Have a Delicious Weekend + Coca-Cola

An 1890's ad showing Hilda Clark, an American model and actress in formal 19th century attire. The advertisement is entitled: "Drink Coca-Cola 5c/. How awesome is this ad!

Coca-Cola is no doubt, the most recognized brand in the world, sold in more than 200 countries, and one of the symbols of America. Is there anywhere in the world that doesn't sell it? You may travel to the ends of the earth...then you'll find a Coca-Cola ad. How amazing!
The famous Coca-Cola bottle was created by bottle designer Earl R. Dean in 1915. The prototype never made it to production since its middle diameter was larger than its base, making it unstable on conveyor belts. 
Today's Coca-Cola bottle; almost similar in shape to the original 1915 concept drawing by Earl R. Dean. What a pretty bottle design! 
Try adding a slice of lemon to your Coke. It makes it taste surprisingly good. (At least for my taste buds.)

I rarely drink Coke, but I do like it when I drink it. I think it's great after a good, greasy meal. My favourite soda is Cherry Coke. The cherry flavour is subtle but definitely there, it tastes pretty darn good and exactly like a cherry coke should.

What is your favourite soft drink? Do you like Coca-Cola? xx

(Top photo via Wikipedia)


  1. Very nice weekend!

  2. Not much of a soda drinker except for the diet variety. My husband on the other hand, drinks Coke exclusively. Great photos and thanks for the giggles too, Betty!

    Have a happy weekend!

  3. What delicious pics, love!

    I'm literally a big fan of Coke.
    Great post and thanks for the giggles!

    Have a nice weekend!:0)

  4. Yes, I like Coke, but I've never tried it your way with a slice of lemon, looks delicious!

  5. αντιπαθω την Κοκα Κολα,περιστασιακα οπως λες,αν τυχει,μπορει να πιω...συνηθως προτιμω μια σόδα με μια φετουλα λεμονι
    καλο Σ/Κ και καλή χρονια!

  6. i showed the ad to my hubby and said we are a far cry from that lady in the ads for coke today.. big change in the way they LOOK. my grandmother was addicted to coke in the little bottles, i was born in 1944 and I never saw her that she did not have a coke bottle, the little ones, in her hand or sitting close to her hand. she bought coke by the crates, the old ones that were wooden, and when we visited we thought we were in heaven because she always had 6 crates of coke on her back porch. i always liked coke over pepsi, but don't drink either now, the only soda in the house is diet 7 up and that is here in case i have upset stomach or fever or feel bad. it makes me feel better when sick, like some drink tea. i do know coke now taste different than coke my grandmother drank.

  7. Hi Betty,thanks for stopping by in Perth. How funny is it that the first post I see of yours is all about Coke, my son has been working for Coke in Sydney for the last five years and doing really well there! I must send him a link so he can read this post.

  8. I love the picture of the two trucks, the skinny diet coke. lol

    I love cherry coke too!

    have a wonderful weekend.....

  9. I live in the birthplace of Coke, so I'd better like it. :) I'm a Diet Coke girl myself, but I do like a little slice of citrus in it - either lime or lemon.

    That Pepsi cartoon cracked me up. :)

  10. I am a diet coke kind of girl

  11. My favorite soft drink is Mountain Dew. I really don't like Coke all that much, but I'll have to try it with a slice of lemon. I remember the Coke bottle very well.

  12. Nice pictures, yes, a nice tribute to this famous drink, I love the first. I wish you a happy weekend. A hug.

  13. sandra, diet 7 up sounds great!! i too like it.

  14. Loving all those different ads. Yes, I like a glass of cold diet cola every now and then, whether it is pepsi cola or coca cola I do not mind but I don't like cheaper, shops own brands.

  15. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Dear Betty,
    I love Coke, but only diet coke lemon! :)
    You show us a nice collection of Coke and more, I have a shot on my blog "life sign" (www.moni-sertel.de) of a colored coke car!
    Have a nice weekend - moni

  16. perthdailyphoto, it's so nice to hear from you; and yes, that's really funny!!

  17. i rarely drink sodas, but when i do, diet coke is my choice! :)

  18. Not really, dear Betty!
    Once in a blue moon...

    Have a very good weekend!!!

  19. Fun, interesting post for the day, Betty! Being originally from Texas, I grew up drinking Dr. Pepper, but I rarely drink any bottled drinks anymore -- tend to stick with iced tea. Hope you have a great weekend!


  20. I rarely drink any soda pop. But when in Mexico had no choice. If one owned the distributorship there, you'd own the country. Never tried it with lemon, which I do like in my water and the occasional beer.
    Interesting post.

  21. LOL over the cartoons!

    I'm a Diet Pepsi person, but I'll drink Diet Coke from restaurants.

  22. I will drink Pepsi, but my first love is Coca Cola.


    Have a great weekend.


  23. Sometimes...with a slice lemon of course !!...happy weekend.....love from me...xxx...

  24. I prefer Cherry Coke to regular Coke but Coke over Pepsi!

  25. ΚΑΝΕΝΑ αγαπημένη μου φίλη!
    Ωραία η παρουσίαση που έκανες, ιστορική!
    Πολλά φιλάκια

  26. The advertisement from 1890 is excellent.


  27. Hilda looks like a baby!

    Coke was always my favorite soft drink back in the day. Now, I drink mostly coffee and water and an occasional margarita.

    Have a spectacular weekend, Betty!

  28. As usual, your post made me smile. What a great presentation of photos, and the Coke truck ad made me laugh out loud! Thanks for a great history lesson too!

  29. I'm a Diet Coke fanatic, so these had me grabbing yet another one from my stash and cracking it open!

  30. Nicely done! Diet Coke is my drink of choice (after wine!) :)

  31. º°❤
    Bom fim de semana com muita coca cola.
    º° ✿ ✿⊱╮

  32. I don't like coca cola very much.I don't like drinks very much generally.I drink chocolate when I go out and when I sometimes when I go in bars I drink ursus.
    Have a refresing weekend!

  33. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Diet Coke!

  34. This was such a fun post!! (love the top photo!!)

    I rarely drink sodas anymore, but back in the day Coca Cola was my very favorite.

  35. I try not to drink coke - but when I do - I drink coke. We have the Coke Cola Museum here in Atlanta. sandie

  36. When I took the "Pepsi challenge" years ago, I tested positive for Coke too. (That is, I chose Coke over Pepsi). Love that cartoon. Coke is much better than Pepsi. But I usually drink tea.

    Have a great weekend, Betty.

  37. Amazing how a "sugar drink" brand have such a long history !

  38. I should share this post of yours with my daughter. She is a great coke fan...whoever thought there would be beautiful pictures of coke ;)

  39. I don't like Coke but a did drink it sometimes when I was a teenager. I notice that they have brought out a new variety it looks black and says it has no sugar. I wonder what is in it to make it sweet. Sorry I can't remember what it is called. I like ginger beer or pink grapefruit best.

  40. I prefer Coke over Pepsi but don't drink much of any. I also like European Coke better than American since it's less sweet (no, American and European Coke don't taste the same) You like it with a lemon slice? Me too. That's how you typically get it in a Europe and my husband hates it. :) Have a great day!

  41. Coke is the perfect drink to go with pizza!! Wonder why?!?! Apparently the bottle was modelled on the ideal female figure - so there's a good reason you called it 'beautiful'!!!

  42. De nuevo por tu casa amiga, disfrutando de las cosas que nos dejas.

    Saludos y buen fin de semana.

  43. Funny "homage" to the fun drinks!
    Best regards Senna

  44. Did I read Coke is sold in 2000 countries. Perhaps you got one "O" too many!
    As for the coke going well with a greasy meal, I see that as a misconception. We drink coke iced , right? And after a meal rich in fat and oil, that is a dangerous downer.
    Best is to avoid anything iced or cold after a greasy meal. Thanks for the inputs on Coke and its past. Testing positive for Coke at the Pepsi company is certainly dangerous. Thanks Have a good weekend.

  45. A very interesting article and images dear Betty, thank you for sharing. That glass of Coke with the slice of lemon looks refreshing, now I am thirsty but I will have to settle for water, there is no Coca Cola in the house and I do like an icy cold Coke when I am thirsty.
    I do like ginger beer and sparkling apple juice too.

    Have a lovely weekend!
    xoxoxo ♡

  46. Everything's better with a Coke! :)

  47. Tack för ditt besök på min blogg...Du är verkligen en duktig fotograf..som kan fånga det där speciella..Ha det gott Hälsningar Marie-Louise

  48. I have to cut back on sugar, so my favorite it Diet Coke. And sometimes Ginger Ale. Great post, Betty! I hope you have a great weekend!

  49. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I am a Coke fanatic!

    Have a great weekend!

  50. When I was a little girl, all soft drinks were called Coke--even though they weren't all coke.... I used to love TAB--the unsweetened coke back then. Then later, I changed to Diet Coke...

    After George and I were married, he introduced me to Diet Mountain Dew...

    BUT--now, I don't drink any carbonated beverages... I do like them though--but once I got off of caffeine, I quit drinking them. These days, my drink of choice (other than coffee and hot tea) is Crystal Light...

    Great post.

  51. may i ask you, why you want to delete the comments? there is nothing special written

  52. anilurup, oh, i meant to say 200 countries...thanks for pointing that out.

    luckily, i don't like my coke icy cold!:)
    great advice, thanks for sharing.

  53. For years my body does not support the cola drinks. Now go with the gin and tonic, is more digestible.Un abrazo.

  54. Can't tell you how happy it makes me to see Coca Cola vintage ads!!

    Thank you for the share;)

    Great post.

  55. coca-cola
    the everlasting drink.

  56. i don't drink any soda but enjoyed your post anyway!

  57. Enjoyed reading about Coca-cola - interesting how great an impact it has had all over the World :-) I was once invited to a house in the Swiss Alpes - very very seckluded and very very beatyful. The nature was untouched by Man. Coming back to civilazation, we parked at a small parking lot in the middle of nowhere (and I really mean that!) and OF COURSE there is a "Drink Coca-cola" sign placed in front where you parked the car. NOTHING else - just that add. Too funny!
    Have a great week end.
    Greetings, Katinka, Denmark
    Ps: I love cherry coke too :-)

  58. An interesting post, I agree with you when you say Coca-Cola is one of the symbols of America. You can find coke all over the world, I think there is not any other american product with such a worlwide extension like this.
    Greetings from Asturias, Spain.

  59. Πολύ όμορφη η ανάρτησή σου και με ωραίες εικόνες!!!
    Δεν αγαπώ την κόκα κόλα καθώς και όλα τα ανθρακούχα αναψυκτικά!!!Αγαπώ τον φυσικό χυμό ροδιού και την ιστορική λεμονάδα ΕΨΑ που εχει και ένα ανεπαίσθητο άρωμα μαστίχας!!!!!
    Την αγάπη μου!!!

  60. KikiMo4:53 PM

    Coca Cola is great!
    I love to drink it when I eat a good burger, it goes well with fries too.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  61. I'm drinking a Diet Coke right now and I love it! Funny, isn't it?
    I am a big fan of Diet Coke.


  62. I'm with you on the cherry coke taste, Betty. But I have some difficulty swallowing all 140 (170 ?) calories. Maybe I should only drink it on holidays when all good things have no calories ;-)

    [the photo of the frosty glass almost made me go get some]

  63. Anonymous11:48 PM

    I rarely drink cola, but boy, these shots looks deliciously refreshing!

  64. I like, and I drink coca-cola.
    Funny cartoons.
    Have a nice Sunday!

  65. I like the design of that bottle its so beautiful and then I like the sound of the opening of a can with coke it makes me want it :) /Katta

  66. Oh, what a lovely post, my dear Betty! I, like you, am not a huge Coke drinker (I'm not really a huge soft drink drinker, anyway), but I also enjoy mine with lemon, when I do drink it. Of all the soft drinks I drink every once in a while, I think Dr. Pepper has to be my absolute favorite! I love the fruitiness of that drink. And it's so refreshing!

    I wish you a gorgeous week, my dear!

    Big hugs to you,

  67. Anonymous6:48 AM

    We are Coca Cola drinkers when we want a soda. Just goes great with pizza on Friday night.

  68. Real nice post my friend on coke - dont see bottles much these days here, mostly cans.

  69. I remember, growing up, that we had a tray at home with "Coke" on it and that woman. It is long gone!

    I much prefer Coke (diet) over Pepsi, but now I drink diet Dr. Pepper if I drink pop at all.

    Love the jokes!

  70. Excelente serie de coca cola, muy buenas imágenes de una bebida que ha marcado una época y sin duda la seguirá marcando, saludos...

  71. Love the nostalgia!

  72. interesting infos and photos! appreciate your visit!

  73. wowww., it's great..,

  74. Do I like Coke? YES, that's how I get my caffeine since I don't like coffee. I drink diet though.

  75. I try my darndest not to drink soda anymore, but I used to be a Coke girl and I still like the look of Coke ads.

  76. Thank you for your visit and comment on my blog, Betty.
    A very interesting post, and I must agree with you, a squeeze of lemon and a slice in my coke is most enjoyable.

  77. I really like the 1890's ad, she is a beauty. When I was younger I drank a lot of soft drinks but rarely now. My favorite was Diet Coke and later Diet Pepsi. The diet variety because the regular is too sugary tasting for me.

    Hope you had a delightful weekend Betty.


  78. I love coke. I'll try it with lemon next time. Those are wonderful photos.

  79. I don't drink soda--I don't like the bubbles!

  80. «Louis» cracked up at the cartoons!

    He thanks you for your visit to San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.

  81. Viendo este post me han entrado ganas de beber un trago de coca-cola. Muy buena la primera imagen, de colección.


  82. What a fun post, Betsy! I can definitely taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi, but I like them both. At restaurants, I usually go for Dr. Pepper.

    I liked the elements of nostalgia here. :-)

  83. Now I want a coke! I hope your weekend was wonderful!

  84. Thanks for the history lesson.
    I love the Pepsi cartoon!
    I'm not much of a soda drinker; too many calories so I treat it more like a dessert.
    My favorite...Dr. Pepper.

  85. Intimate pots, nice photographies, a pleasure to happen for your corner.
    Cordial greeting Betty.

  86. What a pleasant looking model! I prefer Coke to Pepsi, though I don't really know why. I don't drink pop often either. I do like plain soda water or seltzer. I also like orange or cream soda.

  87. Fun and interesting. I love the bottle and the art of the olden days, even if I am a Pepsi girl.
