Photographing Through a Bus Window + Have a Fun Weekend!

It was a lovely day. The weather was glorious; warm, but the wind 
was chill. The green fields were just gorgeous, and seemed to 
stretch all the way to the mountains. The haystacks piled up in the meadows looked beautiful. 
Definitely an idyllic landscape!
Oh, how I love this misty picture! (Photo above.)
It was a wonderful trip through a beautiful scenery and countryside
roads. I've always enjoyed bus rides on educational trips. 
(Photos of Evros area, Thrace, North Greece.)

Hey... look! It's a cow! We saw this beautiful red-brown cow walking along the road. What a great find!
They were watching us at first, but soon they lost their interest! 
Cattle are not very least they say a big "Moo!" :)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, everyone! xx

Sharing with Camera Critters .

Have a great one!

Tip: Shooting from a bus or any moving vehicle can present
some difficult challenges like distracting reflections and dirty
windows; yet it's really hard because you have a little control
since it is usually moving and carrying you along with it, but
it was worth it. I think the lush landscape and these pretty cows
really afforded a great subject matter. 


Joop Zand said...

Hello Betty

great shots Betty,as always a pleasure to see,

Greetings and i wish you a lovely weekend.

Joop x

Ms. A said...

Moo! Have a wonderful weekend!

magda said...

Καλημέρα Μπέττυ μου
Πολύ όμορφη έκπληξη σας επεφύλαξαν οι αγελάδες και υπέροχες και τόσο τρυφερές οι φωτογραφίες σου!!!
Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο
Πολλά φιλάκια

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

Wonderful photos

Liz Mays said...

What a fun surprise to discover along the way. They're not usually in any hurry to move either, are they? ;)

MadSnapper said...

have not ridden on a bus except the big yellow ones that took me to school. would love to see all those cows. a fun trip and great shots from inside the bus

Diane AZ said...

Wonderful! I agree, cows are the best thing to watch. Lovely countryside and moo cows. :)

diane b said...

I love their velvet noses. Where were the great landscapes taken?

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful scenery and lovely herd of cattle just lounging along the road!

Unknown said...

Such great shots! Especially the Moo-Cows! Enjoy the rest of the trip!

Bitch said...

Haven't find a cow yet here...
Lovely images taken by a sensible
Have a great trip and therefore a
nice weekend...

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Atishooo - All this greenery is setting my hayfever off. Many thanks for yet more great photos, best wishes for a wonderful week-end. x

Jesús Castellano said...

Gracias ha estas fotos es como si hubiéramos hecho el viaje en el mismo autobús.


Gaelyn said...

Interesting how cows intrigue us in a lush pastoral setting. Maybe it is greener on the other side of the fence. Oh yea, no fence here. Well share the road.

Pat said...

Looks like a beautiful trip! Uh-oh, cows in the road! How fun is that?!

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

You have great imagination!I see that there are still some places in our country that have not been polluted yet!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The scenery is beautiful.It looks like it might have been a relaxing ride.

Bobbi said...

As always, great pictures!
Love the landscape!

Kathie Brown said...

Love that first shot. Is it from out west somewhere? Cows are always cute! thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

Moo! cute cows!:D

Bossy Betty said...

Looks like a peaceful trip! Gotta love those cows!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

These photos are beautiful! They could be framed! The rolling green pastures and adorable cows make for the perfect backdrop. :)

Kelly said...

This is fun! They might just say moo, but our cows have different ways of saying it. Sometimes when we're sitting in the middle of our pond fishing we'll hear one and my husband can tell me which one it is, LOL!

Hope you have a good weekend, Betty!

Anonymous said...

I know it is not a sky, but I love your cow photos.

Nancy said...

Who doesn't love cows? :) I hope the rancher got them back in their fence. Great shots -- memories of field trips.

Leovi said...

Breathtaking scenery. I like the light and tones, soft and very beautiful. A delightful sky. Greetings

Fábio Martins said...

Lovely regists. Really :) said...

Those are great colorful shots, especially considering you snapped them through a window. Nice. Cows are fun to watch.
Be well, Betty.

Cloudia said...

how fun!

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral




Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful trip and gorgeous scenery, Betty. I don't know where you were --but it surely was pretty. Thanks for sharing.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» thanks you for publicizing his bovine cousins on your blog...

Marty said...

Nce trip in that wonderful landscape!
have a lovely weekend Betty

Magia da Inês said...


Bom fim de semana!

º° ✿✿♥ ♫° ·.

Betty Manousos said...

...our driver drove us carefully around the cows who were hanging around on the road! :)

Ever Green Tree said...

Its difficult capturing pc while on the move..... Must say you have done a fabulous job with your shots. Lovely pictures!

Pierre BOYER said...

Nice landscapes....
Greetings from France,


Betty Manousos said...

thanks, ever green tree!!
yes, it was quite difficult, but those pretty cows afforded a great opportunity to try this.:)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love it when other people drive, as long as they are doing it safely, so that I can look at the countryside. These are very nice peaceful, interesting pics. I love cows also, you got some great pics of them.

George said...

You got some wonderful pictures through the bus window. I really like the scenery. I'll bet the cows slowed you down though -- they move at their own pace and usually think they have the right-of-way.

Allison@No Carb Left Behind said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my Thin & Crispy Oatmeal Cookie post!

I am excited to check out the rest of your blog! Count me in as your newest follower :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, what lovely shots! So green and what cute company you had along the way.

Anonymous said...

Cool shots--love the cows.

Hope you have a great weekend as well,

Kim :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos and have a great weekend!

gtyyup said...

Looks like a wonderful trip via bus. Your first photo is a great one! Thanks for visitin'~

Claudya Martinez said...

They seem quite at home and totally unfazed by having company.

Anonymous said...

Those brown cows are awesome!
Need to say more? ;)

Annabella said...

What beautiful creatures and enjoying such an idyllic setting. Lovely photos!

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Amiga, estupendo post el que nos has dejado. Un placer volver por tu aquí.

Saludos y buen fin de semana.

BrandNewStudio said...


Bob Bushell said...

That sounds like your trip is a winner, and the cows, far out.

Light Trigger said...

thaks for stopping by! You have lovely photos here! I love the second one! so beautiful! Nice weekend!

XmasDolly said...

First of all thanks for stopping by. I love your photos. What a great find indeed. Isn't funny how people from the city thinks "A COW" is such a great thing to see. Why? Because we don't see them every day I guess. LOL Anyway it was really cool & see a whole herd - totally awesome. I'm your latest follower. Nice to meet you.

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful photos of your trip. It's certainly not often one sees cows on the road. :)

wenn said...

i love to watch n capture scenery.

magiceye said...

beautiful images!!

loved your concluding thought!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful photos from the bus, the scenery is lovely. The cows are cute. There are a lot of them.

anemonen said...

Thanks for sharing this. I like cows.

ritsamama said...

i really love cows.

Kate said...

The cows in the road remind me of the freedom these animals have in India. Not a real common sight here, tho.

Phil Slade said...

Hi Betty and thanks for visiting my blog. Returning the compliment and enjoyed your lovely landscapes but couldn't help wondering where that place is - looks like Scotland or Wales!

Sebab said...

Since we live in a cow worshiping country we have lots of obstructions these days to get home from work in our car. We live far from the city and when we are coming home late in the night the village road near or home is the sleeping place for so many cows. My wife has to come out from the car and shuuuu the cows and has to direct me between them with out hitting any of them.

You have some fantastic pictures! Thank you so much for vising our cruise blog.

Betty Manousos said...

phil, that place is in Thrace, Northern Greece, its name is the Evros (river) Delta, a protected wetland. :)

GVK said...

Your cattle on road pictures are very much like what it is in my neighbourhood in Chennai. Cows on the street don't realize they could get hurt.

Gattina said...

That looks really like country side, lol ! so many cows. Where was it ?

Evelyn S. said...

I was interested to read your comment above about the location of the wandering cows; the cows weren't a "familiar" kind as I'm accustomed to seeing here in the Pacific Northwest of the USA. Great experience!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow these are great shots. I do love watching cattle myself. Thank you for sharing with us. B

Sarah Knight said...

Ha! I've driven by a lot of cows before — I don't think I've ever seen one in the road!

Ms. Becky said...

I really love that second photo with the water. you're right about the scenery - it's lovely and lush.
I too like taking photos from bus windows. yours are delightful. happy SSS, and I hope you have wonderful week.

anemonen said...

I like cowes they are so friendly.

Ms. Becky said...

sorry, I followed you over from another blog, and mistakenly thought you'd joined in Shadow Shot Sunday! but my mistake doesn't change my thoughts about your lovely photos!

Sailor said...

Oh yes I just noticed...You are my 100th follower :) Thank you!

Kim, USA said...

That is what I like road trips. Beautiful sceneries are plenty and just watch the road animals has the right of way too hehehe. Thanks for sharing the photos and the visit too. Happy Sunday!

Shy Robin

Pat said...

The bus trip sounds like a great way to relax and concentrate on photographing the scenery! Lovely scenic shots in your post and I live the unruly cows!

KrippledWarrior said...

hamburgers on the hoof! =)
Or my next motorcycle jacket, still walking around.

NatureFootstep said...

this is a great set of shots. Love it:)

Rick said...

Beautiful scenic shots Betty - must have been a great trip - especially with those cows ;-) Love that 2nd shot - so peaceful - looks like just the place to kick off one's shoes and lie back in the grass !

Have a great week !

Michelle said...

Cool find. It made for some great photos!

Angel Corrochano said...

Gran reportaje, unas fotografías de una naturalidad excelente. Bellas.
Un abrazo

Anonymous said...

I like taking pics of cows. They are very loving creatures.

Susie said...

Gorgeous pictures!!! Looks like a fun trip:-)

kRiZcPEc said...

Hey, these shots make me want to go somewhere. Thanks for your comment on my SWF post.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

What gorgeous shots you captured!

Unknown said...

Ou I love those cows, very interesting bus drive:) Have to say unbelievable good shot behind the window.


great landscapes...i love cows
i think was a nice and relaxing trip

Tara said...

That is really neat, love the captures outside your bus window!

Emm said...

Beautiful! Is that near where you live!! It is so lush and green and gorgeous.

Tina´s PicStory said...

Thanks for following me back :) LG Tina

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze - Goodies for a pleasant life said...

What beautiful stuff! :) LG Tina

Xanne said...

haha! lots of cows!

great site. lovely photos!

viting you back. Have a nice day:)

p.s. just followed you. hope you could do the same?thanks!:)

Pat Tillett said...

When we are away from home, my wife almost always drives. After all, I can't steer and snap photos at the same time, can I? It's not safe....dirty windows and window glare are the ememy!

SquirrelQueen said...

What a beautiful countryside. Your moving photos are great Betty.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Beautiful set of photos! shooting in a moving vehicle can be very challenging yet I find it relaxing :) Drive-by shots are cool!

Thanks for "taking us" with your wonderful photographic adventure.