Have a Fabulous Fall Weekend!

Not a Play-Fighting Kitty. (SOOC)

A couple of days ago, I was walking home after a long day when I spotted this cute little baby all alone on the street looking lost and hungry-as a single stray kitten.

It's apparent the little kitten was deadly afraid of me, and sometimes fear makes a cat aggressive. They are always afraid of the unknown or something they know little about (just like humans do)-but hey, kittens are small  and humans are big, so you cannot blame a kitten for being aggressive! See? those visible signs of fear? the raised fur and arched back? Definitely not a play-fighting kitty!

The first thought that came to my mind was: "Oh, poor, scared little thing! I have to save this furry baby from the streets." But how could I grab it unprotected (without protection gloves)?

Have you ever tried catching a wild baby cat right off the streets? No matter how small they are they put out a fight and you usually end up being a possible target for an attack.

Epilogue: I ended up bringing a cuddly bundle of purr home! (Don't ask how...you don't want to know!)
Afterwards, I called the local no-kill shelter.

After all, I am so happy to have succeeded in making the world a better place, at least for one little kitten!

Have you ever rescued a cat or dog?

Hope you have a fabulous Autumn weekend, my lovelies! xx

Linking to Camera Critters by the wonderful Misty Dawn.

Update: The good part is that I am volunteering at this shelter! :)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

of you put this little sweetie in picmonkey and turn it black, perfect halloween shot. glad you saved it. so sweet

Powdered Toast Man said...

How you do know it wasn't playing a game of hide & seek with some other kittens? Now the other kittens will never find her/him.

rainfield61 said...

I am looking at my hands.

No. the hairs are not standing up.

Unknown said...

Adorable little kitten.
Have a beautiful weekend also Betty.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

I'd have done the same Betty. Here's to a purrfect weekend. x

Craver Vii said...

Straight Out Of the Camera? Outstanding photograph!! I especially like the perspective and composition.

Poor little thing. I suspect life can be hard on a kitten without someone to care for it. I hope this little one rewards your compassion.

tinajo said...

Love the pic and that sweet little face! :-)

ZielonaMila said...

Nice photograph, beautiful kitten. I am greeting

TexWisGirl said...

you are my hero! good for you!!! and really good for that kitten!

Trac~ said...

Awww so sweet. So glad you were able to rescue the poor little guy. Can't wait to see his cute adorable pictures once he gets used to you. Have a great fall weekend love!! Xoxoxo

Betty Manousos said...

powdered toast man, that's a good question.
i found that kitten wandering the streets all alone looking lost and hungry, as a single stray kitten. after bringing him home, i called the local shelter.

Kevin said...

What a great story!
Good for you!:D

Cloudy said...

Herbstliche Grüße und sonnige Momente...


Anonymous said...

Kindly accept my 'have a happy weekend' wishes.

Great post!!

flying eagle woman said...

YOU have a delightful weekend! It's been awhile since I've had a chance to read through blogs but yours is ALWAYS the one I go to first. My new contact email by the way, is ayksha57@gmail.com. I hope you had a stellar summer and send you HUGS!!!

Are We There Yet! said...

Oh how cute... but it sure has it hackles up. So happy you rescued it.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awww, even though the little one is in an aggressive stance he is still so cute. Good for you for rescuing the kitty!

michael said...

The little kitty is adorable, good for you for rescuing him.

Have yourself a great weekend Betty!

Sylvia K said...

You are definitely my hero as well, Betty!! Thanks for rescuing this little guy! His world is definitely a better place now!! Have a wonderful, beautiful weekend!!


Unknown said...

hallo Betty
das ist eine ganz liebe Geschichte.Ich finde es lieb von dir das du das baby mitgenommen hast.Ich liebe auch Katzen,und habe 7 ...mit 3 babys zusammen.
Bravo Betty!!!!
lieben gruss

Georgia said...

What a cutie!

You're my hero, good for you for rescuing that baby cat!

Leovi said...

Beautiful kitten, I like this excellent photo with the white hair so awesome. A hug.

Linda said...

Awwwww! How cute!!

It's me said...

Wowww that is great of you... rescuing him....you have a great heart darling...love from me...xxx..

ritsa said...

Love ya!
Good for you!


Unknown said...

Such a cute cat! I hope it continues to do well. Have a good weekend. I am a new Follower of your Blog.

Bob Bushell said...

Kittens becomes cats, why?

Ms. A said...

Goodness, the poor little thing does look a bit alarmed, doesn't it. Awwww. Betty to the rescue. Hope you came out okay and their wasn't too much bloodshed.

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Belo o seu gesto de protecção do lindo Gato,como da fotografia....Espectacular....

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

I like for acting this way towards the little cat.I would prefered it if you were talking about a little child.

sky-blu-pink said...

Lucky for the baby cat you were passing by! What a sweet little thing! Have a great weekend Betty.

Anonymous said...

What role model for Life as a whole. You are.

Hilary said...

Angel kitty! And angel Betty for rescuing this little sweetie.

Lois Evensen said...

That's a lucky kitty. The colors are quite nice - the white with yellow tail.

dianne said...

An adorable little kitten Betty, thank you for being a kind and compassionate angel and rescuing this little hissing ball of white fur. Now it will have a chance to perhaps have a decent life with a family, without having to be a street cat, trying to survive an awful existence.
Love and a big hug my friend!
xoxoxo ♡

Marijke said...

flowers to you for saving this little kitten. Have wonderful weekend Betty.

Eden said...

The kitten is so lucky. Glad he is safe now.

Pat said...

What a cute kitty. Looks like she has lipstick on! You saved the day! I would of had a hard time giving up the kitty!

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a sweet kitten, hope it finds a good forever home...

renae said...

My goodness! Nice to see you seeing my posts again. Your kitty is a bit scary? But I love here white white hair.

Sarah Leonard said...

I rescued a little stray kitty when I lived in the Middle East. I thought he was feral but once he settled in (there were no shelters available) he became a cute bundle of fun. Re-homed him with a lovely family :)


Cloudia said...

awesome! You

Aloha from Waikiki,

Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Magia da Inês said...

A foto demonstra mesmo o pavor do filhotinho. Lindo o que você fez.
Eu também adotei um filhote de rua mas foi um cão.

Bom domingo!
Boa semana!

°º✿ Beijinhos do Brasil!
º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

ZielonaMila said...

Wonderful kitten. I am greeting

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Awww, congrats on your newest addition!

magiceye said...

Good on you! God bless!!

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

I love your story. Yes, you made our world better!

Nancy said...

I would have done the same thing. Scratches be damned. xo to you Betty.

Kerri Farley said...

Thank you for saving him!!!
Hope you didn't get too many scratches :)

Mary said...

Sweet kitty pic...good for rescuing.

Giga said...

Nie ważne jak złapałaś tego ślicznego kotka, ważne, że ma dom. Pozdrawiam.
No matter how you caught this lovely kitten, it's important that he has a house. Yours.

Claudya Martinez said...

So cute. Give that cutie lots of love.

Jenny / Rocknrollerr said...

ohh so cutee!

X Jenny

Randy said...

That kitty needs a little plumping up.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

That's one lucky kitten.

Thanks for your sweet supportive messages, dear Betty.

diane b said...

You are a kind soul.

Gattina said...

I am so glad that despite the "danger" you took this little kitten home, poor thing was lucky !

Hilary said...

what a cutie - I am so thankful that you saved the baby

eden said...

So cute! Glad to know the kitten is safe now.

Farida said...

I think I would bring home the little kitty too with me if I found it roaming on the street alone. Enjoy autumn :)

Gail Dixon said...

So sweet! We have 3 rescue dogs. Rescues are the best!

Sandy said...

How wonderful that you were able to rescue him. Yes, I have had many rescue dogs. As a matter of fact my little Tater Tot was rescued off the streets by me. I was going to find him a home but he wormed his way into my heart. So living with me is his forever home now.

chica said...

Que gatinho fofinho e lindo!! Que tua semana seja maravilhosa!! beijos,chica

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well Betty---you must have that magic touch. At least you did for that little kitty. Bless its heart --and thank YOU for saving it. Hopefully, it will find a good home...


Jenny said...

Good for you!

Lynn said...

I rescued a couple of shelter cats. Love kitties. This was was lucky to have you for a friend.

George said...

I'm glad you could rescue this little kitten. I don't know how you caught him, but you did get a wonderful photo.

Reena said...

I'm so glad you rescued him! He/she is such a cutie and hope he finds a good home.

Jori said...

Good job! Cute little kitty. I have rescued a couple of dogs. They were wonderful pets.

:.tossan® said...

Caminhar pelo seu blog tem sido um verdadeiro prazer. Você tem fotos excelentes como estas. Sorte minha! Abrazo

PS: Este comentário serve tanbém para o outro blog que gosto muito e não posso comentar.

Rick said...

Nice rescue, Betty - looks like (s)he'd make someone a playful pet.

Never rescued a dog or cat but did rescue a very young raccoon (many years ago) - had to bottle feed it for a while. It became very tame and would walk around with me, on my shoulder. Had it for 1-1/2 years - what a great pet !

Had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend, thank you. Hope your week is going well.

Anonymous said...

That poor kitten! You did a good deed.

Liz Mays said...

I've seen lots of strays, but I've never attempted to rescue them. I guess I worry about rabies and things like that.

Rose said...

Don't ask how many I/we have saved...and passed the trait on to my daughter.

Numerous cats and dogs and a robin and a squirrel...had 'pet' toads that came to be fed...

Rose said...

Should explain the pet toads...they were not really pets, but had a couple that always came up on the porch...and one of those porches was had about 6 steps up...we would knock moths, flies, etc down...if they were still alive and would flutter the toad would eat them. If we actually killed it, we blew on them till they moved and the toads would think it still alive and would eat it. Never had one that would eat anything not moving.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

fans want to know are you keeping it and what is its name.

Anonymous said...

I have rescued 5 - 2 from off the street. This one is very cute.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Fall, Betty! I know the kitty was glad it was rescued and you are an angel for saving this cute kitty. I hope it finds a good home.

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Ah so glad you were there at the right time. I love the intensity in the kitten's eyes and low perspective.

My Mind's Eye said...

Mom and I came over from Mad Snapper.
As you can see I'm a cat and my mom is a crazy cat lady...we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for caring enough to get that precious yet albeit frightened kitty off the streets
Hugs madi and mom

EG CameraGirl said...

How very sweet of you to save the kitten!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I am here from Sandra's (aka Madsnapper). I love kitties and have 4. Two of those my hubby found wandering around by themselves (separate occasions) and brought them home. I'm so glad this precious little cutie was rescued. Thank you! I hope it finds a loving home.

Erika said...

Good for you! What a sweet little thing. I really hope it finds a great home.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Dropping by to say hello - it's been a while so I'm hoping all is ok with you and yours. x

Magia da Inês said...


Boa continuação da semana.

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BlueShell said...

A few days ago...after my morning walk I saw a little abandoned dog. He was black , with big scared eyes...that seemed to say: don't hurt me...
I tried to get closer but
he ran away. Later I talked to some people and they told me that the owners went to Switzerland and abandoned the poor dog. But no one could tel me where the dog was...
Every day I search for him...but I cant find him...
I feel like crying..because I'm afraid He's dead now.

I'll go on trying to find him...for some days more...

BShell Beijos mil

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SandyCarlson said...

That's one scrappy-looking baby!

Betty Manousos said...

sandra, right now i think i couldn't make the time to take care of him because of my busy professional life, but i am just volunteering at this shelter and i'm so happy that the shelter does want to find a new home for the kitty!!:)

Anonymous said...

Good for you!:D

Pat said...

I'm so glad you rescued this sweet little one.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I found a little kitten who was so hungry it ate slugs (I guess they were all it could catch) she continued to do that her whole life even though she had other good food...

Pat Tillett said...

I have been involved with rescues. We've rescued several ourselves and have been involved in transporting rescued dogs and cats to new owners. My wife, much more than me though. Feral cats, no matter how small can put up one heck of a fight with all those teeth and claws. Still love them though...

Laura said...

Wow what an adorable story omg this kitty is such a cutie!

maya =^o^= said...

meeeeeeeooooooooow =^o^=