A Feeling of Mystery

French Railway Station, Adrianople, Turkey.
Steam engine and wagons of the Orient Express train. 
Orient Express was the name of the most famous train ever to ride the rails.          
This legendary train , leaving from Paris, it steamed through the
Alps, Budapest and Bucharest to Constantinople. Originally the
Orient Express was an international train, providing service from
Paris to Istanbul, and eventually became associated with luxury.
It first ran in October of 1883 operated by the Companie
International des Wagons-Lits, a French Railway Company.
Today, mention of the Orient Express conjures up a vision
of great luxury travel, and its name has become synonymous with
romance, intrigue and mystery.

Poster advertising the Winter 1888-89 timetable for the Orient Express.                                  
Great movie directors love trains. So here are a few films with
"Murder on the Orient Express" by Sidney Lumet is a 1974 
British mystery film based on the 1934 novel of the same name
by Agatha Christie.

"The Lady Vanishes" by Alfred Hitchcock.
"Strangers on a Train" by Alfred Hitchcock.
"Once Upon a Time in the West" by Sergio Leone.
"High Noon" by Fred Zinnemann.
"High and Low" by Akira Kurosawa.

I've always been fascinated by trains and I always get a feeling
of mystery when I watch trains go by...
Trains always brought out the romantic in me I guess.
Not only do I love to ride in them, I love to photograph them. I always thought they would make an interesting photo subject as well.
Ever since childhood, I have seldom heard a train go by and 
not wished I was on it!

Do you like trains? Are you intrigued by old trains?

P.S. I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend and can't wait 
to catch up on your blogs! xx

(Poster photo via Wikipedia.)


Red Nomad OZ said...

Until I saw your question I never thought I was particularly interested in trains.

But downunder here in Australia, there is much rail history and many fascinating journeys - I'm lucky to have been on a few! Although nothing would beat the Orient Express!!

So ... the short answer to your question is YES! Have a great day!

Ms. A said...

The only train ride I remember, was a short trip, but loads of fun. Nothing like the Orient Express, just the Texas Limited.

Glad to see you pop up!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

My kids have never been on a train trip!

Joop Zand said...

Good serie Betty, and a nice old poster...... thanks for sharing

I 'am glad too see some new photo's from your hand.

greetings and a nice day,

hugs, Joop

Bitch said...

Hi, Betty..
Good to have you back!
No, I don't feel intrigued by seeing
a train...
But from the other way looking at a
ship go by!!!
I always wish to be on it... sigh...
Sleeping at night in their cabins!!!
Hugs from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

diane b said...

yes! We both love trains but especially Bill. He has a blog on trains of Switzerland. We have travelled on many European trains. It is fun. One of the best trips was on the historic Yukon-White Pass train in AlaskaYour shots of the famous Orient Express are great.

ANRAFERA said...

Encantadora entrada.
Gracias por la información y detallistas fotografías sobre este clásico tren.

Betty Manousos said...

diane b, how exciting!:)

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Glad to have you back - you have been missed.

Never mind luxury and all of that - I always think romance when I think of the Orient Express.

Other films you could have included .....

Throw Mama From The Train
and, one of my favourite films
Planes, Trains And Automobiles.

Unknown said...

I know a certain young mother in Florida whose two little boys are TRAIN FANATICS!!! I am sending a link to this post to her. For her boys.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Trains stir memories of my husband.He loved trains and we have spent hours sitting trackside and watching the trains go by.Precious memories.

MadSnapper said...

i spent my life from birth to age 28 traveling on the train from Savannah Ga to Palmetto FL to visit my grandmother. i love riding trains then and would now. we have a train museum here and i have ridden that train twice, it is an hour ride, once behind a steam engine like this one and once behind the diesel i used to ride behind as a child. i love trains.

English Rose ♥ said...


I've missed you and your lovely blog darling, how have you been?

If you haven't already, check out my new bi-annual online fashion magazine and spread the word:


Hope you're staying safe and chic dearest!

English Rose x


TexWisGirl said...

i love the black and red colors of this train. :) most of the trains i've seen were freight trains cutting through the small town I grew up in in Wisconsin. I always liked when the conductor would blow the whistle if he saw you wave... Then here in Dallas, they have passenger trains and commuter trains and Amtrak too.

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour Betty,
You have a beautiful blog with interesting subjects!This train is very impressive and I also love your flowers shots.
You are very skilled of photography, congrats!
And thanks for your visit and kind words.
Hugs and a nice day to you,

Marty said...

I love old trains so much !
I was in the french TGV last week !
very fast ! I love your blog Betty !

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

I hane never travelled through train.It would be nice experience!

Bobbi said...

Sadly the only train I've ever riden on has been a commuter train. Makes me want to travel Europe by train now!

Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

I adore trains, I find them very romantic...

great post :)

George said...

I love old trains. I was fortunate enough to be able to ride across northern China on a train pulled by a steam engine. I loved every minute of the trip.

Diane AZ said...

Fascinating post! I love old trains and used to visit them at Travel Town in Los Angeles. I still feel nostalgic whenever I hear a train whistle.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I do enjoy trains. When I think of trains, I must admit, I think of intrigue and mystery. I think of travel with romance and leisure.


Liz Mays said...

I love the feeling of nostalgia I get from the photos!

Pat said...

I love your photos! That must have been really cool to see that train!

We've been around a lot of trains in our travels, either camping near them and hearing their whistles throughout the night, or hopping a ride on one for various tours. I enjoy train rides and watching the scenery fly by!

Bengts fotoblogg said...

I like old steamtrains, great photos.

KrippledWarrior said...

Great photos, as always. And very informative, again as always. And I love all of those movies, especially "Once Upon a Time in the West."

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back! I really like trains. We're taking our little one on her first train ride in July and I can't wait :)

imac said...

What a beauty, I always enjoy Steam Trains.
Enjoyed your post very much my friend.

Kelly said...

Wonderful post, Betty, and yes...I do love trains! I find the sound of a train whistle during the night to be a comfort sound. I also love to see the graffiti that appears on so many of the boxcars and tanker cars here in the US. Sadly, there are no passenger trains in my neck of the woods. I could travel about 100 miles and catch an Amtrack train, but I've never actually traveled by train in the US like I have in Europe.

Good to see this new post from you! I always miss you when you're taking a break!!

Darlene said...

I had no idea the Orient Express was that old! It always makes me think of the book by Agatha Christie. I think it would be so much fun to take a trip on an old-type train.

Claudya Martinez said...

There is a certain romance inherent in that train, isn't there?

Anonymous said...

My husband like trains. Many of his relatives were train engineers.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Betty, I love old trains. My Dad worked for the railroad --so we had free passes to travel that way when I was a child. Loved it....

I enjoy all of Agatha Christie's books ---and I definitely remember "Murder on the Orient Express"....

Thanks so much for sharing.

Cloudia said...

I'm with you. All aBOARD!

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral




Nancy said...

What a neat train -- love the red and black paint. Just awesome, Betty! :)

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Hi Betty.
I've missed you too.

Yes, I find trains fascinating. "Strangers on a Train" was a great movie, too.

Be well and hugs to you.

SquirrelQueen said...

Fabulous photos of the trains Betty. Yes, I and my husband both love old trains, we find them fascinating. And the Orient Express, it conjures up thoughts of mystery and romance in exotic places.

Betty Manousos said...

david, it seems we think alike.
i find trains romantic, too! :)

Betty Manousos said...

oh robyn, of course. thanks for mentioning that great film. :)

Louis la Vache said...

A fine post about this legendary train.

«Louis» thanks you for your visit and comment at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.

Leovi said...

I have always loved the movies I like trains and train travel. Nice pictures of this precious relic. Greetings.

Nevine Sultan said...

Dearest Betty, I have an enormous love for trains, and I always have! I find train travel relaxing and unwinding. It's beautiful to travel with the hypnotizing sounds of the train wheels coughing over the tracks in regular intervals while gazing at lovely scenery right outside your window.

And yes, that Orient Express... and Agatha Christie. Such a romantic and mysterious aura about it all! I used to read Agatha Christie avidly, as a child! And "Murder on the Orient Express" is still one of my favorites!

Your photos bring warm feelings to my heart. And this comes with a huge "Thank you" for nudging me out of my blogging slumber! I truly needed that!!!

Big smiles and hugs from me to you, dearest!!!


Pearl said...

THe closest I've come to such mystery was the train I took from Minneapolis to Chicago in order to audition at the DePaul School of Music.

By the end of the overnight ride, I had a boyfriend and $30 of his money (via poker!).

We swore our undying love but never saw each other again. :-)


Betty Manousos said...

oh, my, pearl! my jaw just dropped!!:)

Betty Manousos said...

thank you, thank you, thank you, my sweet friend, nevine! xoxo

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i like trains...now i realise i miss travelling with train

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

B, I missed you! I love the thought line with this. I love trains and planes for the same reason. They are just exciting :)

Magia da Inês said...

Olá, amiga!

Gosto de trens.
Na minha cidade tem um que leva minério de ferro da minha cidade para um porto que fica em outro estado. Cresci vendo e ouvindo o apito de trens.

Que bom que eu posso postar comentários novamente no seu blog.

Boa quarta-feira!

º° ✿✿♥ ♫° ·.

Bob Bushell said...

Yes, I love the trains, but, my brother loves ever so much, he has a description for all steam trains.

Anonymous said...

when travelling was an adventure. thank you for this ride. please have a good thursday.

daily athens

Pat Tillett said...

I LOVE trains. Heck, I even love train tracks. Not only do I love to ride in them, they are great photo subjects as well.
Nice pics and post!

Anonymous said...

Those were the days of luxury and unhurried travel! Lovely photos.

ruma said...

Sharing a moment of peace.
It is a joy for all.

Thank you for the warmth of your heart.
Have a good weekend...

From Saga, Japan.

Unknown said...

Good pictures of classic cars and locomotives, the trains are old epecial encvanto.
Greetings .-

Bill said...

What a popular blog you have here, Betty. But then railways are a fascinating subject. We traveled on the White Pass & Yukon Mountain Railroad last year in Alaska and i made a little film about it.


Cheers, and keep te posts coming!

Ryan said...

I'm not sure if I dreamt this or if it was real but my first recollection of the orient express was in a movie with Charlie Chan lol...remember him?

magda said...

Μπέττυ μου, καλωσόρισες!!!
Υπέροχο και ενδιαφέρον το θέμα σου και εξαιρετικές οι φωτογραφίες σου!!!
Το λατρεύω το τρένο. Έχω ταξιδέψει πολύ με τρένο...
Πολλά φιλάκια

Louis la Vache said...

Another legendary, if not so glamorous, train.

Hootin Anni said...

I had to get my dear man to come view these photos with me. We both love the old trains. Too bad, here in America, they no longer exist on the railways, just the museums.

Really enjoyed this post!!!

Thanks for stopping by to visit with me yesterday. As always, I enjoyed having your company.

Thursday's post:

Honky-tonking and Wildflowers

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous train! :-)

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

I love these pictures, I have memories of seeing shows with identical locomotives!


OLHAR D'OURO from Portugal

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Great photos and story. Yes, I love trains too, especially old ones, although we rarely ride one.

Nancy said...

Thank you for sharing at YSB this week, Betty. I appreciate your participation. :)

BrandNewStudio said...


Buttons Thoughts said...

Yes I love old trains and I love your post. Your photos are wonderful. B

Scott said...

Cool old train. Nice photos.

Pat said...

Nice photos! I took a long train trip when I was very young and don't remember much about it, but I am rather fascinated by trains.

nat said...

Wow, you sure got some nice photos!

dennistheeremite said...

On my way to being gone for a few weeks...When I was four (about 1956) my family took a train trip from California to Iowa and Ohio to visit relatives. I have a collection of fond memories of that trip. I alway wave at the engineer as a train rolls by.

Emm said...

*sigh* I share your fascination. I would just love to travel on the orient Express one day. I love vintage trains.

Actually, I was looking at the Interrail site today about a bit of travelling around Europe but it got too confusing.

Sérgio Pontes said...

I really like old trains

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Awesome survey, I love your post.

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Anonymous said...

You'r precisely right on this piece!

JessicaVjXC said...

Wow, you sure got some nice photos!

Jackson said...

Hi Betty, I love old trains. My Dad worked for the railroad --so we had free passes to travel that way when I was a child. Loved it.... I enjoy all of Agatha Christie's books ---and I definitely remember "Murder on the Orient Express".... Thanks so much for sharing. Hugs, Betsy