How do You Rejuvenate the Spirit?

                                     We each struggle with common issues of stress, physical ailments,
                                      and psychological burdens of loneliness, isolation,
                                      and frustration.
                                      There are different tactics that many of us use to cope a
                                      and rejuvenate the spirit.
                                      For me, music, shopping, exercise, are some good tactics for
                                      rejuvenating the spirit.
                                      I, personally, need to be creative. Albert Einstein once said, creativity is                                       intelligence having fun. Sometimes
                                      that is able to hold all levels of my being.
                                      I'm aware of the importance of using a list of priorities
                                      to determine where to spend my energy.
                                      What are the tasks I need to accomplish today and what are
                                      short-term goals.
                                      I wouldn't say long-term goals. You just never know where t
                                      the road will take you.
                                      Once I have these clearly in focus I'm better able to prioritize the
                                      demands and expectations coming at me.
                                      I find that without taking the time in the morning to do this and
                                      just walking into the day, it's just so damn easy to get lost in
                                      clutter memory and reaction, and before knowing it the day is gone
                                       in a vague blur of unconsciousness and unawareness.
                                      What are the tactics you use to cope and calm yourselves ?
                                       I 'd love to hear. xx


  1. ignoring the situation entirely works best for me

  2. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I love music. That helps me a lot. Dancing is also wonderful. Time with friends, even if it's just watching a movie. These things help me a lot!

  3. i love yoga, honestly it sounds like hard work sometimes in some classes but with a restorative practice of just stretching, its great.

    also, whenever i feel myself needing a spirit break, i turn off my cell phone, go to dunkin donuts and grab a chai (thats how i spoil myself! lol) and walk around a clothes shop, and i just look around at everything and i don't buy anything, but i pretend like i will, like i make a list in my head of everything, its so much fun!! and with a chai helps me to relax and usually for some reason just gets my mind off everything:)

  4. I function at my best under pressure. It seems like I do my best work then. when I have loads of time to think about and plan things carefully, they often scare me, because I start thinking about what I haven't done, what can go wrong and then they often do. When I just do without overthinking it, it always seems to work out far better.

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I breath. I close my eyes. Like you, I make art. I read. And I write about the things that have happened in my life. Or I just write. And when something is really bothering me I try to tell myself that in the grand scheme of things it is never going to be anything more than a little mosquito bite, and that will go away.

  6. I try to prioritize the list of things I've said I'd get done for the day, so I guess I'm kinda like you are!

  7. Writing writing writing. And when I'm exhausted from that, I make a pot of green tea with rosebuds and drink cup after cup while taking deep breaths. And then I can think...


  8. I am currently lost in clutter and trying to wade out of it. ah ha

  9. I don't have any answers. I try sorting things out by writing. The best way I calm myself is making a cup of tea and calling a friend or my mom.

    Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

  10. I know this isn't the best solution but it works for me:

    I spend money and/or travel..
    I'm retired and have way to much time on my hands - and that's not always a good thing.. so shopping/buying things/spending money and traveling always seems to be "the answer". As I said above.. It's not the best solution but... It works for me.


  11. you know honey ... i like the idea of goals for the everyday life ... and i like to , if i am too extressed , eat less or nothing , to feel thin makes me feel good with my self ... i like to listen rock'n roll too .... it helps me a lot .... but before all .... i prefer to stop what i am doing and pray .... it put my mind on the right place and i can see the situation with more balance ....
    you have chosen wonderful pictures for this post ....
    thank you dear ...

  12. I often remember that I need to respect others (There was a lot to say about this), but one of the things that "triggers" Stress in any sort of society is that lack of respect or empathy.We quite often forget that we are brothers...
    And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
    From this day to the ending of the world,
    But we in it shall be remembered-
    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;(I LOVE THIS PHRASE)
    For he today that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
    This day shall gentle his condition;...E.T.C.

    Henry the V, by William Shakespeare

  13. I love music anf of course writing, since I am a writer. Moreover, I have put a piece of paper on my bedroom's door that mentions: "You have to write, don't forget that. It is what you like the most". I look at this every morning, so that I won't forget my goal. You know, it's really easy to get lost.

  14. Anonymous2:32 PM

    music always helps, writting and getting out with my camera;)

  15. Tertia, if I start thinking about what I have not done, it will drive me nuts.

    D Godlip, Welcome on board!Well said.

  16. Red wine, usually.

    Seriously, though, I think taking myself out of the situation and taking the time for prayer and meditation is the best method for me.

  17. I also have priorities about what to do everyday.
    The tactic I usually use to calm myself is to read a book.

  18. I am really impressed by your tactics and perspective!!.
    I think that relaxation techniques are something that most of us need to learn how to do.

    Polly, yes, meditation and prayer. I agree with you.

    Sometimes my busy life doesn't allow me to relax unless I make time for it.
    Thank You so much all of you.

  19. Facing things instead of running from them, I think helps me cope. Music and of course writing helps me as well.

  20. Talking to someone I love really honestly about everything that's going on in my head and then a good snuggle works for me!

  21. I write all the time. I just go mad if I don't. Not necessarily fiction, I just *need* to write. It's kind of hard to explain!

    And then I try to tame the rest of my life with organisational tools, too!

    I do find it important to keep focused on long term goals as well as short term ones. Just gotta keep your eye on both and enjoy the Now as much as possible.

  22. Short term goals work for me...lots of little ones. I feed off success. The world goes away when I do art...but "something weird about me" is that I will only do it in class. Need hand holding I guess. I touch base with Spirit often during the day through gratitude and asking for guidance. I get inspired by others....reading, this post. Thanks!

  23. Greetings,

    Goals are important but we need to remain flexible to the many outside influences that always have a way of coming up.

    Sometimes it is best to just take the day as it comes and make the best out of it.

    Still, having an idea what we want to accomplish always helps.

    Thank you for sharing,

  24. just stay cool.

  25. again, another great post. i think it's so neat that you are creative. i try very hard but being unique and inventive is VERY hard for me to say the least. so, i have to exercise to recharge my batteries. or spend time with people. surrounding myself with nothing but positive energy. i think that's the key;happy, positive tasks/goals. that help you feel more alive and better yourself!

  26. Well, I suppose mine is rather obvious. working out!

  27. Very thought provoking question... I am not sure of exactly what I do to help the stressful situation. I read, play, go out with my kids to the beach, write down how I feel, talk with a friend, read your blog ;).. the list will go on growing...

  28. Just sit in the garden with a cup of tea :)

  29. I meditate...brings much calm.

    much love

  30. To rejuvenate my spirit I exercise regularly...very good to get the stress levels down.
    My hobby is scrapbooking and while my hands are kept busy mind sorts itself out.

  31. Richard, that's exactly what real writers like you *need* to do.
    Long-term goals are good provided that would be realistic.

  32. Always asking that same question BUT never getting the same answers BUT discovering it in small doses through many unexpected ways.
    Sitting cross legged and going ooohmmmmm doesn't do it for me.!!


  33. I too am a big list maker except lately I keep losing the list.

  34. A great post, thanks for sharing your stress busters with us.
    By nature a bit of an emu in that I'll try to bury my head in the sand. Failing that books, blogging, chocolate and candles/lava lamp are always good but nothing works quite like a cuddle so thanks for my hug everytime you visit.

  35. I take deep breaths while I close my eyes. I'll go and get my eyebrows waxed. Yes I find it very relaxing. lol I know i'm weird.

  36. I love music, that helps me a lot.

  37. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Yes Betty, we do not know where the road will take us. Traveling down that road is the big adventure. I use exercise to calm myself down, it use to be alcohol, but I have cut way back on that, and it feels better!


  38. I find music a wonderful tactic for calming myself. Great post!

  39. Popis K8:32 AM

    love yor post, and love helps me a lot.

  40. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I love your blog!!

    Music, poetry and art all rejuvenate me. Being creative is a wonderful stress outlet too. I also need to get back into yoga. Right now, I have little ones who jump on my back as I try to get into a pose :)

  41. Taking a walk. It helps me relax.xoxo

  42. I like long hot showers, writing in my journal and doing yoga (when I get the time).

  43. Duct tape and a stiff drink

  44. Hey dear,

    I had replied to one of your other comments, but I guess it didn't go through. Sorry about that!

    As for your question on this entry, I normally do one of the following:

    1) Play soundscape music

    2) Exercise

    3) Do something artistic

    Really just depends on where I am at. When I used to get really frustrated, I'd toss on my mp3 player and go walking for an hour to no specific destination--just tiring myself out until I was too tired to be angry. I think that's one of the more positive ways to get back in sync with myself.

  45. I tend to write about it - I find it very cathartic!

    Kitty x

  46. I echo your sentiments, dear Betty -- it's the only way to set the tone for the day and to find ones balance in this great big universe. It works for me!

    Just wanted to let you know that I've moved: You can now find me at: 'The End Of The Rainbow: Life After Bankruptcy'.

    Stay well, sweet lady -- I always enjoy your enlightened posts!


  47. i love music and exercise! basically working out while jamming to my ipod relieves a lot of my stress! thanks for the follow! and you also have gained a new one!

  48. I love that top photo - well seen and taken!

  49. Hello. now I follow you. Thank you for this reflection! goodbye

  50. My tactic is to assess the situation and categorise as either urgent or non-urgent. If the former, then give it full focus, analyse it, break it down into little pieces and investigate each part separately. If the latter, then, boil some water, pour it inside my purpose-built gourd and brew some 'mate' with (attention!) hot, not boiling, water. Sit back and read a book. For the time being, I am enjoying 'The Trouble with Islam' by Irshad Manji.

    Greetings from London.

  51. Not to be totally shalow but I find looking at shoes always helps when I am stressed. Or dancing like a fool and if all else fails vodka helps....

    Kate xx

  52. Making a list helps me accomplish things for the day or in a week's time.

  53. If it's in regards to the kids, usually I have to take a time-out away from them, usually listening to soothing music which remind me that they're only little once!

    In general, I like to read when I feel stressed out! Getting lost in a good book always makes me forget about the drama in my own life.

  54. Music helps me a lot. Usually listening to some love songs mellow my mood. Cross stitching and blogging can be of help too while sipping a cup a green tea.

  55. I run. Or eat a lot of pie.

  56. Steaming myself in the shower till the hot water runs out is always an option. Excercise is a great stress reliever, too.

  57. Love




  58. I find worship, playing my guitar to the Lord helps a bit! Blessings.

  59. Hi Betty, great topic! I must admit I've tried about everything and have settled in on just a few. Music, I must say is one of my greatest escapes. It does not solve the problem, but distracts me for a moment. Giving me time to gather strength and courage to face said problems. And hopefully some wisdom and insight in how to deal.

    Now all this works good in theory.It is like things come up and I forget the way around it. So life is a challenge. Wouldn't have it any other way. nikgee

  60. Anonymous9:38 PM

    i keep my nerves intact under immense pressure and it is mine single mantras to be successful through out life.
    all my achievements have been attained by me applying the same.
    but keeping nerves intact is harmful in long term therefore i try to keep myself relaxed by yoga.
    thanks for great post.

  61. I begin most of my days listening to my favorite songs - The Carpenters, Loreena McKennitt and other regional Indian music. Sometimes I just play an instrumental piece. Somehow, music fills me with an energy unparalleled!

  62. Lists, Lists and more Lists!

  63. What helps me is that I write everything down. When I complete a tasj and mark it off my list, it is a very calming feeling. I also craft to relieve stress.

  64. I love music and tha helps me a lot.

  65. You are popular, it must be your great posts.
    I once saw this little segment on tv, where they did this thing with twin girls. Both girls were told to listen to music when they got up, one was given lively tunes, the ones she liked, the other girl was given sadder tunes. They were given money to go out shopping for themselves. The girl with the livelier tunes bought more stuff for herself and tried things she wouldn't normal chose. The other girl...not so much.
    so I guess it shows something...
