Are We Really Making The Most of The Fall Season?

St. James's Park, City of Westminster, central London, UK-the oldest of the Royal Parks of London.{Photo taken two years ago.}

So...I have a confession to make. I've become accustomed to just ignoring the beauty of the cooler seasons and I just pack myself around my TV and ignore the world around me just because it's colder. That's definitely not making the most of any season. So I've decided, in this fall season, to make it a practice to take in the season itself. Yes, it's that time of year again-time to welcome in a brand new season.

Since the first day of autumn was 5 days ago, here's a list of things I'm planning on doing this year.

1. Go for a hike.

Breath in the cool, crisp air. Listen to the sound of leaves crunching under my feet.
There's nothing better than a walk on a forest trail this time of year. As long as you have a way to be out and about, you'll be able to enjoy this new season.
2. Collect colourful fall leaves.

3. Watch geese flying south for the winter.

4. Make a big batch of applesauce or cider as the weather gets colder. There's nothing better than applesauce or cider to fit in the season's settings.

5. Bake an apple or pumpkin pie.

(Btw. I got up early and made an apple pie. Yeah. Apple pies have always been a fall favourite of mine.)

6. Throw a Halloween party.

Ready for Halloween yet? We sure are! We love the festivities of Halloween. Emily (Corpse Bride) Halloween Makeup is full of awesome. Getting this Emily (Corpse Bride) Halloween Look is super simple.

Here's an amazing tutorial,  Emily (Corpse Bride) Halloween Makeup Look.

By dope2111

7. Learn to make my own yarn pom poms.

This is a fun and very easy project that you'll really love doing! Making a pom pom requires some yarn (extremely cheap and also likely laying in the closet if your home is like ours.) Here's a detailed tutorial...I loved it so much. 

By creaturescomfortblog

8. Wear my favourite jeans and sweaters. I can't wait to wear this .

What's on your to-do list this fall? I'd love to hear.
Sunset Limited.

Orange Inspiration.

My dears, hope you have an inspiring weekend! xx
Autumnal Sunset.

Have  a great one!


  1. I love all your photos today, but that top one is stunning - I love the sepia look!

    It's still shorts weather here, but I'm getting glimpses that summer is over. ;)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Betty!

  2. Autumn has many fantastic sceneries!

  3. I love your photos! So gorgeous. I've gotten much better about seeing the little nuances and beauties in the changing of the seasons. I can't stand winter, but fall is beautiful and as long as I embrace it, I tend to do ok when it blends into winter.

  4. Hi Betty, thanks for stopping by my blog. Autumn is my favourite time of year! Lovely autumn photos, your sky shot is terrific!

  5. Love autumn.....happy Ria...x !

  6. Good inspiration, thanks for sharing! :-)

  7. an awesome group of photos!!

    i printed a "fall bucket list" from pinterest. it's similar to your list about things you don't want to miss doing during this great season!!

    it's pretty and colorful and it's hanging on my frig!! truth be told, i have two!!

    have a wonderful weekend!!

  8. Wonderful pictures. You have put in me the desire to head out into a park and find more beauty.Perhaps after lunch I can do that.

  9. i love the first thing, take a hike. that i can do here, and we are at 83 today not 95 so that i am loving.
    my list for fall I will have to make a little different.
    I can't bake, but I can buy a pie..

    I can't wear jeans and sweaters until maybe January... so I will wear my capris and flip flops
    I am trying to think of something i can do.
    go to Jungle Gardens
    go to visit my friend Rich in the nursing home
    take my neighbor somewhere when i don't want to
    thanks for the idea, i will be making a list

  10. love the colors of fall, even as muted as they can be in texas.

    i am looking forward to wearing jeans again - might be nov. before it is cool enough, though. :)

  11. Myślę, że to dobre sposoby żeby polubić jesień i pogodzić się z tym , że ona jest. Pozdrawiam.
    I think it's a good way to fall in love with autumn and come to terms with the fact that she is. Yours.

  12. Betty

    Obrigada pelo carinho da visita.
    Também gosto de inventar coisas principalmente num dia de muito frio.
    Esta maneira de divertir no outono eu adorei:
    - caminhar numa trilha sobre folhas secas.
    - ir á cozinha e preparar doces deliciosos. Humm, compota de maçã , delicia e para completar festa de Halloween.

    Fiquei encantada com os pom pons do vídeo. Vou tentar fazer alguns para embalar presentes. Fica muito charmoso.

    Lindos dias para você.

  13. I love this post!! Fall is my fav. season. What great ideas to enjoy the change in weather :) Have a great weekend :)

  14. Great photos Betty! I really do like fall, but I like it mostly because the desert cools off and it's easier to travel there. Where I live though, the primary difference between fall and summer is shorter days.

  15. I've missed some cool and colorful autumn opportunities as well. But I like the brisk season, so for me, I lose the opportunity to save the moment on account of I'm savoring the moment.

  16. These photos are awesome! Especially the running water and leaves. Just gorgeous! I love fall so I look forward to celebrating all season long :)

  17. A beautiful autumn in pleasant dreams.

  18. I love the autumn and cooler weather. Wish I had more time to get out there and enjoy it. Seems the only direction we go, is to the hospital.

  19. Well count me out its Spring here. Unfortunately we don't have a big difference in our seasons. It is warm all the time. But that is the advantage. In summer we sometimes have to stay inside with the aircon and it curbs some outdoor activities like gardening. That apple pie looks delicious.

  20. Hello Betty, you have created a great list of things to do during the Fall season. Hiking and watching the birds will be one thing I like to do. The apple pie sounds yummy too. Wonderful post, have a happy weekend!

  21. Hi Betty,
    I am the new follower of your wonderful blog.
    Thank you for visiting my poetry corner,and saying lovely things!
    I am so glad to have you there.
    Please, join me as a follower, I have just joined yours.
    You take great photos.
    I highly appreciate talents in all forms. Welcome Aboard!
    Greetings from Poet Starry Dawn.

  22. Yes, delicious pictures, very beautiful colors in the leaves, delicious Fall!

  23. Gorgeous photos as always my sweet friend - just like you! :). I am trying to get back to blogging but thinking of changing my blog name and starting a new one. I miss you and my other blogs friends terribly. Anyway I wanted to stop by and say hi friend. Fall is my most favorite time of year and your pictures are just beautiful. Where I live we don't get a fall season so I really miss it. Big hugs doll! Miss you!! Xoxoxo

  24. I am with you on the cold, Betty. Don't like it at all, but I am sure one (or more!!) of those pies would make me feel all better!! :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  25. What a fun post with lots of ideas. I like to bury myself until spring, but it has been beautiful here.. thank you for the lovely comment on my blog..Michelle

  26. Great looking shots.

  27. Anonymous11:33 PM

    What glorious autumn shots. I love autumn!

  28. Great serie and your B&W contribution is perfect, like the first photos they made with a kind of brown touch!

  29. Wonderful weekend!

  30. Thank you Betty for this autumnal entry as well you show us in these nice photographies. Nice park and marvellous tarts accompanied of the jam. I wish you happy weekend. An embrace.

  31. Oh my goodness, what an amazing post and so beautiful. That first photograph should be available as a print so that I could have a copy to frame.

  32. Very beautiful set of photos!Have a nice weekend.

  33. A post feeled with the most lovely photo's.
    I wish you a fantastic weekend Betty.

  34. Belas fotos de outono!
    Aqui estamos na primavera.

    ¸.•°♡彡Ótimo sábado!
    ♡♫° ·.Bom fim de semana!

  35. Beautiful photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  36. Autumn is my favorite season. Love your ideas - especially the apple related ones. :)

  37. I love St. James Park and fall. How did you get the leaves to look blue?!

  38. I absolutely agree with you Betty. In S Africa, we only really had two seasons - summer and winter - so it took me some getting used to to not only have a distinct spring and autumn but also to live during a long, pronounced winter as you can't merely exist for 5+ months. I'm truly enjoying this autumn - I'm enjoying wearing my autumn clothes and also enjoying the cooler weather.

  39. Dearest Betty,

    It feels like forever since I last visited, and... well, it really has been a while. But I'm so refreshed by your thoughts about fall... and your photos are just gorgeous. I make it a point to notice even the smallest changes in my environment because... that's what makes me feel alive.

    The mornings are getting a bit nippy here... the evenings, too! And, I like to use any moments of spare time I have to enjoy the beauty of life around me. So, that is how my fall is going so far.

    I so enjoyed stopping in to visit, my dear. Hope your weekend is going swimmingly!

    Big hugs,

  40. Love the water, love the colours.

    And love your list.

    I am going to hike now.

  41. Fabulous, inviting, and beautiful!

  42. Thanks for stopping by our blog. I love your list of todos for the fall :) BTW, add some pompous to your sweater while you are at it, I think you'll get a kick out of it. You can check it out at:


  43. wonderful thoughts and ideas for Autumn. When we get out and enjoy somehow the spirit of the season seeps inside us and we become Autumn. There is something sacred in that. your photos are gorgeous!

  44. Every last bit should be drained form this wonderful colorful season. Great images Betty!

  45. Beautiful images for fall, I love your colorful leaves and apple pie. Happy Autumn!

  46. Hi Betty, are you in England? I'm in OXON for part of the year. Nice job on the leaves; very beautiful photo. Oh, and those are Canada geese. Being Canadian for the other part of the year, I can safely say that they are only flying from St James's to Hyde park. They very rarely fly south any more. :)

  47. I'm impressed that you made a list of all these fun fall things. I'm not good at lists, but I would like to try making applesauce this fall. We did go apple picking recently -- that's my "must do" fall activity!

  48. Great photos to set the fall mood. I like your list of things to do also. The pie one I should do because I always get hungry for apple pie this time of year.

  49. riot kitty, i just added some colorizing effects to the image, usually this isn't the desired outcome, but sometimes the effect can be quite lovely;)

  50. Fall really is my most favorite time of year. I just wish it lasted longer!
    Cool leaves!!
    xo Catherine

  51. Great post. I'll have one of those little Apple Desserts please!

  52. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm returning the favor, and have to say your post is thought provoking. Do I tend to ignore Fall because of the colder weather? Yes, I do. And it's not a good thing to do so. You've inspired me to enjoy this special, short season. Thank you. By the way, your photos are gorgeous and that apple pie looks scrumptious. Blessings, Nancy

  53. Hey friend - I took the plunge and started blogging again. Same place, same name (for now at least). But the address changed - it's Not sure if you have it saved or how you get to it - but in the event you do it that way - there's the new address. If not, you shouldn't have a problem getting back into it. Miss ya! :)

  54. What a great list. Many fun items. I love to hike in the fall.

  55. So inspirational post and breathtaking picture!
    Enjoy your beautiful life, i think you are so wonderfully poetic *:)

  56. I can relate. I like all the special things about the fall, but I live for sunny summer days. I like that you're dedicated to appreciate the season for all its gifts; I'll join you in that. Thanks for the inspiration.

    I especially like this last photo. It's fantastic.

    Be well, Betty.

  57. Great series of the wonderful shots, specially I like the autumn shot!

  58. Interesting photographs with nice find the video...
    Great post...

  59. Love that cute lil' apple-y pie you made. xo

  60. Fall is my favorite season! Cannot wait to enjoy the outdoors more and see the changing colors. Lovely images, especially the colored leaves. :)

  61. Hello...

    very nice photos ! Thanks for visiting my blog and the nice comment :)

    Greetings from Germany

  62. Hi Betty,
    good morning,
    I do not like the autumn
    but you and your post are changing my mind...

    I loved the Emily's video
    (halloween's girl)
    she is beautiful! =D

    Wishing you a beautiful fall
    a fantastic week
    and a wonderful day
    a big kiss

  63. Hi Betty, Your photos are an inspiration - they have such depth and clarity. I'll be joining you for the little pie. The leaf photo is super!

  64. It's a great plan to enjoy all four seasons. I sure plan to!

  65. I love your photos but especially those leaves!!!! Beautiful!

  66. Wow, those are beautiful pictures.
    Great job.
    Have a nice evening.

  67. This post just jump started me into appreciating the chill rather than being saddened that summer is gone.
    Enjoy the Fall

  68. Superb fall photos Betty ! I've always loved fall for its beautiful colourful scenes. And right now we're having an Indian summer (~23C) which makes it even more enjoyable. Been picking apples and making applesauce too (but no pies. yet).

    Enjoy it some more this week.

  69. I am not ready to enjoy fall just yet. I'm still clinging to tank tops and sandals.

  70. Hi Betty ~~ I like your post, it shows you have a lot of good ideas. It seems your ambition might match.

    I like #'s 5 and 6. I would take an apple pie. I am glad you made one. Pumpkin is okay, it is my favorite vegetable dish.

    # 6, throwing a Halloween party would be a lot of fun. You could stretch it out for Guy Fawkes Day as well.

    We have a been gone from London over a month now. We were there from July 5 through August 28, taking a couple of weeks away for a cruise. Our daughter lives and works there and has her family there with her.

    I am sorry to be so late. I too was sorry to hear how the Turks were treating those dogs. That was back in 1887. I think things are much better for the dogs now. But there were a lot of them layig around.

  71. Hi Betty,
    I am the new follower of your wonderful blog.
    You are so creative, a real artist.
    Your photos are awesome.
    Thank you for joining my sites, Betty! Welcome Aboard!
    Greetings from Poet Starry.

  72. I agree with your words dear Betty. I love Autumn season and all beautiful colors. In fact, it's my favorite season!Your pictures are wonderful, thanks for this beautiful post.
    Happy October chérie!

  73. Ονειρεμένες φθινοπωρινές εικόνες Μπέτυ!!!!Λατρεύω την αλλαγή χρωμάτων της φύσης ....πορτοκαλί-κίτρινο -χρυσό.
    Τα βιντεάκια είναι απίθανα.Στην Ελλάδα δεν έχουμε τα Halloween σε εκτίμηση-))))
    Πολλά φιλιά και καλό μηνα

  74. Autumn is colorful! Great pics! xx

  75. I love Fall and your picks!:D

  76. Shirley Holmes7:33 AM

    I really like your last photo.
    Simply awesome!!;o)

  77. Alice Miller7:37 AM

    Awesome fall photos dear one!
    Thank you:)))

  78. Fall for me means that it's time to pull out my boots and I'm a big fan of boots!

  79. Fall for me means that it's time to pull out my boots and I'm a big fan of boots!

  80. I love your Autumn photographs today- all of these!:-)

  81. Love your Autumn goals! This is the only seasonal change we experience nowdays, because we go to Florida soon until next summer. Your pictures almost make me want to stay here (almost;>)

  82. Such a lovely post. Some thing delicious, some thing beautiful nature capturing all interesting snapshots. Love your blog. Would like to follow you.

  83. Oh,how fun to be able to leave a comment!! I do love all your pics today as always!! Hope your week is going well!!
