What is Your Favourite Season?

Views of St. James's (with 's!) Park- the oldest of the Royal Parks of London near Buckingham Palace.

I was particularly drawn to the beautiful fall colours which were brilliant and wonderful when I was there in person, so I thought I'd definitely photograph them.
I love autumn. I love the colours, the smell, the cool and crisp days of fall. I'm always in awe of trees painted brightly.
But Nature has a spectacular show to offer us in each season...

Nah, I love all the seasons. Even winter!

What is your favourite season, my dears? xx


  1. Summer by far but when I see your lovely photos.. I can be swayed. ;)

  2. i used to love autumn in Wisconsin where i grew up. here in Texas it is too fleeting and muted by comparison. so i love Texas' springs! :)

  3. Hello,
    beautiful autumn pictures, atmospheric
    regards Crissi

  4. I don't think Winter will get many votes, so I say Winter. :) The weather in the southeast US is not bad in the winter, just cold enough that I can have a fire in the fireplace most nights and something comforting cooking in the kitchen. Love that.

  5. Autumn and Spring are my favourites, and, I do like your pictures.

  6. Anonymous9:15 AM

    right now is my fav time, the crisp air, the rustle of leaves under foot....wearing layers of sweaters,scarves and hats....perfection :)

  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Wonderful autumn pictures! It's been mild here so autumn isn't in full swing yet.

  8. cool swings in the last shot, the seem to be suspended in air.
    we don't have 4 seasons here in Florida, my favorite here is tied between fall and spring because i like it when we wake up to 69 and the high is 85 and that is what we get both seasons. the only time of the year i don't like here is July/Aug/Sept
    your autumn scenes are beautiful.

  9. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Mostly I love all seasons, but I prefer the green ones.. ;)

  10. lynn, that sounds so great and homey! :)

  11. Me encantan los tonos que has captados en estas otoñales fotografías.
    Muy buenas.
    Un cordial saludo.

  12. I live where it can be bitter cold but snow is a consolation. Fall is nice, but I like summer best, when flowers are blooming and the garden begins to produce and when a rural pastor can get away with wearing shorts and sandals.

  13. These are just beautiful images of fall. Although summer is my favorite time of the year, fall is my fave for colors! As you so finely illustrate here!

  14. I love Spring, specifically late April and early May.

  15. I'm bad because I don't like winter--at all--not one bit. I'm shivering right now thinking of it. I like the other three though.


  16. λατρευω το φθινοπωρο!η υπόσχεση του χειμώνα,με το καλοκαίρι να μην θέλει να παραδοθει....

  17. I love the second framework! Nice job

  18. Although the colors you've captured are glorious, I'm not sure I can name a favorite season. Winter is definitely my least favorite -- too many blizzards as a boy.

  19. For pictures autumn and winter. For travel spring and summer.


  20. Traditionally, my favorite has been Fall for the same reasons you mentioned. I always liked going back to school, and the smell of brand new school supplies. I like long sleeves and sweaters. As a young schoolboy, I liked the combined smell of Teacher's perfume and her coffee.

    But I am finding Spring to be more and more attractive. The exuberance of new life and the landscape's monochrome cloak yielding to colors reborn.

    Then, when you add the paramount significance of celebrating Easter (or Resurrection Sunday), it's a pretty good rival to my usual favorite.

  21. Beautiful photos, Betty!!

    I think I like Spring best, though we don't always have a pronounced Spring or Fall around here.

  22. These are amazing. Great job!
    Inspired by these wonderful fall pics.

  23. shining bright summers.. i have sinus and it gets real bad even when it doesnt snow in here... i dont hate winters if i am not sneezing and there's no headache

    LOve you betty


  24. I love all seasons and your pics, too;-)) Hugs from Luzia.

  25. love you, too, naqvee!:)

  26. Such beautiful captures and wonderful colors1 There is something about every season that I love -- right now it is the beautiful, dramatic colors of autumn, the delicate, more pastel colors of spring! And summer and winter have their own beauty! But I find that the beauty is everywhere, every season, it's just a little harder to find sometimes. Hope your week is going well, Betty! Enjoy!


  27. I love them all - for their each special reason.

  28. I love them all too for different reasons.

  29. I think spring is my favorite season. After the long Nebraska winters, it's wonderful when the weather warms up and the world begins to turn green again. :)

  30. I think that my favourite season is spring.The climate this season is not very cold not very hot.During winter often I suffer from fever and in the summer I can't stand the hot.But I admit that these two seasons offer us many beautiful landscapes as they form the trees and the mountains.Also,autumn seems some dull to me.

  31. I absolutely and completely love fall more than any other season!

  32. I like this one just fine!!!!

    Great pictures
    Thank you

  33. October is another name for heaven!

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  34. I love all the colorful leaves on the grass, but summer is my favorite season.
    Hugs, Betty,

  35. As I've gotten older, I've grown to like the cool and cold seasons, rather than summer. I don't like the heat we have here. Lovely fall colors you've captured!

  36. I love each season as I'm in it - so right now it's autumn with all its richly decorated foliage. You've captured it very nicely with these shots !

    Have a great Wednesday Betty.

  37. Summer seems to be the best for me. Blessings to you dear one.

  38. Wow! Delicious light with spectacular fall colors that delight ... all are very good but the first is great.

  39. The only thing I don't like about fall is how busy it always is! And I can't stand winter--I love being outside!

  40. Glorious Autumn photographs Betty dear, the colours are so beautiful.
    I find something wonderful about each season, they all have their special appeal.
    xoxoxo ♡

  41. Autumn and that was before I saw your wonderful autumn pictures. Such beautiful photos Betty, you really do have a great eye for these things.

  42. These are gorgeous pictures. I kind of like all seasons,but my least favourite is the heat of summer.

  43. Wonderfulpictures
    I love all the seasons

  44. Very colorful. rich colors.

  45. I love this colours, excellents shots regards.

  46. I do enjoy all the seasons, but I think FALL is my favorite with the fall foliage, mums, pumpkins, cool nights.

    Love the photos!

  47. I love all the seasons too so I really cannot choose just one. :)

  48. I love summer - the colors, the smell, the sun!!! Love all your photos. :)

  49. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Fall is my fav season and I really enjoyed your fall picks. Keep it up!

  50. °º✿
    º° ✿✿♥ ° ·.
    Essas cores são tão lindas!...
    Amo essa época do ano.
    Tenha um lindo dia!
    º° ✿✿♥ ° ·.
    ✿✿♥ ° ·.

  51. beautiful shots..and I agree with TexWis.. Texas falls are fleeting...

  52. My favorite season is spring when everything starts to bloom and the air smells so fresh ! I hate autumn these colorful leaves to me are the sign of the forthcoming winter !

  53. Lovely photographs - makes me want to roll in the leaves!

  54. Just amazing pictures, and I love faLL!!

    Hope your day is blessed♥

  55. I love the fall! Your pictures
    are beautiful!:0)

    I'm just returning your follow!

  56. beautiful pictures, I love the colors!

  57. What beautiful photographs these are Betty.
    By far, my favorite season is summer, but each one really has its own "specialness."

  58. Anonymous12:29 PM

    The season I like the most is spring with it's freshness and crisp days.

    The fall colors in these pics are wonderful-thank you for posting them.
    That park looks so beautiful. Care you share some more pictures of it?

  59. I like spring best but you sure make fall look beautiful! Love your photos!

  60. What gloriously beautiful moments you have captured! Thank you for sharing with us. I love all seasons, but Fall and the starkness of winter have always been slightly ahead.

  61. Absolutely gorgeous :) I love that park

  62. Without a doubt, I love autumn best - it's just too short . . . lovely park and photographs to show it.

  63. Autumn has to be my favorite too, these photos are beautiful.

  64. Autumn ...but i like spring too.
    All the fotos are beautiful...

    Thank You!

  65. Beautiful Autumn colours. I like Summer.
    Sydney - City and Suburbs

  66. Fall is definitely my favorite season - and the beauty in those photos is only one reason why!

  67. By far Autumn, with winter not far behind are my favorite seasons. Beautiful colo[u]r in your park. Thanks for your visits.

  68. Lovely Autumn photos, the colors are gorgeous this time of year. I like Autumn, Spring and Summer. I go skip winter. Have a great day!

  69. WOW- Gorgeous Trees. Fall is my favorite season for this reason right here- beautiful colors!

  70. Well if I didn't love fall, these shots would make me fall in love ;)

  71. I have to say that Fall is my favorite. Then the first snowfall of Winter. After that, we can go straight to Spring and summer.
    Beautiful photos.

  72. I adore fall! I only wish the leaves changed here!

  73. I do love fall and you captured some beautiful fall trees and colors! So lovely!

  74. A color to the brown and could not be otherwise at this time of year, autumn.
    Greetings .-

  75. Fall, definitely! I love the warm colors of fall, the pumpkiney smells and the crisp cool mornings. Please fall -- stay a long time.

  76. Your autumn pics are wonderful. How nice it would be if we had a fall season like that in India.

  77. Definitely autmn and I like your pics a lot!

  78. I have to say that Autumn is my favorite season.
    Love the crisp weather and the colorful leaves on the trees.

    Wonderful pics;)

  79. KikiMo6:13 AM

    I love Summer, but those fall pictures are absolutely great!

  80. Nice fall photographs, Betty.
    My favorite season is Fall!

  81. I think my favorite season is spring. Where I live there really isn't too much difference between seasons. Too bad the palm trees don't change colors in autumn!

  82. Anonymous3:18 PM

    These are so beautiful! I used to dread Autumn because I disliked winter so badly...it just let me know that winter was swiftly coming when I started seeing all the leaves falling.
    These days, I have a whole different way of seeing fall. I am enjoying everything about it!
    What a difference a little perspective can make. :)

  83. Great post and beautiful pictures! We really don't have noticeable seasonal changes here but when I lived in Pennsylvania my favorite seasons where fall,winter and spring in that order.

  84. BTW I'll be walking around St. James's Park in a little over a month. Too bad all of the beautiful leaves will be gone.

  85. Αγαπημένη μου Μπεττούλα
    Είναι τόσο υπέροχες οι φωτογραφίες σου από το Λονδίνο, με τα χρυσά χρώματα του φθινοπώρου!!!
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    A lovely weekend.


  87. Fabulous autum photos :)

    My favorite seasons is the autum.
