Are You a Cat or Dog Person? + Have a Sweet Weekend!

I'm most certainly a dog person, but I love kitties, too. Cats always are attracted to me and I truly love the furry pet world. No doubt these poor cats are having such a bad time! Oh, and there have been two cat visitors to my backyard lately. Congratulations guys, you're adopted!
What about you?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my lovelies!

Don't sit around the house...get out and enjoy Nature. 


Have a great one! xx

How about a Ba- Donka-Donk ? Totally. Brilliant! You gonna love it!

(Bottom photo courtesy of Google images)


Corinne Rodrigues said...

I'm certainly a dog person, Betty, but your pictures do make me consider...just for a bit liking cats too :) Sorry to hear you've been ill. I hope you're 100% now. Take care.

TexWisGirl said...

oh those last sets of photos cracked me up!!!

i am dog, cat and horse person. and bird person. and turtle person. and and and...

Betty Manousos said...

aw, corinne, thanks for that!:)

texwisgirl, i love your new profile!

Kelly said...

I'm most definitely a dog person! But..that doesn't mean I can't appreciate cats and those kitten photos are SO cute!!! I never mind being around someone else's cat.

Those last photos are hilarious. I especially like the one with the monkey!

Unknown said...

For many years, I have always been a cat person. Now that I have my little doggie, I have a new appreciate for dogs. Don't get me wrong, I still love the kitties but the love of a dog is so different than the independence of the kitties.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Joop Zand said...

Lovely shots Betty,

i wish you a very nice weekend.

Hugs, Joop

imac said...

Amazing - just amazing Betty, such a fun post - but down to earth full of Nature.

MadSnapper said...

I am dog to the core, but love all animals including cats. i can't have a cat in the house because i am an ultra light sleeper and cats tend to walk on people during the night. i tried one for a day and it woke me up all night and when i locked it in the kitchen, it carried on and batted the door, so the next day it went back to where i got it from. cats are wonderful and I love them, but training them to stay off the bed and me is not possible. these kittens are darling

mahler76 said...

άχου γατούλιααααα αχ ψυχούλες!!!

Nancy said...

Oh Betty, you know I am both! There's enough room in my heart for all of them. :)

Congrats on your new babies. They are adorable. :)

Anonymous said...

Hilarious pics!

I'm a dog person, but some cats are sweet.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I'm both a dog and cat person. It's not either/or to me is both/and.

wenn said...

i love dogs!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

All of the above. I love all animals. Now if we could get rid of those humans.... :)

Have a great weekend!

George said...

I'm definitely a dog person, but my daughter has two cats, so I guess I have two grandcats. I was going to head outside, but after looking at your last few pictures I may rethink that.
Have a great weekend.

EG CameraGirl said...

I love both dogs and cats. :) Dogs because they are so friendly and cats because because they are so independent. Yep, I have a split personality. :)

beth said...

i used to be just a dog person, but now with my sister and my daughter having cats, i have fallen in love with them, too :)

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

I am mostly a cat person.I am afraid of big dogs.I may get used to small dogs.Definitely,dogs are more trustful than cats.It's nice to grow up a pet.It will be friend.

magda said...

Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
Υπέροχες και διασκεδαστικές φωτογραφίες!!!
Εγώ αγαπώ όλα τα ζωάκια και γελάω πολύ με τα μαιμουδάκια!!!
Πολλά φιλάκια και καλό Σαββατοκύριακο!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

WELL--since I grew up with a cat and then had a dog when my children were young, I guess I love BOTH... BUT--IF I had to choose, I'd choose a dog.

Lynette Jacobs said...

I am a dog person...and also not tiny dogs...I like big dogs like a labrador or a rottweiler.

Anonymous said...

At first I'm a cat person, but I'm a dog person too, I love animals, if they have no more tha 4 legs!:)
Thank you for the wonderful shots!!!
Have a nice weekend and greetings

Pat Tillett said...

As you already know from some dog posts I made last month. I'm a cat person. Dogs are like undisciplined children. I don't hate them, I just don't TRUST them!

Reena said...

Laughing at those last photos ... me, cat person but then ... about any animal person!

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

I loved the pictures of cats.

They are very beautiful!



Nevine Sultan said...

My dear Betty, Those little kitties are just too adorable for words! Kittens are incredibly precious and I love their delicate sounds. They're also very vulnerable, which makes you just love them all the more.

This weekend... yes, I plan to get out of the house and just spend some time under the big old blue sky. I've had a busy week and it's time for me to just indulge myself in some real life.

I wish you a lovely weekend filled with memorable moments, my dear.

Big hugs to you!


Bob Bushell said...

Magnificent pictures. I am a dog person, a lion, tiger and cheetah, etc, but, I don't like, is the ones that kill birds, mice and amuse themselves watching the poor fish. Sorry.

Cloudia said...

brilliant! Ha Ha

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral


> < } } ( ° >

< ° ) } } > <

Betty Manousos said...

bob, i know. some people are just cruel. i hate people like that, too. it really makes me sick when i see any sort of animal in pain. :(

FilipBlog said...

Love the white grey cat

Ms. A said...

I love the idea of cats, not the allergies that go with them. I'm a dog person, doing without a companion because hubby thinks the next one might outlive us.

Have a wonderful weekend!


great images, cute cats
have a nice weekend Betty

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm a kitty person and those fur babies are adorable!

Fábio Martins said...

Boa noite. Venho informar que o espaço foi apagado e voltei para a plataforma Blogger. Daqui não vou sair tão cedo :) guarda este link nos favoritos se assim entenderes e apaga o outro. Obrigado. Cumps

Lifebeginsat30ty said...

Awe, those kitties are adorable! What are their names? :)

A Mother Always said...

I'm a dog person but, I won't say no to a cat who can good aturedly put up with dogs.

Have a good weekend.

Gaelyn said...

I really love dogs and cats, plus any other animal that comes around. Just don't believe in domesticating wildlife. Yet I'm more prone to dogs because they don't own me as much.

Hey that photo of the lions looks like what I felt like in Kruger. Way cool.

Cezar and Léia said...

Oh là là, so beautiful energy in this post! I'm a cat lover, but I love all critters, birds, turtles, dogs...
Lovely pictures, thanks so much for this sweet message.
Hugs and happy weekend,
Léia (Bonjour Luxembourg)

Bitch said...

I am an animal person in general.
But I am living with a cat.
Maybe they are so independent one
can easily live with..
Enjoy your weekend my dear Betty!!!!
Send you hugs from Greece xxxx

lilabraga said...

I'm certainly a dog person, Betty, but after seeing your pictures...I am kind of considering getting a cat now!:)
Hope you are okay now!
loveee your blo,by the way!

Sivinden said...

So cute kittens:)

eileeninmd said...

Hi, I am definitely a dog person. But I think the kitties are cute. Great photos and post. Have a great weekend!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

A cat person, how cute are those kittens?

don said...

A fine series or these beautiful kittens. Nice post.

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm a dog person, but am quite happy to exchange affections with a cat.

Gattina said...

I love dogs too, but I am a 100 % cat woman ! Cats are so independent and never do what you want them to do, lol !

Kay L. Davies said...

This cat-and-dog person has never visited your blog before and I love your photos. So glad the kittens got adopted. Not sure I'd adopt the dog in the last photo, however. LOL
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Carol said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Love the kitty pics :)

VioletSky said...

I am definitey a cat person... and I miss mine terribly. your photos of the cute kitties have me anxious to get another.

Diane AZ said...

What sweet kitty pictures! I love both dogs and cats, but mostly have had cats for pets. Enjoy the weekend!

Francisca said...

I was thinking your question a tad unfair, given the adorable kitten photos... and then laughed to see you are a dog person! Well, perhaps I am neither, and wouldn't want to take the responsibility of another pet. But I did adore our Doberman, and like you, cats seem to be drawn to me. Your fun photos too were a laughing matter... :-D

Maria's Space said...

I love dogs and cats but would prefer cats as a pet right now. Very cute cats.

Ryan said...

I've grew up with both cats and dogs...I even had a hamster once, well my sister had one. His name was squeak, how original lol.

Randy said...

I love them both. Right now I have two cats I would love to get a pup but I think my girls would pack their bags and move.

Hilary said...

Wonderful pics. I am a cat person primarily (I have two) and a dog person as well. Then just about every other non-reptilian animal lover after that.

I Wonder Wye said...

Love animals in general but my cats rule my heart...sure love the kitten photos!! They grow so fast...

SquirrelQueen said...

I love all animals but I am definitely a cat person. Those kittens are adorable. The little tabby in the background looks just like one I trapped two weeks ago. We are hoping it can be tamed and get adopted into a good home.

The bottom photos are hilarious!

Bengts fotoblogg said...

Beautiful cats, great photos.

Michael said...

I am both. Nice pics. And thanks for the laughs. :D

Jesús Castellano said...

Unas fotos simpáticas y con mucha ternura.


Muhammad-Dadan said...

I loves cats so much! I love animals, I think human have taken so much from this world.
Anyway nice to know you.

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely a dog person but I do like cats. I'm allergic to them though so it's a hands off kind of fondness :)

Hope you had a great weekend:)

Unknown said...

I am a dog person. Cats make me sneeze. :-/

Twilight Man said...

I love cats more than dogs coz they don't bark! ha ha ha...

Twilight Man said...

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that I was being bitten by many dogs when I was a kid. I had few rabies jabs as prevention. My dad was worried that I would start frothing in my mouth. This post made me recall back that I have been bitten by German Shepard, Dalmations, Bulldog and other strays!

Anonymous said...

I love those baby kittens!
I'm a cat man!

Anonymous said...

I love those baby kittens!
I'm a cat man!

Anonymous said...

I love those baby kittens!
I'm a cat man!

Anonymous said...

Hi :) thanks for compliments on my blog, and thanks for following my blog :)

I love cats, but if they lick my nose, I get a strange feeling inside my nose and down my throat.. So I have to ceep them avay from at least my nose and my home.
Sadly, cause I grew up with cats :)
so wonderful animals :)

Phil Slade said...

Well I'm a birdy person but I really enjoyed your photos.

chow and chatter said...

he he fun post I also like both

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I am a cat person, so these pics made me smile!

Crissi said...

Hello Betty,
thank you for your visit, I was happy. The pictures are so beautiful, I love cats, and I have two cats.
Greetings Crissi

The Blonde Duck said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment....I love that little cute....following back.....

Sandra Wilkes said...

Such a dog lover here! Love the pics! Man, I need to take 'comment lessons' from you. You are rockin!!! Any secrets?


Trac~ said...

I love dogs but have always been a cat person thru and thru - so much easier to take care of (despite the litter box - ewww). Loving the cute animal pictures and the kitty's are too cute! :) Have a great week and thanks for stopping by to say hi this morning! xoxoxo

de wereld volgens essi said...

Hi Betty,
Ha ha ha! Great pictures!
I´m a 200% dog person, but I´m little bit a cat person too.
Have a great week.

Jennifer Fabulous said...

*gasp* Those kitties are SO CUTE!!! I wish with all my heart I was not allergic. Sigh.

And I love these animal photos as well. Haha. That poor woman with the kangaroo. :P

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics!haha!
and the kittens are very cute!


Jen ( said...

I am most certainly a dog person, but I love the tiger picture!

lina@happy family said...

I'm a cat person!
Love those funny pics...

Thanks for your prayers :)

Chapters From My Life said...

Definitely I am a cat person.. or may be I am cat in human form ;)


You have really beautiful photos! A beautiful start to the week, I wish!

Anonymous said...

What heyday isn't today?

Anonymous said...

What broad daylight isn't today?

tracy said...

Defiantly a cat mommy.
Thank you for your visit to my wee blog...I just found your thoughtful comment today.
(I didn't realize there was a comment box)
Thus the late response...Silly me...

Your photography skills are amazing!
Beautiful photos. I've been looking at your blog which I find so much fun, I love it!!!