Some Things About Me (De Profundis)

So, I used to be a health freak. I watched everything that I ate, was an excessive exerciser, but then I re-evaluated my decisions and took a step back and joined the "normal" folks. For a while I was I guess kind of critical of what others did or didn't do, but no one wants to be lectured to. You don't have to be obsessed over what you eat and how much you exercise. I am now practicing moderation...moderation is the key to life, in my opinion.
Mayo and olive paste. You can spread it on crackers, or put it in a sandwich with ham and cheese and a fresh sliced tomato. Yum!
I'm a fan of healthy homemade food, but every once in a while, it's fun to change things up a bit.  
I tend to use my favourite photos from my trips as inspiration. These (above) are some of my favourites from my last trip to England.
I get attached to things. Holding on some things from the past-old letters, photos, decorative items, mementos of past delightful events- it is important to my sanity. When I lose something that was special to me I get sad for days...

I believe in friendship, but I don't appreciate being bad treated by that so-called "friend".
It is really shameful to be ungrateful to someone who has been exceptionally good to us.
I value my friends and I do a lot for them. I just want to be appreciated; it would be nice to get some thanks occasionally. (I almost feel selfish for writing this...). But nothing wounds more deeply than ingratitude.

To me, a true friend is someone you can lean on when you need support, someone who always has your back, someone who cares enough to ask how you and yours are doing.
I always try to let my friends know that I'll always be there for them; and as Samuel Pepys said-mighty proud I am that I am able to have a spare bed for my friends.
Okay, those were some things you may not know about me.

What about you? xx

Update: An award-winning famous Greek film director/producer and one of my beloved film makers Theodoros Angelopoulos died today after being hit by a motorcycle. I'm socked and saddened by his loss... 


  1. Dear Betty,
    I'm agree with you!!! Friends are not so often as flowers in this world.
    Friends are precious and seldom!

    Your pics are great, specially the two first and the last with the two girls.

    Have a nice day

  2. So are those all things you have eaten lately? I am intrigued by what's in the glass topped with a tomato slice. That's me - always interested in trying new things to cook. I eat and exercise in moderation, too.

    I have some wonderful friends. Though there is one friend I have been trying to put some distance to for a while now because she always says something that makes me feel bad about myself - every time I see her. So it's been a year now and hopefully that one is done with.

  3. A great post, it was so good to get to know so much more about you.

    I always consider a true friend as someone who you know will be there when the going gets tough.

  4. Πολύ ωραίες φωτογραφίες!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. "Friends" are the worst.
    Enemies are at least honest.

  7. the mayo and olive paste is pretty to look at and would be great for entertaining, but since i don't entertain mine will just stay in the ugly jar. LOL. it really is beautiful, and I love the hands in the photo and the beautiful bottle. my mothers engagement ring was stole from me 10 years ago and i still can't get over it. i don't have any close friends, just aquaintances, the two i have live almost 400 miles away. my best friend is my hubby and our dogs.

  8. I'm all about moderation in life.

    Maybe you should talk to this friend about how you feel, if it's important enough.

    If my friends aren't honest with me, then I don't consider them friends.

    Love that shot with the bicycle.

  9. all things in moderation. :)

    i had to let my best friend go several years back. after almost 20 yrs of friendship (mostly long distance), i felt like i had to chase after her to hear from her. it was turning me into someone i didn't like - i hated that she didn't have time for me anymore. i still miss her, though.

  10. I have learned to live by the idea that some people are friends for a reason, some for a season, and some for a lifetime. It helps to recognize that and release your feelings the best you can once they are gone. I have also had to chase after old friendships and it's hurtful to realize that the friendship is no longer important to them.

  11. Moderation as you say my friend.
    In the middle.....

    Love the pics and also agree about friends, if they are a true friend - they wouldnt fall out if you told them gently.

  12. Great post, Betty. I've been a loner nearly all my life and it started with being an only child of parents who always looked at me as though they wondered just where I had come from. And there was lots of teasing and some really hurtful treatment by early school mates. But you move past all of that and I have had a really great life. I feel closer to my blogging friends than I probably ever felt with others. But whatever, I am and have been for most of my life a very happy person. Interesting how we all deal with things in our lives, isn't it? Hope you're having a great week!!


  13. Nice post to read - thanks for sharing! :-)

  14. I like to be close to my friends and offer them my support until the point that my personality don't get hurt by this support.I wouldn't sacrifice some things of myself in order to make compromise with somebody else even if I know him well.During the previous years I have deleted many people I knew for various reasons.Some didn't showed up in some walk we had planned,some had connection with me until a period and after I was forgotten,some when we went out had rude behaviour,some made company with me when I was in weaker position than them(they wanted to be the best) and when I got stronger they left me alone.I wouldn't behave like that to a friend.But I don't feel regret about this end.I can't bear to make company with them anymore and I wouldn't let them to continue to make me feel sad.I am happy now that I don't even see them.Never with the wrong company.Sure there will be other people that support you.

  15. I totally agree with the Moderation thing, and sometimes there's a fine line between moderation and excess. I struggle most with teaching my kids that McDonalds once a week is too much... Maybe I'm wrong there..

    Friends - are the ones who support you near or far, even if it is a simple email. Somehow, I "feel" they are thinking about me... Thought provoking post and lovely photos.

  16. Very inspiring--your words AND photos. Nice.

    You're an excellent photographer, btw.


  17. That's life...great post...and true friends.......are i think to tell at one hand...maybe from

  18. A nice blog, but, its a shame that you don't participate in healthy living. But, you do have a lot of friends.

  19. A great post, and such wonderful photographs Betty!

  20. Your philosophy on food is exactly the same as mine, Betty....
    everything in moderation!!

  21. What a lovely post! I think that moderation in everything is a perfect motto for our lives. It's hard for me because I tend to be an "all or nothing" kind of person. But I'm learning! Thanks, so much, for sharing a bit about yourself! :-)

  22. I'm having a similar situation with a friend of mine. I feel like she is just leaning on me, we don't chat or enjoy each other anymore. Its frustrating. You have to figure out if its toxic enough to let go. It still hurts though.

    Lovely pictures!

  23. Yeah, I do not like losing things either.

    I am hoping that the lost relationship becomes found again. :-)

  24. What's your favorite fruit? :)

  25. Ungratefulness is a kicker I don't take kindly to, either. Good luck with the friend.

  26. Nice pictures, I like a lot, a large series, varied and interesting photos, I like much the first fruit. Greetings.

  27. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Took me nearly a year to stop eating / drinking while walking. Nowadays, I even dare to risk coming too late for lessons, yet sit me down to have something to eat and drink.

    And yes, I try to look after meself, yet have to admit, i still am not good at it at all.

    And friends, it is rare that I dare to speak that word. Please have you a wonderful Wednesday.

    daily athens photo

  28. Hi Betty, I agree with moderation, especially when it comes to food. It makes life a lot easier too. I have seen friends come and go. I just feel there are times you have to let go. I love your photos and enjoyed your post. The last two shots are my favorite. Have a great week, what left of it.

  29. It is indeed sad to lose a longtime friendship but as with any relationship, people change and sometimes grow apart. It doesn't hurt any less but it does happen more than we care to believe.

    Your images, as always are lovely. Who are the two cuties in the last photo?

  30. lovely pictures!

  31. I'm sorry your friend doesn't appreciate you!

  32. I SO relate to all you've written here.

    Friends come and go, who knows why? We need to come & go ourselves as we feel, and allow them to do the same. don't mean to sound like I am schooling you - just sharing what gets me by with you, Sis

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  33. I do try to practice moderation in all things, but at times that is difficult. I always try to be a good friend to my friends.

  34. Amazing photographs!

  35. We share a psst obsession, I know what you mean about being a health freak to excess. Moderation can be quite healthy, perhaps more so than the other extreme. Wonderful photos Betty, thanks for sharing.

  36. I used to be an excessive exerciser - but not anymore,thank goodness.

    It's hard to find real true friends. Sounds as if your friend is going through a rough patch at the moment.

  37. Great photos! Thanks for sharing!

  38. oh, lynn, that's really awful! i think she may be jealous of you.

    as for the food, it's mayo and olive paste spread. yum!!

  39. bob, i'm talking about an "hyper" health conscious" person here. i don't want to become that annoying person and bother others with my approach to food.
    moderation is key, after all!

  40. Betty dear a wonderful post, yes all or most things in moderation makes for a smooth running life.
    Yes, I value my friends and let them know that they are loved and needed. I get sad when I lose things too, my computer 'died' this week and I hope I have not lost all of my images and poems, that is making me sad. I have had to borrow my son's computer.
    I don't like ungrateful people either, I have been hurt recently and yes I feel wounded and very disappointed. I am trying very hard but with difficulty to get over it.
    I hope your ungrateful friend wakes up to himself.
    Lovely images Betty dear, take care.
    xoxoxo ♡

  41. I am intrigued by the food shots...always enjoy your posts! Most everything has already been said, but I am with you there about friends. I have been a loner most of my life, but have learned that most people are more inward-focused than outward-focused, so when they ignore us, its not personal...they just lack the capacity or desire to think about others. Cherish the friends you do have and let the others go! Have a great day!

  42. You and I are much alike in the "friend" department, Betty. Few and far between -- but I don't always make the best friend either as I have my faults as well. It's complicated, as they say.

    Great food for thought and love that you shared some things about you that we didn't know. xoxo

  43. fabio, actually, i don't know if i have a favourite fruit, i really like them all!

  44. I'm trying to learn moderation.

  45. Sorry about your friend, Betty, and the passing of the director-producer.

    I have little tolerance for being badly treated/unappreciated. It makes me more angry than sad. You're more gracious than me.

    Hang in and keep faith.

  46. Oh no, how sad about Theodoros Angelopoulos. Really tragic. I have struggled to keep my friendships going back home. It seems they want to forget about me until I land every two years. I can't do that anymore. I need people to make the effort the rest of the 23 months!

  47. The older I get, I'm not as surprised by friends/people's behavior. I'm sorry your friend's insensitivity is troubling you ... I always find during those times, I must create distance from such bad energy. And I wonder, what kind of friend were they really to begin with???

  48. Anonymous9:39 AM

    This Blog was most helpful, your ideas are straight to the point, and the colors are cool too.

  49. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I'm used to eating healthy, but I'm not a health freak at all.
    I agree with you on moderation.

    Great post!

  50. Really good friends are hard to find, Betty. It's difficult when a long-time friendship is broken but, truth is, we all change over the years. Still, it does hurt.

  51. C.S. Lewis somewhere refers to any kind of obsession with food as a variation on the sin of gluttony. As to friendships: I have some cousins who have been my friends all my life, and a few people who have been my friends since I was 12. I have a fellow minister friend whom I have known and confided in for over 30 years. I have never been betrayed or taken advantage of by one of those friends, though I have been betrayed by other people I deeply trusted. One such breach of faith almost unhinged me.

  52. Wonderful photographs. I'm pondering on your thoughts re friendship, hoping for all of us to find true friends that can be with us through the tests of times.

  53. You are a beautiful and compassionate person. Hugs.

  54. Moderation and true friendship: i love that.
    I'm on a diet...well...I'm see, and that is not good!
    I exercise... because I worry about my health!


  55. hilary, just random girls on the street. those cuties seemed to enjoy having their picture taken.

  56. Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
    Οι φωτογραφίες σου, εξαιρετικές όπως πάντα, ειδικά οι δύο τελευταίες!!!
    Πολύ τρυφερές!
    Στενοχωρέθηκα, σοκαρίστηκα και δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω ότι έφυγε ο μεγάλος αυτός Έλληνας!
    Το θέμα της φιλίας με πονάει, γιατί έχω κάνει αρκετές διαγραφές.
    Αισθάνομαι πολύ ζεστά, με όλους εσάς τους blogφίλους!!!
    Σου στέλνω πολλά πολλά φιλικά και γνήσια φιλάκια!

  57. Have a great Thursday!

  58. We at difinitiva and finally we are and what we have eaten.
    That will be in the glass under the slice of tomato?.
    I love cooking and trying new things. But it is important moderation, and a little exercise.
    An entry with good fotograías.
    Greetings .-

  59. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Real friends, lift your heart.
    Real friends, let you be.
    Real friends, love what you do.
    Real friends, are you.
    Just in another body.

    Big hug for you ;)

    I'm here, but I dont say much these days. My heart, my mind, are in a choise of life. But I know you are there. And that's enough...

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Life is refreshed constantly by two important enjoyments - food and friends.
    While we have to moderate foods, friendships get sturdier as we age.

    I always enjoy your posts.

  62. No doubt Betty, the moderation is the key of the life. Photographies and very well complemented text.
    A cordial greeting and ... to looking after itself!

  63. Beautiful lighting on that bowl of chips! I always appreciate your photos and thoughts, Betty. I agree that moderation is important. Have a lovely day!

  64. Hi Betty,
    Thanks for stoppping by my blog.

    I'm really loving these pics with the retro look to them. I especially like the shot of the hands. Very neat perspective.

  65. Buena serie de fotografias, como siempre muy originales, saludos...

  66. Wonderful photos. I like your shot from the Winter and the food most. Beautiful !

  67. Alicia12:27 PM

    Very very awesome!

  68. I SO LOVED all your pics! I hear ya on a what a true friend is. They are few & far between!

  69. Hi Betty, moderation is an excellent mantra.I too value friendships.....

  70. How wonderful to learn a some things about you . . . all interesting.
    Thank you.

  71. Wonderful photos Betty!

    I like very mucho your look!


  72. I love your pictures. The hand holding is one of the sweetest things I have ever seen : ) I wish you a beautiful Friday and a weekend filled with love : )

  73. So nice to learn a little about you, Betty. Ah, moderation - wonderful but I guess it depends on where you draw that line ! Hopefully that ingrate reads about himself here and mends his ways ! And don't let that spoil your week - you are in control of how you feel !

  74. Your post is beautiful.
    I wish you a lovely weekend

  75. Friends are important for living a happy healthy life. I'm sad to hear one of yours has let you down. I love the shot with the green bike.

  76. so true about friendship and good that you are able to express it!

  77. I completely agree with so much you said. Everything in moderation. That goes for relationships too. We can get so consumed with everything exercise, food, relationships, that we forget to just live and be. Enjoy it all.

    Thanks for stopping by! It was nice to "meet" you. :-)

  78. τι καλά που μοιράστηκες μαζί μας ολ'αυτα....εγω να προσθεσω πως ο φιλος που φέρεται με αχαριστία δεν υπήρξε ποτέ φιλος αληθινός,εμείς τον εκτιμήσαμε λάθος....
    αλήθεια αγαπούσες τον Αγγελόπουλο?ποτέ δεν μπόρεσα να παρακολουθησω ταινια του,ηταν πολύ καταθλιπτικες και υπερβολικά αργές,όσο και ακατανόητες, για τα γουστα μου...

  79. I have always enjoyed reading your blog and looking at the amazing pictures you click...but this post was something very special. Hope your friends realise your worth...

  80. What an amazing bunch of photos! Very nice! I'm also a recovering vegetarian.

  81. Nice post! So very true about friendship.
    The holding hands picture is so sweet.

