Ohh Arr! Have an Adorable Weekend!

Aw, this little one is so darn cute! I wonder what was he thinking?
Plymouth Barbican, Devon, England.

September 19, 2011. International Talk like a Pirate Day is a holiday when everyone in the world would talk like a Pirate... Ohhh arrr!
Ahoy, Matey! means hello in the Pirate language...funny, isn't it? 

Like many people I was fascinated by pirates as a child. I think the idea of pirates has actually been  romanticized nowadays.

Were you fascinated by pirates as a youngster? Would your kids freak out at the sight of them you think?

My lovelies, hope you have an arrr, great weekend! xx


  1. Wounderful costumes, must be great for the kids.


  2. ooooorrrr, Ahoy matey well blow me down.

  3. What wonderful costumes!! The small one must not have wanted to be a pirate. :)

    Yes, I think we've romanticized them a little too much - they're actually quite a serious problem even today.

  4. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Have a very wonderful weekend my friend :)

  5. Captain Morgan there looks mighty good! :)

  6. A beautiful weekend
    Greetings Crissi

  7. I loved and was fascinated by pirates as a child and still love them! What a fun post for the day! Such a cute little guy! And, yes, Captain Morgan does indeed look great! Hope you have a great weekend, Betty!


  8. adorable child, and i love the two pirates.

  9. Fantastic post. My 3yr old grand would freak out at the sight of pirates, he would be afraid.

  10. I LOVE pirates! I'm a total Pirates of the Caribbean freak and we have a pirate festival every year here in Tampa!

  11. That kid is a cutie!

    It's going to be a beautiful weekend here in the Midwest! Sunny skies, temps in the low 80's! We are going to two different festivals. Fun weekend! Hope yours is great, too!

  12. I know that in some seas there are still pirates and try to capture the passing ships in these areas and often they do it by jumping in the other ship.They don't attack to the crew fortunately.I can't imagine how is life for someone who is every day in the sea and never walk in the land.Have a relaxing weekend!

  13. Great costumes! It's nice to see that adults can be full of whimsy!

  14. I have a blogger friend in Norway and she participated in this Talk Life a Pirate day over there. Wonder what Norwegian pirates sound like?

  15. A hoy, Matey! I shouldn't believe that, but if you want to believe in him, then, go ahead. Nice pictures Betty.

  16. pat, looks like a wonderful weekend to me!:)

    as for me, i'm staying indoors...relaxing and watching movies this weekend.

  17. oh Betty, im so fortunate to find your comments page open for this time. Whenever i visited you, either my timing of commenting was quite delayed or the comments were turned off.

    You are right, pirates are always a mysterious character for the young ones as well as for the older lot. For me, i always wondered as a kid what do pirates do after looting the other ship since they remained (as per my knowledge then) 365 days on sea. HAHA.. i got to know about pirates when i used to watch the disney cartoon Little mermaid.

    Happy weekend lass. Have fun. take care. and visit my blog whenever you can. love love love love and love.

  18. (To be read with a whisky voice...)

    Shiver me timbers, Lassie! What manner of beasties prowl about on yonder shore? Steer clear of them sharp little bear-cub teeth and keep yer trusty cutlass handy.

    Arr! I recognize the man seated whilst gripping his flintlock. He's a liar, a thief and a cut-throat. All-in-all, a FINE pirate! Give him my regards, and check yer purse before ye take yer leave of him. He is as cunning as he is old. Har, har, har!!

  19. The closest I can get to anything pirate, is Chips Ahoy! Somehow I don't think that's quite pirate worthy.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Πόσες γεννιές δεν μεγάλωσαν με τις όμορφες ιστορίες των πειρατών!!!
    Πολύ όμορφη και ρομαντική ανάρτηση!!! Μπεττούλα καλό ΣΚ !!!!

  21. Μπεττούλα μου ξέχασα να σου πω ότι πολύ θα ήθελα να βρεθώ αυτό το ΣΚ σε ένα δασάκι και να απολαύσω την φθινοπωρινή φύση με τα πορτοκαλοκίτρινα ζεστά χρώματα !!!Θα ήθελα πολύ να μπορούσα να περπατήσω στο καταπληκτικό δρομάκι της φωτό σου στην προηγούμενη ανάρτησή σου!!!
    Καλό ΣΚ !!!!!!

  22. A lovely kid and very nice costumes!!
    Well, ahoy there!!!!
    Don't forget I am coming from the waterside in Germany...

    Wish you always this great spirit which is coming out from you and have a nice weekend!!

  23. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Ey, Captain Betty, wishing you two hands of water beneath your keel to sail through a great weekend ... all aboard and off it goes !

  24. Anonymous4:22 PM

    TOO..MUCH..CUTENESS! lol. awesome costumes too!

    Alice x

  25. Pirates scare me even more now than when I was a kid.
    I love these pictures, especially the little boy in contrast with the distinguished looking old man (pirate) in the background of the first picture.
    Hugs to you.
    Happy weekend, Betty.

  26. adorable!

    Aloha from Honolulu;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  27. These are lovely photos dear Betty. I have always been fascinated by pirates and since Johnny Depp came along as Jack Sparrow, they have taken on a whole new fascination. :)
    I should be keel-hauled for I forgot 'Talk like a Pirate Day' this year, I usually get dressed up and have a bit of fun with my grandchildren.
    I wrote this little ditty back in 2008 when I did a post for this day on my blog.

    "Heave to and weigh anchor
    and let go the spanker
    the call of the sea is our fate
    So sharpen yer cutlass
    and get out yer compass
    its time to leave land in our wake.

    We've drank lots of rum
    and had so much fun
    but its high sea adventure now,
    So its full sail ahead
    even though we've sore heads
    feel those waves as they crash on the bow.
    Arrrr!! " :)

    Have a great weekend!
    xoxoxo ♡

  28. Lovely costumes, great shots.

  29. Fantastic, very beautiful photos!!!

  30. Great blog. Thanks for stopping by and I am following you now also.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  31. what an awesome write, dianne! thanks so much for sharing :)

  32. haha!
    Sehr lustige Fotos! Der Junge im Bärekostum ist sehr süss! Aber alles Kostüme sind sehr schön!

    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz
    Raphael und Yvonne

  33. I love this. And I love the costumes. Where was this at? I wish they would do something like that around here. It would be so much fun. I'm your newest follower from the blog hop.

    The happily ever after project

    -Rachel Cottongim

  34. ♥ •˚。
    °°Olá, amiga! 。♥。
    ● ♥• Quando criança eu tinha medo de piratas, mas esses das fotos são encantadores.
    ˚。˚ Bom fim de semana!
    ♥ •˚。Beijinhos.

  35. Aw, I so want a teddy bear costume.

    You are so right about pirates being romanticised. Mind you the pirates of old, of the movies were often portrayed as lovable rogues totally unlike our modern day pirates who I'm pretty sure have yet to say ohh arr.

  36. Thanx for the lesson in pirate-speak! I'll know just what to say next time my cruise ship gets hijacked!!

  37. Great photos. Have a lovely weekend!

  38. I do wish you a lovely weekend, my dear Betty! Mine has just begun!!! Big hugs to you.


  39. I was more into cowboys than pirates -- I guess growing up in the middle of the country had something to do with that. I love the pirate costumes, however, and the little boy is cute.

  40. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Awesome costumes!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I am now your newest follower and looking forward to reading more!

  41. Oh, my boy would love this event to dress up as pirate. I like their costumes!

  42. The little boy is so funny :)
    nice set of photos, today

  43. Even as a kid I thought of pirates as bullies. I think we fail to understand that we teach values to our youth in a confusing way. We allow them to make believe but fail to realize that fantasy man later become reality. The brain is very complex.
    Neverland ??

  44. AARRRRR! Too cute, indeed!

    Happy weekend!

  45. Estupendas y entrañables las fotos que nos has dejado. Como siempre un placer haberme pasado de nuevo por tu casa.

    Saludos y un abrazo.

  46. wow! awesome costumes. Totally loved this post.:D


  47. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Those pirates are amazing! Cute kid too.

  48. Lovely costumes, mainly the first one!
    Great pictures!

  49. Fun photos, Betty. I was fearful as a child but my own kids were fascinated. I think it's all in the media of the day.

  50. I wonder if you were fascinated by pirates because you live on an island ! I never bothered about pirates, I have seen the sea for the first time when I was 16 !! Pirates I only knew from Carneval in Bonn or Cologne.
    I love your pirate pictures, the faces are so expressive !

  51. Anonymous9:28 AM

    That post really made me smile.
    I've gotta say it was great!

    I have never heard of it before or knew such holiday existed.

  52. Tiernas y graciosas imágenes, well done, regards...

  53. Really wonderful and nice. Very real pirates and a teddy bear cute. Greetings.

  54. Looks like it was a fun day. I love the costumes and expressions. Beautiful captures!

  55. Looks like a fun day, love the costumes. Great photos.

  56. I hope you are out taking more adorable pics like these!! XXOO

  57. It's Thanksgiving weekend in Canada and we have lots to be thankful for. Had a family Thanksgiving dinner today (unfortunately not all family could be here, but all are doing well). And the weather is phenomenal - sunshine and WARM !

    Lovely couple of benign pirates - and the young lad ? .. must be a stowaway ;-)

  58. That first shot is just too cute!

  59. Unusual and fun photos, Betty. Love them -- matey! :)

  60. Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
    Υπέροχα κοστούμια, καταπληκτικές φωτογραφίες, η παιδική έκφραση υπέροχη, συγχαρητήρια για όλα!!!
    Καλή και δημιουργική εβδομάδα
    Πολλά φιλάκια

  61. Lovely photos.

    Thank you for the visit. Have a great week.

  62. My first visit to your blog and I found this charming little boy dresses as a bear and the Pirates.. What fun.

  63. aw,naqvee, how sweet! thanks for your kind words! xo

    red, haha!

  64. elaine, welcome on board! thank you. :)

  65. Wonderful costumes. I was interesting in pirate stories as a child. I don't remember my daughter being that interested in them when she was growing up.

  66. The little one looks like he's thinking about some ice cream...:=)

  67. Hi Betty - great pictures! :)

    I just wanted to thank you for linking up this weekend - I'm here to return the follow! :)

    I look forward to keeping up with your blog!

  68. Oh, he's so adorable. :)

  69. KikiMo6:47 AM

    WOW! he's so cute. :D

  70. RitsaMama6:49 AM

    Great post!Looks like fun!

  71. Wow pretty costumes!
    Great pictures as well.

  72. Oh, adorable post!

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.
