Is Blogging Taking Over Your Life?

sunset in monochrome and birds-is blogging taking over your life?
Is blogging taking over your life? Does blogging ever leave you feeling overwhelmed? Does it prevent you from living your life? You're not alone.

You've got to take back control.

Blogging does have a way of controlling us instead of us controlling blogging. Lately, I found myself rushing from task-to-task and pushing past my limits working at 110% for week on end. I would like to confess: I am a terrible manager of time. Effective time management is something that I struggle with.

Blogging is fun but it takes hard dedication and a lot of sacrifice. Just get up earlier to write a post and read blogs, which means that you're only getting five hours of sleep at night. Should we be sacrificing our health?

There has to be a balance between blogging and living your life. When we focus our life on blogging...we forget to live. However, it's very hard to balancing it all with our life and still stay sane.
It's taken a few months, but I now feel that I've just about got the life-blogging balance right.

If you have a big dream for your blog or you want to grow your blog but struggle to get the balance right, here are 3 tips that I, personally, found to be the most useful and effective tips for a better life-blogging balance- Having been at blogging for four years and counting, I've learned a few things that might help.

Set Priorities-Do Less-Take a Break

-Set Priorities: Yes, prioritizing is key to balancing life and blogging. (Acknowledging that you have responsibilities, but also carve out time for yourself.)

-Do Less: Slow down. ( Notice what needs to be done.) This is a really helpful and effective strategy recommended by blogger Leo Babauta .

-Take a Break: Sometimes, you just need a break - from everything! (Clear your mind and refresh yourself to refocus. To regroup.)

I love blogging. I wouldn't trade it for the world. And I love all the people I've met through blogging. I haven't just made useful acquaintances, I have made friends. And I'm immensely grateful for the continuing support and engagement of a growing readership.
But down deep I know that if I want to keep loving blogging, I need to take a step back and assess my priorities.

How do you balance life and blogging? xx
(Top cartoon by David Walker , bottom cartoon via , illustration by Cem Kiziltug )


  1. Awesome post, Betty... I am a good example of someone who has done too much blogging in past. I'm also one who has slowed it down some and can manage it better.

    Here's what I changed:
    -stopped posting blogs every day or two
    -don't blog at all when I am doing other things (travel/Family History/working in yard, etc.)
    -keep track of who comes to me and leaves comments --and try to get back to them at least once/twice a week (NOT every time they blog)

    I love writing blogs since we do travel so much and I have so much to share. BUT--my problem comes in taking time to visit 60-80 other blogs regularly... That is what is time-consuming... BUT--it's hard not to feel guilty when I don't visit them often...

    SO---there's no easy answers other than each of us just learning to enjoy it and blog when we have time --and NOT allow it to take up so much of our busy lives.

    Great post.

  2. i have scaled back the blogs i follow but i still try to visit those that are not in my regular reading list when they stop to see me. it takes a lot of time and work - yes, dedication - and it can take too many hours from my days. i have no grand plans for my blog, but so enjoy the folks i share life with here in blogland.

  3. I do the same as Tex, and I, too, have to back off a bit now and then. But at my age and living alone, it has been the best thing ever to keep my mind functioning and to bring so many wonderful people into my life. No, no grand plans for my blog, just enjoy the fun and the wonderful people I have met in blogland!! Hope you have a great weekend, Betty!!

  4. no comment, you will laugh your head off when you read my post from yesterday and today. be sure to read part one first... i am laughing now.... i agree with all you said but as you will see will most probably not do it... love you. and your post. i have no grand plans. i just like having fun

  5. I love blogging...while my husbunny is watching tv...i am behind my laptop.....i do not watch tv that is my your Ria...x !

  6. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I think we all struggle with keeping up but I treasure my blog friendships and always try to return someone's visit. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  7. This is true for most bloggers.I don't think that i am interested in having a blog.This is because i do things for me and i don't care how others will like or not those i do.

  8. it's always nice to read your comments/opinions guys and thanks for the great feedback.

  9. Hi Betty, I agree with you, blogging is becoming slowly addiction and life goes by so fast ... but I'm also happy for many new and dear friends.
    Greetings and wish you a nice weekend.

  10. Thanks for a very timely post as far as I'm concerned/ Sometimes it seems as if blogs have taken over my life. However, I still enjoy blogging for the most part. I really like the people I've met through blogging.

  11. I love this post, Betty, and I'll be interested in seeing what others have to say as well. I love blogging and I don't watch much tv, so most of my evening hours are spent reading blogs. And often throughout the day, like now, when I want a break from housework, etc, I'll peek in on a few blogs and do a little commenting. I know some people have strong feelings about blog reciprocity. It takes a huge amount of time to comment on every single blog I read, so I'd be interested in learning how others manage to keep up with it all. I do try to comment on the blogs that follow me as best I can. Now I'm off to check out the link! Have a nice weekend!

  12. I have been spending less time blogging recently. I guess I'm a little burned out. I definitely get where you're coming from.

  13. I have been spending less time blogging recently. I guess I'm a little burned out. I definitely get where you're coming from.

  14. This post really resonated with me! It can be hard to balance life and blogging. For me, the most time spent is visiting other blogs and bloggers who stop by and visit my blog. I like to return all the visits and emails, so it can be time consuming! I really love all the friendships I've made and sometimes that is what keeps me going the most.

  15. I just admit it, I'm a blogger.

  16. It's only fun if it isn't a compulsion - life's too short. However, I have met some great people through Blogging. Sometimes, I just take Blogcations because who really cares if I write a post or not?

  17. Well, Betty... the truth is I used to dedicate a lot more time to blogging than I do now. My schedule nowadays simply doesn't permit it. I'm balancing my marriage, my doctoral program, my work, and my writing, and then all of the other things I have to do to make life livable. Sometimes it's overwhelming.

    Blogging is fun, but I truly value the moments I spend feeling fully alive, versus sitting in front of my laptop for one more hour so I can punch out a blogpost or leave comments on others' blogs. It's a matter of priorities, I guess.

    I don't blog because I want to become a famous blogger. I blog because I enjoy writing, and sharing some of what I write with whoever is interested. I also blog because it's nice to open oneself up to what's out there in the world. I just like to remain mindful of what's in my immediate environment while I do that.

    I wish you a beautiful weekend, Betty. :-)

    Big hugs,

  18. Great post, Betty.. I have no great plans for my blog..I am not into blogging to be famous.. it is all just for fun... For now I like blogging.. It can be hard working full-time and blogging..I try to keep up with returning comments and visiting blogs..I do admit it is hard..I am a morning person, so I enjoy commenting early in the morning when hubby is still sleeping..Have a happy weekend!!!

  19. Wonderful, what is important is the freedom to live and enjoy it! Hugs!

  20. I have a great idea. If EVERYONE would stop blogging, then I wouldn't have so much guilt for the amount of time I spend peering into the lives of others and might actually have a life of my own! LOL! I have never had great plans for my blog, it has always been more about the interaction and friendships that are a result of just being involved in blogging.

  21. Yup. I hear you. I have scaled back from what I used to do, and I still feel too much pressure sometimes. (heavy sigh) Excuse me while I reach for a piece of dark chocolate...

    Mmmm... I feel better now. If I could, I'd offer you some of my Dove dark chocolate squares. They help me bear through a myriad of trials.

  22. Fine post, Betty. It can indeed be difficult to find the balance. Sometimes I fall far behind in blogging.. other times I fall far behind in real because of it. I think everyone has a different fulcrum to find for their own balance. Good food for thought here.

  23. great and useful information! thanks
    Betty.. happy weekend :)

  24. Great post, a subject that I'm sure many people struggle with. With me it's simple. 5 years ago or so I was convinced I would be a famous blogger and my life we be off and running. I used to stress because I hadn't blogged in a day or 2. No more. I've accepted the fact that if I want to blog, do it for me, when I want to and for my enjoyment. I too have made some really great friends blogging and I have learned that when I do disappear for no apparent reason for a period of time, when I come back, my friends are right there. I don't sweat it any longer. It's just fun.

  25. Well you are a way head of me on blogging.
    I think I have gotten to the point I want to do so many other things going on - I guess my life has changed a lot in the past 10 years.
    I don't want to give up blogging either.
    But I do have to downsize my blogging and upsize my living right now.

  26. Very good Betty!
    Have a nice weekend

  27. Hello Betty! Congratulations for this so interesting and useful entry. I believe that sometimes we dedicate enough time to our blog ... and we forget other great details important mas that the maintenance of our blog. Your advices seem to me to be very good, now it has to put it into practice.
    An embrace and happy weekend.

    P.D.: I am charmed with my blog, across I teach my Photoshop's knowledge for the others, in a disinterested way.

  28. Ten post jest chyba na moje zamówienie :). Ja jestem właśnie na etapie przemyśleń o moim blogu. Uwielbiam go i moich przyjaciół, ale muszę wrócić na trochę do życia poza nim. Upewniłaś mnie, że muszę sobie zrobić przerwę. Pozdrawiam.
    This post is probably on my order :). I'm just at the stage of thinking about my blog. I love it and my friends, but I have to go back a little to life outside of it. Damn sure that I take a break. Yours.

  29. I love blogging more than most things, but I do need to take it easy every now and then. And it feels great and refreshed!

  30. Muy interesantes tus reflexiones respecto a los límites en la utilización de blogger, que es aplicable a cualquier otra actividad. ¡Ah! y la fotografía excelente, cargada de magia. De las mejores que te he visto.
    Un abrazo.

  31. What an insightful post and one I'm sure many of us will relate to. As I posted on FB yesterday .....

    Used to thinking something & realising I've said it out loud, I'm worried I'll get to the stage where I'm thinking something and realise I've posted it on FaceBook.

    A sure sign I'm in danger of social media taking over my life don't you think.

  32. Great post, Betty!

    I have few readers of my blog and that doesn't bother me as it's really not a priority in my life. It's just something I enjoy doing on the side.

    I learned early on I couldn't read a million blogs a day, so I limit myself to just a few I really enjoy - yours being one of them!

  33. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Es cierto; debemos mantener un equilibrio entre el tiempo dedicado y nuestra vida personal.
    ¡¡¡Gracias por estar siempre en mi blog!!!
    Abrazos y Besos.

  34. I'm visiting from the SITS Girls link up. I think this is an interesting concept. I love blogging and don't worry about it taking over my life, but I do worry about it driving my husband crazy. Thanks for sharing.


  35. Queda prohibido no intentar comprender a las personas,
    pensar que sus vidas valen más que la tuya,
    no saber que cada uno tiene su camino y su dicha.

    Queda prohibido no crear tu historia,
    no tener un momento para la gente que te necesita,
    no comprender que lo que la vida te da, también te lo quita.

    Queda prohibido no sonreír a los problemas.
    Queda prohibido no buscar tu felicidad…
    …yo la busco cada amanecer y me responde con una sonrisa.

    ¡¡Un cálido abrazo
    y feliz fin de semana para ti!!

    María Del Carmen

  36. I started blogging to keep my sister in Australia up to date with my doings, as the time difference makes chatting difficult. I love it, and am thrilled when people take the time to look, and better still, leave a sweet comment. In Niovember i took a challenge to blog every day, which I did, but it was a struggle. I post weekly now, as I did before, I can manage that! I love reading the blogs of kindred spirits, and those whose lifestyle are wildly different from mine.I don't do fb or twitter, much prefer to see people's musings with some lovely photos!

  37. Great post and all true. I'm trying to abide by this, blogging Is great but within reason.

  38. Oh, my God. When I saw this post on SITS, I got a pit in my stomach because I was afraid to read this post, yet, I knew I should. Hi. I'm Courtney. And I'm a blog-o-holic.

    Seriously, though, I need to do better at balancing it all: "Effective time management is something that I struggle with." This. Is. Me.

    It's already bad enough that I have a 5 month-old and 30-month old and don't get enough sleep as it is...but I'm late to this blogging game, having just started 2 months ago, so I feel like I have to work harder to get established.

    Anyhow, I love this post. Plus I've joined your site via Google Friends Connect. (Stopping by from SITS.) :-)

  39. A great post dear Betty, I must admit I am guilty of letting blogging take up too much of my time but over the last couple of months I have slowed down quite a lot, limiting my time in front of the computer.
    It is so much fun though, I love catching up with all of my friends to see what they have posted.
    Love and hugs sweet girl!
    xoxoxo ♡

  40. Terrific advice! I do let blogging take over and then I get tired and walk away and then start all over again!

  41. I think new bloggers get caught up in the numbers game -- followers, readers.

    After a few years, I've come to terms with the fact "it's just a blog."

    Life is meant to be lived and if all you do is spend time on the Interwebs, there's not much to blog about, is there? :)

    Great post Betty. Happy Sunday to you, my friend. xo

  42. I feel you Betty. Lately, I have been limiting the posts on my blog site as well. When inspiration hits, then blog.
    Keep up the great work you do here.

  43. I'm thankful for all the people I've met in blogland that make it feel fun and pleasant, versus burdensome. Of course, you are one of those people, Betty. It's been a priority that I choose, but it has detracted somewhat from my writing time. I've gotta say Facebook has had a much worse impact on me. =)

    Hugs to you.

  44. I don't feel like it takes over. I do it when I do it :) Love the photo!

  45. I used to blog every day, because it was meant to be more of a personal diary of sorts. I switched to M-F at one point and now MWF. That is working for me, I think, although I do feel sapped of inspiration at times. I think about taking a break and have taken minor ones. But blogging has brought a lot to my life - just to think of the people I have met is overwhelming (in a positive way.)

  46. Great advice! I love blogging, but realized pretty quickly how time-consuming it can be. I first limited myself to blogging 3x a week; now I blog 5 days a week and take weekends off. I may not grow my blog doing it that way, but I do have a life outside of blogging that I want to live. Thank you for sharing this!! You're awesome. :)

  47. I've been blogging since '08 and it does take dedication.

  48. There's some great advice here Betty. Blogging can take over if we let it but I basically consider it as a diary/journal of my everyday life and an albumn for all my photos. I have always written a daily journal. Blogging seemed like a natural transference of thoughts. I don't stress over trying to keep up. I just enjoy it, and when it comes to be a chore rather than a fun hobby, I will stop. This post, however, gives a lot of food for thought, very well written and one I enjoyed. Thanks Betty and have a great week.

  49. I went from blogging every day, to 4 times a week, and now about once every 5 or 6 days. I still love blogging but it does take time and effort to put some good thoughts out there.
    As long as it keeps making us happy!! :)
    xo Catherine

  50. ha. it used to be more consuming. i have made a few adjustments of late...famous never lasts anyway you know...but we can always me it is about relationships...those you visit whenever you are on...the things you learn of each other...though you may never meet...but i have met about 13 in real life...which is really cool actually...

  51. It boils down to matters elementary-
    Blogging I guess has to be a recreation a mode of relaxation and relieving. It certainly cannot be the end in itself.

  52. Looks like many of us are in the same boat as you. I have often wondered how people with huge numbers of commenters keep up. Blogging can become addictive and one must keep that in mind. I keep a small number of friends that way it doesn't take so long to visit them all. I can also get to know them better. I restrict myself to only blogging when all the chores are done. I don''t start until after 4 in the afternoon although I read comments in the morning.

  53. Hi friend - great subject matter! I've not gotten back to blogging the last 2 weeks - I've just not had the time. Hope all is well your way! Miss you my BBFF!!! xoxoxo

  54. Yes, you are right in your thoughts on keeping the blog, I think the most important thing is life, but sometimes I spend too much time on the blog!

  55. Interesting topic!
    A wonderful picture!!!
    Kiss Bety!

  56. I love this post and the first I too try to do it all and cram it all in and they stay up way too late expending way too much energy writing the post about it. Lately I've begun giving myself a break and not feeling compelled to take on this task or another. It's helping. good luck to you with all the multitasking I'm sure you do too. Hope your week is turning out to be a lovely one. :)

  57. I totally hear you and agree! In my first full year of blogging (2010). I posted EVERY day. Not just little throw away posts, but full-on stories, book chapters, I had 354 posts on my main blog and almost as many on my photo blog. I was burnt out! It was all consuming. Now I have only one blog and post once a week. Commenting on blogs also takes a ton of time, but I enjoy that as much as blogging myself. Real life comes first now...

  58. Good post, Betty.
    Everyone is different, but for me, if it becomes a responsibility or just another item on my to-do list, then I know I should not be here.

  59. I love the birds behind the fence !

  60. Firstly, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

    This is a great post, Betty, and thank you for sharing this. On a personal level, I find blogging to be therapeutic for me, as I mostly do my posts in the evenings during my relaxation and "me" time.

  61. My blogging morphed from one blog to keep 'those back home' informed of my life after I moved to New Zealand to sharing the wonderful scenery that I photograph. At some point, I decided that I would blog for me and not for readers and that works for me. I don't worry about views and comments (although, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the attention!). The two blogs seem to speak for themselves these days.

  62. Hello Betty!!
    Oh,yes!I love blogging ,because i do,nt like watching TV!I post once the week,but I have met some great people through Blogging!Thank you for visiting my post!I was glad to see you again!!Φιλάκια!!

  63. ✿✿º°。

    Você tem razão é preciso equilíbrio.

    Bom restinho de semana.

  64. I have definitely let it get to that point before, but now when I'm just not feeling it, I take a day off. I want to remember life outside the computer!

  65. Anonymous10:32 PM

    What a great post!

    I've cut down on blogging and only post twice a week now in order to keep up with comments, take photos, write posts -but most of all, to enjoy life with my kids.

  66. awesome post and perspective - I agree with all you have said. Blogging does seem to have a way of overtaking your life. I have tried to cut back on my blogging/flickr/facebook. How on earth did it come to this? It creeps up on you. There are more important things than blogging, says I, as I start planning what my next Monday's blog post will be so it is ready on time.....I need to step back and make it simpler too.
    Thanks for the post. Have a wonderful week, and thank you for taking the time to stop over at my blog today!

  67. To answer the question in the title, well, NO. I am not looking to become famous trough blogging either. I like the interaction with other people, people from around the world. Visiting someone's blog is like visiting their house. Love that. :)

    Thank you for visiting my bloggie, it is nice meeting you too!! :)

  68. So so true. The first thing I did when I started blogging in 2008 was the last thing I did this time around.I want people to read my blog, but I don't want to miss out on my kiddies growing up etc...

    Great post.

  69. I love this post. There are times that I blog every day of the week and others when I don't post a single thing.

  70. Loved your post. I recently took part in a series of blogging workshops (me, the veteran!) and realised that I had created my own theory and practice without realising. I don't let blogging take over my life but I do try to post at least twice per week.

    Greetings from London.

  71. Hi Betty,
    You do not have to feel guilty ....

    I wish you a wonderful Friday and happy weekend.

    Greetings and hugs.

  72. Thank you for the nice comment, I appreciate it.


  73. Existe un lugar donde todo es posible...
    Donde todo es verdadero, donde se siente paz,
    donde las flores tienen un aroma especial,
    y los abrazos van acompañados de una esencia diferente.

    Y en este lugar…
    ¡¡El corazón!!

    Es donde yo acojo al amigo que tiene la amabilidad,
    de pasar a visitarme y dejarme
    unas palabras salpicadas de cariño cada semana.

    Besos y abrazos multicolores en este domingo,
    para ese especial amigo hoy mañana y siempre!!

    María Del Carmen

  74. I consider you not only a friend, but a blogging role model, Betty

    ALOHA from Honolulu

    =^..^= <3

  75. Very nice thoughts, I have changed over the years and tried a variety of ideas out

  76. It's not the Blogging that consumes me these days...its Facebook...lord help me lol...congrats on Post of the Week

  77. Hi Betty, I'm here from Hilary's. Congratulations on your post of the week.

    I like your creativity and spin on the question many of us ask - how much to blog.

    I've been blogging 5 years and it seems that each year, my purpose and goal changes. I've probably settled with the simple "enjoyment of writing and reading." I learn so much from the everyday people who put their fingers to the keyboard.

    And getting to know people has been great. Who year I may say something different.

  78. thank you so much for your wonderful feedback. thank you all for your great insights.

  79. When I began, I posted three times a week. I have no idea how I did that. Now, I don't post as often, but hopefully have more to say when i do. It is difficult to keep up, but I so enjoy going back to my blogging friends and catching up with them.

    Blogging is time-consuming and I so understand the time management issue.

  80. dhenz dhenz, thanks for stopping by but your comment seems irrelevant to the topic.

  81. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Bonjour je suis le webmaster de plusieurs sites dans plusieurs domaines et avec plusieurs page rank différent jusqu'à PR 8 j'attend tous vos propositions pour échange sur mon e-mail:
    exemples de site:

    Page rank 0 Pose de parquet
    Page rank 0 Mur en parpaing
    Page rank 0 Prix ravalement facade
    Page rank 0 Annuaire Automatique
    Page rank 0 Entreprise terrassement
    Page Rank 0 margelle piscine
    Page rank 0 Auditeur ISO 9001

    Chemise soie

    Page rank 0 Echange de lien automatique

    Page rank 0 Prix toiture

    Page rank 0 Renovation toiture
    Page rank 8 Electricien Paris 12

  82. Oh my goodness, this is my struggle right now!! I love blogging, I do, but the time it takes as my blog grows is something I've had to deal with. Not that it's a lot, but enough to make me take notice of the hours I spend every day commenting. I've never been in it to be Pioneer Woman or anything remotely like that. I just came back from a break, made one post, and I'm already contemplating another break. I'm so happy you opened comments on your blog for this topic. I've seriously considered turning off comments as well, but do enjoy the interactions. I just need to make peace with the fact that I may lose readers if I take a break and that it will be okay if that happens. Sorry for the ramble. :)

  83. :) I've been on a blog break for just over 3 months - it became a chore and I wasn't enjoying being tied to a schedule. I'll probably start writing again over the next few months but I'll never let blogging 'take over' my priorities ever again.
