Google Image Search + Have a Great Weekend!

 living room with white marble fireplace
Hello, everybody! I hope you're having a nice week. I am sorry for having been a bit MIA the last week. I have had a really bad cold, but I'm feeling noticeably better today, thank goodness. 

Lately, I've been focusing on my images and I've found that photo optimization is one of the most important things of blog rank on search engines.
Have you ever wondered why is it that when I do a Google image search my photographs never show up?

So today I thought I'd share some information that will hopefully increase your blog traffic. Optimizing the images used in your blog's can make a huge difference to a blog being found in the search engines.
We all know that search engines do not see images. So in order to help Google bots "see" your photo, you need to add an "alt" tag to each picture. Alt tag plays a wonderful role because search engine cannot read the picture but it can read the text you read as the "alt" tag.

TUTORIAL: How to add an "alt" tag to images:

First, upload your image. Let's use this picture above as an example...

Next, you'll need to click on the "HTML" tab at the top.

Now find the part that starts with < img
This is where you'll add your alt tag. It will look like this:
< img alt = "image description text" border ="0"
Take a look at the actual code: < img alt="living room with white marble fireplace" border= " 0 "
That's pretty simple, right?
Remember, Google bots not only crawl the text on my blog, but they also search for keywords within my image (file). I'm personally getting benefits from photo optimization as I give alt tags to my images.
If you're not using alt tags on your pictures, you're more than likely missing out on potential visitors. Well-optimized images can generate a lot of traffic to a blog/site. Not everyone is aware of it though. We need to spread the word! Now more people will be able to find our blog's YEAH!!

I hope you'll find this little tutorial helpful.

Hope you have a wonderfully creative weekend! xx

Linking to From the Farm


  1. Ohh! And as a photographer, I really WANT people to find my blog and my images.
    Thank you!!

  2. Nice weekend!

  3. Thanks Betty! I'll definitely do this.

  4. Thanks for sharing this information, Betty, and have a fabulous weekend!

  5. an interesting tidbit. thanks, betty! and glad you're feeling better!

  6. Interesting tip!

    Sorry to hear you've been sick and hope you're back to 100% soon!

  7. takk for det, god helg :-)

  8. hope you feel better today.. i am terrified to touch the HTML..... the only thing i do in there is copy and paste.. i tried a tutorial once on understanding HTML and my head almost exploded... LOL... love the fireplace....and so will all those millions of people who can find you now... i often wondered how people from other countries find my blog...i get comments from them and wonder how they found me

  9. Glad to read you are feeling a little better, I've been wondering how you were doing.

    Thanks for that information, I can see it would be helpful to those bloggers who share the sort of wonderful images you do.

    Hoping you have a great weekend. x

  10. How neat… I will definitely try that. Another thing which seems to help me (and I get lots of views on certainly things) is to put the 'right' info in the title.. We seem to like cutsie titles (like my blog today has) in order to catch someone's attention. However, my title says nothing about the post itself. IF I had have said "We got SNOW" --that would have gotten more interest from others..

    Hope you feel better soon.. You have certainly had bad luck with sickness this past year, haven't you?


  11. Well, thank you very much for that helpful information! Keep feeling better and have a nice weekend!

  12. Muy interesante tu información desconocía este detalle.
    Un feliz fin de semana.

  13. Glad you are feeling better!

  14. Holy moosepoops...another challenge!!!...:)JP

  15. Woah, I had no idea! This is some really great info! I usually cringe at the thought of editing HTML, but I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for the awesome tip and have a great weekend!

  16. Happy Ria...x !

  17. Hello Betty, so happy you are feeling better. What a great idea and thanks for the lesson. LOL, I had to laugh at JP's comment above.
    Wishing you a happy weekend!

  18. Wow, thanks!

    Glad you are feeling better

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

  19. I didn't knew these techniques!Thanks for the valuable information!

  20. Well - I don't think I'll be fooling with the HTML anytime soon - but I am careful about labels and description for search engines, so that seems to help. It also helps that I live in a resort area that people visit, so I think my blog comes up when they google the town.

  21. Wow now that is tenacity - I don't know if I could have done it! Thanks.

  22. A nifty little tutorial. Thanks. Keep on feeling better!

  23. Thanks for the info. An interesting and easy tip. Glad you are feling a little better keep on improving.

  24. This is very useful information! Thank you for sharing. I am going to be a busy bee changing all my photos now!

  25. Hello my sweet sweet bloggy bff! I hope you're finally over your cold once and for all. These are great tips and I hope to incorporate them into my blog soon as well. I hope you're having a great weekend. Miss you! Big hugs! xoxoxo

  26. Simple? HA! I'm glad you figured it out though. Hope you are feeling better!

  27. Thanks for the tip Betty.
    Have a wonderfull sunday.

  28. Thanks for the advice, hope you feel better and are having a nice weeknd.

  29. Sorry you've had a cold. Interesting post with some nice images!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  30. Great tip, Betty! I'm glad you're feeling better!

  31. Great tutorial Betty! Also, if you use Windows Live Writer to compose blog posts, the image setting make it easy to do title and alt tags.

  32. Lovely blog, and excellent tutorial, thanks Betty.

  33. Olá Betty, excelente dica....

  34. Yes, interesting, thank you very much for this great tutorial, I'll use it! A hug!

  35. thanks for the tip. You make it look easy. I don't know that I am comfortable with HTML. eeek....

    Hope you are back to 100% quickly!

  36. Thanks for the info, Betty.
    I hope you are completely better, real soon.

  37. This is something I hadn't even thought about. Thanks for the information. I hope you are completely over your cold by now.

  38. Thanks for the great tip -- hope you are feeling better! xo

  39. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Ya te echaba de menos por mi espacio. La verdad es que te valoro y te quiero mucho. Eres, junto una seguidora de Canada, otras 3 de EE.UU y 2 de Australia las seguidoras en habla inglesa y, por eso, os tengo tanto cariño y amor...Así que ya sabes...¡¡¡No Tardes tanto Tiempo en visitarme!!!¿OK?
    Magnífico Tutorial para poder defenderse por Internet.
    Abrazos y Besos Mil.

  40. ¸.•°♡♡♫° ·.

    Informações muito interessantes.
    Boa semana!
    °º✿♫ Beijinhos

  41. I'm glad you are feeling better - so many colds and flues this time of year!
    xo Catherine

  42. Appreciate the tip. Hope you're doing much better !

  43. Interesting tip. Maybe I'll even get brave enough to try it. ;))

  44. I did it! Do you know how this is different from using the Labels function in the draft/edit menu?

    I used to use labels a lot, but life got crazy-busy and I haven't added Labels since August--shame on me.

  45. Good tips!!n thanks for sharing ..

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Thank you for the great tip. I had no idea! Hope you're feeling better by now.

  48. Eillen Lawson10:09 AM

    Thank you for this tip.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  49. Hi, thanks for the information, have a good day.

  50. Thanks Betty! I had no idea about this. Hope you are feeling better.

  51. Περαστικά σου αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ!
    Πολύ ωραίο το μάθημα και ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ!
    Όμως εγώ ανεβάζω πολλές φωτογραφίες σε κάθε post. Θα περιγράφω κάθε φορά στο alt δίπλα, τι απεικονίζει κάθε φωτογραφία; Όπως έγραψες εσύ σαλόνι με τζάκι.....
    Αν προσθέσω μόνο το alt ok, αλλά να περιγράφω κάθε εικόνα, πολύ δύσκολο.
    Φιλάκια πολλά

  52. Thanks!!! Stopping by from SitsGirl Blog hop!

  53. Thanks so much for posting this! I never would have done this otherwise. Is there an easy way to do more than one description?
