Have a Beautiful Holiday!

Where will you be spending the holidays? My aunt Anne is visiting and it's so nice to have her around. She lives
and works in Brussels , one of my favourite European cities. So I'll be spending Christmas with my family and lovely auntie.
Christmas after all is all about family. Isn't it?

Moments of simple pleasure.                  
It's that time almost to look bac oer the last year; remembering good times, relationships with friends, and lessons learned helps to keep present-day frustration in perspective. But I am sure that everyone has something they look back on what could have been better.
How cheery are these Christmas little ornaments. You could keep them up all year!
 How cute are these?                 
Pretty little candles.
Here's a golden key to keep the evil spirits away, and these Christmas decorations
keep making me smile, so I figured I'd share them with you.

Have a fabulous Holiday, my darlings! No matter how you spend it, may it be filled with joy and delights. xx
(Photos by B.M.)          


  1. Hey! So sad to hear of your loss in the previous post - I hope you can enjoy Xmas without too much sadness.

    Thanx so much for visiting and commenting on my blog this year - I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed yours!!

    Happy travels for 2011!!

  2. Lovely photos. I feel like I am
    almost there...
    Wish you too a Merry Christmas!!
    Hugs from,

  3. Hi bestie! I love your decorations - they are SO CUTE! I hope that you and your family have a wonderful and very Merry Christmas. I'm sorry about the loss of your dad a few days before Christmas 3 years ago - I'm sure it's a very tough time for you during the holidays. My friend back home just lost her dad 2 days ago, so it's been really sad around here too due to that loss.

    Have a very safe trip my friend and I'm so glad we've gotten to know each other so much in 2010 and look forward to 2011 and what it holds.

    Lots of love and hugs - safe travels and Merry Christmas doll!


  4. Anonymous3:39 AM

    I congratulate you for your blog and especially for your wonderful photos, I also liked your beautiful atmosphére and your style, explore your page was very pleasant ! I'm a follower with pleasure ! :)

    Bye Mahon

  5. At christmas I will be with my parents in the city I come from.
    Nice ornaments!
    This year we will have in house a christmas tree!Until the past year,we hadn't made a christmas tree because 4 years ago my aund died and we kept christmas without feast.
    Have nice holidays!

  6. Have a good Christmas, Betty.

  7. Dear Betty:

    Your pictures, as always warmed my eyes and mind. Glad to see those.

    May the love, joy and cheer of this season remain with you all through.

    Big hugs and much love,

  8. Happy Holidays!

    I'm thanking God that I stumbled upon your site this year and find your works very inspiring.

    Cheers for more photos and stories sharing next year.

  9. I hope you have a wonderful and joyous Christmas, and a greater than ever 2010!

    Thank you for the cheery and festive pictures!

  10. Betty, Merry Christmas to you, dear friend. Tell Auntie Anne hello for us all.

    May your memories warm you of your dad and may you make new wonderful memories that live a lifetime. At this time of year I remember my dear family, that have gone on to better places, the most. I can see them in things I say and do.


  11. Merry Christmas, sweetie!
    What cute decorations!
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

    Much love

  12. Your photos are so festive! Every time I see your photos they make me wish for a home again! I'm spending Christmas with my family (siblings and my children) in IL. It will be a wild, noisy baby-filled day! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  13. Merry Christams to you Betty.
    Have a wonderful time yourself.

  14. Anonymous7:48 AM

    ave a wonderful joy filled holiday my friend, you deserve it;)

  15. Hey have a Great time with Auntie!
    Your images are each nice but almost overkill for me. We need a XXXL stocking this year to pull over the new RV. Happy Holidays!

  16. Καλές γιορτές, χρόνια καλά γεμάτα υγεία και ευτυχία!!

  17. Beautiful photos my friend
    A very Merry Christmas and a real Happy New Year my friend.
    Julie & Stewart

  18. My heart goes out to you over your loss - my nana died mid December and my grandad Christmas Eve so I know how you feel.

    Such beautiful, festive photos, thank you for sharing them.

    My best wishes to you and yours Betty, Hugs, Tracy. x

  19. Betty , as always your pics are a treat for the eyes but I am sorry to hear about your Dad and I liked what you shared .its indeed imp to celebrate his life and remember him for all his goodness..I hope you find peace my friend ..
    Wishing you the best always ..

  20. Mahon, hello and welcome; and thank you so much for your most generous comments. :)

    Have a great Xmas!

  21. Dear Betty, my dad died two years ago, last September, by falling off a neighbor's roof at the age of 81. I think of him often, and Christmas is still much a part of that.
    Love is a sign that we are made for eternity in which love will find its completeness. The best and longest loves are incomplete and death seems accentuate our incompleteness. I believe that part of the beatific vision in heaven, and in the life eternal, will be to see for ourselves the completion and perfection of all our loves rooted in the perfect and infinite love of God.

  22. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures. Hope you have a blessed Christmas!

  23. Dear Betty, your photos are beautiful and lovely and inviting. I feel as though I have just visited with you. And I so wish you the warmest most delightful Christmas filled with cheer and joy... and gifts. After all, gifts do make us smile, don't they? ;-)

    Take care and enjoy your time with your Aunt. Time spent in the company of loved ones is the most precious of time.


  24. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours Betty!

  25. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I love the way you decorated! Hope you have a wonderful holiday with your aunt! Merry Christmas!

  26. Beautiful decorations! I'll be spending Christmas here in NC with family!

  27. My best wishes to you, Betty, and to those you love, for a peaceful Christmas, full of love and the comfort of friendship.

  28. Thanks for the nice photos!
    Here's to you and your family during the holiday season...

  29. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Καλά Χριστούγεννα!

    Please have you and your family a blessed Christmas !

    For me, well, after spending the last two weeks nearly everyday walking from P. Faliro towards Fix, Ag. Dimitrious, Nea Smyrni and and and, it will be as much as possible sitting, playing with building bricks and me small son.

    Once again, a Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    daily athens

  30. All your ornaments and decorations are beautiful, Betty! I always enjoy your photos.

    (((hugs))) to you as you remember your Dad this Christmas. My parents have both been gone for many, many years (36 & 40) and I still think of them with a tinge of sadness during the holidays.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends, Betty!!

  31. Have a wonderful Christmas, sweet Betty. I'm sorry that it's a sad time, as it is for so many, but your upbeat spirit always shines through. I'm very glad for our blog connection.

  32. Betty!

    Beautiful Holiday Post. Yes, Christmas is all about family. I feel the same. Enjoy your Aunt! I am headed north from me (about 3 hours) to spend the holiday weekend w/ my Mom, StepDad, Bro & Sis & my Aunt will be visiting. Baking & cooking together = fun times!

    (I also wanted to say, your previous post was lovely & touched my heart.. I lost my father in October 24 yrs ago. The Holiday Season is hard for my fam., but I do believe in sharing memories & remembering those we lost. Big Hugs to you!)

  33. Beautiful decorations and ornaments, your house looks so cheerful. It is all about family, no question there.

    We will be staying home. Our college girl flew back to Anchorage today to spend Christmas with her boyfriend and his family. We celebrated the holiday while she was here, it was a wonderful time.

    Wishing you a happy and magical holiday Betty.


  34. Betty, I lost my dad two days after Christmas in 1983. The first few Christmases after were very sad but then I remembered how much he loved the holiday season. He would have been upset to think he spoiled the holiday for me.


  35. I love your Christmas decorations and I thank you for sharing these happy photos with us.
    I hope you have a wonderful time visiting with your aunt and that you and your entire family have a very Merry Christmas.

  36. WOW! Great festive pics!

    Have a great Christmas!

  37. Miss Sara, thank you so much!
    Please let me know your blog url...I just wanted to come visit you and catch up on your posts.

    Have a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2011!

  38. dear betty,
    i wish you merry merry christmas! i hope that you will have happy and peaceful time!
    sending you hugs from warsaw!

  39. ♥♫ Querida amiga,

    "Que o Natal não seja apenas uma data... mas um estado de espírito a orientar nossas vidas... e que o amor se renove a cada ano da nossa convivência."

    ♫♫♫ Feliz Natal!!!

    .......♥*................ __/\__
    .......*♥............… ..*-:¦:-*
    ...~`,`~.................. |
    ¸....✫................... *•*
    ´¸.•✫ .............. *♥•♫•♫♥*
    ~`,`~............. ✯♥•♦♫♥•♥*.
    `.✫`.............. *♥☺♥•♥•☺♥*.
    / \....................... ╬╬╬╬.

    Brasil ♫♥

  40. I love your festive photos. Your decorations are great.
    Merry Christmas!

  41. Have a good Christmas, Betty

    My best wishes to you.

    Happy travels for 2011!!

  42. All Best Wishes to you into the New Year 2011!

  43. Sending you love and wishes for a wonderful New Year.

  44. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Happy New Year

  45. xfi♫°° Amiga,

    °º♫ Para você em 2011:

    ° • ♫ "Os sonhos realizados...
    °º ♫°° ♫♫ O amor esperado...
    ° ·. •*• ♫ A esperança renovada..."

    Brasil °º♫
    ° ·.

  46. I hope that you had a blessed and happy holiday and that the new year bring you the beauty that you bring to the world.

    Much love to you, my friend!

  47. You offer something for everyone. Thanks for the bird's eye view of all the delicious treats and festive treasures. Blessings!

  48. B-Hope your Christmas was the most festive. Happy hugs to you and to yours this holiday season!

  49. Dear Betty, I just love these pictures... you clearly are an amazing decorator! Thanks so much for posting these.

  50. Liara Covert, hello and welcome!
    Thanks so much for your kind comments. :)

  51. Wonderful decorations! Happy New Year,Betty!

  52. Happy New year sweetheart and miss ya too but still on holiday see you soon :) xo

    Wild Rose~

  53. How lovely! Thanks for sharing these. Hope you had a good Christmas.

  54. Hi Betty, I hope you had a fantastic Christmas.

    Wishing you a wonderful and very Happy New Year.


  55. Stopped by to check out your blog and I have to say, I like what I see! I will definitely be back for more! Great images!
