Would You Marry Your Best Friend?

I actually think the person you marry should be your best
friend but your best friend doesn't have to be the one you marry.
On the other hand, I will only marry someone who can be my
best friend. 

What do you think? I'd love to hear. xx


  1. I couldn't marry my best friend..he is a dude!
    I think my bride became my best friend over the years we were married.

  2. I married my best friend.It only lasted 20 1/2. years. :)

  3. I'm a firm believer in multiple 'best' friends :)

  4. Of course! Will you marry me? lol!!!
    hugs Ted

  5. The catch is to remain "best friends" after marriage.
    Have a great evening Betty.

  6. Sure, why not??
    The best marriage and precondition
    for a long lasting love.

    Hugs from Athens!

  7. I would definitely marry my best friend, in fact, I did! My husband and I have been married for more than 21 years and I still can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend time with.

  8. I married my best friend. And I love it. We share everything!

  9. I think you have to marry your best friend to make it work. That doesn't mean you can't have multiple besties. I would definitely marry my best friend, if it were a guy! Don't want to marry my best girlfriends. Lol

  10. Soppy I know but true, Husband dearest is my best, best friend, the person to whom I turn to before all others. That said I also have other close friends, two female and one male. One of the females I could never marry as we are too alike, the other I would happily marry. As for my male friend, I love him as a friend but there is no chemistry there and he is too big a mans man if you know what I mean - he isn't at all in touch with his feminine side which is important to me.

  11. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I say all relationships that are good must start with being friends, so yes I would marry my bestie;)

  12. I have been married to my best friend for nearly 32 years...and I would not have it any other way.

  13. Anyway works out fine with me. Love can happen anyhow!

    Joy always,

  14. Hi Betty,

    I think marriages are made in heaven.

    Sometimes a person marries a best friend and the marriage doesn't last a life time.It is also true that when a person marries some one who can become the best friend can also find that the marriage does not go all the way.It all depends on chemistry,understanding,
    appreciation,being comfortable and
    enjoying each others company.It takes a lot of conscious effort to make marriages work.

    Your idea of marrying someone who can be your best friend is wonderful because both of you are starting with a mystery and will work hard to retain the marriage.

    Wish you all the best.

  15. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I say never marry a best friend, but make sure when you marry that it turns into a best friend.

    Its tricky but it has to work that way to last

  16. I like what Sir Thomas had to say!

  17. Only marry your best friend!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS HONEY!!!! Kori xoxo

  18. the person you love and marry can, and should become your best friend. But if someone is already your best friend then I would say you shouldn't try to mess with something that is already perfect :)

  19. If you feel attracted to your best friend, I mean physically...so why not? xx

  20. Nice post my friend.
    I think you have to be best of friends, if not, then the marriage might not last.

  21. I believe I'd only marry my best friend. But then I have several of those yet only one who qualifies for marriage. Glad I don't feel the need to get "legally" married.

  22. My best friend is a fat puerto rican dude so no. Also, I think it's a bit illegal to marry a guy here still. I'd hope the girl I do marry is that close to me though.

  23. Women and men have different kinds a friendships. It's important to keep a best friend around, separate from one's spouse, for the support and sounding board. xo

  24. I did marry my best friend.

  25. e case is totaly different of the other ... i don't know .
    a marriage can ruin a friendship .
    but ... try . why not ?

  26. I define "best friend" differently when it comes to my husband. I think that we're connected in a powerful way through love and affection, but I feel more of the best friend pull with my girl friends. I think that all those areas can be covered by multiple people.

  27. My best friend is a guy but I don't think I could marry him.... it would ruin our friendship!! And I don't know what I'd do without him in my life!

  28. Anonymous5:19 PM

    For sure one of the greatest challenges, being married AND becoming friends. Guess it takes a couple of years, to say the least, this being possible.
    Yet, once being done, for sure one of the greastest support ever being possible. A promise in the making.
    Please have a good Thursday.

    daily athens

  29. I don't think that I would marry my best friend.For marriage is required love passion.

  30. I did!

    Aloha from Hawaii

    Comfort Spiral



  31. A most interesting and thought provoking question. Certainly I am married to my best friend but maybe there needs to be a level of personal tension to have real sexual tension. Some of the people I have been most attracted to are those I haven't liked very much on a personal level and would never dream of marrying.

  32. I just think that it's important for a marital relationship to have an underlying basis of friendship. Quite often the lust fades after the initial blush and there needs to be something to hold the relationship together. Any couple that's been married any length of time will tell you that marriage is work and that it evolves over time. It helps when you're friends as well as lovers.

  33. My husband is has become my closest friend.

  34. I think that you don't have to marry your best friend, but in general if you get along with your best friend & you want to marry it's perfectly fine as long as you are compatible in the relationship.

    The relationship connection between the two should feel like best friends that care about each & are always there with each other.

  35. I did marry my best friend, and she becomes a better friend with each passing day.

  36. पांच लाख से भी जियादा लोग फायदा उठा चुके हैं
    प्यारे मालिक के ये दो नाम हैं जो कोई भी इनको सच्चे दिल से 100 बार पढेगा।
    मालिक उसको हर परेशानी से छुटकारा देगा और अपना सच्चा रास्ता
    दिखा कर रहेगा। वो दो नाम यह हैं।
    या हादी
    (ऐ सच्चा रास्ता दिखाने वाले)

    या रहीम
    (ऐ हर परेशानी में दया करने वाले)

    आइये हमारे ब्लॉग पर और पढ़िए एक छोटी सी पुस्तक
    {आप की अमानत आपकी सेवा में}
    इस पुस्तक को पढ़ कर
    पांच लाख से भी जियादा लोग
    फायदा उठा चुके हैं ब्लॉग का पता है aapkiamanat.blogspotcom

  37. I could not say that my boy friend is my best friend, but I don't have any friends as intimate as him.

  38. I call my girlfriend of 40+ years my best friend but my husband is my best best friend....he truely knows me and still loves me!

  39. I don't think there are any preset conditions for marriage, Betty. I think that wherever the love flows is where our hearts should follow. My husband and I share a huge friendship, and I think that's very important to the lasting of our relationship. But then... if the person is already your best friend but there isn't that special love... the marriage doesn't quite work there, either.

    When the right person comes along, we know it. And that's just the best deal ever! ;-)

    Cool post, my dear friend!

    Big hugs,

  40. Thank so much all of you for the great feedback, and for sharing your experiences, views, and perspectives.
    Thank you for your wonderful comments.:)

  41. I married someone who could be my best friend...
    it is so much easier when you can understand each other!

    I love your blog!
    Thanks for follow me, I'm following you back :)

  42. lol i couldn't marry my best friend because well i have a few of them and they are all gals! :) My husband has definetly become my #1 best friend though over the years we've been together and married. Bestest:)

  43. I totally agree! However, I'm just not so sure I ever want to get married again...I like the freedom of being single.

  44. He has been my best friend for 17 years and my husband for 12 years:)
    Cheers to friendship and love!

  45. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Wow that is one heavy question. I think it will have to depend on the situation.

  46. I have many best friends and definitely married one of them!

  47. Yes I could marry my best friend but I don't think my wife would be too pleased about it!!!

    Only joking Betty, I could and I did 6 years ago now.

  48. My best friend is Megan. My greatest love, next to the dude of course, is the hubs!

  49. WOW… @ one point my best friend was a guy… for several years, actually. I really thought & believed & hoped in my heart that I would marry him. I remember telling him this 10 yrs ago or so… @ one point a few yrs ago he said that he loved me & wanted to be with me, but he lives 3 hours from me. I wasn’t willing to embark on a LD rela. & he wasn’t willing to move. I never heard from him again. Maybe he wasn’t my best friend after all?

    I don’t think you HAVE to marry your BF, but I do agree… the one you marry SHOULD be your BF.

  50. I'm married to the guy who became my best friend for 14 years now. I'm your newest follower.

  51. If you feel attracted to your best friend, physically, you don't have to marry him/her...:) there are many ways to solve this problem :)

  52. I think you can have more than one "best friend." I also think your spouse should be one of them. I'm happy to report that my wife really is my best friend...

  53. best friend remains best friend..

  54. My husband is, without a doubt, my best friend. However, I think it is important to have a best girl friend, too.

  55. I married one of my best friend, he really did overtime in wooing me though. LOL.

    Lisa @ Lesapea xx
    Your newest follower saying thank you for the follow and the lovely comment.

  56. Love the post. I don't think I would marry my best friend, but I would marry someone who becomes my best friend. :)

  57. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Happy Friday.

  58. So sorry, I'm glad you told me. Looking forward to reading more of your posts. Happy Hols.

    Lisa @ Lesapea.

  59. We often said we were best friends before we married. After sixteen years we still are so I'm a believer.

  60. I think it's a combination. I think there has to be the "best friend" going on, in that the person you marry should be the person you like, enjoy, and trust the most. In addition to that -- you also need the joy and excitement of the passion.

    Passion doesn't have to die, but it does need tending.

    I've remained unmarried because I've yet to meet someone I believed could go the distance with me. I'm grateful for the many wonderful friends and lovers in my life, but, as yet, haven't found the "best friend" I've also wanted to marry.

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