How Did Your Blog Name Come About? + Have a Great Weekend

Life without blogging is kind of like a life without air, right? :)

So I get asked this quite a lot. How did your blog name come about? Here's how...

While the choice of blog name is definitely quite important, naming my blog was not one of the hardest things I had to do. It was a ten minute decision and luckily I'm still happy with it.

My blog name came to me while watching a video about healthy lifestyle, in which a doctor says to his patient. "...take care when guessing, since health problems do not always have cut-and-dried answers."

And that saying struck me. I liked that Cut-and-dried (cut-and-dry less common) which means straightforward, clear or certain because of its meaning.
It's clever, honest, easy to memorize and precisely reflects the voice of my blog.

After 3 years of blogging, I'm still quite happy with my blog name; oh seems to be working with me.

What about you?

Hope you have a lovely weekend! xx

P.S. Photo   SOOC


  1. Have a great weekend!
    Greetings Crissi

  2. crissi, have a great weekend yourself!:)

  3. i have always liked 'cut and dry' as a saying (and your blog name). reminds me of my farming homeland. :)

    mine suits me well as about 95% of the content i share is right from our home at run*a*round.

  4. Gostei de saber!Legal! beijos,chica

  5. Cut and Dry suits your blog style - I like that it gives your blog a voice.

    My format came from a blogger in the United Kingdom - Clare Grant. Her blog Three Beautiful Things inspired a movement. So I follow her "three things" format, but call my blog Good Things Happened, just to be a bit different. And it definitely has my own voice.

  6. I had a friend that started a blog, she sent me the link and said it is easy. I am of course The MadSnapper of photos, so decided it would be a place to show some of them, I named it MadSnapper because I am one. the first 9 months I posted about 10 post.

  7. A very apt name for your blog, I like the title Cut and Dry.

    Whilst I still like Pen and Paper as a title for mine I'm thinking of changing my moniker from Petty (of little importance) Witter (to chatter or babble pointlessly) as whilst I was convinced this was appropriate for me when I started blogging I hope it is no longer the case - that I have advanced from chattering pointlessly.

    Hoping you also have a good weekend.

  8. Ja nazwę swojego bloga zmieniałam, bo nie byłam z nazwy zadowolona. Twoja nazwa jest krótka, symboliczna i podoba mi się. Miłego weekendu. Pozdrawiam.
    I changed my name for my blog because I was not happy with the name. Your name is short, symbolic, and I like. Have a nice weekend. Yours.

  9. I've always liked your blog...and its name!

    I don't blog often anymore, but my title "thoughts and ramblings" was because I wrote on a wide vareity of topics and didn't always stay on track!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. It's beautiful in my part of the world today.

  10. Love the name of your blog... I chose mine fairly quickly too, and at the time--my blog was a journal of my life for my family/friends... I named it Joyful Reflections since I always wanted to keep it joyful and to bring joy to those who read it.

    That's well and good---but there's a down side to that name. There are times in life which are not JOYFUL... I try not to talk about these times, but they do happen and that's LIFE... BUT-- I still have tried to present life in a way where we can all find some joy even through hurt/pain/sadness.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. I love you blog name!! When I finally retired and began looking almost frantically for something to get really involved in -- I suddenly realized "oh, damn, I'm over the hill" so when I found blogging I knew that's what I had to name mine! Fun post for the day, Betty! Enjoy your weekend!!

  12. My blog name was given by my son.It was first intended to be only a photo blog,because I didn't think I would have anything to say.Have a great weekend.

  13. I've always loved your blog name! Short and to the point, and reflects what your blog is about.

    Mine was pretty easy to choose as well as I wanted to share about our homestead in the woods. So the saying "Our Neck of the Woods" kind of came naturally. I love it!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

  14. A "cut and dry", I like that. Mine, well, it is, that's why!

  15. A great name, and suits your blog perfectly! Mine came from my favourite colours and the phrase for a not-really-possible colour.

  16. Muchas veces es mejor buscar un nombre corto del cual siempre hay alguna relación.
    Bloggers nos hace conocer a gente y amarla, un feliz fin de semana

  17. I like your name.

    Chatty Crone
    Creative Researcher of New Experiences.
    Hugs, sandie

  18. That's a fun read and a good question to pose. Mine simply came from my love for puns. It's of course, a play on the words "the spitting image" and it comes from the hope that I post images with which you'll be smitten. ;)

  19. Nice to hear about your name...i don't's's me......hahahahaha!!

  20. The name of your blog is perfect!
    Have a nice weekend!

  21. "Cut and Dry"!!!It sounds great to me dear Betty!!Mine simply came from my love to the country i was borne, and my family lives there now,and for my creations with decoupage!My 2nd blog,is a photography blog,with images from my camera!Hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend!
    Καλά κούλουμα!!Καλή Καθαρά Δευτέρα!!Φιλιά πολλά!

  22. Fun post! I like how others have responded here.

    I typed my name into an anagram generator and it came up with "craver vii." I read it "Craver Seven," like Roman numeral seven. Anyway, I am glad to confess certain passions or “cravings.” So, my blog name refers to my passion for: God, His Word, prayer, the lost, the redeemed, Christian service, and my bride.

    No, photography did not make my list. That's because got a camera AFTER I started blogging.


  23. Betty, I like your blog's name. Maybe because I am straightforward type person. Mine is easy, I love to view nature, especially the wildlife. Have a happy weekend!

  24. My blog name was a fluke. The name I chose didn't work, so I just typed in the first thing that came to mind.

    Have a beautiful weekend, friend!

  25. The name I wanted was taken, and it had Riot in the title, so I added Kitty because it was my nickname when I was little, and I found it a bit humorous. I didn't find the avatar until much later, but it fit ;)

  26. I also like the name of your blog. I started blogging about the time I retired, so 'Senior Moments' seemed appropriate.

  27. Because of "my journey", I find your cut-and-dry.

  28. my blog is all about my experiences..

  29. hey guys, love your blog names. they really do match your personality and style!:)

  30. I set up a twitter account before my blog. I came up with feeling beachie, because I live on the beach... and when I started to blog, i used the same name...

  31. °º✿彡

    Gosto do nome do seu blog.
    Muito diferente.
    Bom domingo!
    Beijinhos do Brasil. 彡✿º°

  32. Your photo is really gorgeous. Catching the light is not always easy but you did it well.

    My blog name was also easy. Emm is for the letter M for Mandy and I was in London.

  33. I like the idea of cut and dry! Cute way to come up with a name for your blog! I thought long and hard about my blog name. I had the name for about a year, before I had the blog! LOL

  34. I love the photo you have posted, it catches the light beautifully.
    Cut and Dry is a great name for a blog.
    Mine was chosen because my words come from my heart.
    Have a lovely Sunday.

    xoxoxo ♡

  35. I chose mine on a whim because my name is Tamara and I was getting into photography at the time and as a child, I'd tell people, "Tamara rhymes with Camera" because the my name was so often pronounced wrong. Still is, actually. So my original blog was Tamara Like Camera and then I changed it when my marketing team thought it would be wiser to shorten my business name to just Tamara Camera. It totally stuck!

  36. It´s a great name! Mine is a combination of my first name and family name - and "at home" is because it gives room to so much that I love! :-)

  37. Hi, how are you?

    It's a good idea , always, :) cut and dry. I like very much your blog.
    Mine was chosen when a lost my parents. I was só unhappy and I need to be born again, to grow or sprout again.

    Bye...Have a good sunday.
    A big hug from Rio de Janeiro.

  38. Muito interessante! Parabéns pelo seu blog!
    Muitos anos!

  39. Like so many have said, your name is perfect. Mine, on the other hand, I gave it absolutely no thought, and it shows. I hate it, but too late to change.


  40. He estado ausente unos cuantos días y el motivo es visible en los blogs…

    El paso de los días se van sucediendo y las heridas abiertas van al encuentro de los medios para ser cicatrizadas, más nunca olvidadas.

    Intento que todo vuelva a la normalidad, pero no puedo ocultar que dentro de mí algo se ha roto dejando un enorme vacío.

    Pero como soy por instinto optimista reanudo las visitas a este tu maravilloso espacio de luz, donde me has tendido las manos continuamente, brindándome el cariño y la mesura de las palabras, que yo siempre he valorado y apreciado, más allá del tiempo y los sentimientos…

    ¡¡Y ante todo, te doy las gracias en gran medida por ayudarme a continuar el camino!!

    Un beso con dulzura

    Y un abrazo con ternura.

    María Del Carmen

  41. The name of your blog is perfect! Greetings

  42. Mine was pretty simple - I just tell it as it is!

  43. Delicious photo. I like the name of your blog, is very curious the origin of its name. The name of my blog is the name of one of my first exposures to early 90's. A hug.

  44. leovi, how interesting!!:)

  45. You're lucky that you're happy with your blog name! I like yours too!

  46. When I started my blog I was fairly new at taking photos and I thought all I wanted to do was talk about the town I live in, East Gwillimbury. Well times have changed and if I were to start blogging NOW I'm sure I could think of a way better name. :)

  47. thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!! means a lot to me!!! :-) your blog is awesome - i love your photography!

    my blog got its name bc a few years ago i had an internet stalker - my old blog used my last name, and overnight i had to come up with something anonymous-ish...and i'm kinda crunchy granola, so that's how we came up with it. LOL...

  48. I like your blog name.

    Mine came to me in a dream. Plus, it's how I live my life. =)


  49. I love the name of your blog. I don't remember exactly the moment I decided on mine, but it took me years to actually get it started.

  50. It's nice to learn about Cut and Dry becoming your blog's name, how perfect! Desert Colors was going to be about art found around my town but seems to have evolved to be about things observed on nature walks.

  51. Perfect blog name of yours! I chose mine because I was working on some short stories relating to mothers and children. I've always felt that I was missing the mom gene ... although I love my children endlessly, I never got the joy out of baking for them, playing board games, etc, like I saw other mothers enjoy. But now, my blog name no longer fits my blog and the direction it has gone. I named it missing moments (but my url is missing the mom gene). Some day, I hope to get it all changed.

  52. λένε πως η πρώτη εντύπωση είναι πάντα η σωστή.Μου αρέσει το όνομα του μπλοκ σου και γενικά όλων.
    πολλά φιλιά και...
    (¯`´♥(¯`´♥.¸________ღ☆ღ_________ ¸.♥´´¯)♥´´¯)
    ☆ ▓▒░ ☆ ♥ ΚΑΛΗ ♥ ~ ♥ΣΑΡΑΚΟΣΤΗ♥ ☆ ░▒▓ ☆
    (_¸.♥(_¸.♥´´ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ღ☆ღ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ `´♥.¸_)♥.¸_)

  53. I always liked the name "Cut and Dry," and did wonder where it came from. Mystery solved for me! :-)

    For me, I just couldn't decide, so I just used my name!

    Have a wonderful day, Betty.

  54. Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  55. How fabulous! I love the story behind your blog :) Hope your having a great Tuesday!

  56. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I chose my blog name because when I was pregnant with our 2nd child. Hubby was freaked out about money, time, love...whatever. I said to him, you "gotta have faith" that everything will work out for the best. This is how God wants it. Got2havefaith was born.

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  58. Καλημέρα αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
    Πολύ όμορφο θέμα!
    Εγώ το βρήκα πολύ φυσικό να δώσω στο blog το όνομα μου.
    Είναι ένα κομμάτι μου και το αγαπώ πολύ!
    Γνώρισα όλους εσάς, αγαπημένους φίλους, βλέπω τόσα θαυμάσια πράγματα μέσα από τις φωτογραφίες σας, μαθαίνω τα συναισθήματα σας!
    Το τριήμερο της Αποκριάς, πήγαμε στην λίμνη Οχρίδα, ένα πανέμορφο μέρος στο κράτος των Σκοπίων.
    Θα την γνωρίσεις σε λίγες μέρες :)
    Σου στέλνω μια μεγάλη αγκαλιά και πολλά φιλιά!

  59. Hi Betty, Hoping you are having a good week. I've mentioned you on my blog today if you'd like to stop by .......

  60. Siempre me haces sonreir ... Bella toma
    Un abrazo

  61. I'll add mine too. When I was in college someone gave me the nick-name of Gracie because I had a habit of tripping on things. Thus my first name and what would go with that better than O'Tripp. It's good for me.


  62. Hoy han caído perlas de rocío en la ventana de la esperanza,

    Esas perlas son la salud, la paz, el amor y la felicidad

    Y quisiera contigo y mi cariño compartirlas…

    Para disfrutar del fin semana en armonía y con alegría!!

    ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤

    María Del Carmen

  63. I love the name of your blog. It's very catchy. Now that I know what it means, I'm liking it more. :)

    Have a nice day. :)

  64. My blog name - just as it says, lol

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  66. My blog name came from a Dane Cook skit plus I love cheese.

  67. I love your blog's name.
    And the story behind it!:-)

  68. I've been seriously thinking of creating a blog myself, I like yours!!

  69. I really like the name of your blog. I think that was first drew me here a long long time ago...

    The name of my blog was the result of the chronic procrastination I suffered from at that time. I still do, but not nearly as bad.

  70. I have always loved your blog's name.
