Blossom Up!

Welcome Spring, officially! (Spring arrived in the Northern Hemisphere on March 20, 2013.) Despite the chilly, rainy weather, some plants are starting to flower. Spring is finally here and I have much in the way of spring colour in my garden. 
Flowers always make me feel happy. I believe in the goodness and power of flowers. According to a recent research conducted at Rutgers University-the State University of New Jersey-flowers can have a long-term positive effect upon people's moods. 

In a perfect world, I would fill every square inch of my home...
with flowers every day.

{...But the flower was not satisfied to complete the preparations for her beauty in the shelter of her green chamber.
She chose her colours with the greatest care. She dressed herself slowly. She adjusted her petals one by one. She did not wish to go out into the world all rumbled, like the field poppies. It was only in the full radiance of her beauty that she wished to appear. Oh, yes! She was a coquettish creature! And her mysterious adornment lasted for days and days.
Then one morning, exactly at sunrise, she suddenly showed herself. And, after working with all this pains-taking precision, she yawned and said: 
"Ah! I am scarcely awake. I beg that you will excuse me. My petals are still all disarranged..."}
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince. 

I love this book. It's a really inspiring book for folks of all ages. Have you read it? Isn't The Little Prince just the sweetest?

Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend? I'll be relaxing and catching up on my reading and maybe taking a nice walk or two. The ever-growing days beckon me to spend more time outside of the house enjoying the fresh spring days and nature in its very best.

Hope you have a wonderful Spring weekend! xx

Linking to:  It's a Spring Thing Linky Party , Weekend Flowers , Today's Flowers


  1. they're so pretty
    and hopeful
    I love flowers too

  2. Bonitas y primaverales fotografías.
    Te deseo un feliz fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

  3. Por su colorido y aroma nos hacen sentir felices, que la primavera te lleve tu alegría.
    Un abrazo

  4. Perfect glimpse of spring, Betty! And, yes, I do love flowers as well! Have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!

  5. Nice flowers!Have a happy spring!I love this poem of little Prince!

  6. fingers crossed for rain today and tomorrow (expected). we need it badly! pond is low before heading into the heat of texas summer...

    love the little yellow blooms in the beginning of your post. so happy.

  7. Que maravilhosas todas!beijos,lindo fim de semana!chica

  8. red and yellow flowers are my most favorite and you have some stunning shots here.. love that last one and the hinge thingy makes me happy to. i agree that flowers enhance our world and make me feel happy. for this week end? same as every other day of the week.... we have a 7 day weekend that makes for 365 days of week ends... woo hoo for retirment.

  9. Beautiful photo, Betty. Glad you are seeing some Spring. We have some blooms --but ole man winter is still sticking his nose into our area!!!!! COLD here....

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Just what I needed on this cold, damp miserable day. Longing for our daffodils, crocus and snowdrops to show their faces in the meantime I'll be content to look at this post.

  11. Exquisite sweet flowers fragrance, lovely photo!
    Un abrazo.

  12. It doesn't seem much like spring over here, it's teeth chattering time.

  13. We don't have spring! It's cold!Beautiful flowers!
    Nice weekend

  14. Happy springtime, dear Betty.


  15. What beautiful images! Flowers definitely lift my mood. In the winter time I like to buy flowers from the grocery store to keep in the house. It just adds a nice touch and keeps me cheery!

  16. Beautiful post and love the words...It is all pleasant....

  17. Delightful post, Betty! Wonderful pictures and words, happy spring to you! :)

  18. La primavera nos alegra pero también nos ofrece buenas imágenes para fotografiar.
    Un abrazo.

  19. This post is filled with spring beauty.Have a great weekend.

  20. Anonymous1:39 PM

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  21. Dziękuję za piekną wiosnę, której u nas nie widać, bo śnieg kryje wszystko. Pozdrawiam.
    Thank you for the beautiful spring, which we do not see, because the snow hides everything. Yours.

  22. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Spring is majestic and flowers are the necklaces that looks to us to be dazzled by her beauty.
    Colorful and Fantastic Post.
    Hugs and kisses.

  23. Betty, what a bright and cheery post. Your flowers are so pretty. We are late bloomers around here, I an eagerly waiting for my flowers to bloom and for some warmer weather. Lovely post, enjoy your weekend!

  24. Delightful flower images and text Betty dear, I love the beauty of flowers. Enjoy your weekend and your walking.
    xoxoxo ♡

  25. Each and every one of your floral images are beautiful as always. I especially love the hazy purple one just before the last few red flowers. But the image that caught my breath was of the old fashioned jelly candies. I'm still drooling. I love the colours and the appearance of that image. Perfection.

  26. You and I enjoy shooting. Beautiful photos! hug

  27. I love those sweet little blooms!

  28. These are gorgeous, as usual. I love the candy pic too! Amazing color.

  29. Spring springs back, in such a beautiful pattern.

  30. No plans except to walk the track next door with my son. Can't wait to get out (eventually) and take some photos!

    Happy weekend!

  31. simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

  32. Lovely herald to spring! I just wished it would stop raining! Le Petit Prince is one of my favourite book too! I have it in several languages.

  33. Those colors are energizing! Your photos are full of magic.

    Will be mall-hopping this weekend to look for more inspiration.

    Inspiring post. Happy weekend! :)

  34. Lovely flowers. I can only dream of them. We still have a lot of snow.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    Have a nice weekend

  35. so lovely flowers and blossoms! thanx for sharing with us at weekend flowers! :)

  36. You photograph flowers so beautifully. And I love having them on my screen, even so briefly.

    Love The Little Prince, also. And that quote.

  37. Wonderful photos..have a nice day/

  38. texwisgirl, i do hope you get your rain soon!

  39. They are very pretty.
    Great spring post!

    Have an awesome weekend:-)

  40. Your pictures are lovely. I love flowers, too. You can never have too many.

  41. I agree with those findings, I am always happy around flowers. Thank you for sharing yours with Today's Flowers, and have a great weekend :)

  42. I know my mood improves once I can get out in the yard among our flowers. Unfortunately winter weather has been reluctant to leave us, so we're going to have to wait a little longer for flowers to bloom. I did, however, enjoy the beautiful blossoms you've shared. Thank you.

  43. what a gorgeous series! the pink rosebud is exquisite--so full of promise. love the DoF of the purple flowers.


  44. My dearest, your spring blossoms are just lovely! Happy Spring to you!!! I hope your new season is filled with colors as vibrant and radiant as those in your photos. My warmest wishes for a delightful Sunday!

    Big hugs from me to you,

  45. Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous!! We had some warmth earlier in the week, but it's turned cold and rainy here for the weekend. I'm ready for Spring!

  46. I love the first signs of Spring.

  47. I'd love to have a fresh bouquet of flowers in my house every day, too! Love your beautiful shots, the red and yellow flowers are my favorites.

  48. Gorgeous blooms!! I really adore primrose this time of year!!

  49. Wow - how utterly magical! Lucky you.

  50. Hello Betty.

    Thanks for your visit and for the introduction to your gorgeous photographs.

    We are now following you on G+ and blogspot.

    Hope you are having a great weekend.


  51. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures.
    I love flowers.
    - Cheers Gisela.
    The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower,
    share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's,
    smile at someone and receive a smile in return,
    are to me continual spiritual exercises.”
    Leo F. Buscaglia quote

  52. Betty, your photos take my breath away. To say they are beautiful is an understatement.

    Your post is what I need today since we are in the middle of our third snowstorm. :)

  53. Adoro flores.Lindo tudo aqui! beijos,linda semana! chica

  54. Raindrops on Dahlias...a favorite thing!

  55. These are wonderful, Betty!
    We still have quite a bit of snow, but I can look at these and dream. :-)

    I hope you've had a wonderful weekend!

  56. But if you fill every inch of your home with flowers, where will you put the cats, and the people?
    You have so many beautiful blossoms!!! I think the sunflower and the doorhandle are my favourites!!!

  57. Gorgeous flower pics - made me smile!

  58. Hallo Betty!Beautiful post!!Wonderful pictures and words!I love flowers in my house and in my garden!They make me feel good!Hope you have Happy Sunday!Kisses!!

  59. Anonymous4:45 PM

    That last picture is amazing !

    Thank you for the inspiration, will try to safe a bit of money to buy a few flowers.

    Please have a good new week ahead.

  60. The second bloom is so unusual and the yellow roses are gorgeous. Spring is definitely in the air!

  61. Anonymous4:33 AM

    So pretty!

  62. Oooooh, pretty words and pretty pictures! Very pretty pictures. I covet your lens, I think. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Happy to be here and revel in the spring pictures you posted, since outside my house is not so spring-like.

  63. guild-rez, that was beautiful! thanks for sharing leo buscaglia's quote:)

  64. You are such a good artist, the way you take and present your photos! I was blessed by seeing these flowers, although we still have a bit of a wait here in the Chicago area before we can see flowers in our gardens. There was more snow this week. ...But that's okay; I like the snow, too. :-)

  65. Great series!!!

  66. Love these little beauties!
    Spring is finally showing up. We had snow but the daffodils are budding. I'm hopeful. :)
    Thanks for coming by my blog last week. I've been away and am just now catching up.
    Have a wonderful week!

  67. I'm quite partial to tiny blooms. These are gorgeous!

  68. I believe flowers really do improve people's moods.

  69. χαίρομαι που έχουμε παρόμοια ανάρτηση.Υπέροχες φωτό,και τόσο όμορφα τα λουλούδια Μπέτυ μου.Καλή Ανοιξη λοιπόν,πάντα με αγάπη-)))

  70. Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
    Με γέμισες χαρά με τα υπέροχα λουλούδια σου!
    Και στην Ελλάδα δεν ήρθε ακόμα η άνοιξη, βρέχει συχνά και κάνει κρύο.
    Αλλά δεν βιάζομαι, αγαπώ πολύ τον χειμώνα!
    Σου στέλνω μια αγκαλιά και πολλά φιλιά

  71. I love the flowers. I know that is officially spring, but we have so much snow where I live, it will be a long time before I see any flowers growing.


  72. ¸.•°♡
    ♡ "Que este nosso pequeno mundo virtual, nesta Páscoa,
    seja cada vez mais humano!"

    ♡ Feliz Páscoa!!!

  73. Hi Betty! Beautiful photos. Spring has sprung. For most of us anyway...

  74. They are Beauties

  75. I feel the same about flowers. I am going to make an effort to have flowers in the house every week. Thanks for the motivation.


  76. Te deseo
    Un feliz jueves Santo
    Día del Amor Fraterno,
    desde el recogimiento
    y la serenidad de las palabras.

    Un abrazo con mesura
    y un beso con ternura.

    María Del Carmen

  77. Obrigada pelo carinho de sua visita!
    Lindo seu blog, fotos maravilhosas!
    Abraços e muita paz.

  78. Thanks for the flowers, my dear !!
    And for your lovely comment !!
    Have a great Easter and be well !!!

  79. Such beauty! Thank you.

  80. ...hello Betty, I read 'The Little Prince' ... should be read by all men in the world! Ah, what beautiful flowers you have! An enviable garden. And your photos make the colors so well! You know that I still have not got it right where you live, where you live. The name of your city. I would be glad if you wrote it to your next step, in my post. I wish you an early spring with the best smiles. I hug you

  81. Gorgeous flowers. Thank you:)

  82. The flowers are stunning!
    Such a delight:))

  83. Such stunning photos Betty! Thank you for this brush of spring. We still have bare trees and no blossoms or flowers. I think that might be why so many of us are struggling. Roll on spring!

  84. Olá Betty; belas fotografias de lindas flores....

  85. Anonymous9:47 AM

    It has been said that you are never really sad in your garden

  86. I love your spring flowers!

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