Five Likes Tuesday

There's something about macarons that is so undeniably festive.

So, how do you jump that gap from holidays back to your regular routine? I don't know about you, but I am still trying to get back in the groove with my tasks and goals, I guess; I am still trying to return to my hurried and hectic life after a relaxing holiday.
I've had a quiet but lovely holiday week filled with extra special time with friends and family, and lots of delicious food. I've even managed to squeeze in some time to just relax after all the hustle and bustle of December - and I am feeling guilty, (not really) about devouring all my favourite foods. I admit it. I just can't get enough of them...

You gotta love baby kittens!
Cheese and Crackers. The perfect snack!
Rich, smooth, buttery chocolate.
Did you know that the world's most expensive Chocolate Truffle is "Chocopologie" by Knipschildt?
(It is approx. $2,600 per pound. Each piece of the chocolate is presented in a special box - for $250.) Omg!

Fresh-baked multi-grain bread rolls and butter.

I love fresh-baked bread. If there were no bread I would have no reason to live! ;) One of the worst things that ever happened was when carbs got a bad reputation!

What is your most favourite food that you can't get enough of? I'd love to hear! xx


Red Nomad OZ said...

Picking just ONE favourite food?? I don't think so!! I'd rather pick a whole food group - the great Downunder Aussie Bakery food group!!

Have a great day!!!

Crissi said...

Oh delicious, I love sweet things,
I wish you good day
♥ ♥ Crissi

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

During christmas holidays I was in my hometown with my parents and also I went out with some friends from highschool that I had much time to see.Some friends had nameday and we had great time.However,my father had a little problem with his leg but he will overcome it.

Hilary said...

Pomegranates are the best. I am not sure if you saw my post where I wrote about my nephew teaching me how to eat them mess free

Linda said...

Well, I had just finished my breakfast when I read this, and somehow you have managed to make me hungry again! Of course, it would be for all the wrong things...what lovely photos, and such nice composition. Welcome back - I missed you!

Tracie said...

My favorite foods are anything sweet and carb-y. Cake, cookies, pie, etc. Sadly, I'm trying to cut back though. Glad you had a good holiday!

Bob Bushell said...

Oh, your a naughty girl, sweet things. But, its nice.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Good to see you back, a happy 2012 to you and yours.

A great choice, naughty but nice. Quite happy with a less expensive bar of chocolate - I feel guilty enough eating it, to think it cost this much would make me feel even more guilty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like chocolate but not THAT much. wow, had no idea it could cost so much. the sweet berries are new to me and look great.

Anonymous said...

Love your list, especially the real berries and candied ones!


I love everything with strawberries! Cant take away my eyes on your photos. I want those! Haha. Happy 2012! :)

Hilary said...

Oh YUM! Everything looks perfect. According to my scale, I seem to have too many favourite things.

Unknown said...

Its so hard to pick just one favorite food! I love Chocolate and bread. Yummy bread with butter!

Denise at Autumn Sky said...

I think the pink-ness of yout photos is lovely. Now I am thinking of plain white cake with strawberry icing.

Kelly said...

What yummy photos you've provided today! (don't think I've seen a pomegranite on the branch before)

I couldn't pick a favorite food - I love too many, but I know it would be something savory rather than sweet. Perhaps cheese? (or chips, if we're talking junk food)

Bitch said...

Hi Betty!!
Welcome to the world of bloggers!~

My answer is chocolate with chocolate with chocolate..
And after that chocolate
with chocolate!!!!

TexWisGirl said...

the warm bread with butter is so yummy! i love potatoes. and bread. and rice. carbs galore!!!

Sylvia K said...

Hmmmm all of these look delicious and my mouth is watering already! I, too, love warm bread and butter, cupcakes and, of course, CHOCOLATE!! That being said, I don't eat much of any of those because I try to keep the weight off!! But I can dream, can't I! Fun post for the day, Betty, hope your new year is off to a great start!


moni said...

Dear Betty,
it's all so delicious but I think, the best is warm bread and butter or more better cheese!!! Yummy!!!

Lynn said...

I've always said if I was stranded on a desert island with only one choice of something to eat, it would be warm toast with butter. Yum.

(Also love cheese and poached eggs.)

Filip said...

Who buys these expensive chocolates? Nice pictures of food.


Ms. A said...

I love chocolate, however, if the chocolate I ate, cost that much, I'd never get to eat it!

I also love fresh bread and pasta. I'm a carboholic!

Fer said...

Tiene una pinta realmente buena, saludos en este nuevo año...

Fábio Martins said...

Uhhhh! What a delicious :)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

My favorite is hot yeast rolls with lots of butter and chocolate.

I think I'll ask for Chocopologie by Knipschildt for my birthday. Then I'm sure my family will have me committed. :)


Bobbi said...

I can't pick just one thing I can't live without! But one for sure is bread, I love it!

Trac~ said...

Ohhh... bread is my MAJOR DOWNFALL! *sigh* I'm trying to get back on track now as we speak but it's not going too easy for me. Blah... Having a hard time getting back on track with my blogging as well. It's just all taken a backseat lately for some reason. Miss you! xoxoxo

George said...

All of these are delicious as far as I'm concerned, but it's obvious that I'll never get a taste of the world's best chocolate. I do like bread, and we make our own. I think it's yummy.

Reena said...

My one crazy thing I can't get enough of and do try to avoid .... potato chips. ~sigh~

dennistheeremite said...

In general, I think that eating whipped cream would be a pleasant way to die. Last night I though I could go on eating picked herring forever. I have varied tastes.

Betty Manousos said...

missing moments, mmmmm...potato chips, that's one of my favourite treats for sure!

Betty Manousos said...

aw, thank you guys, you've just made my day with all of your smart and delicious comments! :)

imac said...

Scrumptious Post my friend.

come watch St Ives Fireworks on New Years Eve + Youtube video

Nevine Sultan said...

How can we live without carbs? There is no conceivable way, really!

The photos are just delicious, my dearest Betty, especially the one with the bread and butter. What a beloved snack! And oh, chocolate! I dream in chocolate.

It's so good to have you back. :-)

Big hugs to you,

Jesús Castellano said...

A mi me pasa lo que a ti, no se comer sin pan,los alimentos sin pan no tienen la misma gracia.


Magia da Inês said...

°º♫ Amiga, essas fotos são verdadeiras tentações...
°º✿ O que mais gosto?
Duas frutas: jabuticabas e pitangas.
Hummmmmmmm... tudo de bom mesmo!!!
Boa semana!
º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

Anonymous said...

Only 240 hrs did pass since it started, and it already feels way too old, isn't it? !
Yes, trying to slow as much as possible down, while everything seems to rush ... towards ?!

Can't get enough of Spaghetti and Tomato Sauce.

Melissa B. said...

Favorite food? Has to be Ghiradelli Chocolate, from San Francisco. A sweet surprise in every bite!

wenn said...

I love freshly baked cakes!

Chatty Crone said...

The hot bread and butter and cupcakes look GREAT to me. sandie

Unknown said...

It would have to be bread for me. Any kind, heated or not, melted butter or olive oil and pepper. I need to go get a snack.

Unknown said...

It would have to be bread for me. Any kind, heated or not, melted butter or olive oil and pepper. I need to go get a snack.

Karyna @ PaperSquid said...

Oh I seriously just got a bit more hungry looking at these pics. I am so very enticed by those sweet berries!

Gaelyn said...

I don't like to feel guilty. But right now I'd settle with almost anything good to eat. said...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry - so I'll laugh - about chocolate costing $2600 per pound. I'll start saving now. By the time I'm 2600 years old, I should have enough for a nice huge chunk.

Take it easy while you get back into the post-holiday madness, Betty.

diane b said...

There are too many to list but chocolate and christmas cake are high on the list. Trouble is they make me put on unwanted kilos.

Unknown said...

I love this post so tasty and sweet, and I love pomegranates and strawberry jelly.
Greetings .-

eileeninmd said...

Hi Betty, I coudl never give up carbs. My favorite foods are pasta and pizza. Your food photos all look so yummy. Betty, I wish you all the best in 2012, Happy New year!

dianne said...

Such a fun and delicious post Betty dear...I could not choose one food for I like many things, my indulgences would be pasta dishes, warm breads with butter and creamy cheeses but only in moderation. :)
Happy New Year!
xoxoxo ♡

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... such delicious shots!

LL Cool Joe said...

Love the photos! My favourite food are old fashioned candies like Cough Candy's, Strawberry Sherbets etc.

Did I mention I'm sugar addicted?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I can't fathom that a chocolate could cost so much. I bet it doesn't even taste that different.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I adore carbs too! Please tell me you were able to try that chocolate? Please?

The Blonde Duck said...

Pie! I love pie!

Diane AZ said...

Hi Betty, the rolls look delicious, I love carbs, especially pasta! :)

Betty Manousos said...

ll cool joe, in one way or another, we are all addicted to sugar! haha!!

Lisa Gordon said...

I'll take that chocolate Betty!!
Wonderful "make-me-hungry" shots!

Nancy said...

Looks like you have sweet tooth Betty! I love all of your picks -- my favorite is pizza. :)

Anonymous said...

Each day I come to this site to read and just feel good.
Thank you and please keep posting.

Betty Manousos said...

sara, i have never ever tried that chocolate; yet if someone gave it to me, i would promptly sell it! :)

Cezar and Léia said...

ohmigod, I need some sugar right now! :)
Amazing post!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yipes... Your food pictures make me hungry. I'm dieting --and actually dieted (and did well) all through the holidays.

My favorite holiday treat are my mother's Orange Balls. I didn't make them this year --but my son (who is keeping the tradition) and his daughter made some... I got to have a BITE (which was good).

Overall, my favorite food is a good steak with a 'loaded' baked potato.. Haven't had that dinner in awhile --but I still love it.


Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

Hi Betty!
I love everything!!!



Gattina said...

I love the rolls, but not the butter, lol ! I don't like butter and I am not sweet girl either.
All looks very yummy !

Pat Tillett said...

I don't think I can pick one favorite food. Let's just say food is my favorite thing (besides my wife). I'm with you about bread. I want a nice warm roll with butter on it RIGHT NOW!

χρυσάνθη said...

Μπεττούλα μου χαίρομαι που πέρασες όμορφα στις διακοπές σου και χαλάρωσες!!!
Οσο γι' αυτό που ρωτάς ένα θα σου πω!Δεν μπορώ να αντισταθώ στα γλυκά!!! Ξεχνάω σιλουέττα , ξεχνάω τα πάντα!!!Γι' αυτό και δεν μπορώ να μπω σ' αυτά τα προγράμματα εξαντλητικής δίαιτας που δεν περιέχουν καθόλου ζάχαρη!!
Το αγαπημένο μου φαγητό είναι μοσχαράκι κοκκινιστό με μελιτζάνες στο φούρνο!!!!..και τα σαρμαδάκια με αμπελόφυλλα και κιμά !!!!
Παραδοσιακές ελληνικότατες γεύσεις!!!

ANRAFERA said...

... Betty, I am glad you have had a happy week of rest and have enjoyed the family. Now to taking the dynamics of every day. That you goes all good.
An embrace.

Pearlsa said...

Beautiful and delicious! :-)

Georgia said...

I love all of your picks!

Craver Vii said...

Whoa... I wonder what kind of a knipschildt would pay $2,600/pound for chocolate.

You've got some great tasting samples there, Betty. I love peanut butter. Jif is my favorite brand. It used to be that I couldn't get enough, but now that a bunch of people know that I love it, I seem to always be getting offers to try peanut butter this and peanut butter that. (big grin)

After learning how to eat dark chocolate, I like Dove dark chocolate squares best. Milk chocolate does nothing for me anymore. Just letting a small piece of dark chocolate melt slowly as I let every taste bud savor this heavenly delight... Mmmm, that's good! That's perfect with a good coffee or a decent, dry wine.

Alita said...

Yes please! I want some of that chocolate, stat.

Leovi said...

I love the picture of that great, I love the light. I also like chocolate. A hug.

Unknown said...

thanks so much for your comment over on BBRG! I really love your insight.

As for choosing a favorite food? I think it's near impossible for me to do so! But I definitely agree with you that if there were no bread...what's the point? I especially love it when it's fresh from the bakery. mmmmm! dipped in olive oil! mmmm! with a chunk of parmesan on top! I can't stop! :)

:.tossan® said...

Your photos are excellent and I am proud to be here because I love her photo.

kristi said...

Chocolate is my favorite. I couldn't live without it! Love your photos and that you linked up! Happy Wed!

Liz Mays said...

It took me a good 2 weeks to get back into the swing of things!

Randy said...

Ice Cream does it for me. I used to be in heavy relationship with Ben and Jerry but I had to break it off with them.

Rick said...

Betty - the great thing about having treats during the holidays is that they don't have any calories !

Personally I have a real soft spot for almost anything chocolate. Let me know when there's a free sample day at Chocopologie by Knipschildt !

Happy New Year !

BlueShell said...

Hello, my dear.
I'm glad to know you had a great time....
Love the photos...hummmm...yummy!
Well, I can’t resist a chocolate cake, …a pie…and some other kind of cakes that are tradition here: “pastéis de Belém”, “Mil folhas”; Pasteís de Tentugal”; “Papos de Anjo”, Barrigas de freira”, “pão de ló”…you can go to google images and you can find the look of those yummy Things!
(That is why I’m fat)
Hug You

SquirrelQueen said...

My favorite foods seem to change with my moods. Right now, after seeing your tempting photo, it is bread and butter. Yum!

Pétales de fée said...

In many pretty pictures here! I think the food that I could not do without is ... eggs! I love eggs in any form! But in reality the food I love most in the world is much more than that: it is the Jacques scallops! My madness! Unfortunately I can not offer me every day!
Good day to you! kisses

The Blonde Duck said...

Have a great weekend!

Adventures said...

I can't say I have a favorite food as I love just about everything. MMM

Thanks for stopping by my blog I already follow you too. :) Have a great day!

This is Belgium said...

first visit to your beautiful blog

Brian Miller said...

nice...i love me some pomegranate...i am not much into sweets by i do love my fruit...missing living in FL and having the trees in my back yard to eat off of...

magda said...

Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
Το ΨΩΜΙ και μάλιστα ζυμωτό στο σπίτι!!!
Τρελαίνομαι, όπως εσύ!
Σου εύχομαι τα καλύτερα για την καινούργια χρονιά, υγεία και ευτυχία στην οικογένεια σου!
Πολλά φιλάκια

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Pero que hambre que me ha entrado.

Saludos y un abrazo.

Fawn said...

Does that chocolate come with a suite at the local hotel near the chocolate shop...for a week? My favorite food I don't want to give up, even as I attempt to eat much better this year by giving up most processed foods, is peanut butter. I LOVE peanut butter. On crackers, frozen bananas, apples, all by itself with a spoon and the jar. I have to limit myself to a few tablespoons a day and I switched to the reduced fat version (tastes the same to me) but I love it more than dessert. If you give me a crisp cold apple and as much peanut butter as my tummy can hold, I'm the happiest girl in the world.

ritsa said...

Yum!! Amazing post darling.

Krystal said...

They all seem delicious.

Have a great weekend!

shirley said...

Goodness, I can't list just one favorite food!!
I love pomegranates, as you have noted - they are so good for you.
And bread. Mmm... carbs. Real Mac and Cheese. Cheese, wine.

My goodness, getting hungry!

Unknown said...

You're making me hungry...
my go-to food is yogurt.

Stephanie said...

Oh I like the food you crave!! Feeling the need to go raid the cupboards!

ruma said...

Hello, Betty Manousos.

  Your excellent shot enhances charm still more.
  It is very sweet scene.

  I thank for your kindness.
I wish You all the best. ruma ❃

michael said...

Great snack inspiration!
Thank you:D

CameraCruise said...

All of them look delicious, great shots!
Have a nice weekend.

Tina´s PicStory said...

in this case i would take the bread. it looks so yummy :)

michael said...

Gotta love bread! The last picture is my favorite.

Unknown said...

I love the look of these sweet treats! So enticing!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

I'll give the chocolate a miss...
Love pomegranates and there's nothing like the smell of freshly baked crusty bread!