Edible Pick-Me-Ups: My Top 5 Comfort Foods + Have a Happy Fall Weekend!

Comfort food always has a way of making life a little brighter. Don't you think? Everyone has a pick-me-up type of food...a bar of chocolate and even a cup of coffee can make us feel good.
Food and comfort definitely go hand in hand; I don't know about you, but I always love eating something hearty when I'm feeling down.
Well, I'd like to share my top five feel-good foods that always make my mood a whole lot brighter when...
I'm tired after a long busy day or when things are rough.

I am a total cheese (all kinds) lover. I love buttered crunchy, crispy, crust bread hot from the oven. Yum!
I am definitely not a sugar addict, but I am definitely a chocolate addict! Every once in a while, I allow myself to have this velvety smooth treat. 
White Bean Soup.

I love (any kind of) soup all year round. It's an absolute comfort food for me. Chicken soup, Cream of Tomato Soup, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Corn Chowder, Pumpkin Soup...I could go on and on.
Whenever I'm not feeling well pasta has always a way that makes me feel better!

What is your go-to comfort food, my dears?

I wish you all a weekend filled with brightness, love, joy and peace and...delicious treats!

Have a great one! xx


  1. Betty - I haven't seen you my direction in a long time. The other day I accident popped a comment into my spam folder and what did I see? I had several wonderful followers in there that were in there not by my doing?!! I just checked it again. Glad that didn't happen to you. Oh and btw, I can't eat cheese or dairy all the much. I am glad someone (you) can. Have a happy weekend and happy Halloween!!!!

  2. Estas series de comida que preparas son deliciosas fotografías, dan ganas de dejarlo todo y salir a comprar un sadwichs
    Cordiales saludos

  3. Mac & cheese is a go to food for me! Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. i love cheese, all kinds and on crackers or bread is fine. i love bread, any kind of bread and that is what i want when i am sick, dry toast if i am sick with a little butter. my comfort food and my favorite food is a hamburger,

  5. I am hungry now.....happy weekend...love Ria...xxx...

  6. Oh, yes! I'm definitely hungry now, Betty!! Actually, I have very little appetite these days for anything, stay too busy to eat and then have to remind myself!! Getting old, unfortunately, doesn't mean getting smart!! But at least I don't have a "too much" weight problem!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  7. My niece and I had this conversation recently. I always opt for buttered toast with a poached egg. She loves Havarti cheese.

    Your list is all good - any of those things are awesome.

  8. this is a great list of comfort foods. i need a hot cup of soup today, here in Missouri. Brrr cold.

    Have a great weekend.


  9. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes! :)

  10. Anonymous12:06 PM

    An excellent post, providing something good to read,it's just good to came across the post on hand sets and its features.

  11. In this state I am in just now.. I LOVE ANYTHING, EVERYTHING just you name it!!!

    Wish you all the best and an even better weekend!!!

  12. I'm a vegeterian curry eater, nice and hot, there are so many dishes, but they are Indianian.

  13. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Siempre es un placer visitar Tu espacio lleno de gastronomia Feliz.
    Un abrazo.

  14. Ooh! I agree with you on lots of these! My top 6 would be:
    Bread pudding
    Rice pudding
    Boiled egg and soldiers
    Crumpets and Marmite
    Makes me feel in need of one of these, or one of yours on this cold damp day in London!

  15. I agree! Bread and soup usually does it for me. Or if I'm in a sweet mood, it's chocolate all the way.

  16. My comfort foods are pizza,pasta,french fries,chicken and chocolate.
    Have a nice weekend!

  17. You are making me hungry. lol
    Hope all is good and have a great weekend.

  18. Μού αρέσουν οι σοκολάτες πολύ,κάτι πού μού έμεινε από τήν Αυστραλία,από φαγητά,κάτι μέ μακαρόνια,φρικασέ,ότι ελληνικό !!Καλό Σ/Κ Μπέτη!Καλά νά περνάς!Φιλιά!

  19. Looking at this good food has made me hungry. I love,love,love, chocolate.A hearty soup is a good food when I am not feeling well. Must have my daily bread.

  20. Peanut butter and chocolate! Yum!

  21. Chocolate. It's a food group, you know. ;)

    Love your post. We had comfort food for dinner tonight: Norwegian meat cakes, green peas, boiled potatoes, spinach and tomato salad. Yum.

  22. Coffee, chocolate, pasta and breads! Love them!

  23. ▒✿▒✿▒✿✿彡
    ▒✿ Olá, amiga!
    Bom fim de semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil.

  24. Hi Betty, I am with you on the bread and cheese, chocolate, pasta and pizza. Also, spicy chili and shrimp in garlic sauce. I wish you a happy weekend!

  25. Mashed potatoes, hands down.

  26. mmmmm!
    Happy & Comfort sound GOOD, LOL

    Weekend Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

    > < } } (°>


  27. Honestly, my list almost mirrors yours, except for the pasta. Give me a wedge of cheese and it's history, the same with bread, chocolate.
    Gotta go get a snack now.

  28. Love your mouth watering pics of your comfort food. Mine are mint chocolate, ginger, spaghetti, bananas, fruit cake.

  29. Bread and peanut butter. :)

  30. Dearest Betty,

    I just had bread and butter for breakfast; there is nothing more yummy in the morning. But when it's comfort food I need, I have to admit that pasta is truly my downfall. Really, I do love carbs, but pasta is my all-time favorite. A nice basil & tomato sauce, some freshly grated parmesan, and a nice twist to the black pepper grinder... and I'm in heaven. :-)

    I hope your weekend is filled with tasty treats and lovely moments.

    Big hugs.


  31. ▒✿▒✿▒✿✿彡
    ▒✿ Olá, amiga!

    Bom fim de semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil.

  32. teresa coltrin @journaling woman, please stay warm!

  33. και εγώ πεινάω Μπέτυ μου-)))
    αλλάζω ρουχαλάκια,και βουρ για ρετσινούλα-)))
    σου εύχομαι ένα όμορφο ΣΒΚ...και...έχω μία κλήρωση αν σε ενδιαφέρει-)))

  34. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Pasta and salsa from home.
    A hot cup of black tea with a trace of lemon.
    Christmas biscuits.

    Please have a kind Sunday.

  35. Ive just been nibbling on crackers,lol.

  36. Chocolate popped to mind but in winter it's definitely mashed potatoes.

    Thanks for sharing your great photos of all of this delicious food with us at YSB.

  37. without a doubt or slight hesitation, my go-to comfort food is PIZZA.

    How are you Betty?

  38. Chocolate, white buns with butter, ice cream, cereal, and a nice hot cup of tea. Gosh....now I'm hungry! :(
    xo Catherine

  39. Homemade Chicken soup, chicken stew, cinnamon toast, bowl of cereal :D

  40. Greek olives and bread! Some olive oil will add taste. Traditional in the country of olive groves... :-)

  41. Hi,
    Just popped by to wish you a happy weekend.

  42. Anonymous4:32 AM

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  43. Gorgeous photos! I love it when you write about food! I love cheese too and hot chocolate or Milo. I'm not meant to eat wheat but pasta, pizza and bread are what I seek out when I need comfort!!

  44. Rico, rico, siempre que paso por tu blog me da hambre, esos platos tienen una pinta estupenda, saludos...

  45. A beautiful composition with excellent colors, I like.

  46. Gostei de ver e pra mim, chocolate cura tudo,sr beijos,chica

  47. I also love pasta and desserts sweet little base of chocolate!
    I feel happy and well fed satisfactorily.

    Have a nice week, honey!
    Lots of sweet kisses and flowers.

  48. Jak jest mi smutno, to mogę się napić tylko kawy. Nić więcej mnie nie pocieszy. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
    How sad it is, that I can only drink coffee. The thread did not comfort me again. Regards warm.

  49. I agree & great choices! Visiting from DearCreatives.com Have a great week ahead!

  50. Excelente refeição....

  51. You know...It's so cold here today, and I'm just ready for some coffee and maybe a delicious brownie! ;)
    Have a nice week

  52. Poppy seed buns? cant resist.


  53. Despierta a un mundo de dulces sensaciones
    Y construye una nueva semana de felicidad,
    Cabalgando entre las emociones que acarician ilusiones
    Filmando el horizonte con la pupila enamorada
    De quienes aman el rocío que nutre cada espora de vida…

    Un abrazo de guirnaldas
    Y un beso de esmeraldas.

    María Del Carmen

  54. Comfort foods. That's a fun idea for a post!

    I can easily forego regular milk chocolate, but I look forward to my daily dose of dark chocolates. I just let it melt in my mouth. Usually I'll have that with coffee.

    In cooler weather, I like chicken noodle soup with a BLT or grilled cheese.

    My friends all know that I'm a peanut butter freak. My favorite peanut butter flavored treat is a peanut butter cheesecake.

    Two more: home made guacamole and red pepper hummous.

    Mmmmm... I feel great just talking about them, Betty!

  55. Okay Betty...now you've made me hungry! :-)) My brain is screaming..."must get food". I guess this will be my excuse to stop blogging for the next hour to go eat...who doesn't like comfort food, right?!

  56. Chocolate always does the trick!

  57. Olá Betty, bela alimentação...Espectacular....

  58. I'm with you about soup. In fact, I had a bowl of homemade pasta fagioli for lunch today. Might have to have another for dinner. ;)

  59. Hi Betty, We all do have our comfort foods, don't we? Depending upon the season of the year, my comfort foods change.. In the Fall, I love chili... I also love pinto beans and cornbread.... ha

    Of course, I love my coffee year 'round... Can't go long without that!!!!


  60. Just about everything here, but chocolate anything is tops for me. Ice cream can be very comforting too, don't you think?

    Lovely photos. I love the perspective of the bread and cheese on the bread board.

    I hope all is well with you, dear Betty.

  61. You are a woman of taste. Besides chocolate, which goes without saying, I also love soup. It comforts me anytime of year. I had a bowl of cream curry lentil soup today. It was yummy.

    Hugs to you, Betty.

  62. Hi Betty, great post! My favourite comfort foods are roast chicken, homemade chicken soup and hot chocolate. Thank you so much for sharing.

  63. I really like my hot tea a couple of times a day, and nothing beats fresh bread while it's still warm.

  64. Anything with cheese and chocolate will make me happy :)

  65. Hilary said ice cream. That by itself is just okay for me. Pie by itself is also just okay for me.

    BUT... warmed peach or blueberry pie a-la-mode. Mh! That hits the spot!

  66. I love cheese. I kinda love food in general.

  67. Have a great Halloween!

  68. I LOVE food in general and your photos make me hungry;)

  69. Your soup looks delicious, I'm cooking soup right now! I love soup, bread, pasta and sweet potatoes. :)

  70. Yum! I like all of your comfort foods, but bread is my major weakness and downfall for sure!! Hope you're having a fabulous day and week so far! Happy Halloween my BBFF!! Xoxoxo

  71. Macaroni and cheese! Homemade of course!

  72. I enjoyed the reading and the amazing photos Betty :))... lovely blog


  73. Palabras e ideas que brotan del techado como un susurro y son tan dulces que se parecen a un beso...

    El que te envío en este instante, para felicitarte e fin de semana y seguir cultivando en armonía la semilla de la cordialidad, que se alimenta del rocío de las estrellas…

    María Del Carmen

  74. Anonymous5:18 PM

    It took me time to read all the tips, but I clearly loved the post. It proved to be very helpful to me and I'm certain to all of the commenters here!

  75. Great post! I love so many comfort foods that it would be hard to name just one! Loaded potato soup, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and chocolate are at the top of the list.

  76. oh...oh...dear, dear!!! I can only say...I'm fat...I cant eat when ever I feel down... or else...
    But that "pasta" oh... Love pasta, yes I do!!!

    But here in Portugal we do have so many good things to eat!!!

  77. As the days get shorter and the nights colder I enjoy making stews, thick and rich with vegetables and sometimes meat. The aroma fills the kitchen and makes me smile. Being a Southern girl by birth I might also make a batch of corn bread.

  78. blue shell, portuguese cuisine is really delicious i have to say:)

  79. enrique pelaez, welcome and thank you so much:)

  80. Anonymous5:34 AM

    I love any kind of bread! I had pumpkin spice bread today!

  81. I could go for any one of those comfort foods right now!
