Five Likes Tuesday

A delightful cake to go with my afternoon Green tea. 

{Update: Madeira cake (above) is a sponge cake with a firm texture. Despite its name, it does not include Madeira, nor did it originate from the Madeira Islands.}
I enjoy creating collections of perfume bottles.

Most perfume bottles, even those not designed by famous artists, can be seen as works of art, for they often have beautiful, aesthetic, and unique designs.
Since 1946 The Dior Perfumery has been developing the art of the perfumer.
Not only do I like this strongly seductive, mild, and romantic scent, I also like this transparent flask with a glass ribbon below the top. How beautiful this perfume bottle is!!
It's strange, but it's true. At this time of year, I begin to dream of spring's extravaganzas of daffodils and peonies.
Drakes Island from Torpoint, Cornwall, looks hauntingly charming in winter. Don't you think?
Newark Liberty International Airport. New York, NY.

My grandpa arrived in New York, NY from Belgium just over 60 years ago. Perhaps it was romance that got the better of him, but even before he met my grandma, he had decided to stay.
He told me he thought New York had all the good things that his native Brussels was busy losing.
I've been to New York twice, but there never seems to be enough time to explore and see the sights you like when you visit a city. I'm more than ever determined to get there as soon as possible.

What are your favourite things this week? I'd love to hear. xx


  1. Oh I love sweet cake, can I come to drink coffee?
    beautiful shots!

  2. The peony is one of my favorite flowers but I can't grow it here. And the cake? Oh yes, sitting with a vase of peonies and a plate of cake would just be delightful.

  3. The sweet cake is tempting. As always your photographs are apart.
    I would prefer the romance of the European cities to the artificial glamour of NY.

  4. gosh, i could use a slice of that cake w/ the last of my morning coffee today. :) you can keep the perfume, though!

  5. My life has been so crazy busy lately, all my doing unfortunately, but on Saturday I went on a coastal birding trail and it was lovely! Not many birds but it was nice just the same!

    Love those peonies, they remind me of when I was growing up in Indianapolis, they grew in abundance.

  6. Oh, love the cake! Would love a slice right now! I do miss having my favorite perfume lately! And I love NYC! Fun post and photos for the day, Betty!! Hope your week is going well!


  7. That cake looks really good! And I love the photo of the flowers!

  8. anilkurup, european cities are just beautiful, with their historic buildings, culture, heritage, but i think romantics at heart would fall in love with almost any city in the world. and grandpa is one of them!

  9. third try for a comment, so will keep it short. Love the airport and the bottle.

  10. That cake looks gorgeous. sandie

  11. Betty, please tell me about your green tea, as I am getting pretty cheesed off with mine.
    I have been enjoying Green tea with orange blossom and lotus flower from twinings for quite a while. Just now they have changed their packaging, increased their price by 25 percent and the taste is horrible.
    Any suggestions for a change of brand?
    Is that Madeira cake by any chance ? Wouldn't mind a slice.

  12. That pound cake and perfume bottle are both delicious, Betty. You and I have similar likes.

    I think I pretty much posted all about my likes last week -- the weather being the best!! :)

  13. Your photos are always so awesome and vivid.

    I want that cake. Yummy.


  14. I SO want a piece of that cake.
    I have a few small and artistic perfume bottles. I don't wear perfume but love to see the light on the bottles.
    Also not being a city girl, NYC has no call.
    Last weekend I visited the South Rim of Grand Canyon and felt like being home.
    Please get in touch with me by email because you won the MyMemories software and I'd like to let you know how to get it from their site.

  15. hannah, my favourite green tea is st. dalfour organic green tea; not too pricey, but not the cheapest either.
    as for that cake, yep, it's madeira cake!!

  16. Oh yummy cake! Madeira cake? Sounds sublime.
    I too, dream of spring flowers this time of year... It's not too far off.

  17. I am ready for a piece of cake and a cuppa...afternoon blahs, getting ready for a conference call. Loved the photos, especially the peonies. We had one that was hidden under a hose reel box for 3 years...when we moved the box, it popped above ground and bloomed profusely. It has been moved twice and still blooms beautifully every year. That's what I call a strong flower! Have a great afternoon!

  18. Anonymous12:31 PM

    This is one of my very favorite perfume bottles. Collecting bottles is fun!
    Great pics!


  19. That's a pretty darn good list.

    I love really good New York style pizza, Chanel no. 5, that perfect soft feather pillow, great B&W movies, and kisses from my three favorite people (husband, son, and daughter).

    Have a great week.


  20. Una foto de cada tema y todas muy bonitas, un placer venir por aquí, saludos...

  21. Hi Betty,

    The cake looks delish and the Dior bottle is beautiful! I love that glass ribbon! I usually like powdery, musky scents. They make me feel beautiful!

    We had a great weekend. We went on a hike because it was a beautiful clear day. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!

    Thank you for your wonderful comments.
    Have a great week :)


  22. You can say I could eat the whole cake in one piece!
    Madeira cake looks delicious!

  23. That cake looks very tasty to me! Reminds me of what I'd call a pound cake. It would definitely go well with a cup of tea. Make mine black tea instead of green, please. ;)

  24. Very beautiful photos.

  25. The first photo brought back memories of my grandmother. She always had fresh pound cake on hand, in her cherished cake holder. I have that cake holder now and there hasn't been a cake in it for years, just memories.

  26. Lovely photos! I love a slice of madeira cake with a nice relaxing cup of tea :)

  27. Interesting Post.
    5 things that were different this week
    1/ visit my mate in Hospital
    2/ Enjoyed Sunday Lunch out
    3/stayed in on a Friday Night
    4/ Visited a friend at home after an operation
    5/ doing this,lol.

  28. Betty, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed your post. Beautiful photos. It seems we have something in common beyond photography. My late grandfather came from Belgium, too. Late 1800's. I have his steamer trunk in my lingering room. Love it. Thanks for bringing back the wonderful memory of my grandpa. God bless.

  29. Beautiful pictures, I like a lot, especially the Drakes Island Torpoint. Good.

  30. I have written stories about Drakes Island - nice pic. Is it still unoccupied?

  31. Your posts always inspire! Thank you!

  32. Lovely images dear Betty, Madeira cake is a favourite of mine, your pink peonies are so pretty and for Christmas I was given a bottle of Miss Dior Cherie L'eau which has a delightful fragrance and is enclosed in a beautifully crafted bottle again with a crystalline glass bow.

    Last week I saw my beautiful baby grandson, lots of cuddles, smiles and now he can laugh, such a beautiful sound.

    xoxoxo ♡

  33. I agree about perfume bottles. They're sometimes much nicer than the perfume, and that one's very classy.

    Be well, Betty.

  34. Mmmm... I do like sponge cake!

    That is a wonderful flower shot too.

    I went out in the snowy woods with my daughter on horseback and it was just glorious!

  35. That cake looks HEAVENLY. Wow. I'm on the lose-ten-pounds-before-my-cousin's-wedding diet, so my stomach is seriously growling right now thinking about that yumminess! :P

    And I agree, that Dior bottle is downright adorable. It's always been one of my faves!

  36. Your Grandpa left Brussels for NY 60 years ago ? I was "exported" from Bonn (Germany)to Brussels because my father started to work for the Commun Market (Today the European Union) in 1959 ! I never returned to Germany, I worked all my life in Brussels and live since 36 years in Waterloo. NY is a very interesting city, we have visited twice but honnestly I didn't want to live there. Your profile doesn't say in which country you live ?

  37. Oooh, Madeira sponge cake sound really delicious!

  38. the cake looks sinfully delicious and peonies are one of my favourite flowers.

    i've been eating a lot during the chinese new year celebrations.

  39. The previous days were very cold so I stayed home.Have a nice journey!

  40. Thank you Betty: I'm going to send off for some.

  41. oh these are beautiful.Love the picture of Drake Island. It does have a haunting quality. Looks so wonderful.

  42. Love that Newark pick. My week has been great ... out and about trying to capture pelican photos. Today hope to spot some white pelicans.

  43. I had never been to New York before and went once in December 2010 and again in May 2011. I loved it so much. My niece and her husband were living in a high rise with a view of the Chrysler building. My sis and I explored like the tourists were were. My favorite - the Empire State Building. I had always wanted to go to the top.

  44. Estupendas como siempre las fotos.

    Saludos y un abrazo.

  45. I love perfume bottles too! My favorite thing was celebrating my husbands birthday. He's not big on holidays so we try to make it all about him that day.

  46. I went to a movie theater for the first time in almost 6 years...

  47. That cake looks very tempting. Best move off to the other shots. Great photo of the peonies - has me thinking of spring back home (another 5 months before the peonies are in bloom there).

    But I did enjoy planting petunias and impatiens outdoors last week ! It did seem rather strange - in January - but after all, we are in Florida where the temps have been in the 27 - 29C range !

    Have a great week, Betty.

  48. What a rich, spongy post!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  49. The cake looks delicious, it would go well with my coffee. While I am not a fan of most perfumes I do enjoy the beauty of the bottles. I have a few but nothing like the Dior with the glass ribbon.

  50. The cake does look so yummy and I love the peony. I am longing for spring time now. And your photo of the airport has me excited about my next trip. Wonderful photos, I wish you a great day.

  51. A wonderful series Betty!
    I love cake and green tea is the only tea I drink.
    I love the flower shot. It's so soft and beautiful.

  52. That perfume bottle is really something. I've never seen anything quite like it. Betsy and I visited the Biltmore Estate and the Smokies, which made for a wonderful couple of days for us.

  53. Hello! I liked the piony and the cake...Beautiful photos!

  54. Nice story about your Grandpa Betty. New York is truly a wonderful place. I am only about 3 hours away, but don't get there nearly as much as I would like to. It is a photographer's paradise.

    Love these beautiful pink flowers, and that cake looks too yummy!! :-)

    Have a great day my Friend!

  55. This takes the Cake for today!!!!


  56. Loving the perfume bottle. My favourite bottle is Nina Ricci's Nina Femme - a beautiful apple shape, I have a collection of them in a fruit bowl and they look so pretty.

  57. The cake looks quite good! I'd love to try some - I've never had it before.

    Thanks for linking with Rural Thursday!

  58. Thanks for linking up to Rural Thursday, Betty. You are a sweetie. :)

  59. beautiful shots! my favorite things this week is the spring like temps we've been getting, near boys' birthday today!....a 3 day weekend starting now!....going out to dinner tonight, no cooking...those are some favorites off the top of my head!

  60. I think the Madeira would taste great in that cake... But now I'm off to see those adorable kitties posted below...

  61. What a delicious post!

  62. I could live in New York..
    When one can say that after only being there a few times for holidays...
    And yes, perfume bottles are a very good collection..
    I miss a perfume so much from "La Prairie". It is not on the market any more for almost twelve years~

    Kisses from Athens (again)!!!!!

  63. great shots. stopped by thanks to "rural journal". i love your skills... such lovely shots. (:

  64. Ah yes! I'll have a slice of that sweet cake, please...
    Nice photos Betty.

  65. Thank you for the follow, Betty!
    Madeira cake is one my favourites and my mother makes a wonderful one (as all mothers do!)

  66. Peonies are such extravagant flowers, Betty. See my macro of a beautiful peony here:

  67. KikiMo11:58 AM

    The perfume bottle is just lovely and the cake looks so yummy!

  68. Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ, υπέροχες οι φωτογραφίες σου!!!
    Ονειρεύομαι να πάω στην Κορνουάλη, αλλά και στην Ν.Υόρκη!!!
    Πολλά φιλάκια

  69. A wonderful series Betty! I love cake and green tea is the only tea I drink. I love the flower shot. It's so soft and beautiful.

  70. Mmmm... I do like sponge cake! That is a wonderful flower shot too. I went out in the snowy woods with my daughter on horseback and it was just glorious!
