Five Likes Tuesday

My lovely readers. In fact, I love my blogging friends, followers, readers. And I am grateful for my relationships with you all. Thank you to all of you out there for your continued support and feedback that make Cut and Dry possible.
Snuggling up under a soft and cozy wool blanket on a cold winter day. How comforting!

I'm pretty darn smitten with Gardenias right now.
A cute coffee mug that I've bought from Danish Tiger shop lately. Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart:)
Creating a thematic tableau by grouping a set of objects by colour, material, era. Any kitchen can be a tricky spot to decorate. I really liked this one from Ikea. (Photo above)

What are your five favourite things this week? I'd love to hear! xx


  1. 1. Hiking
    2. Photography
    3. Writing stories
    4. Blogging
    5. Reading

    And all these repeat every week. Nothing new, no surprise.

    And surprises are found within all these five.

  2. Schöner Beitrag mit tollen Fotos eingerahmt...

    Lieben Gruß

  3. Hi Betty! Thanks for reminding us to look for and appreciate the small things. My five favorite things this week? My clean car. My striped cat. My blogging buddies. My computer and my new groovy running shoes!

  4. this post made me smile. loved it all. :)

  5. Hey there doll! I love your 5 favorite things. Here are mine this week in no particular order:

    1. Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks
    2. Cooler temps (fall is my favorite)
    3. Blogging buddies like you :)
    4. My new Kindle Fire HD
    5. My friends and family

    Have a great day my bbff!!

  6. Those gardenias are so pretty and I love those blankets which along with my hot water bottle are on my favourite things list this week.

  7. I'm with Tex, I love all of your favorites -- they're some of mine, too! It's definitely a great thing to look around and remind ourselves of how many wonderful things we have in our life from tiny things to huge ones!! Thanks for sharing, Betty!! Hope your week is off to a great start!!

  8. Five wonderful things there!

    Here are mine:

    1. Vegetarian pizza from Fellini's.
    2. The scent of the tea olive shrub at the front door of an office building I just visited.
    3. The fruit plates in my kitchen that belonged to my grandmother and then my mother.
    4. Dancing with the Stars
    5. Having just enough vegetables and spring greens to make a dinner salad last night.

  9. Don't we just meet the most amazing people in the blogosphere? I love your photos Betty, espcially the one with the blankets. I have a rack similar to the one in your last photo in my kitchen. It is a super space saver.

  10. Beautiful images. It really is the little things which make life a wonderful ride.

  11. A very decorative spot in your kitchen from IKEA!!

    My five favourite things this week?

    1.Still going to the sea with old friends
    3.going for a salad with Bianca (in an hour)
    4.having my cat around
    5.chatting with Betty (dearest)!!!!

    Filia, Betty

  12. Great post!! That first shot is lovely!

  13. I love Tiger, too, I buy lots of gifts there, for myself as well as others! The gardenia pic is amazing -don't they smell so wonderful as well!! Five favourites this week for me:
    1.A fun Mandarin Chinese class yesterday eve, my second, I am so enjoying it, and we have a crazy teacher!
    2.Some wonderful black bow tied shoes I saw today, very 1920 s in style. I shall treat myself as they are in the sale!
    3.A nice cosy supper with my husband yesterday when it was raining outside!
    4.A Thankyou card from my friend Sam for the new-parents-and-baby basket I made up for her.
    5.Spending some quality time with my friend Susan after school today, away from the hustle and bustle of the classroom.
    All simple pleasures, but they were all lovely!

  14. That mug makes me smile!

  15. I love that "@" mug! How adorable and totally appropriate.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  16. Beautiful darling...what i like ???...MY NEW I -PAD !!!.....yust packked out.....oh so exciting !!!

  17. 1) I like it when a kind intention is warmly received and appreciated. That's the stuff that fills my sails! It's like recharging the batteries. And may I say that you're great that way!

    2) Me time. You know, that moment when you get to take a break from the rat race and just sit still for a bit.

    3) Finding pastries in your department when you arrive for work on a morning that you skipped breakfast.

    4) That pleasant feeling when a group decides (however rarely) that your idea is best.

    5) Great big, enthusiastic hugs!

  18. I don't know what my five are, but I'm loving yours, especially that first one!

  19. Lovely post - I really like your sentiments and your pictures are wonderful, especially your first shot :))

  20. My 5 favorites for this week:
    1. bluegrass music and new friends from the festival
    2. grandchildren who think a visit with grandparents is a reward for good behavior at school
    3. friends who bring you special goodies from their trips
    4. good recipes and good food
    5. my comfortable bed!

    Loved yours too...have a great week!

  21. I agree with your thoughts on smallest things. I have a lot at home that I can't let go. :)

    My favorite things this week;
    1. Photography (always at the top of my head).
    2. Tv Series (I downloaded the 4 seasons of FRINGE. I just finished the WALKING DEAD and I'm excited for the season 3. Haha).
    3. Music - my team started a recording search in our office last week. This week is our second elimination.
    4. Iced tea at night. Refreshing.
    5. Guilty pleasure - keeping up with the Kardashians in E Channel. Haha.

  22. I love that first photo and your new mug.

    My 5 favorites for this week:
    1. Completing my homework a few days ahead of class.
    2. Coconut Fruit bars.
    3. Fall
    4. Compliments from co-workers.
    5. Warm Oatmeal in the morning.

  23. I like this post

    Aloha from Honolulu,

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  24. Really lovely beautiful flower that first. Nice pictures.

  25. One of my favourite things this week has to be this delightful picture post.

    Your pictures light up our day, B.

    Joy always,

  26. There are several pleasant things each week. But over all is love. Permanently. All the best!

  27. Hi Betty, the warm blankets on a cold day sounds lovely. And the new cup would be great with some coffee in it. I agree that some of the smallest things can bring great pleasure. For me it is watching my backyard birds out my windows. Have a lovely day!

  28. I love the first one, the flower. As far as it goes, my favourite things are, the kindness that each one sends.

  29. Nice idea for the decoration of the kitchen.

  30. Wonderful favorites! My favorite thing this week is continuing to get to know our two sweet new cats.

  31. I like the fact that my daughter is visiting from Sydney for a few days.

  32. loved reading through your wonderful comments. it's always good to learn more about you, folks.
    you're really awesome!

  33. 1. my new kindle reader,
    2. free books for my kindle
    3. my coffee and the cup that is sitting at my right elbow
    4. the fact i am retired
    5. thankful i don't have that beautiful kitchen decoration in your last shot, because did you know that everything on there has to be dusted and washed on a regular basis, or it will get not dust but greasy dirt on it? i was so happy when we bought this house with cabinets that don't go to the ceiling. wooo hoo i can put things up there. YIKES who knew about the greasy dirt. now it is empty and all the greasy dirt is on top of the cabinets. but i am now 2 inches shorter than i used to be so i can't see it... LOL

  34. Beautiful images and words dear Betty, yes it is amazing how the smallest things can bring warmth to our hearts. I bought myself a new coffee mug this week and I always love a visit to IKEA.
    1. Spending time with my grandchildren
    2. e-mails from friends
    3. Visiting the plant nursery
    4. The violas, marigolds and pansies I bought
    5. The fragrance of my Tree Gardenia on the morning air.
    Hugs dear friend
    xoxoxo ♡

  35. Details are so important.....I really love the flower in the first image. There is almost a dreamlike feel to it...Lovely!


  36. I just love the smell of gardenias. My five favorite things are: my dogs, my home, my friends, my family and believe it or job.

  37. oh, sky-blue-pink, i adore black bow tied shoes! so elegant and cozy!:)

  38. sandra, that's too funny! haha! your great sense of humour never fails to amaze me!:)

  39. Fabulous photos and blog post Betty. My top 5 favourite things this week: books, tea, Tai Chi, my camera, stitching.

  40. I really like your blog dear!
    Keep up with the good work! :)


  41. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Beautiful post as always! Our bush beneath our kitchen window is full of gardenia blooms right now. They smell so wonderful!

    Thanks for your kind comments about our little dog. She belonged to my late mother and is very special to us. She is 11 years old!

    Have a good day.

  42. 1) The beautiful Fall weather.
    2) My new book club.
    3) Chicken rice soup in the crock pot.
    4) A walk in the nature preserve near our home.
    5) The new Fall TV line-up!

  43. what a lovely inspiring post!
    happy Wednesday!

  44. Wonderful post, lovely images!

    5 favorite things:

    Being able to spend time with my family.

    Visiting with friends tomorrow.

    Enjoying the cooler weather after all the humidity.

    Listening to the birds outside with all the windows open.

    Enjoying a chat on the phone with a good friend in England.

  45. Your flower shot is lovely!
    I LOVE the coffee mug!!!

    My five favorites things this week in no particular order:
    1. the changing leaves
    2. the way my art journal is coming along
    3. the cooler temps so I can pull out my favorite sweatshirts
    4. the current book I'm reading
    5. the photo album of my Granddaughters I just received from Shutterfly

  46. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Love that purple flower, especially.

  47. I love the editing you did on the purple flower.

  48. I am loving that mug! You have beautiful pictures and I enjoyed my visit here.. :)

  49. That is what friends are for !

  50. Gosh, here is my list
    1. Homemade soup
    2. Sweaters
    3. Morning light
    4. Apples
    5. Warm socks

  51. Precioso detalle floral en la primera foto.


  52. Whoa! How late am I?? 5 faves ... a wood fire on a cold spring night; rain on the roof when I'm snuggled in bed; the endless blue of the Great Southern Ocean; a honey & cream donut from my favourite bakery; my camera so I can record the pleasures of life!

    Have a good weekend, my friend!

  53. I love those pictures of plants in the kitchen. A hug.

  54. Anonymous10:48 AM

    That first shot is pure beauty!

  55. γειά σου Μπέττυ-))
    Ελληνίδα είσαι?
    σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ για την όμορφη επίσκεψή σου,και τα γλυκά σχόλια-0
    σε βάζω στα αγαπημένα μου,και ελπίζω να τα λέμε-))
    οι φωτογραφίες σου είναι πάρα πολύ όμορφες,και ειδικά η γατούλα επάνω που είναι ένα από τα αγαπημένα μου ζωάκια
    πολλά φιλιά και καλό ΣΒΚ-))

  56. Love the first photo --

    Me -- just enjoying the beautiful fall weather here on the Plains.

    Have a lovely weekend Betty. xo

  57. I love all of your favorite things especially the coffee mug. You are right Betty, it is the small things that make us smile.

    Flowers, kittens and warm woolen mittens!


    Happy Weekend!

  58. Beautiful photos! My fave is the lovely.

    Gin =)

  59. Gardenias are my favorite!!! They smell like no other flower.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments. You take amazing photos!


  60. So many lovely things to look at here. And I really like kitty above. Cute!
    xo Catherine

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Hi dear!
    "Comments off". so I comment here!...LOL

    Hope you are fine!
    Like that little , cut Kitten!

    Mil beijinhos

  63. that purple flower was STUNNING. thank you so much for sharing!!!!

  64. Beautiful photographs. My favorite is that purple flower. Very delicious!

  65. Nice editing on the purple flower.
    As always wonderful post!

  66. Love the gardenias-my fav!!


  67. Heidi8:40 AM

    Tiger shop looks like a neat shop.

    I love that coffee mug a lot!

  68. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I have been looking for photography blogs to follow, how lovely that you came to my page!! you are very talented Betty! I am following now :)

    Abi K :)

  69. I love your photography very much!;o)
