How Do You Feel When Watching the Sunset? + Have a Romantic Weekend!

Day cruise. Cancun, Mexico.
orange sunset
Cancun, Mexico Sunset. Marvelling (marveling) at the wonder of the sunset in all its degradation. Softly the evening came...

Is there anything more beautiful than an Orange sunset? 
"Yes, a beautiful Orange sunrise" more than likely you said. To be frank, I have never been able to photograph a sunrise so far. The hardest part of Sunrise Photography is waking up early in the morning. 
I think I am too lazy to set up early in the morning for shooting sunrises.

I love to watch the sunset, and this time of year they can be quite spectacular. 
I think so many of us imagine watching the sunset with their beloved ones or someone special. I'm always in too much awe of the lovely colours and totally absorbed by the beauty and calmness of the sunset to notice I am alone.

How do you feel when watching the sunset? Romantic, relaxed, lonely, like something is missing? I'd love to hear. :)

My lovelies, hope you have a wonderful summer weekend! xx

P.S. Tip for photographing sunrises: The early morning light is soft and diffused so you need a longer shutter speed to let in more light.

Tip for photographing sunsets: Adjust your White Balance. If you want to bring out the colour through, try switching to one of the presets that adds warmth such as Shade or Cloudy.


Joop Zand said...

Wow.... what a nice photo's Betty,
i wanna be with you.... lovely moments and good food.....could it be better ?
don't think so.

Have a very nice weekend,

Bye, Joop

Cryingbear said...

Nice reportage!
I love watching sunset: it's so quiet and full of promises!

Samantha said...

Gorgeous images!

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

Beautiful photos!It is true that during the summer the sunset is more magnificent.When I see the sunset,I am thinking that the night is coming.Have happy holidays!


I love staring at sunset. I cry sometimes looking at beautiful sunset. Happy weekend! Love all your photos. :)

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze said...

Beautiful photos. It´s a nice trip! :) LG Tina

Brynn @ said...

How beautiful! Looks like a very relaxing and romantic weekend.

I'm following you back from the hop from Thank you for following me :)

TexWisGirl said...

really sweet. it makes me feel like i'm surrounded by the grace of God, and that my little life of worries is so small.

Kelly said...

You take some of the loveliest photos, Betty!! Sunsets are beautiful, especially over water. Sunrises can be pretty nice, too!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Jesús Castellano said...

Me gusta la ultima imágen, esa puesta de sol me recuerda a la pintura de Claude Monet,"impresión:sol naciente", con la que se inicio el impresionismo.


Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

Love the tall masts, both in the boats and in the appetizers.

Ms. A said...

Sunsets are beautiful, regardless of our status.

It's the weekend again, have a wonderful one!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

WOW--that is awesome, Betty... There's nothing better than seeing a great sunset. Don't miss my blog post today--Sunset from the Grand Canyon...

Have a great weekend.

helenplusthree said...

Those are beautiful thoughts and a lovely sunset, which many I think don't stop often enough to appreciate...
It 's a good place to be, the watching of it, helps me think.

wenn said...

sunset is beautiful!

imac said...

Me too Betty, nothing to compare with Nature.

dennistheeremite said...

The sunset tells me that we are held by a love beyond our comprehension that does not require our comprehension to be enjoyed. In a way that sunset comes from a voice that says, "rest and enjoy me, and go forth and live."

Betty Manousos said...

rizalenio, maybe because its beauty is fading?

George said...

Your pictures of the sunset are just beautiful. I enjoy watching sunsets. I am in awe of the way the sky and light changes.
Have a great weekend.

Betty Manousos said...

kelly, i love sunrises, too! :) i think sunset shooting is always a bit easier since you don't have to get up early in the morning!

Bob Bushell said...

Yea, I love the orange sunrises, this is one of those. Really beautiful photography.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Those photos are amazing! Tres romantic!

EG CameraGirl said...

I DO love beautiful sunsets! And this one is great. :)

Felicity Grace Terry said...

How could we fail to feel romantic after seeing such beautiful images. Have a great week-end yourself x

Cloudia said...

Perfect Pictures. I felt them.

From my deck to yours:

Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral


> < } } ( ° >

< ° ) } } > <

Sebab said...

That is such a beautiful Sun set with some delicious snacks.

Cruise Pictures

Reena said...

sigh ... that is the perfect perfect afternoon/sunset type of day!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful photos Betty. To me there is nothing more romantic than a sunset over the ocean.

Happy Weekend!

Claudya Martinez said...

I feel relaxed and grateful.

FilipBlog said...

It must be a big adventure on a sailing boat.


S. Susan Deborah said...

It all boils down to the frame of my mind, Betty.

Hope you are doing well and that your life is filled with abundance of joy and beautiful sights.

Joy always,

Red Nomad OZ said...

I never tire of watching the sunsets of OZ ... as you'll soon see on my blog!

Have a restful and restorative weekend, my friend!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful set of pics.

Sunsets are very restful. It's like the day is done and it is time to relax. In the summer it means that we can come outside and enjoy the breeze.

Renevic said...

Awesome photographs! +1.

Nancy said...

Oh, my! How cosmopolitan! Love these shots, Betty. Wish I was on the boat with you (or is it a ship?) :)

Stephanie said...

These pictures are absolutely gorgeous!!

Cezar and Léia said...

wow the "good"life! awesome photography, I'm delighted by your post, mainly the second composition, my favorite one!
Yes, a romantic weekend!
Thanks again for you always so gentle messages, we appreciated a lot!
hugs and a lovely Sunday

Gattina said...

I am in holiday mood when I see your pictures !

don said...

A fine series of sailboat pictures. I've owned three sailboats but none at present. I never met sailboat I didn't like! :-) Especially with great looking food on board! Gorgeous sunset tranquil and appealing. Thanks for visiting my site...come again.

Betty Manousos said...

nancy, it is a sailing boat and it was just a great experience! :)

Lisa Gordon said...

These are absolutely beautiful Betty! I definitely feel relaxed when watching a sunset. The day is done, and a sunset is a beatiful way to end it.

Have a fantastic Sunday!!

Lynn said...

Beautiful pics, looks like a great weekend-enjoy:@)

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

It renews my spirit and melts away any accumulated tension. Your lovely photographs illustrate one of the very best ways to end a day - on or by the water watching the sun set.

Linda said...

Beautiful shots - looks like a great time!

Anonymous said...

Sailing is my best form of recreation.
Beautiful set of pics.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Such gorgeous shots! So lovely. I feel amazed and awed when I see a sunset.. it's a reminder that I'm small and the world is a beautiful place. It humbles me.

Magia da Inês said...

Olá, amiga!
São imagens maravilhosas mesmo.
Boa semana!
♥ •˚。
°° 。♥。
●/ ♥•˚。˚
/ \ 。˚。♥

Pat said...

Looks like a fun sailing day with a beautiful sunset to end it! Love the silhouettes against the setting sun!

MadSnapper said...

i don't watch sunsets, have only seen 2 in my lifetime. i am early to bed and early to rise so I see sunrises and they look exactly like sunsets and I love them. I have many many sunrise photos and they make me awestruck at their beauty

Fábio Martins said...

You're a lucky girl :)

Unknown said...

I love this post! I would love to be watching that sunset right now!

Anonymous said...

looks like lovely time, like that quote! pictures are just beautiful!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Stunning photos of a beautiful time away! said...

Hi friend. It's good to be back and see your photos. Those sunset shots are especially awesome.
Hugs to you.

April's Homemaking said...

Looks like a lovely time, that sunset is gorgeous. I love all of the boats. What a wonderful group of photos! I too love a beautiful sunset- such a peaceful calm feeling, My favorite place to watch the sun go down is when I am visiting the Oregon Coast.

Unknown said...

I love sun sets too, I feel very peaceful and respect for mother nature:)

The Blonde Duck said...

I hope you had a love-soaked weekend!

Icy BC said...

Gorgeous photos! I love watching the sunset by water, any water!

KikiMo said...

Awesome pics!!
Hope you had a great weekend!

Dacia said...

Beautiful photos! I so wish I lived near the water again :)

Liz Mays said...

That looks like a peaceful, restful locale. Lovely!

ANRAFERA said...

Nice article. Refreshing and relaxing photographies those that you us expose at the time that you us bring this beautiful place over.
Happy week.
An embrace.

Together We Save said...

Oh wow - just beautiful!!

KrippledWarrior said...

My favorite sunsets always took place at sea, onboad a ship. Mixed emotions. Depended on the events of the day that preceded it. Most times it was a peaceful seclusion that allowed me to put the day away...

Ryan said...

There's nothing better than sitting watching the sunset with your loved one beside you....hold on....add a bottle of white wine to that equation and you've got perfection.

Courtney said...

absolutely gorgeous!

diane b said...

Great seaside shots of the boats and sunset but hey where were they taken? the snacks on the boat in the sunset would be the ultimate in relaxation. That is how I feel when watching the sunset, relaxed and slightly sad to see another day slide away.

Powdered Toast Man said...

sweet sunset. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Betty Manousos said...

diane b, actually these are just shots i picked at random. the sailing boats and top sunsets are from greece, and the snacks on that boat and bottom sunset are from cancun, mexico. specifically, we had took a cruise to the southern caribbean while in cancun.

sunsets are the same everywhere.
aren't they? :)

Pat Tillett said...

I love sunsets also. Especially when water is involved.

Hilary said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I just got back from a week at the cottage where we experienced a few lovely sunsets of our own. Big sighs all around.

Diane AZ said...

These are gorgeous images! I love both sunsets and sunrises. When viewing them, I'm usually in such awe that I'm speechless.

Emm said...

What stunning photos! So, so, so beautiful. I wasn't going to comment again as I know you are away but I just had to tell you how lovely these are. ♥

ANRAFERA said...

Hello Betty, I happen you to greet and to congratulate you on the last income, since these have the comments disabled.
Nice and retailers you come out in photographs.
I wait you all good goes.
An embrace.

de wereld volgens essi said...

Sunsets near the water are very special and very romantic .I love sunsets. Great pictures.

byn always said...

What GORGEOUS photos! We are leaving at the end of this month for our sailboat and some time of living on the ocean and your photos just made me even MORE anxious to get off land and get to the water!

You have some amazing skills with the camera. Thank you for sharing!

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