Love Veggies

                                     I didn't realize this until lately, but it seems that just a few months                                 
                                     ago, I was eating quite the "luxurious" food.
                                     Back then I probably only ate meat twice a week, and the
                                     cooking I used to do was just unhealthy.
                                     Then I came across a certified nutrition specialist who introduced                                
                                     me to a healthy diet which emphasizes fruits, vegetables,
                                     especially the cruciferous ones, such as broccoli, cauliflower,
                                     Brussels sprouts, kale cabbage etc.), fish, and limits meat
                                     and dairy products.

                                     I've learned to like Brussels sprouts in the last year, too.
                                     Melt a little grass-fed cheese on them and some garlic and they
                                     are absolutely delicious!
                                     What's the point?
                                     Research has found that plant foods can actually protect against
                                     diseases and help to fight against the stomach fat.
                                     Vegetables of every size, colour, shape, texture and flavour,
                                     are absolutely great!
                                     They are among the most versatile and nutritious foods available.
                                     Each has a unique nutrient fingerprint.
                                     And as for fruits, there's something to the saying about "an apple
                                     a day keeps the doctor away".

                                     I'm pretty happy with the healthy factor of my meals and snacks;
                                     adding more legumes and veggies to my diet.
                                     And remember,
                                     whole grains have sustained civilization throughout history.

                                     What are your thoughts? xx                          

                                     (Photos by B.M.)


  1. I totally agree, Betty! I bet you have a great market over there to browse the lucious veggies and fruits! I like meat, also, but have been having smaller portions.

  2. I love the photos of the veg, we're moving soon to a place with a garden and I'm so excited to start growing some of my own veggies.

  3. Πολύ ωραίες φωτογραφίες!!!

  4. We're big on vegetables, and grow a few of our own in a small garden. There's nothing like fresh lettuce and tomato picked right from the backyard. Especially in the summer, veggies and fruit make up much of our diet.

  5. The pictures makes me hungry for veggies.they're so real.kisses

  6. I completely agree with you! I am trying to eat more veggie too. I will start my Greek food week soon! xxx

  7. I have been a vegetarian for years, but I am a cheese addict!
    I find it just as easy to snack on a carrot or an apple than eat chocolate. I'm not a sweet sort of person. Raisins or sultanas or great for snacking on too.
    I also only drink mineral water, after cutting out tea and coffee years ago too, and I feel much better for it.

  8. I agree with you Betty dear.Veggies and fruits are great source of fiber. A great source of vitamins and minerals. Very healthy and nutritious.

  9. Love this post, Betty! Last year was "Year of Grains" on my blog and I learned so much about whole grains. I eat 'em up now! Love raw veggies too!

  10. My husband and I are trying very hard to improve our diet and eat more vegatables. I absolutely think that it is at the heart of healthy eating. I still haven't conquered brussel sprouts, though -- you go girl!!!

  11. Its a great diet if u can follow.
    Everything thats veggie is great.
    I am a vegetarian and love everything. Go for the Genetically Modified vegetables too. They are even better. Its so good to see vegetarians around..:)
    The pics made my mouth water.
    I need to eat cabbage today...:)



  12. me too !! and this post is sooooooooooooo beautiful !!!

  13. As we speak, I am attempting to do the same thing. Cut the red meat and increase the fish products. I just went grocery shopping on sunday and bought some shrimp and fillets. I'm definitely looking forward to eating them! I'm doing the same for fruits too!

    My ex-husband wants me to become vegan. However, I like meat. I can lessen the red meat, but no go completely without...mmmm...not ready.

  14. Mmmm! Sitting here eating my Ramen Noodles, while a variety of fresh veggies sit ignored in my fridge, I can't help feel a bit guilty reading this post!

    Lamb’s Most Recent Post: Cruising, HGTV Green Home, CRAZY Sexy Nerd and LAZY Me

  15. Mmmmmm! I love kale, its my fave! I saute it with olive oil and garlic and sprinkle lemon on top after I take it off the stove. so yummy.

  16. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I love veggies, and your pics are amazing...I eat healthy for the most part, but I do love me some cake;)

  17. Perfect, you are totally right. That is the healthy way to eat. I wish I were better, because the health benefits are so enormous.
    Happy Tuesday as well!

  18. I do love veggies and I have become vegetarian, for ethical reasons, since last January. So I enjoy cooking pulses and vegetables and so far I do not miss eating anything that was smiling and blinking its eyes before coming into my plate...

    XXX I will publish some good vegetables recipes soon

  19. A none meat eater, your blog today looked totally yummy. I love all those veggies apart from the kale cabbage - yuk.

    Do stop by my blog sometime and feel free to enter my 1st blogoversary book giveaway - I'd love to know where in Europe we'd visit.

  20. That does it! I'll start tomorrow. The images look so delicious and your texts underlines it perfectly.
    Thanks, Betty. :)
    Heh, you wouldn't believe it: the verification word was TASTE... surely a sign! :D

  21. Anonymous1:46 PM

    You got me in the mood Betty!
    In the mood for cooking some real food, thanks.


  22. I am an "almost vegetarian." I say almost because I like to keep my options open, so I don't make myself a vegetarian. It's a psychological thing... as long as I know I can/allow myself to eat meat, I don't really want to eat it. If I were to give it up, it would be on my mind like a nightmare. There's nothing like a little reverse psychology to keep my mind tricked... and my body healthy. I eat veggies most of the time... but still, I like to keep those options open!


  23. Χριστός Ανέστη Betty. Great post as always. I think this post is all I need after i went a little off track these days.. with the consumption of not so healthy food..
    Well it was Easter and had to follow some traditions as far as food is concerned .. but now i think it is a good time for less meat and more vegetables..
    Wishing you the best..

  24. Wow, you're a better woman than me. I just ate 4 reese cups. And I think I'll have some more.

  25. Greetings Betty,

    Congratulations as you are on the right track!

    We have a vegetable garden and have been growing our own tomatoes and eggplants, a couple of other things too.

    Two additional things you should know, eating raw vegetables is good for you and lets not forget the nuts to balance things out with the fruits you already mentioned.

    Wishing you all the very best,

  26. I eat veggies, grungingly. Thanks for the award!

  27. I'm a card carrying carnivore. But I totally enjoy vegetables of almost all sorts. You'd have to hold a gun on me to make me eat Brussel sprouts

  28. I eat at least one HUGE salad every day....and sometimes 2. I am always looking for new veggies to try in my salad!

  29. Wow those veggies look amazing!

    I've always loved my fruit and veg, even brussel sprouts!

    I love how people learn more about food after seeing a nutritionist as I have learned a lot more about good foods as well in the last 3 years.

  30. Wow those veggies look amazing!

    I've always loved my fruit and veg, even brussel sprouts!

    I love how people learn more about food after seeing a nutritionist as I have learned a lot more about good foods as well in the last 3 years.

  31. Betty, today I committed to adding more veggies to my diet. I love them, but I haven't been eating enough. I want and need to make some changes in my diet and more veggies is the way to go. Tonight we had baby bok choy and it was sooo good.

  32. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Hii Betty,
    Me and some of my friends hv started an E-zine called Reader's Quotient, it is totally for a noble cause of funding education to needy children, I came across ur blog in my quest to search talented writers and felt worth to inquire if u shall be interested to come along with us
    If yes pls contact us at
    Waiting for ur revert


  33. As I can see all of you or at least most of you are on the right track!
    So, there you go!
    Do what mom always told you and
    eat more broccoli!

  34. Vegetables and fruits are good for our health but I like meat more!

  35. Χρόνια πολλά και του χρόνου με υγεία!

  36. Good job on this blog and the pictures good job of growing vegetables. Just to add that I have one such person at home (my wife) that loves to grow vegetables in our small garden. Just to say that she is momentary on vacation and was mainly in the garden. If she is happy (is, believe me) I'm too.

  37. I wish I could make myself get into this way of eating. I can do it for a day or two and then I fall right off the wagon and into the processed foods. *sigh*

  38. Yes I love them,too...Life without them should be so much dull and tasteless

  39. As a veggie lover, can't agree more!Eating right the key to a healthy life!

  40. Im such a health freak - I practically live at Wholefoods Market!

    Merci beaucoup for stopping by darling =]

    And thanks so much for the award!!

    Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
    English Rose x

  41. I like thai food so we eat lots of veggies dishes with lots of my favourite herbs coriander or basil. And ofcourse garlic, southernwood. I don't like meat that much, sometimes chicken. More a fan of fish and gamba's.
    Delicious post and i like the picutres. :-D

    Sweet greetz!

  42. I totally need to inject more veggies into my life!

  43. once again thanks for the sympathy on his part:)

    no doubt that vegetables are a great asset in our food, in fact it is recommended that, much better than those fast foods that is there: b

    Have a nice day:)

  44. Oh those veggies look gorgeous! YUM I love them more than candy and I can never get enough of them!!!

  45. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I agree, I just can't seem to like the brussel sprouts.

  46. I have reduced the intake of sugar and white rice...

    I would love it if you write about the 'healthy cooking' you are doing

  47. I feel like the "hunter/gatherer" thing is the new "it" diet this decade but I think that status is truly warranted. I am wary of people that say you should just cut out meat and dairy as a blanket statement but fruits and veggies certainly need the emphasis!

  48. This post made me very hungry! Love your blog, check out mine if you get a chance! Thanks god bless!

  49. Great photos of the garlic and the peppers! Excellent blog you have here!

  50. Aren't you just so delightful! I'm very impressed with your blog. My background (undergrad degree) is in economics, but I also turned to writing.

    I found you via SITS!

  51. Hello Darling...its been some time, my apologies!!

    I hope you have been well!
    Love the pics!

    Sassy Chica

  52. I love fruits and veggies, I could easily be a vegetarian but hubby would probably starve. I can't wait until our Farmers' Market opens, yum.

  53. I love veggies, too! I don't think I could ever cut out meat, though. I would especially miss chicken and seafood.

  54. I love veggies... but I am a meat eater too. Somehow for me I just can't have one without the other.

  55. Anonymous4:18 PM

    It is nice to see you part of Friday Follow! Have a wonderful weekend. Rita @ One 2 Try. Good Luck with the house painting!

  56. yeah spring is undoubtedly one of the best times of the year pow:)
    And first of all, I have to compliment the picture with the paints, I was fascinated even:)

    (this is about the another post)

  57. J'adore vegetables! I made a huge pot of vegie soup yesterday and I can't get enough... yum!!! Ooooh and salads with lots of vegetables in it.... oooh yum yum yum!!!

    BTW... I heard you received the Fifi Flowers notecards... sooo happy to hear... ENJOY them!

  58. I like the fruits that spring and summer bring. I know that most are available year round, but summer seems to bring them fresh locally. We are big meat eaters and I've got to try and curb that. We do eat a lot of chicken, though, so that's not too bad!

  59. I totally agree too! I've been trying to add more fruits and veggies to my families diets as well.

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. i really appreciate it. i apologize for the very late follow up here. I am now your newest follower!

  60. Fresh veggies are the best. Thanks for stopping by and I now following your blog.

  61. Love your street kiss photo!

    Newest follower from FF! Enjoy your weekend1

  62. Hi there. I found your blog through Friday Follow. If you would be interested in following my blog, I would gladly return the favor.

  63. Following you back from FF! Thanks for visiting and yes, veggies and fruits are always great for us! My sister is a licensed nutritionist and my hubby was a vegetarian for 9 years (when he was younger). Though we eat meat, we rarely have red meat - we usually have chicken. .. and lots of legumes!

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