A Piteous Scene + Have a Good Weekend

Now which are the animals really to be pitied in captivity?
...a piteous scene, seldom noticed by ordinary zoo visitors, is enacted by some species of swans at migration time.These creatures, like most other water fowl, are in zoos generally rendered incapable of flight by the operation of "pinioning", that is the amputation of the wing bone at the metacarpal joint. The birds never really grasp that they can fly no more and they try again and again. I do not like pinioned water birds; the missing tip of one wing and the still sadder picture that the bird makes when it spreads its wings spoil most of my pleasure in it, even if it belongs to one of those species  which do not suffer mentally by the mutilation.

Though pinioned swans generally seem happy and signify their contentment, under proper care, by hatching and rearing their young without any trouble, at migration time things become different: the swans repeatedly swim to the lee side of the pond, in order to have the whole extent of its surface at their disposal when trying to take off against the wind.
All the while, their sonorous flying calls can be heard as they try to rise, and again and again the grand preparations end in a pathetic flutter of the one and half wings; a truly sorry picture!
{From King Solomon's Ring by Konrad Lorenz}

Some facts about the animal kingdom are too important not to share.

I am a huge animal lover, and sometimes my friends think I'm annoying...I don't care though. I could go on forever and ever talking about animals. I am one standing strong against animal abuse. You see, I am an animal lover.

Your thoughts?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xx

Linking to Camera Critters


  1. I don't think that swans are endangered spieces.I believe also that swans should be free in nature and not in a cage.They are proud birds.Go in the sea this weekend too!

  2. Que lindas cenas! Ótimo fim de semana,beijos,chica

  3. I did not know about that about swans - their wings being clipped. Oh my - that is piteous.

  4. lynn, i did not know about that about swans either. yes, that is too piteous.

  5. i am with you all the way...i rather never see a swan than to see them mutilated so people can stare at them in a zoo or pond. this is so sad and it makes me mad.
    we just had yet another dog die in a car at the mall this week.. and that really makes me mad...

  6. I never knew, and that is an awful practice. Sad.

  7. I agree, and I am an animal lover, too, but I didn't know that about the swans either and it is indeed piteous!! Beautiful captures though! Such lovely, lovely birds! Have a good weekend, Betty!

  8. At the local Slimbridge, they keep a lot of endangered specied of birds, they are kept by the cutting three feathers. They also going free and they plenty have at least 15 hides to watch birds.

  9. Have a Nice weekend ....love Ria....x!

  10. Oh, that is sad. Your photos are so beautiful.

  11. Beautiful photos:) Greetings

  12. How much nicer it would be if a pond was kept which enticed the birds to stop by on their migratory path. I'd rather see them on their way through.. or for the summer than know they're forced to remain. I don't like it either.

  13. Although I appreciate the fact that some zoos try to provide good habitat for their animals (and birds). I do agree that clipping wings of birds is pretty sad.

  14. Oh I am just like you. A huge animal lover. I became a vegetarian after getting my chickens four years ago and try to educate my friends and family on factory farming whenever I can. I didn't know this about swans, though, and it breaks my heart. Thanks for sharing this on your blog.

  15. That is sad Betty - I was never aware of this practice

  16. I love animals and love zoos as long as the animals are well cared for. I know many fowl have their wings clipped for various reasons, but this does make me sad. Beautiful photos, though.

    I hope you have a very nice weekend!

  17. Eso es lo que pasa que los tienen encerrados, pero a la vez puedes pensar que son contemplados por muchas personas.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  18. that sounds incredibly brutal - their instinct will never be overcome, even if their physical capabilities are taken from them.

  19. At our local lakes there are swans and geese that have taken up full time residence. Generally speaking, we also see more and more Canadian Geese living full time in Southern California. I know for sure, they aren't being kept there against their will because they do fly around.
    BUT, I know some places (like Sea World and the local zoos, where I'm not so sure...
    That sucks!

  20. I believe this is the same thing that's done to many birds kept as pets and I'm not a fan of the practice.

  21. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I love animals and want to be respected and cared for.
    Hugs and kisses.

  22. I am also like you...an animal lover! I have been to some zoos where some birds seem to come and go. I do believe to keep animals from becoming extinct, it is a good idea to keep some in the zoos. The world lately is not treating the animals and environment in a good way. There are so many animals on the endangered list, it is frighting.
    To end on a happy note, I wish your a great weekend!

  23. Oh, this really is so very sad. :-(

  24. Not a fan of keeping animals as pets!

  25. So very sad for the swans, they should be allowed to fly free.
    I don't believe in keeping any birds in cages, it is too cruel.
    Have a good weekend dear Betty.
    xoxoxo ♡

  26. Terrible... I love animals also --and want them protected. I hate it that houses continue to be built in our area --taking away all of the green space from the deer and other wildlife..... We humans just don't learn!!!!!

    Sad about the swans... Almost makes me cry.


  27. That's so sad. If they're not endangered, why not let them be in the wild?

  28. Oh, and I'm a big animal lover too. You've probably gathered that by my blog and vegan leanings.

  29. So sad and infuriating, I had no idea that this went on.

  30. In the same way:-)


  31. I did not know at all that they did that to them - I think that is so sad. I don't think they should do that.

  32. Interesting. I wonder how many of the birds around here have been pinioned. I was under the assumption that having so many ponds and lakes around here, that the birds stayed of their own volition.

  33. What if these animals think like us?

    They will study us, too.

  34. Sounds abusive. How sad. Swams are so graceful and beautiful.

    Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention.

    Take care, Betty.

  35. I'm an animal lover also. I can relate to your feelings.

  36. i am an animal lover as well!! nothing makes me smile more then seeing animals in the wild, in their natural habitat!!

    so sad, i had no idea!!

  37. 彡♪♫°

    Eu também acho muito triste que não possam voar, aves selvagens deveriam ser livres!!!

    °º✿♫ Boa semana!
    °º✿ Beijinhos
    º° ✿ °❤ Brasil ♫° ·.

  38. Thanks for your visit, , wish you a happy end week- end from Belgium

  39. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Oh gosh -- those poor birds!

  40. ...cara Betty, anche io amo molto gli animali. Ho letto il tuo post che mi hareso molto triste, perché non sapevo della mutilazione degli uccelli nei giardini zoologici. L'uomo è davvero la bestia più malvagia della terra. Grazie del tuo passaggio al mio blog sulla 'libertà'. Libertà, che io ritengo essere un dono della natura a tutti gli esseri viventi, che l'uomo toglie spezzando le ali, come ai tuoi cigni. Che tristezza!..Ti auguro una bella settimana...abbraccio forte...

  41. That's sad really,.. now that I think about it if they aren't kept within an aviary of sorts and they are still there in the open on the pond, then their wings must be clipped.

    There's an old pair at the Botanical Gardens that we like to visit. They've been there for as long as I can remember.

  42. Oh, I'm a big animal lover and I hate seeing animals mistreated in any way. I hate to think about the clipped wings and knowing how much they want to fly away and can't. Makes me want to cry.

  43. That's so sad - especially that this is being done so we humans can watch them all year round. I hope one day we can actually become 'civilised'!

  44. I wasn't actually aware of this practice is zoos. It may not be the case at all places. I remember a raptor center where they actually take in birds injured by crashing into cars/buildings and held mend them up.

  45. This has to be the saddest thing, more so to realise that the birds may not know this was done to them on purpose, to prettify the place for visitors.

  46. πανέμορφες πάπιες Μπέτυ-))))
    Πολλά φιλιά και ευχαριστώ !!!

  47. swans are so beautiful in the wild. Its a shame to "cage" them against their natural instincts

  48. Sad. We humans tend to believe we are the only animals with feelings, I fear.

  49. With the natural world we give and take. We give tameness and security, and we take wildness and freedom. We give both care and mutilation. And yet some of our dearest friends are cats and dogs (and where, in the wild, would we find the untamed Pekinese?) But it's true that we are vandals.

  50. Cute photos!

  51. However, people are cruel. For the pleasure of watching the swans in the zoo are doing them wrong. This is terrible. Yours.

  52. Λατρεύω τούς κύκνους Μπέτη μου,αλλά δέν αντέχω νά τούς βλέπω μέσα σέ κλουβιά!Χαίρομαι,όταν πηγαίνω στό λιμανάκι στό Πόρτο Ράφτη,νά τούς βλέπω νά κολυμπούν στήν θάλασσα ελεύθερους μαζί μέ τής χήνες καί τίς πάπιες!!!Πανέμορφες οι λήψεις σου φίλη μου!!!Νά είσαι καλά!!!
    Πολλά φιλάκια!!!

  53. I'm with you I don't like to see wild animals caged or in this case prevented to fly. I don't like seeing fish in tanks. Zoo animals kept in open range enclosures where it mimics there normal habitat is not too bad. I hate to see birds in a cage,

  54. How weird!?
    I was reading an article about wing clipping the other day! I came across "pinioning" too.

  55. I wonder if swans would be 'kept' if more people knew about this practice (I suspect not).

    I agree - animals were not created to be abused.

  56. Yes, wonderful photos! I am a supporter of the parks where the animals can move freely and are in that environment. I do not like zoos! Hugs!

  57. To be the devil's advocate (but certainly not advocating this pinioning practice) -- I wonder how many swans die in the wild due to disease, malnutrition or predation? These swans are likely fed well and enjoy a long, somewhat happy, if not perfect, life.

    A trade-off I imagine in the grand scheme of things. Thank you for an interesting post Betty. xo

  58. Oh wow - that is beyond cruel. I don't like zoos for exactly this reason and I also don't like seeing animals in the wrong climate and habitat (for example, tigers in Africa). But it never occurred to me to question what zoos do to keep birds captive. In the UK, swans are protected because they all belong to the Queen so our swans are usually very healthy and robust.

  59. I'm with you. That's terrible!

    I would never have thought of that..
    Thanks for sharing with us.
