Minimal Photography - Are You...

Are you a minimalist or a maximalist? They say "Less is More", 
"Do less and do it better". I definitely like that!:)

Most of us may possibly be unaware of how little we need to truly live and be happy. I am not quite sure I deserve the label 'minimalist' living in a materialistic and globalized world and era.

I actually am a city girl and I can honestly say it is not easy for me, but I've already simplified my life a lot, and cleared a lot of unneeded possessions.
I'm trying to non-essential stuff away.
De-cluttering is great fun! looking at the open uncluttered space,
I love it!
"Living in a tent" it really starting to appeal to me? Definitely not, but I do strongly believe that the pursuit of wealth has made more people unhappy than happy.
How about you? What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear. xx


ANRAFERA said...

Muy buenas composiciones, Betty.
Me gusta su originalidad.
Cordial saludo.

Red Nomad OZ said...

Minimal works for me. But what definition am I using? My life downunder here in Australia would seem unbelievably complex and self-indulgent to those affected by famine, natural disasters and oppressive regimes.

So am I really a minimalist? And who is to judge??

Betty Manousos said...

red nomad oz, very well said and thanks for the great insight!!

diane b said...

I would like to be brave enough to be a minimalist. I try it when packing for a holiday. I agree with Red.

The Blonde Duck said...

I don't think I could swing a tent. :)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I can't say this country girl likes living out of a tent, cause I don't. :) I don't think I'm a minimalist either. But I DO know that I mostly live an uncluttered life (in my home) and...I like it. Clutter makes me crazier.

But, please don't look in my purse because I might be called a liar when you see that clutter.

PS Love the photos.

Samantha said...

Minimalist unless it's my kitchen..then I blow minimal out of the water. It isn't cluttered, but oh the cooking stuff.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

As always great photos - I especially like the one of the door knocker and the pen and paper (but then I would like that given my blog title).

A bit of a collector, I am never-the-less a great believer in a place for everything and everything in its place.

TexWisGirl said...

i do not like clutter. i don't like too many gadgets. i definitely like a simpler, slower life, but i also couldn't live without my laptop and satellite tv. :) oh, and these days my camera too...

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Me again. A bit off topic I know but I'm doing a post on beauty and was wondering if it would be ok to include one of your photographs? I'm sure you won't mind but it seems rude not to ask - if you could let me know that would be great. x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the photos are wild and wonderful. i really like the apple with seeds. i like taking photos of all kinds of odd things like this. good job.
i am a neat freak and can not stand clutter, if i am not using it i get rid of it. I don't buy things that i have no place to sit or use for it. not a collecting bone in my body. this makes me happy, but would make some people very unhappy. so i think we should do what ever floats our own personal boat when it comes to clutter/no clutter.
i do beleive that things do not make us happy and that the seeking of things can ruin our lives if we are not careful. i have seen this happen in my children lives and others.

Gaelyn said...

My RV lifestyle certainly calls for a certain amount of minimalism. Yet I still find things to get rid of every year when I clean out. And there's so much more I could do without. But the tent is only for camping.

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

Nice type of photographing!

Bossy Betty said...

Time to purge my closet. You have inspired me! Loved these pictures--so simple and yet so powerful too.

Hilary said...

Everyone has different standards of "minimal." I do without many things my friends and family have, but to others my computers and camera are indulgent .. and they certainly are. And as Red pointed out.. if we're even reading this, we have far more than too many others.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I have been downsizing like mad lately. I love it!

dennistheeremite said...

I'll really be gone in a half hour. These pictures illustrate your good eye for seeing bigger pictures. There's a connection. I am a hoarder (most of all, of books, but also of a hundred silly little things). God give you joy in the gift of simplicity.

Nevine Sultan said...

He he he... oh, my dearest! I am not a minimalist, not in the least. I love my STUFF. But I do not love clutter. So, if I don't need it, I get rid of it... without a thought. And if I like it... it stays! That makes for a lot of material. And like you, I am a city girl, so I don't see myself camping out in a tent any time soon! ;-)

Loved every photo, but especially the ones with the grapes and spices! Imagine... life with only grapes and spices. It works, no? ;-)

Bigs hugs and best wishes for a lovely week!


magda said...

Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
Συμφωνώ μαζί σου απολύτως. Οι φωτογραφίες σου είναι υπέροχες!!!
Εγώ προσωπικά δεν θα ήθελα να είναι φορτωμένο το σπίτι.
Πολλά φιλάκια

Betty Manousos said...

i welcome any of your comments. thanks. :)

Liz Mays said...

I've been moving that direction too. I like minimalism a lot.

imac said...

Great shots my friend, me- I like to clear things out, but DW is a little like her Mum, and as an Artist, its hard for her to throw away,lol.

Willoughby said...

Your photos are great! I love them!

I think organizing and decluttering can be very therapeutic, but I'll probably never be a minimalist. I have so many things I love that I would never want to get rid of.

Cloudia said...

We have lived on our boat for 20 years. Can you say 'minimal possessions?'

Aloha from Waikiki :)

Comfort Spiral




Nancy said...

Minimalist on the inside, but married to a maximalist. :)

Nancy said...

Minimalist on the inside, but married to a maximalist. :)


i love freedom, 100 years ago this was all slaves dream about, but now it's hard to be free,because of computers, jobs, life itself...
so we have to escape somehow, i'm lucky to travel for my job across my country and can see the try to escape

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

My kitchen could seriously use some decluttering right now!

KrippledWarrior said...

I like the old saying "He who dies with the most toys is still dead."

Emm said...

Betty! Hello! I feel like it is too long since I have visited (I apologise - bereavement + holiday + studies). I love your photos in this post. When we emigrated, we gave up many of our material delights and I am happy for it. I did hold on to my books and Blu-rays though!

Kelly said...

"Less is More" = Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, my favourite architect!

These are fantastic photos, Betty!! Amazing at just how much can be said from such a simple, minimal shot of something!

Hope your week is going well.

Bob Bushell said...

You have a splendid work load, amazing pieces.

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life said...

I´m so glad that you join us on *PicStory Tuesday*. Thanks for sharing your nice pictures. Hope to see you next tuesday with the theme: *All in lilac*
LG Tina

letrecivette said...

Hi Betty!
Nice to meet you!Thanks for your kind comm to me!
Lovely pics here! see you soon!
Ciao from Italy! Monica

Ms. A said...

As someone who has hung onto everything, minimal does begin to sound appealing. Just not enough to get rid of my stuff.

Anonymous said...

I am into minimalism actually I am glad its not just me.

Great stuff here with really nice pics. Thanks for sharing with us :D

Bobbi said...

Great pictures!

Sadly, I'm not much of a minimalist. And I could NEVER live in a tent!

Leovi said...

Great pictures with splendid colors. Excellent framing. I love your style. Congratulations, a hug.

Sebab said...

Some fantastic shots!

Anonymous said...

am currently just beginning to discover the 'world hidden' inside.
yes, probably an escape of what the other world at this time is able to provide.
please have a good wednesday.

daily athens said...

Nice pictures, dear Betty. I especially like the sliced apple with a focus on the seeds.
Be well, friend.

Anonymous said...

Love that cut apple shot! It's wonderful. As for being a minimalist, if you'd asked me two years ago, I would have said yes but now with a child--I would KILL for a dishwasher and some central air up in this log home! And a little more space wouldn't hurt either...

Hope you're having a great week :)


Anonymous said...

I live in a sea of kids' clutter, but I like minimalism... And possessions certainly have nothing to do with happiness - perhaps even stop us from seeing the joy we do have.

Rick said...

I think we tend to accumulate those things that we think (or have been brainwashed to believe) will make our lives easier. That's why we have all those labour-saving gadgets and appliances, and 'toys' - all of which we 'need', of course, and have to work many (more) hours to afford.

Good post.

Have a great week, Betty !

moni said...

Gi Betty, thanks you visit my blog and kind comment. Your pics are wonderful, I love the pictures and in my life too!
Your blog is great and I will come back soon!
Greetings from Germany

Sweet Lily said...

Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!

EG CameraGirl said...

I LOVE the idea of living a less materialistic life. Now if only I could convince the significant other in my life. LOL

wenn said...

I need to do that too when I hv the time..

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

Hello Betty!

As always amazing detail in your photos!



Betty Manousos said...

the tame lion, welcome and thanks. :)

your site is very interesting!

Scott Law said...

Excellent job on being minimal on these. I definitely need to work on that. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

Ryan said...

Great shots, I'd love to be a minimalist and I will be as soon as the kids grow up andleave me alone lol.

Fábio Martins said...

Little things but with value!
Keep going Betty :)

Claudya Martinez said...

I am a mediumist, somewhere in between the two.

ruma said...

Awe inspiring your works...

Thank you for your love and sincerity.
Have a good weekend.

From Saga, Japan.

Betty Manousos said...

petty witter, of course!! be my guest, i would be honoured!:)

Rosie@travel-i-tales said...

Wow, you are a serious photographer, and you have a huge following. Thanks for visiting my travel blog, and I'm following yours, Betty.
Minimalism is not going to be easy to achieve, for me...But I'm not going overboard on buying what I don't have room for!

The Blonde Duck said...

Happy Thursday!

Betty Manousos said...

rosie, welcome and thanks!! :)

Nicole said...

Hi there! I know its been awhile, we've been crazy with moving! I love your photos, especially the different colors of spices one. I think it is a great thing in this world to be a minimalist and just the fact that you are working on it, is amazing! I used to think I was a minimalist, until we moved to the country and I've had to do without lots of things, like cable, a dishwasher, baths and longer than 15 min. showers! You've inspired me to write about this!

Anonymous said...

Good post, Betty. I've always felt that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. :) I like simple things and my simple life.

Great captures- very minimalist, yet each photo has a story if you can imagine it.

-Less is best but seeking for more will make you poor.- me

Pat Tillett said...

I don't need much at all, but you never know it if you looked in my house and garage...
nice pics!

Rubens Castillo said...

Gracias por tus parar y comentar en mi Blog.
En cuanton al tuyo me gusta la frescuara y naturalidad de tus fotos en general y en particular sobre esta entrada me quedo con la composición y el color. Un saludo desde Sevilla.

Misadventures in Motherhood said...

Oh, and I forgot to say I'm following you back!


Marty said...

This is a great post Betty ! I think that we always try to find far away what we can have where we are and we don't need too much !! the superfluous doesn't make the life better !

septembermom said...

I think I have a big picture view of life, but I want the minimalist approach to organizing it. Does that make sense? Great question Betty.

Love your photographs! You have such a great eye for capturing a memorable picture :)

chow and chatter said...

awesome pictures I agree less is more all the best with the bread let me know how it goes :-)


Craver Vii said...

I am more successful at being a minimalist with photographs than with clutter in other areas. You brought us a good lesson here.

UIFPW08 said...

Fantastic shots..

lindy said...

I absolutely agree with you on this! Less is more and more does not a happy person make. Just wish I could get my hubby on board! New follower, here!

SquirrelQueen said...

In my backpacking days I would have been perfectly happy living in a tent but fortunately I got over all of that.

I don't like clutter but it just seems to happen sometimes.

imhkki said...

nice captures

NatureFootstep said...

thanks for visiting Bidlverkstan. :)

Misty said...

Thanks for participating in the contest. Be sure to become a follower so you can be notified when the winners are posted. Also, in the future be sure to only link the blogpost you are submitting from specifying which picture you are submitting. I appreciate you joining in the fun. :)

Bitch said...

Wonderful post, Betty and very beautiful pictures!
They tell us that one can live with
only a few things and life is still
beautiful and true!!!!!

Unknown said...

What a very cool set of shots!


Beautiful photo collection. I find these simply and highly creatively composed photographs.

Randy said...

I love this series of photos!

Anonymous said...

Very nice series
Well done!

Arianna Marangonzin said...

Molto interessanti e originali queste foto!

Arianna Marangonzin said...

Molto interessanti e originali queste foto!