What Are Top 6 Favourite Movies of All Time?

Well, I'll admit it. I am embarrassingly addicted to watching movies. Yep! I am a little crazy about movies and anything that has to do with them. Would you judge me if I tell you that I love to watch movies...almost all the film genres and types!

Watching movies has been my hobby since I was a child. I can get lost in a good story.
While I don't use movies as an escape from my life, somehow the music, the characters, the scenes seem to have a great effect on me; I feel like I am being transported to a magical place full of fantasy and mystique. In other words, I let the movies carry me away...pure bliss!
Also, watching classic old movies it's a great opportunity to have a historic trip through time, or see life and lifestyles from a different perspective, which I do cherish a lot.

Apart from entertainment, movies can be pretty inspiring as well. Some films I just watch to take a break from the world around me, which is always nice. Because for a certain amount of time I can concentrate on someplace else, faraway lands and peoples, and be far away from where I am at.

There's nothing I enjoy more than sitting on the sofa and watching a good movie, especially on Saturday nights...snacking away. Totally normal.

Here are some of my favourite films, in no particular order:

The Godfather
The Silence of the Lambs
Back to the Future
Gone with the Wind
The Matrix (I like The Matrix because of its intriguing concept-reality, illusion and philosophy. The film is  considered to be far-ahead of its time as well.)

The Lives of Others. Such a great movie! I would highly recommend it. (Okay, I cheated! There are far too many to choose from.)

What about you?

Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing (long) weekend! xx

P.S. Grab a nice big bowl of hot buttery popcorn and enjoy your movie!

(Photos of Marlon Brando courtesy of Google images)


  1. ME TOOOO! I am a lover of movies. Lately, I've been watching movies from the 50's and 60's. So awesome.

    My favs:
    Somethings' gotta give
    Please don't eat the Daisies
    The Holiday
    Max Dugan Returns
    Grapes of Wrath
    And many more.


  2. In general my favourite movies are those that have social lessons both happy and sad.I also like some classical plays.Some of my most favourite films in cinema are:

    1.Kramer versus Kramer
    3.The miserables
    4.Christmas fairytale

  3. Great choices though I can't agree with you on The Matrix.

    My top choices would have to include Robin William's The Birdcage for its humour and The Sixth Sense for its wow factor but best of all I love Edward Scissorhands which never fails to move me.

  4. I do love all the old movies, but I rarely go to see them anymore and I don't rent them anymore -- movies today just don't impress me much and they're way to expensive!!! Your favorites are pretty much mine, too. Hope you have a great weekend, Betty!!

  5. Oh, definitely Gone with the Wind! I love the costumes.

    Let's see....

    The Abyss
    Operation Petticoat (the movie, not the TV show)
    the first 3 Harry Potter movies
    The American President
    The Italian Job

    There are so many! Have a wonderful weekend watching all these wonderful movies!

  6. Gosh, that's a tough question. I have many, but a some that come to mind are: One True Thing, Titanic, City of Angels, The Sixth Sense and To Kill A Mockingbird.

    Have a beautiful weekend, Betty!

  7. i like movies that draw you in and you forget your own life for 2 hours. :)

    i do like gone with the wind. i like a good western, too (like silverado or 3:10 to yuma)

  8. A tough ask but nevertheless,
    not in the order of liking-
    God Father
    Inherit the Wind
    Summer of 42
    Out of Africa
    Deer Hunter
    Citizen Kane

    I'm afraid this may be an injustice to the many I left out because you said six.

  9. I am addicted to stories, reading them or watching them in movies. I love stories. I started at about 10 years old reading Tarzan and Bomba and all books Western, Louis Lamour, Zane Gray... I love action, lots of action, but i do love a well told story that carries me into it.
    you said best movies... these are the ones i have watched 6 or more times.

    Pretty Woman
    Lethal Weapon and all the rest
    The American President
    Roadhouse 10 times or more
    K-9 all three of them
    Sabrina the old and the new version
    anything with Harrison Ford, Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis... I think this gives you an idea of what i Like... either bombs and action or silly sweet love stories. i could go on but blogger might kick me out

    one more thing. i like the older movies best of all, the newer ones not as much.... do your remember from the 50's or are you to young? i wish i had 10 dollars for every viewing of Thunder Road with Robert Mitchum.... forgot my best friend Clint Eastwood, Say Misty For Me... loved it.

  10. Gone with the wind is still in my mind. But I have to admid I have not the rest in me to sit and watch for a long time, haha. I want to thank you for your warm and lovely comment.
    Have a wonderful weekend Betty.

  11. Some of my favorites:

    To Kill a Mockingbird
    All About Eve
    Across the Universe
    Love Actually
    The Philadelphia Story

    There are more, but these are some favorites - I love the old black and white films. I do like Gone With the Wind, but it romanticizes the old south a little too much for my liking.

  12. Yes, I thought Titanic was exceptionally well done (except Di Caprio), and Back to the Future was a lot of fun. My all-time favorite movie is Ordinary People.


  13. É muito interessante assistir a um bom filme!
    Bom fim de semana!

  14. Oh, I love so many - but some of my favourites are:

    Lord of the rings (all of them)
    The sixth sense
    The usual suspects
    Big Fish
    Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (original title, maybe it´s called Amélie in America?)
    Hugo Cabret
    The Godfather

    Love a good movie! :-)

  15. My list: To kill a Mockingbird, Shining, Pride and Prejudice..oh they are far too many to mention.

    Have a great weekend!!

  16. world of henry orient
    trouble with angels
    once upon a time in america
    bell book & candle
    the one they will make from my Hawaii novel

    Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° >
    > < } } ( ° >
    > < 3 3 3 ( ' >

  17. Titanic
    Gone with the Wind
    It's A Wonderful Life
    Wizard of Oz
    are just a few ...

  18. Oh what a nice list! I think mine would be:
    Dead men don't wear plaid.
    Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
    The fifth element

  19. oh, amelie...i haven't seen it but would like to! :)

  20. Good choices! I did a "favorite five" entry on this once, but can't remember now what movies I included...there are just so many good ones!

    A couple I will add here are "Signs" (love how it all ties together in the end) and "The Fifth Element" (sci-fi/comedy at its best).

    Hope you have a great weekend, Betty!

  21. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I love to watch movies over the weekend.
    My favorite: The First Knight with Sean Conery and Richard Gere, The Money Pit, Innerspace...
    A hug.

  22. Καλησπέρα Μπέττη!Ταιριάζουμε σέ πολλά!!Καί εγώ προτιμώ τίς ίδιες ταινίες πού ανέφερες!Περισσότερο όμως τό Gone with the Wind!!Μού άρεσαν πολύ μικρή στήν Αυστραλία,οι ταινίες μέ τόν Ντάνη Κέη καί τόν Μπόμπ Χόουπ!!Καλό καί ξεκούραστο Σ/Κ σού εύχομαι φίλη μου!Φιλάκια!!

  23. All time fav. The Green Mile.

  24. Yo también soy muy amante de las películas, aunque también muy exigente con ellas, actualmente encuentro muy pocas buenas, con lo que estoy adoptando al cine clásico y películas antiguas.
    Que tengas una buena velada con una buena película

  25. I love to watch movies, especially on cold rainy days when there is nothing else to do. I have to think about my favorites. I did love Titanic. Betty, I hope you have a great weekend!

  26. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Life Is Beautiful (La vita è bella) by and with Roberto Benigni,

    Il Postino: The Postman, by Michael Radford, with Massimo Troisi, Philippe Noiret.

    Romeo and Juliet, because of the language,

    Fried Green Tomatoes and most certainly

    Les Amants du Pont-Neuf with Juliette Binoche

  27. Yes, I love movies, at age 20 I thought about being a director but had no money for school, then I found photography.

  28. anilkurup, yes, out of africa is one of my all-time favourites as well.
    an exceptional movie!

  29. I do enjoy movies as well! My husband and I love to watch movies together on the weekends. I'd have to say my favorites are (kind of an eclectic bunch!) - Zoolander, It's Complicated, Father of the Bride, Sleepless in Seattle, and You've Got Mail :)

  30. Hmm, tough to narrow down. I like everything from comic book movies to Woody Allen.

  31. Oh My..... This is a hard question... I guess my favorite OLD movies are It's a Wonderful Life and From Here to Eternity. My favorite musicals were Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and South Pacific and The Sound of Music --and Oliver.... I love musicals. Other favorites are Gone with the Wind, Fried Green Tomatoes, Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, Titantic, anything with Harrison Ford, Dirty Harry series, etc. etc. etc.....

    Haven't seen any movies in several years ---so my choices are all older movies...


  32. On the road
    Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
    Born Free

  33. και εμένα μου αρΈσεουν οι συγκεκριμένες ταινίες Μπέτυ μου.ΛατρεύΩ επίσης όσες έχουν αληθινή ιστορία,και τα θριλερ,όχι με τσεκούρια και τέτοια,αλλά αυτά που μέχρι το τε΄λος δεν ξέρεις τον ένοχο-)))
    πολλά φιλιά και καλό ΣΒΚ-)

  34. My hubby loves movies and since he controls the remote...

    Here are some recent and not so recent favs:

    1. Open Range
    2. Sabrina (The original)
    3. Anchorman
    4. Sylvia
    5. 3:10 to Yuma

    Great topic Betty. :)

  35. .•°♡♡⊱彡

    Beijinhos do Brasil.!
    º° ✿ ✿彡

  36. A nice past time. mine are:
    Calndar Girls
    The exotic Marigold hotel
    Shirly Valentine
    Bran Neu Dae

  37. Just off the top of my head...

    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
    Immortal Beloved
    Love Actually
    Cinema Paradiso

    In fact, tonight, I plan to make some fresh popcorn and unwind with a new movie. :-)

    I hope you're enjoying a relaxing weekend, my dear!


  38. sandra,i too love the older movies...classic ones. i so enjoy seeing what was important topics, and music and fashion of the era.

    no, i don't remember them from the 50's. but as i am a movie lover i dig up classic movies-even b&w ones when i need a mood boost! i have to say that old movies have sustained appeal to me.

  39. I am so lucky to have watched four of your favorites.

  40. How on earth to pick six?
    * Gone with the Wind
    * Pride and Prejudice (A&E version)
    * Galaxy Quest and/or What About Bob? - because they make me laugh
    * The Village and/or Lady in the Water because Bryce Dallas Howard is amazing and I love M. Night Shyamalan's work
    * Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
    * What Dreams May Come - because it's gorgeous and incredibly thought provoking

    Okay, I cheated. There are just too many to choose from.

    Fun post! Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  41. I'm a sucker for a good mobster movie. The Godfather, of course, is great. My favorite move is Goodfellas though!

  42. Far too many to narrow down to six best but I can indeed come up with my all time favourite is The Princess Bride.

  43. Hello Betty, I possess a library of about 1500 films. When I watch them devour the noiccioline. My six favorites are: Amadeus, Blade Runner, Beyond the Garden, Meet Joe Black, the series of The Godfather and the Immortal Beloved .... a hug.

  44. Unfortunately I lack the patience to sit down and get into a movie (which I attribute to a self-diagnosed case of ADD). However, over the years I do recall a few favourites - My Fair Lady, Twelve Angry Men, Dr. Zhivago, Cool Hand Luke, Goldfinger, The Princess Bride, Mrs Doubtfire ...

    Have a great weekend Betty.

  45. My list of favorites varies as to what I need at the time. One of the most powerful movies I have ever seen is "Saving Private Ryan" but I have only seen it once."Godfather" is another movie like that. I own and occasionally watch and love "Master and Commander". After "Master and Commander" a composite list would include: "Harry Potter";"Sound of Music"; "Three Little Words"; "Luther"; "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"; "Dreams".

  46. I'm not going to think about it too much and just answer off the top of my head...

    Wings of Desire
    A Lion in Winter
    Waiting for Guffman
    Harold and Maude
    Y Tu Mama Tambien
    Lost in Translation

  47. Dreamy!
    I love the first picture!

  48. I like your list and several of them are also on mine.

    I add, subtract and alter my list all the time, but here is the current version:

    Godfather Part 2
    Shawshank Redemption
    Pulp Fiction
    Silence of the Lambs
    Apocalypse Now
    Forrest Gump
    Full Metal Jacket
    The Big Lebowski

  49. I could never narrow my favorite movie list down to 6 but I do like the following, in no particular order:

    A Perfect Murder
    The Thomas Crowne Affair
    The Wizard of Oz
    Lady & the Tramp
    Breakfast at Tiffany's

    Oh, that's more than 6, sorry!

  50. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Blade Runner
    City Lights
    Citizen Kane

  51. I like the Matrix too. My boys watched Back to the Future over and over, but I never watched to whole thing. We all like Planes, Trains and Automobiles because it's so silly.

  52. Lindo!Adorei!!1 Estou na praia, curtindo o lindo mar!! beijos praianos,chica( por isso estou mais sumida,rs)

  53. I love the first picture!
    Thanks for visiting!
    A beautiful day you want!
    Stop hug and hold!

  54. Oh my gosh, that's so hard to decide upon! My favorite movie is Terms of Endearment though.

  55. Love Marlo Brando.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  56. Great post!!

    Mine are
    - Shawshank Redemption
    - The AMtric
    - Superman
    - Fools Rush in
    - Ghost
    - Dirty Dancing

  57. Anonymous12:14 PM

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  58. I love all Marlon Brando's movies, of course!:D
