Blogging Notes

As most of you already know, here on CAD I post, one blog post per week and I'm fine with that. One post per week is the perfect balance for me, at least for the time being. I just gave up trying to post every day because it is too hard and sometimes real life has to come first.
I applaud people who can post everyday. I just can't. I tried to, but I was physically exhausted.

Gosh, things have been crazy over here. I've been so busy with work lately. I feel overloaded and I often have to work late to hit the deadlines. So today, I got the bright idea to write a quick and easy post and share some recent photos that I feel...

italian pizza
describe my current mood perfectly.
christmas mugs
orange sunset
I think there's no perfect blogging schedule for everyone, after all. Just do what feels good for you. It's your blog. So that means you can share what you want, when and how you want to.

How do you balance your "real life" and blogging? I'd love to hear how you do it. xx
How cute is this Free, Printable Thanksgiving card ? Download your Free, Printable Thanksgiving cards also here .

Linking to: Weekend Reflections

Sky Watch Friday


  1. I look only your blog.I am not interested in other blogs because I prefer real life.Happy thanksgiving!

  2. Ooohh, that last shot is so peaceful! Love the flowers in the windows, too. I have gone from blogging 3x per week to Mon-Fri with weekends off. So far, that's working okay for me. I may change to blogging less in 2014. Stay tuned! Enjoy the weekend, Betty.

  3. I have blogged every day for 4 years, but am starting to take time off. i have no life to interfere, other than housework. no social life and i can't shop because of low funds, so this is pretty much what i do. but that said it gets to be to much and i find a couple days off feels good. i am with you, do what feels good for you, if the joy is gone from blogging becoming a chore. that is not good. your photos are all beautiful and bring on the pizza and I love those two cups.. for me i need and outlet because i love to create things, and i am not a fan of Facebook... i think most bloggers have changed to that and twitter and pinterest.

  4. I use to try to keep to a schedule, but now just blog when I have something I feel like sharing.

    I look forward to seeing something from you in my reader each Friday. :) Your photos today are wonderful, as usual!

  5. Nice photos and it looks yummy!

  6. I love the "Rudolph" mugs!

    When I started blogging, I tried to do it daily. That gets old fast. I think the best thing is to do what's comfortable for you. This is supposed to be fun, after all.

  7. I enjoy your photography and am pleased you find time to post at least once a week.

    I usually prepare a few days worth of photos all at once and then post them to appear on certain days. In this way I don't blog every day but it appears that I do. However, when I eventually get to my email I usually know I'll be there for a long while, and that can be daunting even though I LOVE to visit other people's blogs.

  8. I love all the photos you've posted here. Fun to see a cupcake when I expected the sky!

  9. Hi Betty, I have gradually cut down my blogging --in order to have time for other things which I love. I do love Facebook --but it's simple and quick…

    I am glad you have found your balance. I do LOVE blogging and would never totally give it up since I have so many great friends.

    That pizza looks yummy.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. If I weren't an OLD, retired broad, I wouldn't be blogging like I do, but when I finally retired I thought I was going to go nuts!! What was I going to do???? But I do enjoy it and it keeps me off the streets!!! Glad you take time to share with us though whenever you have the time!! Enjoy your weekend, Betty!!


  11. That is so yummy ! I shouldn't stay too long on your blog or I will put on a little weight just by looking at all this food !

  12. Hi. Everyone has to find their own balance to blogging. I love the sunset shot. very peaceful. have a good week.

  13. just beautiful, betty. i live a very quiet, peaceful life so not too many busy times for me - and i like it.

  14. Hi Betty,

    I always love your photos so much. And I love your weekly posts.
    For me, I do three posts a week but I've loosened up a bit in that two a week are original, creative material and then one is a linkup that I can then be creative with, but it's part of a larger, organized thing. Like I'm a co-host of a link share and then I do the Ask Away Friday things.
    We all have to find a happy balance. Otherwise, it isn't worth it.

  15. I am prolific with blogging but I can understand about having breaks. Right now I am having a good spell of sharing photos and travels. I can see in the middle of winter I will be slowing down some. Love your photos, would love to have a set of those Rudolph Mugs. Happy Thanksgiving Betty :)

  16. Love your pictures. I used to feel the need to put out a post at least three tines a week,but recently it is just whenever I feel like it.Like you say,it is my blog,so I can do what is right for me.Have a good weekend.

  17. Enjoy a happy from me Ria....x !

  18. great series of images, very well covered.

  19. I loved CAD and your pix...thanks!! And A Happy Thanksgiving to you too...:)JP

  20. Beautiful sequence of shots. I love the capture of the birds against the beautiful sky.

  21. Great post, so much to see!

  22. Hi my friend! Gorgeous photos as usual. The cupcake is to die for and OMG the pizza AND the ADORABLE reindeer mugs - LOVE LOVE LOVE them all! :) I hope that you have a wonderful weekend ahead doll face and will chat soon! Big hugs!! :)

  23. så deilig og flott foto!

  24. I used to blog Wednesdays (for the POTW), Thursdays and Sundays. Now I just blog when I can but I hope to get back to my old schedule before too much longer.

    Lovely images as always, Betty. They tell me that your mood is sweet, festive and colourful.

  25. I've never understood how anyone can post every single day. I guess I just don't have enough of a life. I say do what's comfortable for you... as long as you don't disappear!

  26. Nice job! very good! hug

  27. I wish, I wish I could post two or three times a week! We just can't do everything we want, though. Having said that, while I totally understand that your juggling act, I sure do miss you when you're offline.

  28. I have a routine down pat for my blogging. Right now even working full time I able to do my post. It helps that I am not very long on the words, my blog is more like a photo blog. Sometimes it can be hard visiting others, I do try. I hope you stick around too, doing whatever you can!

    I loved your photos, especially the pretty sky shots. Pizza and cupcakes would serve my mood too. Have a happy weekend!

  29. Love love love the photos.
    I blog once a week ... I told myself when I started that I would blog 2 to 3 times a week ... but ... I was stressing out over it.
    Soooooo, once a week is working fine for me!
    Have an awesome weekend!
    diane @ aug's blog

  30. Glad to find you here and that pizza looks delicious.

  31. Hi Betty! I am working for that balance in blogging. Great pictures here! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  32. I blog when I have something to share or something I want to keep a record of, which ends up being at least twice a week.

  33. very good shots and a good post. thanks for sharing betty. have a good weekend.

  34. Beautiful images dear Betty.
    I enjoy visiting you here whenever you care to write a post ... real life is important, we must enjoy all of the moments we can.
    love and hugs
    xoxoxo ♡

  35. The photographs indicate that your life appears to be calm and satisfying. And starting with dessert is always a good thing.

    Life, at least mine, has a way of changing my focus and hence the best laid plans go awry.

    I'm trying to get back to a regular schedule in both reading and writing in the blog sphere. I am sorting through what my focus for blogging since graduation. Questions around whether I need to separate my interests into more than one blog but that seems daunting.

    On my to do list is to build a web site just for my art practice and have the blog share all things related to my creative side.

    Thank you for your friendship and being a part of my virtual community.

    Hugs from Canada's west coast.

  36. Dear Betty,
    I'm a huge fan of your beautiful artistic creations, you girl are talented! :)
    Wishing you a nice weekend!

  37. Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
    Πόσο συμφωνώ μαζί σου!
    Κι εμένα οι μέρες μου είναι τόσο γεμάτες, με δουλειές, με ενδιαφέροντα, με μαγειρική...
    Από τότε που έγινα γιαγιά, είμαι περισσότερο απασχολημένη.
    Κι εγώ μία φορά στις 8-10 μέρες, κάνω μια ανάρτηση και επισκέπτομαι μερικούς φίλους στα blog τους.
    Θα ήθελα να πηγαίνω περισσότερο, αλλά δεν έχω χρόνο.
    Κάποτε μου είπαν τα παιδιά μου, πως το blog είναι για ευχαρίστηση και όχι πηγή άγχους.'
    Και πράγματι, έτσι είναι.
    Υπέροχες οι φωτογραφίες σου!!!
    Σου στέλνω μια μεγάλη αγκαλιά και πολλά φιλιά!

  38. It's always so lovely to see what is going on in your world. Busy is good, but you are never too busy to stop and cherish little moments.

  39. Fab photos as ever, Betty, especially the floral ones. I have been following Elizabeth's (at challenge to blog every day in November, according to a daily prompt. It is a big reponsibility! I won't continue daily, but i will aim to blog more often!

  40. That looks yummy. Good for you for finding the balance. Blogging is fun; it shouldn't be work.

  41. Every day? Pah. Who the hell has time for that?

    Thank you for sharing the gorgeous photos!

  42. Such pretty photos! A while back I decided what works best for me is posting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Every day is too much, but 3 times a week is perfect for me. Hope you have a great rest of the weekend :)

  43. I have come to the same conclusion as you...I will blog when the mood strikes me. I absolutely adore ALL of these photos. They say so much!

  44. C'est la gesse même que de ne pas te laisser dévorer par ton blog. La vraie vie ne se trouve jamais là. Nous sommes dans le virtuel, le consommable, le jetable et il ne faut pas l'oublier. Comme toi, Betty, j'ai pris du recul par rapport à mon blog et je poste une fois tous les dix jours ce qui ne m'empêche pas d'avoir beaucoup de lecteurs. Au début, je postais, une fois par jour. J'ai vite compris que j'y laisserai ma liberté. Belle fin de journée, Betty et à bientôt.



  45. Posting everyday can become a chore and then its not fun. I post once or twice a week when I feel like it so that it still fun. I have many other hobbies to catch up with so I will be cutting back too.

  46. I don't think of blogging daily as mandatory. I usually do two or three on one blog, and more on my pet events blog (all time sensitive). The worst thing to do is blog because you think you have to.

  47. Beautiful, the cake enticing, yummy.

  48. Photos as delicious as the food!
    Un abrazo!

  49. Wonderful shots dear Betty!!!I agree with you!!It is'nt easy to follow every day posts!!!Ho has time for that!!!Whish you a happy new week!!!

  50. Beth, cada um pode fazer o que quiser nos blogs. Não devemos achar que temos obrigação de vir postar,né?

    Adoro quando vens e nos trazes tantas coisas lindas.Isso é SEMPRE!! beijos,chica

  51. I love your beautiful pics.

    I have to schedule my posts ahead of time or I'd never survive.

  52. Nice set of your pictures! sunset looking amazing..

  53. Beautiful photos, great.

  54. Hi Betty,
    good morning,
    Look, people who post every day, "I think" only dedicated to do that,
    because otherwise, I do not understand where they get the time. =P

    nice links
    (creation and editing cards)
    they are very useful. =)
    thanks for sharing

    Wishing you a beautiful Tuesday
    a big kiss

    (what's that? pizza?
    you have there a bit for me?)

  55. Such an amazingly creative post, how I wish I could express myself in this way.

    Largely housebound because of my mobility issues its both a pleasure and a pain that I get to spend so much time blogging. A pleasure because I get to devote so much time to what interests me whilst getting to meet wonderful people such as yourself. A pain because at times I'd love to have a fuller life outside of the blogosphere.

  56. όμορφες και νόστιμες φωτογραφίες Μπέτυ!!!
    Πολλά φιλιά-)

  57. I post when I have something to share. There are times that I can share and live life. There are times when life is the only thing I'm capable of doing. its your blog, post when you feel the inspiration!

    I love the pictures! Your mood reflects mine closely today!

  58. I simply do it when it suits me. Anything else would just be another item on my to-do list, and I already have enough of those! :-)

    I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving, Betty.

  59. ...ciao Betty, sono stato assente dai blog per alcuni mesi,ma ora eccomi qui per riprendere a leggerti...abbraccio...

  60. I usually only blog 4 days a week. Sometimes I find that to be too difficult and step away for a bit, which is always nice. If the joy is ever gone, I have no problem walking away from it completely. I guess everyone just needs to find the balance that works for them.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  61. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos with us. I've also struggled to find the right balance between blogging and 'real' life. Good luck in your effort.

  62. Happy Thanksgiving!!:D

  63. I'll take as much Betty as I can get-y!

    Happy Hanukkah and Thanksgiving, Dear

  64. thank you, dear betty. i so appreciate your kindness and friendship. bless you.

  65. Hello Betty, I happen you to greet and to wish you you all good goes. Rich pizza and sweet the one that you us expose.
    An embrace.

  66. I always enjoy your photos. Happy Thanksgiving, dear!


  67. I have slowed down on my blogging too. It's hard to fit that in plus read all the wonderful blogs out there and keep up with your life too!

    Love sleepy kitty below's post. Cute!

    Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

    xo Catherine

  68. Lovely shots. Yes, you have to blog for fun, not pressure!
    Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  69. I usually try to post once every 5 days but have been updating with quick posts here and there in between. It's not about the time it takes to post for me, I just want to have time to reply to my comments and visit everyone's blogs. I'm like you, I totally believe in reciprocation.

  70. I try to post whenever I can but don't have any set schedule. If I'm doing a particular "meme" then I post for that and sometimes I just do my own random posts as well. It can get tiring sometimes and I think everyone needs a bit of a break now and then.

    Loving your sky shots here and those cool reindeer mugs.
