How Do You Manage Stress?

Have you ever stressed out? Sure, we all have. In these tough economic times, when the daily grind becomes too much, that many of us are stressed out is no surprise. I know that stress is part of life, but it doesn't have to rule our lives!
I often feel overwhelmed by my busy life, and I do struggle in order to manage professional and personal responsibilities, but I've decided to live a more balanced, less stressful, deliberate life and fight stress by de-cluttering my life and mind.

In fact, I find myself tired of having to excavate the kitchen table before I can serve dinner. Let alone, the junk drawer in the kitchen or the piles of cloths in bedroom. I actually often can't find my car keys amid the piles on my counter. So, being surrounded by more things than I can manage, my life just seems to be out of control. There is no question, clutter is an ongoing cause of stress. 
I am one of those people who want to do it all, but to be honest with you, I probably can't; at least not without paying the price. There is no question, multi-tasking is another cause of stress.
So, I've decided to try a new approach realizing the harmful effects of stress- and also to develop several positive, healthy habits. Here's my "How to reduce stress" list...

De-cluttering my home (donating to local  charity any in good condition item I am not using. I would never want to part with my memento box and stuff from my parents though.)

Stopping judging myself. (I may not be my own hardest critic, but the only real judge of me, is definitely me!)

Approaching big tasks one step at a time.

Trying to pace instead of race. The world won't end, after all!

How often do you feel stressed out? Are you good at handling stress? Any tips to share? Thank you! xx


  1. your second one is hardest for me. to stop that inner voice is SO difficult!

  2. Stres, muy difícil de controlar, hay que tener un buen equilibrio y aun con esto siempre resulta un dificultad.
    Ser tranquila ver menos las cosas que te molestan como puede ser el desorden o cualquier contratiempo.
    Buena suerte para ello.

  3. U got a point there . And I agree.No magic wand but one has to decide about one's life.

  4. Stress causes cancer besides heart disease. I will workout in the gym to de-stress or get a good body massage which is the best!

  5. Life is so stressful for most people these days. Trying to do too much, worrying about money, etc. I try to meditate and read. And of course do what I can to eliminate things to worry about.

    Good luck with pacing yourself! Slow down and smell the roses.

  6. Desgraciadamente, a consecuencia de la situación tan negativa que estamos viviendo en España, somos muchos los que sufrimos de "stress"; espero todo vaya a mejor y podamos encontrar el equilibrio necesario para llevar una vida normal.
    Me gustan mucho los tratamientos que le has aplicado a las fotografías.
    Un abrazo.

  7. Here's mine. First of all clutter is chaos and I can't do that. I'm not a minimalist at all, but I like things to be in a designated place. I do struggle with paper.

    Secondly, I try not to entertain negative thoughts. And that means I don't speak them about others or myself--most of the time.

    Life stuff overwhelms me. So, I try to take the advice I gave to my kiddos when they were little. I told them to do the thing they didn't want to do--first and get it out of the way. This little thing lifts burdens and frees the soul.

    Finally, when all else fails, I crumble and get under the covers until somebody makes it all better--I wish. :)


  8. Oh stress, I get that everyday. To fight it, I surround myself with happy people. My lunchmates at the office are lifesavers. They joke a lot and we laugh at shallowest banter. Totally true - laughter is the best medicine and a quick fix when stressed out.

  9. Someone once told me an overly neat desk (world) means no creativity is happening. So we need that balance of clutter and clarity, without always wanting things to look picture perfect.

    Exercise and meditation, dancing.

  10. It's easier for me to "de-stress" and play it cool now that I'm ancient, still, there's always some money worries, health worries. I do try to take one day at a time, one hour at a time and remind myself frequently how much more fun it is to look for things that make me smile and laugh rather than frown and worry. It works most of the time -- sometimes though it does seem like I spend a day having to really looking hard for those smile "things" !!!
    Great post for the day, Betty, and a great reminder for all of us these days!!


  11. My regular three mile walks have helped me tremendously with stress. And sometimes I just remember something a wise woman once said to me, "A hundred years from now, it won't matter."

    Good luck - I admire you for decluttering. Since my mother died in February - I keep bringing more stuff in instead of sending it out. My place is going to explode with stuff someday. :)

  12. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Dear Betty,
    every morning say to yourself:
    "Don't worry, be happy" ♥
    I cannot promise that worked but it's helpful ♥

  13. most of my stress was left behind when i became a member of "retirement" now the only stress i get is from my kids. they are 45 and 47, NOT kids so i am practicing ignoring them. all of the ones you listed are a great start, especially the exercise and the getting rid of excess. some people need to practice saying NO, don't know if that one applies to you. good luck for a stress free day on the way.

  14. Pues gracias a la fotografía y a imágenes como éstas que nos presentas, llenas de sensibilidad y sutileza.
    Un abrazo.

  15. Wonderful post Betty! The best thing for me to fight stress is training and has a harmonising effect on my mind and body!

  16. Good on you Betty, I'm sure that most of us can relate to this post. Though I do have a lot of stuff I truly believe in the saying 'a place for everything and everything in its place'.

  17. I manage stress by running. Always.

    I'm really stressed right now because I have a blog conference in 2 days. I'm really introverted, and seeing the constant twitter stream of bloggers chatting about it intimidates me. But I went last year and had a great time - once I get there I'll be fine but I'll stress about it until then!

  18. Ugh, I used to put so much stress on myself to be that person that does it all and for everyone. After watching my husband suffer with cancer and eventually pass away I finally realized that nothing is really that important in the big picture of life. I now do more of what I want to do and I quit trying to care for everyone. I believe I am still a good friend but I take care of myself first and I make sure I stop and smell the roses because life really is too short.

  19. Great tips on managing stress, Betty! I like to go for walks, work in the garden and watch birds. :)

  20. When I do get stressed I try to concentrate on breathing properly and lowering my shoulders - after that it usually feels better at once. :-)

  21. I tend to stress over things I can do very little about. It seems that every once in a while I go through a purge and get rid of a lot of accumulated stuff. That does help at least for a while.

  22. My tool for handling stress is to nap. Bad thing about that... you can't sleep ALL THE TIME!

    Good luck, Betty!

  23. Muy buenas tomas todas ellas, excelentes detalles, un saludo...

  24. Well---I want to tell all of the young people out there working and raising a family to take more time for the family and not put so much emphasis on work. I didn't do this --putting all of my energies into working. Now that my 3 sons are all grown up, I remember how much I missed...

    Luckily, I did save money while working so I can have a nice retirement. That is something else I'd say to the younger generation...

    I don't have the stress that I used to ---but I do agree that decluttering should really help.. And multi-tasking can definitely be harmful--even though I used to be so 'proud' that I could do it.... ha

    Good Luck..

  25. Sounds like a good plan, my friend!
    I find I am a lot more stressed when I am working (I teach, so I have summers off), because I try to do everything I normally do in addition to spending long hours work-wise. I am very guilty of multi-tasking, and I am a very poor multi-tasker. :-(

  26. You're half way there my friend, knowhow thats the secret and you know how,lol.

    Its amazing how things just pile up.

  27. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Yes, have to admit, that I still have a few difficulties with stress and its handling.
    Usually it is best to leave me a few minutes alone with a cup of tea. Please have a kind Wednesday.

  28. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Yes, have to admit, that I still have a few difficulties with stress and its handling.
    Usually it is best to leave me a few minutes alone with a cup of tea. Please have a kind Wednesday.

  29. I have stress every day.But I relax when I am going in the suburbs of the city I live.I feel like doing a daily trip.

  30. Funny you should post this today...I just took a car load of things to the local Good Will - CDs of Opera and Classical music I will never listen to again (we have satellite radio in the cars and satellite TV in the house)...books I have read and won't read again, clothes that were still good that are now too big for me...on and on. Also, started looking at how to de-clutter my life. My biggest problem is now that I am retired, I am trying to do all the things I didn't have time to do when I was working, and I find I have even less time now because I am trying to cram everything in. Yikes...I wonder how I ever had time to work! I wish you luck with your de-cluttering!

  31. Wonderful compositions, I like the light colors and a touch surreal. A hug.

  32. Breathe.

    Life is never "done."

    Here / now is OK; in fact it's wonderful.

    YOU are enough.

    Take nothing personally.

    Believe that we really like and care about you!

    Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

    > < } } (°>

  33. I stress far more than I should. I have plenty of little fixes like a nice cup of tea, escape into a book, good music, a cardio workout.... but the best solution for me is drawing on my faith.

  34. Stress can literally be a killer, so I'm glad you are doing things to cut down on the stress in your life. I think all of the habits you're working to develop will help, but I found that regular physical activity (walking or gardening) did the most for me.

  35. Punching bag at the gym. :)

  36. I just jump off buildings Betty - small ones as large ones can hurt

  37. I have a tough time dealing with stress. Mainly my job. I do need come home from work and go and enjoy a walk and the outdoors. Sound like you have a plan for handling your stress. That is good. Take care and have a great day!

  38. First of all, your photos are gorgeous. Secondly, sounds like you've found a way to deal with stress.

    Zits pop up when I get stressed out, so I like to just go outdoors and shoot pictures.

  39. Exercise is key for me. And taking 1 or 2 minutes during the day to just stop, stop and breath with no thoughts, if even for a minute.

  40. I think inner voice negative speak and clutter so often go hand in hand. Good for you for taking a positive approach to everything. You're much better at this than you think. Hugs to you.

  41. First off, recognizing that I wasn't appointed GM of the universe - leave things alone that you can't do anything about. Next, coping with ADD (aka multitasking) - start one thing and stick with it till it's done (a daily struggle). And perspective - keep reminding yourself about what's truly important in life; no one on their deathbed ever said "I wish I'd put in more hours at the office, or cleaning up clutter."

    Great post, and good luck, Betty.

  42. my daughter is my stress reliever...

  43. Getting outside for a change of scenery is best for me. I agree decluttering is a big help!

  44. oh goodness me I've missed your presence in my life!
    Let's hug this out!!!!
    many smiles to you my friend!

  45. Daily meditation and living just in the present moment......


  46. Less is ALWAYS more!

    Decluttering really frees the spirit! Having at least one room that is free of clutter and that you can go into to sit an relax will do wonders for your stress!

  47. When I see that one of my coworkers is stressed, I'll give them one of my Dove dark chocolates. And when I'm feeling stressed at work, I'll let one of those chocolates dissolve on my tongue. That works wonders!

  48. I can identify with you here. I have a hard time at times handling the stress here. Some days I want to go hide! sandie

  49. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Gorgeous shots!

    I fight stress by breathing deeply and going out for a walk. My stress levels go down almost immediately when out in nature.

  50. cloudia, thanks for saying that, how kind of you, thank you!xo

  51. craver, yes, dark chocolate is definitely good for stress!

  52. I've definite;y been stressed out for the past couple of weeks. So much to do, so little time. After tonight, my life should slow down a tiny bit. I hope by the second week in July it will have slowed down a lot. :) Good luck with dealing with your stress.

  53. Mam stresy, jak każdy z nas. Moim jedynym i najlepszym lekarstwem na niego jest praca w ogródku i mój pies. Pozdrawiam.
    I stress, as all of us. My only and best remedy for him is to work in the garden and my dog. Yours.

  54. very nice advices,thank you nice sharing.with my best wishes.

  55. I so agree. I'm always de-cluttering cause I can't stand the mess. I used to let it stress me but no longer. In the big picture of life, it really isn't important. Of course, since I've taken up photography, there seems to be more clutter around me! LOL!

  56. I don't have any stress, everything is a muddle, lol.

  57. silly me. my initial response was "oh, no, I don't stress about things..." but alas, my body tells on me:-) I have a dr appt this afternoon, another one next week and yet another one the week following. how do I handle my stress? I try to take time to decompress, sometimes it's just small things like taking a moment to check out my favorite blog:-) and sometimes it's as momentous as a drive to the top of the mountain where Creator has left loving reminders that nothing is so big as to ruin the day. THANK YOU FOR THIS POST, IT REMINDED ME IT'S TIME FOR THAT DRIVE THIS WEEKEND!!!!
    Best and Warm and HUGS!

  58. Once again I see this series and I know they have something special to make these pictures in one of my favorites. A hug.

  59. Hi Betty,

    in stressful situations, the best thing is to look ahead and enjoy the moments of pause in the best way.

  60. hi babe,interesting is my anti-stress...and traveling.

  61. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I have been caring for sick family members for many years and am all too familiar with stress. Prayer gets me through mentally and walking lifts my spirits.

  62. Have a fabulous Thursday!

  63. I think bloging is a great way to manage stress, it's a hobby for me and I'm also happy visiting my blog friends! :)
    hugs and a nice weekend,

  64. Interesting. I am greeting

  65. Hello! I have heard that psychologists in the world say that very beautiful thing aganist stress is salat in Islam...

  66. Nice post, Betty! It's great to take time out and relax whenever you feel stressed out. I would suggest a spa day. It's quite relaxing!


  67. I always find exercise helpful as well;)

  68. I love gardening for hours! that's the best way i manage to evacuate stress!

  69. Stress comes in many forms, I often get overwhelmed for various reasons and it's totally horrible!

    Thank you for the beautiful pics, your home looks neat and clean to me!;)

  70. Betty, those are exactly the thing that I have done. Exercise more, respect myself more and stop putting myself down, declutter (last year I gave 60 book to charity!!) and generally take it slower. It doesn't mean that there isn't stress - far from it. I started a new job this year but at the same company. The whole process from interviews to notice period to handover took three months and it consumed so much of my life. My blogging suffered but I let it suffer - I needed to focus on maintaining the rest of my life - family, friends, home - while all of that was going on.

    Take it easy.

  71. When IGood luck! got stressed I appreciate that feeling and experience the stress!
    Insted of pushing it away!
    When I experience it just like it is, after a while it disappear.
    Try it..Good Luck!

  72. Anonymous3:26 PM

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  73. Thanks for these words of wisdom and for the beautiful images that accompany them.

  74. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I tried to comment on your photography page, but no comments girl. :) But I have to say I loved all of the pics, especially those dandelions.

    How do I manage stress? Simplifying, creating, listening (to the whispers of my heart) and giving.

    By the way, thank you so much for saying that my page is magical. To me, that is the best compliment I can receive. It is exactly what I'm trying to create through it.


  75. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Just read an article in More magazine last night about "bouncing back". This was alot more than stress but I thought there were some good tips.
    I liked the ...fake it till you make it. even forcing a smile helps elevate your mood.
    Clutter is a huge one for me. My son-in-laws parents were here for the first time a bit ago and she said, "you have just what you need and nothing more." That was so true. I do not have alot of stuff.
    Love your blog. Came here by way of Nancy.

  76. It's taken me years to get to the point of not letting my inner voice control what I do. It took several more years to get it to stop. These days, unless I'm actually concentrating on something, it's mostly white noise up there.... It sure makes it easy to go to sleep!

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  78. Anonymous9:31 AM

    This Blog was most helpful, your ideas are straight to the point, and the colors are cool too.

  79. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Hey, cool content, but WordPress breaks it up on my monitor. Maybe it's the plugin you have on the site. Have you considered a different CMS?

  80. Great post about how to manage stress. This is one thing that people need.

  81. Hi! I wanted to post a comment on the post about artist Michael Amarantos but it appears you have dismantled your comment section? I checked several recent posts of yours and no comment section. I saw the "Stress" title at the bottom of one of your posts so I went here out of curiosity (stress is my middle name) and voila!
