Five Likes Tuesday: Things I've Learned in Life

An orange velvet sunset glistens upon the mountains...

Things to ponder over first cup of coffee of the day. Here are some of the things I have learned in life. Or perhaps it would be better to say, things that I am learning...
Some are quotes I have collected from others, some are personal thoughts I have had myself. Nonetheless, I'd love to share them with you today in the hopes they will also help you.

I've learned that...
When a door closes, another one opens, but often we stand there so long looking at the closed door, that we do not see that one that's open.

I've learned that...
The really lucky people do not necessarily have the best of everything. They are the ones who make the most of whatever life throws at them.
I've learned that...
I should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time I see them.
I've learned that...
The most splendid future will always depend upon the necessity to release the past. You cannot move forward in life unless you learn from your past mistakes and move on.

I've learned to appreciate good people like You. You people have made an impact on me in some way or another.
You made me smile when I really needed it. You have inspired me in so many (different) ways. 

I hope this post may brighten up someone's life for a day! xx 


  1. Wonderful shots!

  2. Those were beautiful shots - and awesome things for EVERYONE to learn in life. So true. sandie

  3. Beautiful photos and words of wisdom from my friend, Betty. xoxo

  4. "when all doors are closed somewhere there is a window open." said Maria in the film "Sound of Music". That makes much sense.
    Your pictures are great. Did you photograph?

  5. Lovely photos and thoughts this morning. And, wonderful lessons to be shared. Thanks so much!

  6. Today you gave us lots of inspirations, things that we really need to think about...Thanks a lot!
    I love your words and your beautiful images!
    **I'm also enchanted by your new blog, the roses are magnificent,you are a talented and creative photographer!

  7. Beautiful shots of the sea. :)

  8. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Wonderful shots and inspiring words!

  9. Your photographs one by one are like paintings.. You captured great moments created by nature itself...

    Living far from my family in Germany
    I appreciated always being together
    and leaving them with tenderness and loving words...

    Hugs my friend
    ♥♥♥ Monika

  10. A complete line of beauty. Amazing pictures!

  11. anilkurup, yes, those photos are mine, and thanks for sharing that great quote:)

  12. Important life lessons, indeed. You've also clearly learned the art of making someone smile - both with your lovely photography and with your always-kind comments which you leave with you visit. You have a gift for making folks feel good and I thank you for that.

  13. There is something so calming and peaceful about water. These are beautiful photos, Betty. Thanks for sharing them!

  14. σοφές κουβέντες!

  15. Such beautiful captures and wise words to match! We can all learn from them! Thank you for sharing the wisdom and the beauty, Betty! Hope your week is going well!


  16. Wise words to live by and lovely pics! :-)

  17. If a door closes, another one always opens. Sometimes, you just have to wait a while. :)
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  18. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Thank you very much for your visit. I've signed on to follow you. This was a great reminder of what is truly important and your photography is stunning. Wishing you a bright and cheerful day. Mildred

  19. beautiful photos and that last one i can relate completely to, i have met so many wonderful people here, people who care and even worry about my dog with me. people like you. i like the one about leaving love ones with good words. we never know from one second to the next what will happen

  20. I agree with you about what I have learned in life!And your posts also have great impact on me!

  21. Your lovely post did truly brighten my day! I especially like: "The really lucky people do not necessarily have the best of everything. They are the ones who make the most of whatever life throws at them." So true.

  22. thank you, betty. this made me cry today.

  23. Such words of wisdom! And wonderful photos! Thanks!!

  24. Good pictures (universal seas and skies) and excellent wisdom. One of my favorite sayings is by GK Chesterton, "If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly."

  25. Wonderful thoughts and photos. Learning from past mistakes is a great thing. Forgetting past mistakes might leave me vulnerable to repeating them. I'll just keep them hanging over my head as a reminder. (that's a lame attempt at humor)

  26. Brilliant photos and beautiful things you say.

  27. I really like these pictures are pure visual poetry. Thank you very much for sharing with us these things so important in life that we have learned and samples with great delicacy and affection. Always be open and hopefully the know see and discover. A big hug.

  28. Your words are so true. Even at the age of 54 you make mistakes sometimes and I still learn every day. Fantastic post and photographs Betty.
    Have a great week
    big hugs

  29. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Siempre hay que esperar que una puerta este abierta.
    Rico no es el que mas tiene, sino el que menos precisa.
    Nunca debemos ahorrar en palabras cariñosas a nuestros seres queridos, sino despilfarrar en ellas y nunca quedarnos cortos.
    Siempre hay que mirar hacia adelante y nunca hacia atrás.
    También tu has impactado de forma positiva en nuestras vidas, con tu manera de ser y de sentir.
    Un abrazo muy fuerte, Betty.

  30. All good lessons to be working on and share along with the beautiful photos.

  31. Wonderful post.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos and thoughts.
    Wish you a wonderful day.

  32. Wise words, my friend.

  33. Por supuesto, verdades que uno aprende y que se nos resbalan sino sabemos apreciarlas.
    No dejar nada para mas tarde y vivir el presente lo mejor posible siendo feliz.
    Un abrazo

  34. Beautiful scenes and very wise words. Thanks for this post.Have a beautiful day.

  35. So agree with you about the closed door!

  36. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Thank you for these inspirations. Wonderful last picture.

    Please have a good Wednesday.

    daily athens photo

  37. What a beautiful post with inspiring pictures today!

  38. What magnificent pictures you've framed your life lessons with!!!

    Your post truly touched my heart sweetie.

    Have a wonderfully blessed day! :o)

  39. Wonderful truths, each and every one.

  40. see how MANY resonate to your thoughts?!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } (°>


    < ° ) } } > <

  41. Gorgeous shots Betty. Those are all very important lessons of life.

  42. aw, thank you texwisgirl, but i did not mean to make you cry.
    now i am crying, too..

  43. aw! thanks for all your love and wonderful comments. love you all! xo

  44. You brighten my day!

  45. Beautiful. The door opening when another closes caught my eye. It's so importance we look for that door.

    have a great day.


  46. That is so true about the lucky people - and they are also more likely to try their luck!

  47. Que bellas imagenes, muy buenas. Saludos.-

  48. Great photos and quotes, Betty. Thanks so much for sharing.

    I especially liked the ones about lucky people. I certainly don't have the best of everything in life --but I try hard to make the best of what I have.

  49. lovely sky and wonderful olaces my friend

  50. Beautiful photos Betty dear and wonderful life's lessons, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
    Every new day is a blessing for me, a day of new hope, a day to learn something new and be happy with what I already have.

    Love and hugs my friend!
    xoxoxo ♡

  51. Of course, I loved the photos... but especially the thoughts this time. There is such wisdom and peace inside of them. What a lovely touch of serenity in this post. Such a beautiful retreat for me, this morning.

    Thank you for sharing this sliver of beauty, my dear friend.

    Warm hugs to you,

  52. Unas fotos que transmiten mucha relajación.
    ¿No tienes traductor para tus entradas?
    Cordiales saludos.

  53. Yes, great post and it did brighten my day. :))

  54. Thanks for sharing this valuable lessons you've learned. All of them are beautifully wise. The photos you've used are also marvelous.

  55. Πολύ όμορφα τα λες αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ!!!
    Έτσι είναι οι ιδανικές σχέσεις και οι σωστοί άνθρωποι!
    Οι φωτογραφίες σου είναι εκπληκτικές!
    Πολλά φιλάκια

  56. Great lessons. Here is one that I like, and it is similar to the one you posted about making the most of life:

    "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Philippians 4:7

  57. Whenever learning something between friends... thank you to transmit your experiences.
    Beautiful pictures that accompany thoughts...

    I learned not to lose hope ever!!

    Hugs and love.

  58. I enjoyed the post. I like to read what others are finding out about life. I like the one about the "lucky" people. (And about releasing the past.) Heck, I liked the one about standing around and missing the open door. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. ;-)

  59. Great photos and great words Betty! We all learn these things as we go along, too bad that we weren't taught them earlier. Even if we were taught them early on, would we listen? Probably not.

  60. Beautiful shots and lovely words. Very true.

  61. Muy bellas imágenes. Saludos.-

  62. Well, as always you have brightened my day which so far has been horribly wet and cold.

  63. Preciosos amaneceres para esta entrada, un saludo...

  64. Hermosas fotos y con unos bonitos textos..
    Un abrazo

  65. Beautiful words and photos, Betty. I especially like the first two pictures, along with the quote about staring at a closed door. It's so true, darnit.

    Blessings to you.

  66. A loving and thoughtful post likes this - is such a wonder to see and to enjoy its Beauty.

  67. Poignantly composed thoughts...the photos go with it beautifully too.

    You're so Inspiring. Beginning today, I'll make it a point to leave good words for family, friends & relatives.

    Happy weekend. :)

  68. Great wisdom to live by everyday. I am smiling right now. Thank you for those beautiful, calming pictures;o)

  69. Wonderful shots, gorgeaus !

  70. very wise words. And beautiful photos.
