Oh, the French

The mille-feuille (thousand sheets) is a pastry originating in France. Traditionally is made up of three layers of puff pastry, and two layers of creme patissiere. The top layer is coated with a sprinkling of powdered sugar.
Lemon Mousse.
Almond French Pastry. (Almond miniature cake.)
Macarons. A macaron is a sweet meringue-based confectionery made with egg whites, icing sugar, almond powder, and food colouring. It is mildly moist and easily melts in the mouth.
French Buttery Flaky Croissant, named for its versatile shape. Crisp buttery outer layers and a soft interior make croissants melt in your mouth.
Tarte aux Myrtilles. (Blueberry Tart.)

Blueberries are by far my most favourite berries. I love their blue colour, their tiny size, and their great taste. There's definitely something about them that really appeals to me.
Ooh, la la! French desserts are just irresistible!

Well, I had such a sweet tooth, but about five years ago that changed drastically. That said I still crave a little something sweet, every now and then.
It is hard for many of us to envision a life without sugar of any kind. (Good for the people who can eat desserts and stop at one.)
I have to admit that I do not consider myself to have amazing self-control powers when it comes to eating, but I am very strong about not indulging in desserts, particularly after lunch.
Remember, self-discipline, my friends! It takes real effort and self-control, but the reward can last a lifetime.

No, I'm definitely not addicted to sweets. But every now and then, a girl deserves a little treat, right?

Do you like desserts? What is your favourite dessert? Can you resist sweets? xx

Sharing with Rural Thursday by the wonderful Nancy and Lisa.


  1. I have no self-control to live in France. If I visited, I'd be trekking home with a lot of extra "baggage" (around my tummy, etc.) Thanks for the yummy pictures, Betty.

    Be well.

  2. Oh, Betty! Come on! Don't do this to me! I just celebrated loosing weight on my blog:)
    Now you made me want some of them. Look yummy.

  3. i am a sugar addict, i only allow myself dessert on every other Saturday and that is eaten out. i can't have them in the house. i almost can't type for the drooling over the photos. if i had to pick one of these it would be the first, and the 2nd would be the last one. they all look great to me.

  4. Ooooooh, Blueberries they are my favourite !!!!I like them !!
    Have a nice day!!

  5. I have always had a sweet tooth. A few months ago, I read a book called the Perfect 10 diet which tal;ks a lot about how sugar and processed foods with hidden sugar are sooooooooooo bad for you because these mess with your insulin levels, which in turn messed with every other hormone in your body. So I have been trying to reform by cutting out the sweets more. It's touch!

  6. oh and I forgot...your photos are divine...

  7. I have no self-control with some desserts. Yum.

  8. sandra, haha, i can't have them in the house either!:)

  9. I'm fairly obsessed with cheesecake. Desserts are heavenly, aren't they?

  10. I am glad that you are back.

    I have to admit that I do not consider myself to have self-control power too when it comes to eating ice-cream, especially the chocolate ice-cream.

  11. Si los dulces fuesen benéficos para la salud seria la felicidad de mucha gente, ya que creo que más del 90% tenemos el diente dulce.
    Buena elección has hecho, el que más me gusta las mil hojas.
    Un abrazo

  12. I love blueberries too - au naturel as well. This is a yummy post! :-)

  13. your photos are wonderful! :)

  14. I love sweets that contain chocolate!Have a sweet day!

  15. Hope you are feeling better Betty.

    Make mine a croissant please OR better still one of those pastries that are similar but have a chocolate filling - I forget what they are called.

  16. Those all look exceptionally delicious. I love sweets and really have to slow down my sugar intake. But give me dark chocolate any day.

  17. give me a slice of pie and ice cream any day! :)

  18. ooops! I shouldn't have read your post before breakfast!! I'll have one of everything -- well, maybe two!!

  19. I really like these photos, beautiful colors of exquisite approaches, pure art. Comeérselos feel like. A hug.

  20. Dear Betty,
    amazing pics, great food shots, I love Macarones ♥
    I can't write more, now I'm so hungry!!!;-)
    Have a nice day, my friend,

  21. Hello Betty!

    Yes, I could eat ice-cream and chocolate every day..
    that's why I never buy them!!

    All your pictures are so inviting!!
    Hugs from me!!!!!♥♥♥

  22. All that looks so yummy - now I want some blueberry tart. :)

    I can resist - I just eat dessert when it's served to me or if I'm out with friends and we share. I guess you'd call that social dessert eating.

  23. Oh yes, the blueberry tart looks very tempting and I'd like to try a macaron too!

  24. Oh, to be able to indulge in these sweet desserts would be heavenly!

  25. Wow! Beautiful! Best wishes!

  26. Oh, man! I had better go eat lunch now. These things look great. I'm actually not a big dessert person although I do eat it now and then. I like cherry or apple pie or oatmeal cookies. Simple things.

  27. Good for you for self control. Wish I had some. My butt is getting bigger just looking at the photos!

  28. I absolutely cannot resist sweets!! I can't.. it's terrible :)
    Anything with chocolate in it would be my favorite dessert.

  29. Sweets are not so hard to resist...but fresh-baked, warm bread of any kind? That is a totally different story!

  30. Wonderful photos !!!!
    Magnificent food !!!!

    WOW !!!

  31. My weakness lies in savory items, not sweet.....but I DO enjoy some sweets and your photos are making me crave some!! I like blueberries, too, but I think strawberries are my favorite berry. Your photography today is heavenly, Betty!!

  32. Anonymous3:35 PM

    The first picture is wonderful ! Many times it is more enjoyed by me to get some dessert for other people and seeing them enjoying it.

    Please have a good Wednesday.

  33. Each one looks amazingly delicious! The blueberry tart would be my choice, unless there was a cheesecake in sight.....

  34. These photos are almost good enough to eat.

  35. Oh my these all look amazing. I'm afraid I have a sweet tooth - I wish I didn't though.

  36. going to be in France in a couple of weeks yipee this made me excited

  37. Oh wow, Betty dear, these beautiful photos are a feast for the eyes and best of all, no calories ... though I wish I could sample a piece of each. Yes, the French certainly know how to create fabulous desserts and pastries.
    Have a great week!
    xoxoxo ♡

  38. With these pictures so beautiful, you speed up my metabolism greedy. What a delight!

  39. Omg, Now you're making me want some of these yummy treats!

  40. Welcome back!

    I love sweets and I want to have a taste of all the treats you posted now :)

  41. Lady...I'm trying to have a diet plan here!!! Are you trying to KILL me with desire??? LOL

  42. Greta photos, Betty. I have a mouth full of sweet teeth and like desserts a lot. Fortunately, I manage to keep my weight under control...

    One of my favourite desserts is the Italian 'zuccotto', a pudding made in a sponge finger case, with liqueur flavoured cream, chocolate and glacé fruits.

  43. Oh goodness - each photo is just delicious!

  44. Loving the new look here, Betty. Very fresh and summery.

    I have never been to France but gauging from these desserts, I have to go there, atleast to taste the lovely food.

    Joy always,

  45. Hmm I know...They are all delicious desserts!
    I confess I got some weight since I'm living in Luxembourg and I know it's all about "French patisserie"! LOL
    My favorite is "creme brulee"!

  46. You naughty girl! Now you've got everyone drooling!!! Weird how I've just come back from a holiday where we hiked a lot and even climbed mountains - but I haven't lost weight. Couldn't possibly be the multiple bakeries we visited, could it??!!

  47. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I love those colorful macarons!

    Have a great day!

  48. My Dearest Betty,

    Though I'm not such a sweet tooth, I do love to enjoy dessert, every once in a while. And when I do, oh boy I do! My favorites are baklava, creme brulee, chocolate mousse, and cheesecake. I also happen to love mille feuille!

    Your photos are gorgeous and just what I need this morning! What a delightful... and delectable... way to start the day!

    Warmest hugs to you, my dear!


  49. I just ate six macarons the other day...and now I want more. Haha!

  50. Vey mouth watering.lol

  51. I rarely eat sweets but these photos make me crave something sweet. Absolutely beautiful!

  52. I am not as crazy about sweet candy as I used to be, but there is something about a good dark chocolate. Dove dark chocolate squares are my favorite. But you must not chew them. No... you let dark chocolate melt slowly, and let your taste buds savor the experience thoroughly. I keep a bag of them in my desk drawer at work, and give them out as rewards or to cheer people up.

  53. How are they not fat?

  54. No I have very little self control when it comes to sweets or bread. I don't overdo it -- just can't say no when the opportunity presents itself. :)

  55. Oh Yum! I would eat any of those beautiful things...

  56. Yummy! I could get into eating the croissant and Blueberry Tart! Not good for my weight loss, I'm sure :)

  57. Bom dia Betty,
    isso é uma maravilha logo pela manhã.
    O mil folhas tem um aspecto delicioso!
    Bonitas fotos.

  58. Yum! I love sweets and probably indulge too much. I always make a cake or cookies to have in the house. It's definitely a good thing I run a lot!

  59. oh those look tasty! my ancestors came from france, i wish i had inherited their way of cooking! i'm not addicted to sweets really either but a couple of days ago i was craving some really good choc chip cookies with sea salt....i found a new recipe to try out and they were delish...i probably ate about 5 over 2 days but thankfully i have 4 kids who had no problem eating the rest!

  60. Beautiful shots.
    Oh my, they all look so delicious.
    I have very little self control when it comes to sweets and desserts. My favorite cake is carrotcake.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful day.

  61. OI BETH..



  62. Oh my, that's rich, I feel full just looking at them...

  63. Mmmm looks delicious!!

  64. Oh my goodness, everything here looks so yummy Betty!
    I am most definitely a dessert eater, and it is so difficult to pick just one, but I think it would be warm apple crisp with a vanilla ice cream and a LOT of whipped cream. I won't turn down anything chocolate either!

  65. Hi Thanks for visitingg me and now I am returning the visit! Absolutely gorgeous photography of wonderful food....just lovely! Joan

  66. Anonymous3:20 PM

    My oh my oh my, that lemon mousse looks sooo delicious! YuMmY! =)

  67. Oh yes, I love desserts. Sometimes hubby and I will share one. But, wow the desserts on your blog look delicious, I would love to try the first one in your post. But they all look yummy! I hope you have a great weekend ahead.

  68. That blueberry tart looks mouthwatering delicious!!!

  69. Every time I see these delicious photos wakes up my appetite.

  70. YUM! Francophile and boulanger-wannabe «Louis» loves this!

  71. Desserts... that's the first thing I go look at when having buffet. Can I resist them? Definitely not! They are just so yummy...

  72. I am usually not much of a desert person and can resist them most of the time. But that Almond French pastry is calling to me.
    Great photos Betty!

  73. I love French anything.

    Yummy photos!

  74. YUMMY! I want to trade places with you!

  75. Lovely pictures, make me want something yummy for dessert!!! Love your pictures, you are a gifted photographer! Love your blog!!
    Thanks for visiting me, and hope you will come back and visit again!!

  76. Kevin9:09 AM

    I really like your delicious picks.

  77. Thank you for these mouthwatering pictures.
    they look so delicious!!

  78. Wow! It’s so yummy… I like sweets. You are right… there is a limit for everything to keep our health fit.

  79. Just discovered both of your blogs via a comment you left on Emm.
    Glad to have found, gorgeous photography
