But Hurry! + Have a Blissful Weekend

"But hurry, let's entwine ourselves as one, our mouth broken, our soul bitten by love, so time discovers us safely destroyed..."

Federico Garthia Lorca is considered one of Spanish greatest poets and dramatists.
I like Federico Garthia Lorca and I'd highly recommend his work to anyone interested in poetry, drama,  Spanish Literature, but mostly to anyone interested in people daring to live outside the box.

Well, what are you up to this weekend? I'm going to spend the weekend relaxing and reading Lorca's The House of Bernarda Alba (Spanish: La Casa de Bernarda Alba), a drama about women in villages of Spain.

Hope you have a wonderful Spring weekend! xx

P.S. Photos of the beautiful, delightful, peaceful English countryside. (South Devon, England. November 2010.)

Sharing with Your Sunday Best .

Update: As I'm visiting your blogs today I can't leave a comment; they are all being rejected. Is anyone else having that problem?


  1. Hi my dear Betty, the Lorca-lover!!
    No, as you can see no problem yet!!

    Wish you a weekend full of things to do, which bring you joy!!!

    Truly your friend

  2. Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
    Έχεις δίκιο, το είδα στο θέατρο και ήταν υπέροχο!
    Όχι, δεν έχω πρόβλημα με τα σχόλια, για την ώρα...
    Συμβαίνει όμως..
    Σου εύχομαι ένα υπέροχο Σαββατοκύριακο!
    Πολλά φιλιά

  3. have had the same.....and have the computer restarts and then it works again......lovely weekend.....xxx

  4. Hi Betty, thank you for visiting my blog and leave your lovely comment.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers. I love the first picture, look gorgeous.

    Have a nice weekend.Greetings from Malaysia.

  5. Beautiful landscapes and quote! I will be enjoying some pleasant spring weather this weekend. :)

  6. I was having trouble leaving comments earlier, but all seems OK now.

    That book sounds lovely - I'll add it to my lengthening list.

  7. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I am happy to have found you! I love the poem. And great pictures, especially that first one. Hope your sister is doing well.

  8. Estupendas como siempre todas las fotos que nos has dejado. Un placer volver por tu casa.

    Saludos y un abrazo.

  9. Sounds like the perfect weekend to me! Thanks for the information about Lorca, I'll have to look for him on my next trip to the library. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Betty! Enjoy!


  10. they fixed it, started around 9 am and fixed by 10:30. you can comment now. beautiful landscapes, like paintings.

  11. such lovely scenes. enjoy some peace and beauty, dear...

  12. For me that beautiful quote by Lorca speaks of God's love for the world in Christ, but in the gospel of the resurrection that brokeness has been transcended by a victory beyond hope.

  13. I am not familiar with Lorca's work. But speaking of drama and boldness, I like how those landscape pictures turned out! Can't leave comments today? That's a drag. I hope the issue gets worked our for you.

  14. Thank you Betty! I wish you a sunny weekend. Here in Bavaria, it's raining!
    Hugs Crissi

  15. hv a nice weekend!

  16. Beautiful shots! I think I will look Lorca up and see what I can find out. Thanks for that. My son is coming home this weekend and I am working on a sermon I am giving this Sunday at our church about the Worth of Water. Yikes!

  17. I like Lorca!I have seen in theater his play "bloody weeding".Have a nice weekend!

  18. great scenary and editing. :)

  19. That first shot looks like it could be in Ireland! Very familiar looking...no problems posting comments, started out at 5:30 this morning, then again at 3pm...maybe I missed all the problems! Seems to be resolved now!

  20. Beautiful photos!! I remember reading some Lorca many years ago in Spanish Lit class. In that I read it in Spanish, I don't have much memory of it. ;)

  21. Anonymous4:11 PM

    this poem is an excellent mean to measure current time and life.

  22. Beautiful Betty! Wife is out of town and I'm gonna watch movies she doesn't like till I can't see!

    You know the Macho action adventure blow everything up with no story line whatsoever movies!

    And I can finally turn em up real loud!!!

    Blessings my friend!


  23. So lovely! Sounds like you will have a great weekend. We will be going to a wedding and moving our horse to a new stable. It will be busy!

  24. Such beautiful landscapes!

    Enjoy your weekend and your book!

  25. Spring Tra-LA!

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral


  26. Love the images. Don't know the poet. My hotspot drops me frequently during commenting. Not the same thing I suppose.

  27. Really like the contrast of colors on the first image !

  28. Beautiful scenery Betty!
    I haven't had a problem with Blogger blogs but have with those on Wordpress.

  29. I like Garcia Lorca.

    Glad you came.
    No...I'm commenting other blogs....



  30. I love the pics! Oh, I´m not sure what I´ll do this weekend, maybe bake and read a little. :-)

  31. A nice way to spend the weekend. Luckily I'm not having comment problems but I've heard of others.

  32. Magnificas fotos. Gracias por tu visita. Volverei aquí

  33. So idyllic!Your pictures are excellent, thanks so much for sharing!

  34. Wonderful photos with fantastic light and color. I love those beautiful landscapes, and of course I love Federico Garcia Lorca, whom I have already spent some pictures. A hug and happy weekend.

  35. No problems here, dear Betty! Grrr on Google/Blogger! Such a pain sometimes.

    Love your photos and have a wonderful weekend reading or whatever else you decide to do. xoxo

  36. Unas fotos muy buenas. Por supuesto no hay otro mejor que Federico García Lorca.Te mando un trozo de ALBA:
    En el bosque antiguo, lleno de negrura,
    todos me mostraban sus almas cual eran:
    el pinar, borracho de aroma y sonido;
    los olivos viejos, cargados de ciencia;
    los álamos muertos, nidales de hormigas;
    el musgo, nevado de blancas violetas.


  37. Ola!
    Obrigada pela visita no meu blog.
    Adorei as suas fotos. Parabens. Amo Garcia Lorca!

    Ulindo final de semana a voce!!

    beijo do Brasil....

  38. Lovely images dear Betty, have a great weekend reading.
    Today was a perfect Autumn day here,if tomorrow is as pleasant I shall be gardening.
    xoxoxo ♡

  39. Have a lovely weekend as beautiful as poetry.

  40. So beautiful series of pictures!
    I wish you a nice weekend!

  41. ¡Gracias por tu comentario en mi blog! Tu también tienes unas imágenes muy interesantes en el tuyo. Un saludo desde Granada.

  42. Hi, Betty, I love that quote..But hurry...gorgeous. Want to let it sink right into my soul. Have a glorious weekend..

  43. Beautiful sceneries and the first one is my favourite!

  44. great images and landscapes...
    have a great weekend, too!

  45. That is a beautiful English cottage in your blog, I love it.

  46. juli, welcome on board!and thanks for saying that!:)

  47. I would love to visit that beautiful English countryside. It sounds as if you have a relaxing weekend of reading ahead of you. I'll be working in the yard. It may not be quite as relaxing, but I enjoy it.

  48. Lovely photos!

    I cannot comment with Chrome on blogs that do not have pop-up pages for comment. I downloaded Firefox and use that for those blogs. It was fixed once, but now still a problem.

  49. Looks like such a peaceful town.

  50. The photos are wonderful. I feel like I could just run onto that green grass.

    I'm glad my blog accepted your comment. I was having some problems leaving comments yesterday too.

    Be well, and enjoy your book.

  51. Anonymous11:48 PM

    I recognized the countryside of my native country... Lovely shots!

  52. What great shots you have here!

    English countryside is definitely beautiful.

  53. Olá Betty, belas fotografias...Espectacular....
    Votos de boa leitura....

  54. Beautiful photos, love all of them!
    Wish you a wonderful Sunday.

  55. Oh, you know, the usual OZ stuff - eating, lazing around in the sun, deciding which FAAAAABULOUS island shots to include in my post ... and before I knew it, the weekend was done! Hope yours was great!!

  56. Beautiful spring photos. Our weekend will be filled with making happy memories with our grandchildren. Hoping yours is lovely. Hugs

  57. I'm so happy you shared with us at Your Sunday Best this week Betty. xoxo

  58. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such lovely comments. I am sighing over your English countryside photos..so idyllic.

  59. I also really like Garcia Lorca and the photos you posted here are wonderful, dream images ..
    Thank you for visiting Sedimentos.
    Good week for you.
    Hugs and love.

  60. umaz fotoz cheia de luz , uma excelente composicao
    abraço do Brazil

  61. Hi Betty, Great pictures today... This weekend, I am spending most of it working in the yard. I need to mulch some more flowerbeds --and of course, those weeds love to grow where I don't want them to... ha

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  62. Beautiful shots! I love those stone buildings.

  63. Lorca reminds me of my school days in Havana as he was part of the curriculum. I never got him then. It was only later as a young man in uni that I approached his plays and poems again and fell in love with them. Many thanks for that wonderful post.

    Greetings from London.

  64. what lovely photos, the top one especially!

    I acted in a production of Lorca's Blood Wedding once! What a wonderful play! I also like hos poetry very much!

  65. What gorgeous country! I just love those houses in your second shot. Beautiful photos, Betty!

  66. I, too am a lover of Lorca and those pictures are stunning! I hope the weekend is treating you well.


  67. the photos of you 'beautiful, delightful, peaceful English countryside' are magnificent!

  68. the second photo is realy good, perfect colors!

  69. lovely pictures of my homeland

  70. I love these pictures, I like to stroll through this beautiful place. Greetings.

  71. I love his poetry and these photos. I do have the comment problem on certain blogs. It varies from day to day.

  72. Nice poetry! Great shots! Love the first shot across the fields :)

    Wishing you a great week ahead Betty!


  73. Hi Betty, I hope you enjoyed your book and I love your photos of the English countryside. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  74. Stunning photos. I'd love to be there with my lover too.

  75. Such beautiful countryside! Hope you had a relaxing weekend!

  76. You must have a terrific weekend.

    But I'll never be in a hurry. Nature is always with me.

  77. I love your shots of these meadows of the English countryside, it seems that we are sticking to a sale.
    Good job, Greetings. -

  78. Gracias Betty por visitar y seguir mi blog, gracias a eso he podido conocer el tuyo. Hermosas fotos y extraordinarios comentarios.. Un abrazo y saludos desde madrid

  79. Buenas imágenes, que nos muestran la gran belleza de la campiña inglesa. Muy acertada la elección de Federico García Lorca para su lectura.


  80. Anonymous6:53 AM

    *** Bonjour Betty :o) ! Tes photos sont belles ! Merci à toi et GROS BISOUS ! :o) ***

  81. Estupendas fotos de una encantadora campiña inglesa.
    Veo que eres aficionada a los buenos escritores españoles, me alegro con ellos te enriqueces y pasas ratos de tranquilidad con su lectura.
    Un abrazo y gracias por pasarte por mi espacio.

  82. Outstanding landscape, really English and beautiful!

  83. Blissful shots indeed. Here's hoping you had a perfect week-end. x

  84. Fantásticas fotos!
    Conheço algumas obras de F. G: Lorca.
    Um dos grandes de Literatura espanhola.
    Obrigada pela visita ao meu blogue.

  85. That makes me want to travel to Europe desperately!

  86. Me ha gustado mucho esta serie de paisajes. En especial las dos primeras fotos por la atmósfera de otro tiempo que has conseguido gracias al colorido e iluminación.
    Gracias por cu comentario en mi blog.
    Con tu permiso, me hago seguidor y te envío un afectuoso saludo.

  87. Yup, I had those commenting issues last week too.

    These are neat pictures!

  88. Me gusta mucho la tonalidad y el enfoque de las imágenes. Muy buenas. Saludos.-

  89. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I would love to visit the beautiful British countryside.

    Hope you had a great weekend:D

  90. great images. second one is fantastic.i love it

  91. What a beautiful series of images Betty, and such a gorgeous landscape.

    I have had some issues leaving comments over the past couple of days. Keep getting "Error 503." When I try a second time, it usually works for me.

    I wish you a beautiful week ahead!

  92. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Great García Lorca! One of my favorites. He once said: "Poetry is the union of two words that you never meant that they could join together, and forming something of a mystery." He said also: "As I have not worried to be born, do not worry about dying."
    Another of my favorites is Quevedo. If you have not read, I recommend it. It's satirical, rhetorical ... phlegmatic. He once said: "Life is a strange emptiness that death occupies."
    Beautiful pictures of the English countryside. I love your pictures. I like England and its landscape is very similar to Asturias, where I live.
    If you do not mind, from this moment, I become a follower of your wonderful space, full of sensitivity, feelings ... colors.
    Thank you! For your comment on my Poetry poesiayvivencias my blog. It is a pleasure and pride to have supporters like you, Betty.
    A hug.

  93. My weekend was so busy! Wish it could have been as relaxing as those photos look!

  94. Gostei das suas imagens,


  95. Love these shots my friend.

  96. These are so atmospheric, beautiful.

  97. Hi! No problem leaving a comment! I also received yours, but I'm not using Blogger's commenting system. I love your first photo - it looks like a beautiful painting!

  98. hi! i like your blog! you've got some interesting things! and beautiful pictures. thanks for visiting my blog, i really appreciate it!

  99. Gracias por tu visita al blog de "Náufragos de la Mar". Me alegro mucho que te haya gustado y espero que hayas disfrutado con la lectura de García Lorca.
    Un abrazo y un saludo desde Cantabria. Ah, me gusta mucho tú blog.

  100. WOW! Wonderful photos! Best wishes!

  101. Hola, Betty!!!...muchas gracias por visitar mi blog, es un gran honor para mi, y por darme la oportunidad de conocer tu trabajo...preciosas entradas!!!

    Un gran abrazo!!! ;)

  102. I hope your sister is doing better!

  103. Gorgeous photos! The last looks like something from a picture book! Delightfully lush and rural.


  104. · Nice landscapes. García Lorca was great and he will be great forever

    · regards

    CR & LMA

  105. Oh WOW, Betty! Absolutely gorgeous. One place we didn't visit in 2010 (but wanted to) was Devon. The UK countryside is absolutely stunning.

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