Paris, Magnifique!

Why does bread in France have to taste and smell so darn good? 
Paris is such a romantic city, especially in spring.
There are beautiful spots and slum areas just like anywhere else where civilization exists.
This super chic Channel bag caught my eye.
The initial thing you look for when you visit  Paris is the Eiffel Tower.
This magnificent structure gives breathtaking views once 
at the top. Paris is one of the most beautiful European capitals with so many art and architectural treasures and an amazing historical place for one to visit.       
I really love this city. Paris certainly has its own charm!

Wouldn't you love to explore Paris and experience a breathtakingly beautiful Seine River cruise? xx
(Chanel Accessories photo courtesy of Google images)
(Bottom photo via Getawaytravel)                        


  1. I had been in Paris for 5 days 10 years ago.I was impressed by the too many marvelous sightseeings,the kind people and their habits.I had spent a whole day in Disneyland.I had great time!

  2. Another place on my someday list..

  3. Wonderful photos but I still have no desire to visit Paris.

  4. I dream a deam,... I will see it someday soon...


  5. i believe that everything in Paris taste so good .... because Frechs are cruel .
    yes .
    they are cruel
    there is impossible to resist the chocolateries and breads and cheeses ... we put on weight there too fast .
    when we are starting to feel remorse , the frenchs , all thin , pass in front of us ... i feel horrible , fat huge , and they there , thin elegant and happy .
    hahahah!! i hate paris .... this is too good ! too much !!

  6. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I have never been to Paris but I really want to go. It's on my To Do List!

  7. I would really love to visit Paris someday... but then the question is How? and When? :)

  8. One of my dream vacation! Someday..

  9. μήπως ο καλύτερος λόγος για να επισκεφτώ το Παρίσι είναι τα ψωμάκια; χαχαχα!!!!!

  10. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Paris is on my list of places I am DYING to go, right up there with Venice.

    As I sit here and watch the snow pile up on my truck, I REALLY wish I was there right now...

  11. Been there, done that. Without DH many years ago, not a place for the single, it has to be shared with someone you love, don't you think?
    Bread and butter is nice anywhere in the world! I have been told by a very reliable source that the nicest bread in the whole world is in Croatia. Will have to go there one day.

  12. Aaah, Paris.

    You're right about French bread which is simply stunning. I'm a huge fan of German bread, too, but that's completely different.

    But it's not just Paris that's lovely, the whole of France is wonderful! And the food too! Oh my!

  13. Tertia,good to see you!! you're absolutely right. Paris isn't a place for the single. French baguette is awesome!

  14. Anonymous9:29 AM

    It has always been a dream of mine to live in Paris and design shoes...seriously:)

  15. I doesn't surprise me, Steven. I just happen to know exactly what you mean. A shoe designer, of course.
    big hugs.

  16. Now I'm hungry ALL OVER AGAIN lol.. I visited Paris waaay too much while living in Europe but do miss the food! I'm with Richard.. I'm a huge fan of the German bread myself (the Brötchen)

    Dang.. off to the market now :D


  17. Oh Paris! It's definitely on my list of places I want to travel to. :)

  18. I've never been but it's definitely one of the places I hope to visit at least once in my life time!

  19. Oh how I love Paris. I'm longing to go there for my birthday again. Bastille Day.

  20. I used to travel to Paris often when I was working for a French Bank, but it was mostly all business. It might be much better to visit the city as a tourist.

  21. I've always wondered if it's as magical as it seems!

  22. Yeah, Paris has pretty architecture, but I'm just not feeling it. I'm just trying to make it to Disney...

  23. Seeing those pictures makes me want to take a backpacking tour of Europe...and then the mashed peas hit my face and I snap back into reality...but thanks for the vision!


  24. I've never been to Paris, but I would really like to. I need to brush up on my French a bit, first!

  25. I'd love to go to Paris...thank you for this post...makes me almost feel like I went!!!!

  26. I must visit Paris again soon. Spring and Autumn are the best times. I love just strolling without a destination in my mind and seeing what I find..xx

  27. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I like your pictures.

  28. I didn't have a nice time in Paris but I enjoyed Disneyland a lot! I think Paris is a very dirty city...and I live in Athens!!!!!

  29. Από τις ωραιότερες και πιο ενδιαφέρουσες ευρωπαϊκές πόλεις νομίζω!
    Μ' αρέσει πολύ το Παρίσι!
    Καλό βράδυ!

  30. I love everything about Paris - the shopping, the food, the open boulevards, even the dirt that you sometimes see in the hidden alleys... love it all! She is a city that makes my heart throb!

    Lovely photos, Betty!


  31. Oh. You make me so jealous. I would love to see Paris. So much history and beautiful sights to see. Your photos are wonderful.

  32. I just love France! When I was first married, we lived at the bottom corner of England, and it was so east to take a ferry across to Cannes every other week-end. Some friends of our had a chalet so holidays were no trouble at all! Yes, French bread and butter is just so gorgeous! But then so is the cheese and all the beautiful views. Paris is such a great city to visit, but there are loads of other places to visit too!

  33. I don't know WHY but it's so true! I thought I would gain weight while I lived there because I ate so much bread and butter, but I actually lost weight! Crazy!

  34. Yes I would. I would love that very much. Very much indeed.

  35. I love Paris, too. I think I've been to the Louvre 15 times!

  36. I've never been to Paris. I would like to someday.....,

  37. I am not sure if I have the desire to travel. For me it would be new zealand. Paris looked nice, but not sure if it is the destination for me. Hope you had some real fun and got to explore.

  38. Betty,
    man I can just smell that bread, but that tower, man the sites from up there still have burned images in my mind.

  39. You know Betty, we are learning French in our law school as well,we are learning about their culture through their language, not only the language is polite but the food too. we get to eat French cuisine at various hotels and restaurants and the smell of every food is very tempting esp. BREADS..

    Someone already said above, that French women and men eat all that stuff and they remain thin but when the whole world eats it, they become fat.. you know the reason? it is because the French people.. takes their food very seriously, they eat slowly enjoying every morsel.. this makes them feel full .. we ppl eat it like we will never get it again.. so we don't enjoy every morsel.. and we keep eating it till we increase our waist sizes..

    a very nice post Betty
    :D Naqvee

  40. Those pictures are so gorgeous. I've never been there but I'd love to go someday!
    Stopping by from SITS

  41. What a beautiful city!

  42. I love Paris .Such historic capitl and bthe bread mmmmmm..

  43. Peter9:03 AM

    Love Paris!!

  44. Wow - these pictures are beautiful.

  45. I've never been, but would love to go. I love me some yummy warm fresh bread!

  46. PopisK12:25 PM

    Gimmi some bread ,girl!
    Love Paris!

  47. I dream to travel to Paris someday.

  48. It's been 10 years since I went to Paris. The kids would love to go to the Eiffel tower and to see Mona!

  49. I wand this earring!

  50. thanks for dropping by today. the pics are beautiful. would love to visit paris sometime...

  51. i love paris and i LOVE french bread and butter!
    lovey post betty!
    have a sweet day!

  52. We visited Paris in 1995 and enjoyed every minute of it! Unfortunately we did NOT take a cruise down the Seine!

  53. I'd love to go to Paris. My dad went last year and still raves about it! I would go for the bread alone! I am a big fan of freshly cooked bread- and that pic you posted is making me so hungry now!!

  54. J' aime Paris aussi...
    other cities in Europe which i adore.. are Prague and Berlin...

  55. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I LOVE carbs!

  56. I hope I get to go someday.

  57. I was in Paris just last week for a day and boy oh boy I can't wait to visit again ..The Eiffel tower , Louvre , Seine river , Notre Dame cathedral ..the city is magical ..

  58. I deeply thank for your warm heart and thoughts...

    From Japan, ruma

  59. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I would love to go to Paris sometime!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog on my SITS day!

  60. I hope you had a great weekend!
