
For me, blogging means nexus=connection. I think it's the word
most fitted for use in describing blogging.
Why do I blog? I was thinking about this the other day and the big one motivation that came to my mind is "Sharing".I've always enjoyed sharing the things that are really special
to me.
My goal is to make people have a good time reading my blog. I don't set myself unrealistic targets.
I cannot imagine me being able to blog on a daily basis because I know I'll get frustrated, bored and trapped in spending numerous hours in front of my computer.
People say I write straight form my heart. My posts are always spontaneous and I don't want to be "forced" to or feel I "ought" to.
So sharing...
the awesomeness,
the cuteness,
the love,
the passion,
the daily life,
the old,
the new,
the wonders of Mother Nature,
some beautiful, fluffy clouds,
and lovely sunsets,
some magical moments,
and fairy tales,
some noisy feathers,
a bad mood,
and a silly, happy mood.
I have to admit that sometimes I'm a bit chaotic. It's pretty easy for time to slip away without getting much done. Then I realise that my personal life has taken a hit and, alas, some of my interests have been affected. 

But it's been a rich reward to be a blogger. Thanks to blogging, I've met some amazing people over the years. It's funny how you read about someone's life and you feel as if you know them on a personal level!

Two whole years have now passed since I set up this Cut and Dry blog. And what an incredible ride it has been! The whole world of blogging has turned out to be far more rewarding, both professionally and personally, than I ever imagined.   

Why do you blog, friends? I'd love to hear. xx                                                              


  1. Nice one Betty - your pics are as inspirational and uplifting as always. I recently set myself the target of blogging once a day - as recently as last Feb it was once a month. Once a day doesn't always work. I hit writer's block last week, but I'm shooting for every other day.

  2. Nice combination of photos!
    I read only your blog.I haven't seen other blogs.It's nice to share your photos from trips but I think that I like to keep many things for myself and my people and I don't feel the need to share these experiences on the internet.In occasions of holiday days I prefer to say wishes face to face.

  3. I blog because I also like to share and learn about others and their passions. It's fun, I've met really great people, and it's a creative outlet for me! Kori xoxo

  4. What beautiful photos! I blog to connect with wonderful people like you and hopefully to entertain.


  5. You really have a gift for this and the pleasure comes through. My cousin Don (at Musings and Misc. Thoughts) is really good too. My sermons are my work and my most seriou art. That makes Facebook my "pleasure-blog" where I can write one sentence and leave it at that, or post an afternoon's worth of pictures.

  6. As always there are so many good pictures here, as well as the thoughts. It makes me like a kid in a candy store. The duck is so detailed and perfect. The mermaid and the little girl has that magical timing. "The Mood" is one of the things I like to do sometimes: you see a thing that you want to share; it doesn't fit the mold of a classic picture; but it speaks.

  7. This is THE great blog post!!!!!

    It is classic, yet completely of Betty. I am Betty too!

    Just wonderful. Post of the Month right here. Yay!

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral


  8. sharing my thoughts is also one way I feel i can relate with blogging!

    SOPE... we need snaps of the marriage and related decorations..

  9. What a wonderful collection of photographs to convey so many thoughts!! You do such a nice job, Betty!

  10. Love your pictures B ..they always make me so happy :)
    I like to blog because I want to chronicle the events of my life , the places I see or the movies I watch , the books I read and somewhere along the line I fell in love with itcoz I loved sharing my dreams and making new friends ..

  11. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I always love looking at your photos. Hope you have an awesome trip!

    I blog because I'm a voyeuristic over-sharer.

  12. Hi Betty fantastic thought provoking post, I actually started blogging as I sat bored at work twiddling my thumbs. Now the bug has kicked in and I can't stop!!

  13. I like your thought that blogs lead to connections. I started blogging because Betsy had a blog and always talked about how enjoyable it was. Now I blog to stay in touch with all the wonderful people I've met.

  14. Those photos are amazing!

    Enjoy the wedding!

  15. Very well put!

    I blog because I want to write, try to everyday, share, learn and meet interesting people from around the world. So far it's working.

  16. I think you blog with the perfect formula!

  17. I blog because it's given me the forum to write about my passions!

  18. I blog because it is one way for me to keep up with writing and even improve as a writer. Also, because I loveee sharing with others and learning from them.

  19. I blog because it is one way for me to keep up with writing and even improve as a writer. Also, because I loveee sharing with others and learning from them.

  20. Good attitude to have. If I don't keep myself blogging regularly I just lose interest in it and then don't blog for a couple months. I need to keep myself thinking about it.

  21. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I agree with your opinion. Additionally we are also able to identify with one another more closely.

  22. Hi, Betty. Really, a amazing collection of photos!!!!

  23. I blog and photoblog to express. I kept a blog from 2003 and ending it at 2010 and started a new one at 2010. My last blog was all about everything I want to share in the world.

    When I discovered photography, I decided to stop blogging incognito (hence closing the old one), and started a new one.

    Written words heal. Writing words heal. Some of the reasons why I love blogging (and photoblogging).

    Wow!!! All the photos you posted here are fantastic. Each one tells a lot of stories. Same with you, my motivation in blogging/photoblogging is sharing.


  24. I love what you've done with your blog. Such a visual feast :) Blogging is about blogging when you have time and inspiration, not on some schedule. Cause who wants to see some half-@ssed blog of an exhausted blogger? ;)

    I guess I blog the same as you. Sharing. But also cathartic. Throwing emotions and feelings out into the universe. And almost every time someone in the blogging world is going through the same thing. So community :)

  25. I blog to share my passion for Australia!!

    AND ... girlfriend, you've reached your blog goal well and truly! Congratulations!

  26. Anonymous7:35 AM


  27. Dear Betty, it's so funny you should mention sharing as your reason for blogging, because that's exactly the very same reason I love to blog. But, like you mentioned, real life is demanding, and it does get in the way. So, I don't blog as often as I would like. Ah, anyway... too much of a good thing is... not so good? ;-)

    I adored every single one of your photos. They showed the entire array of life... colors... black & whites... greys... and everything in between. Life is filled with so many beautiful moments, and we are here to enjoy! Just think about it! What a lovely reality!

    I wish you a beautiful rest of the week, Betty!

    Big hugs and kisses,

  28. I enjoyed all your photos!

    I blog because I love to write. I love my blog "family" that I've met, and I love reading and learning from all my blog friends!

  29. You've mentioned all the reasons why I love blogging. Indeed, SHARING is the best word that I can think of why I do blog.

    Have a nice day.

  30. And that's why we love you!

  31. Beautiful! Did you say a Summer afternoon? Gosh! IT HAS BEEN MISSED:)

  32. Mine started out as a way to let my friends know what was going on in my life while recovering from the devastating side effects of Chemo Therapy. But morphed into what you see today. I like your blog, your style, your friendly manner and the photos you take. And especially the friend you have become. Thank you, for all you do,

  33. I blog to share and have fun making new friends around the world lovely post and adore the photos as always

    hugs Rebecca

  34. Well, you basically just listed all the reasons why your blog is so AMAZING. ;)

    You are one of the most down to earth and sweetest bloggers ever. You always have interesting topics and beautiful photos.

    I started blogging because I was really sad and needed a place to pour out my frustration and feelings. Now it has evolved into a place where I can be creative and have fun. It is my escape from the stress of the outside world.

    I don't like the bloggers who start up only because they want to make money (haha, good luck) or be famous. To be a good blogger, you have to do it because you love it, I think...

  35. Hello
    The fifth photo from top to bottom, is a fruit that we call in Brazil "ROMÃ". I'll publish in a few days, photos of this tree with its fruit. She is just over the playhouse for my 5 year old daughter.

  36. Yes, it is nice the type of people that you meet. Great blog.

  37. I blog to connect with interesting people and share my thoughts.

    I love all of your pics!!

  38. Beautiful pictures.
    You blog for good reasons.
    I blog because I love to write and it's pretty much my only creative outlet right now.
    But I read blogs because I love "hearing" about people's lives and I'm all about looking at other people's pictures. So thank you. Have a great trip!

  39. It always amazes me how you manage to find just the right image to go with the caption.

    So many wonderful reasons as to why we blog. Nagged into it as you know, I now find it a great release, a wonderful way to stimulate the old grey cells but most of all a terrific way to get to know about other people, their views, their cultures, and, in some cases, their lives. Thanks for being part of this Betty.

  40. I love your photos.:))

    Have a great Thursday!

  41. I love visiting you blog, you always have something thoughtful to read and beautiful photos to look upon. Thanks for sharing!

  42. Cuteness and magical moments? I'm on board.

  43. Hi Betty! Please forgive me if this is a duplicate comment. My browser froze as I was in the middle of commenting! I was saying that this is such as lovely post and it is so nice to see the world through your eyes and to get a snapshot of your world. I lvoe your photos and like you, I love the friends and connections I have made in the blogosphere.

  44. Fantastic post, I enjoyed it all, great variety! Blogging for me is about learning and sharing. Thanks for posting your gorgeous photos!

  45. Well, you have accomplished your goal for sure. It's always great to see you've added a new post.

  46. Great pictures. I love your blog. I am your newest follower. I love Blog Hopping!


  47. Nice one, Betty.
    Your pics are beautiful!
    Great variety and thoughts.

  48. I'm enjoying your photography more and more Betty! Your composition skills are improving in leaps and bounds. Keep up the good work :)

  49. I'm just now seeing these pictures. I love the way you put them all in your reasons for blogging.

    I really don't know why I blog. I guess just for me. I love reading blogs because I enjoy hearing about other's lives.

  50. hey betty,
    thanks for popping by my site! i love meeting new people too... love your photo's... don't know if you saw the forum on the sitsblogfrog about doing a 31dbbb love to have you be part of it!
    ps how was the trip?

  51. What great pictures!!! I just love seeing how other people capture things...and some of yours are just lovely!

    Liesl :)

  52. love your blogging goal and your photos. :)

  53. Absolutely great photos.
    Well done:)

  54. Anonymous12:47 AM

    You own the talent of brilliant writing I must say. Your posts incorporates the reality which we cannot even get it anywhere else. I request you humbly please keep such brilliant contents.And yes i have tweeted your site cutand-dry.blogspot.com .

  55. anonymous, thanks for your nice comment. much appreciated. :)

  56. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Nice Post. This post helped me in my school assignment. Thanks Alot

  57. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Que palabras adecuadas... El pensamiento fenomenal, admirable

