Have a Fun Fall Weekend!

To me, Autumn or Fall is a wonderful time of year. But November is one of my favourite months; here are just few reasons why...
It's that beautiful time of the year when it's neither too hot nor too cold. November is a time to take stock and value time. While the year hasn't quite ended everyone is gearing up for the coming one.

With November comes the holiday season, which means so much good food and celebration in all shapes and forms; And holiday cooking! Stuffing, turkey with cranberry sauce or gravy and pumpkin pie.
So much fun, and family togetherness!

I don't know about you, but when it's cold nothing could possibly be better than curling up on my couch with a great book and a cup of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, marshmallows, and lightly sprinkled cinnamon.
Need I say more?

A frosty blue twilight which gradually lost itself in an elf-land of moonshine.

This time of year my thoughts return to snow. Snow is something I identify myself with. There is something hauntingly beautiful about it.
November is cold enough to wear your warm and cozy cloths. One of the things I love about it is that I get to wear my favourite warm sweaters, scarves and mittens. (Actually, I get disappointed when it is not too cold to wear them!)

What do you love/hate about November?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xx


  1. Beautiful shots!
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Happy TGIF my friend! My favorite about the fall is also the cooler temps, beautiful colors of leaves and the anticipation of time spent with loved ones over the holiday season and all the great food that comes along with it! :). I hope you have a wonderful and blessed weekend doll! Xoxoxo

  3. Each photo has its own beauty and feelings.

  4. November and December are my favorite months weather wise, we don't wear warm clothes but it is cool at night and warm in daytime and no AC/heat needed. we get up most morings to mid 60's and the day is mid 70's that is what i love. today we woke up to 45 which is brrrr weather for us, but now it is a bright sunny 70 and i just came in from sitting in the sun. Sunshine and COOL not cold temps is why i love November.

  5. Aqui estamos num calorão enorme. Bom friozinho por aí!Coisa boa! beijos,chica e adorei as imagens!

  6. Such a beautiful capture for the day, Betty! A perfect picture of Autumn at its best!! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!!

  7. Have a wonderful weekend you too darling...love Ria...xxx..

  8. You had me at whipped cream and cinnamon :)

    Lovely pics as always!

  9. Now I have to make some hot chocolate just like that. :) I love a fire, too.

  10. Preciosa la textura y las tonalidades.
    Un abrazo.

  11. Wow, the perfect scene with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate!
    Do not say more!!!
    I can understand what you are talking about....

    Sending my love from Greece! ♥♥♥

  12. dreamy scenes, dear betty.

  13. I LOVE hot chocolate, can´t get enough of it during the dark and cold months! :-)

  14. I love that snowy photo! So pretty. November is so exciting because the holiday season is close. I love how everyone seems so grateful and happy this time of year :)

  15. Beautiful pictures. November means the start of COLD weather and often lots of snow. I really don't mind either of these.

  16. Anonymous1:19 PM

    A mi me encanta, también, el Otoño.
    Es la época de la Renovación...del Recomienzo...además he nacido en Noviembre.
    Muy buen Post, lleno de belleza en Imágenes y Palabras
    Abrazos y besos.

  17. Πολύ όμορφες φωτογραφίες Μπέτη!Αργεί πολύ νά χιονίση εδώ!Τί πιό ωραίο από ένα όμορφο βιβλίο καί ένα φλυντζάνι ζεστή σοκολάτα!Η ιδέα κανέλας μού άρεσε!Ευτυχώς δρόσισε καί εδώ!Καλό καί ξεκούραστο Σ/Κ φίλη μου!Φιλιά!

  18. Para mi veo Noviembre el últimos mes con suerte y con buen tiempo pues desde él tan solo me queda esperar el frio y la nieve.
    Un abrazo y estoy de acuerdo en lo que dices

  19. The cooler weather of November is definitely welcome around here. Although we still have the AC on, it doesn't have to work as hard. We rarely get snow. I sure enjoy photos that others post of their snow.

    Have a cozy weekend!

  20. Such beautiful photos, Betty. I agree that Autumn is such a lovely time of the year, before it gets too cold, and you get out the woollies again!

  21. I don't like autumn so much because I don't like cold and rains.

  22. Μπέτυ....τι καταπληκτικές φθινοπωροχειμωνιάτικες φωτογραφίες!!!!Υπέροχα τα χρώματα και όλα το σκηνικό-))))
    φιλιά και καλό ΣΒΚ με ήλιο-)))

  23. I love fall too - love the temperatures and the colors and it seems like time might have slowed down a bit (I wish). And you have given me some thoughts of what to do this weekend! Have a good one. sandie

  24. You are November's ambassador!

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    ~ > < } } ( ° >

    > < 3 3 3 ( ' >

    ><}}(°> ~

  25. It's one of my favorites, too. Your photo sure captures the soft and mellow heart of the season.

  26. Attractive photos! Remined me that I haven't been out shooting for a long while...

  27. You have an attractive November.

    But it is just another month to me.

    And I enjoy every month.

  28. Hi Betty, lovely images and thoughts of November. I do love the holidays, with the food and the parties. I am not a winter person though, I will be looking forward to Spring. The hot Chocolate and a good book do sound wonderful. Wishing you a happy weekend!

  29. Exquisite composition, colors and exquisite textures. Autumn at its most delicious. A hug.

  30. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Wow -- each photo is a magical work of art!

  31. I love November because it is getting warmer. No need for sweaters or jackets. The washing pile is smaller. In fact I like this month for all the opposite reasons to your reasons for like it. They don't call us "Down Under" for no reason. hee hee

  32. Beautiful photos and thoughts dear Betty, the equivalent of November here is April, mid-Autumn, the air is cool and fresh but we still get sunny days.
    Have a lovely weekend!
    xoxoxo ♡

  33. Ah, Betty there you go again waxing eloquence about seasons and lovely offerings of the same. I wish you have November that fulfills all your heart's desires. The latter half of the year is a time that I love. And soon, we are going to relocate to a different place and I'm all excited and happy.

    Lots of love to you across ether.

    Warm hugs to keep you during the cool month of November.

    Joy always,

  34. Great post (as always) ... love the photos and the hot chocolate recipe.
    Have a great weekend Betty!

  35. Colourful leaves you have found and took it on camera, beautiful Betty.

  36. ¸.•°✿⊱╮╮
    Olá, amiga!

    Essas imagens são muito bonitas. Gosto de folhas secas, elas sempre me inspiram!... é que também gosto de artesanato.

    Bom fim de semana com tudo de bom:
    muita saúde e muita paz.

  37. mmmm Hot chocolate, cozy fire and a good book. Sounds delicious :) Your third photo reminds me of an encaustic painting.

    I love November because it's my birthday month.

  38. I'm not overly fond of November. Around here, it's usually too early for snow and too late for colourful leaves. But your beautiful photos could easily convince me otherwise.

  39. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Once this week is over, I shall try to take autumn pictures as well. Much needed indeed. Please have a good Sunday.

  40. You know, I used to really dislike autumn but thanks to incredible people like you who have shared their love of the season, I have come to love and appreciate it. Even though I have flu this weekend, I am glad to snuggle up and rest and just allow myself to get over it. It is definitely not winter here yet but we don't have much longer to go! I love your photos, as always.

  41. Σοβαροί οι λόγοι και πειστικός ο τρόπος που τα υπστηρίζεις για να αγαπήσει κανείς τον Νοέμβριο!!!
    Σου εύχομαι μια όμορφη φθινοπωρινή εβδομάδα!!!Πολλά φιλιά!!

  42. Excelentes cores de Outono....

  43. Even though I enjoy them all, Fall is my favourite season. All the work of garden, yard, canning and freezing vegetables has come to an end and I can spend a bit more time on my main passion which is stitching. I was hoping to get through November without any snow but we had 35 cm fall on us the last two days. Time to bring out the skis!

  44. As we just finished having a big snow storm with lots of snow, winter is not big on my 'like' list right now. Haha!
    But I do enjoy cozy sweaters, pretty scarves and warm mittens! :)
    Lovely images - keep warm!
    xo Catherine

  45. Hello Betty!
    Very interesting reasons to like both November and autumn!
    Beautiful photos!

    Have a nice week!

  46. I love Autumn. Like the colors in a sunset, the season passes very quickly. I like the cooler weather, too. And I like to bring out the sweaters and jackets. A warm fire is most appreciated when there is a good frost in the air. It won't be too long now before we see our first snow.

  47. AH! Beautifully captured!

  48. I love your images!:D

  49. Beautiful shots. Hope you had a great weekend.

    Have a great day!

  50. Wow - you still have fall colour ! Lovely shot, Betty.

    Enjoy your week.

  51. The colors are amazing.

  52. I have a date with hot chocolate planned for later this week.

  53. I am more of a summer girl, but I do love the autumnal colours, your photos today are gorgeous.

  54. Estupendos los colores que nos deja el otoño.


  55. Let me tell you that this picture is once again wonderful, until it seems unreal. congratulations

  56. I hope you're having a great weekend!

  57. Twoje zdjęcia są śliczne. Ja jednak nie jestem miłośniczką listopada. Dni są krótkie, niebo często szare i pada deszcz. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
    Your photos are beautiful. However, I am not a lover of November. The days are short, the sky is often gray and raining. Regards warm.

  58. Oh, some gorgeous shots here...my birthday is in November. I miss it being warm enough for me to sit on my porch and read.

  59. Hmmm, November? I love our American Thanksgiving. So much good food and family togetherness, for a short time anyway. I dislike the cold. I could do with 70 degrees all year to be truthful. :)

  60. well, November is great: we do have golden colors...but it is cold....LOL

    Beijinhos mil, minha querida

  61. Hey, it's been WAY too long!! Would you believe I've only seen snow about 3 times in my whole life?? Loving those snow pix - it's like an alien landscape to me!!!

  62. How beautiful!!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend too!

  63. Have a great weekend!

  64. red nomad, haha! that was my intention in the first place! :)

  65. Gorgeous autumn leaves!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Hope you are having a fabulous autumn time****

  66. Loved this post! :))
    And I also love November because it's spring in Brasil and because I was born this month. :))

    Thank you!!!!

    Warm hug and flowers from me to you!!!

  67. Preciosas fotografías otoñales con los bonitos tonos típicos de esta estación.
    Saludos Betty.

  68. Wow! Great photography.
