oh my tree....not up yet....lots of light problems! : (

  53. The closer it gets, the more I can't wait! A chance to tell the people I love what they mean to me, a chance to relax and revel in the spirit of the season.

    A wonderful time of year!


  54. have a nice holıday,with my best wishes.

  55. Oh yes...I can feel the holiday spirit in your twinkling lights!! Lovely!

  56. Hi Betty, a wonderful series of photos, I can feel the holiday spirit too. Thank you!

  57. Betty, just stopping back for another look, and to say thank you so much for sharing at The Creative Exchange this week!

    Have a wonderful evening!


  58. Anonymous3:28 PM

    With 6th Dec behind, it is indeed now time for Christmas to arrive. Please have a good Thursday.

  59. Beautiful series of photos!
    I'm just dreaming of a White Christmas is my favorite too.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful day.

  60. Goregous images Betty dear, your house decorations look beautiful. I love the warmth of the glimpse of lights through the window and the lovely blue shutters.
    xoxoxo ♡

  61. You've sure captured the spirt of the season in photos! Very nice!

  62. yayy for holiday season! my parents are visiting, that'll be fun. i'm looking forward to that!
    have a great time :)

  63. º°♥❤ Olá, amiga!
    ❤ Gosto muito do Natal. Sua série de fotos exprimem bem o espírito do Natal.

    º°❤ Beijinhos.
    ♥❤ Brasil.

  64. Beautiful photography :) .. love your work. Each photo holds a story behind it!!

  65. Anonymous3:07 AM

    I miss the way things used to be when I was younger.

    Listening to my favorite Christmas songs at home or in the car makes me feel quite festive.

    Great post!


  66. the holidays season is here and its all getting bright and colourful!

    My Third Eye

  67. I actually love seeing the houses that go to lots of trouble to make their homes stand out. There are about 5 I've seen so far this year that are just amazing. They truly bring a smile to face when I see them.

  68. I love your pics of Christmas decoration.
    I agree with you. Nothing gets you in the holiday spirit faster than music.


  69. Your photos are awesome , too :). Thanks.

  70. Great photographs!!

    It can get harder and harder for me to get the Christmas spirit as I once experienced as a kid.

  71. Such beautiful pictures of the season.
    Thanks for visit and kind comments.

  72. Awesome as usual Betty!
    Marcia :)

  73. lots of light is added here. :)

  74. I LOVE The Little Drummer Boy!! But the holiday season can be SOOOOO stressful!! My beloved and I have just snatched a few days of downtime before being swamped in the melee of interstate relatives, catching up with friends, last minute shopping - and we haven't even put up our tree yet!!! ARRRGGGGHHH!

  75. GREAT pictures!

    Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. I love looking at Christmas decorations and Christmas lights.

    love Georgia

  76. Lovely festive photos!

  77. Loved getting in the holiday spirit with you! What am I doing - well my stairs are decorated and the chandalier in the dining room, but my tree, oh my tree....not up yet....lots of light problems! : (
