A Glimpse of Paris

The Eiffel Tower. 

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous structures in the world. This magnificent structure is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris.
It was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower.

Read on and enjoy a range of interesting information about the Eiffel Tower .

Cinnamon Palmiers.

A palmier or elephant ear is a French pastry in a palm shape or a butterfly shape. Delicious!
How to make Cinnamon Palmiers .
Chicken Cordon Bleu...the easy way! No flower mixture, no egg mixture, no bread crumbs but it did taste as good as the traditional version.

The Chicken Cordon Bleu, a classic French dish, is meat with prosciutto ham and cheese filling, that's rich and tasty.

How to make authentic Chicken Cordon Bleu .

I was dreaming about Paris yesterday; would love to frolic around that lovely city today. I know that people often say that Paris is a fabulous city to get lost in...We do love Paris but France is more than just Paris!

Do you like French food? Have you ever tried any of these?

Hope you have a great weekend! xx

(Top photo by Joey Zanotti via Everything You Love To Hate)


  1. i love chicken cordon bleu and this one looks divine... nice shot of the tower. i have only seen the whole tower, the one everyone has.

  2. I like the angle of the shot of the tower.

    I can wander around, not knowing where I am, and that's fine. But I do not feel really lost unless I am alone as well. Solitude has a way of zapping any remnant of bravery or adventure right out of me. So I suppose that when I am with a friend, I can never truly be lost.

  3. Your food photos are making me hungry..The elephant ears and the chicken cordon bleu look delicious.. I think being stuck in the house due to the snow have me craving food. Have a happy weekend!

  4. I do love Paris and the Eiffel tower is such an incredible place! And, of course, your food photos have made me hungry, too!!! Guess I'd better have some breakfast before I drool on my keyboard!! Have a great weekend, Betty!!

  5. That shot reminds me more of the Empire State Building. It's an interesting angle, though.

    The food looks delicious!! Good think I just ate breakfast or I might not be able to control myself!

    Enjoy your weekend, Betty!

  6. the cordon bleu made me hungry! the eiffel tower shot is superb.

  7. Oh yes, Paris in my heart. Saw it for the first time last year and I´ll definately go back, I´d love to see a lot of France though! :-)

  8. I had visited Paris about 10 years ago for 5 days with a group.We had spend the most time in Disneyland.I had visited Eiffel tower too and a rodeo.It was a fabulous city but a bit expensive in all goods.I still see the souvenirs I had bought from Paris.

  9. Efectivamente París es una ciudad de sueño y de encanto, el romanticismo.
    Tus platos son muy apetitosos.
    Que tengas un buen principio de año.
    Un abrazo.

  10. kelly, i think i made an error here. that was the chrysler building.

  11. Love your perspective of the Eiffel Tower. So different and interesting. French food is divine, but I must stay away from rich food for a while. The holidays almost did me in. Back to healthy food for me. :/

  12. I DO like French food, and everything here looks delicious! Now, I'm hungry!! :-)

    Happy New Year to you, Betty, and have a great weekend!

  13. That is a very pretty photo of the tower. When I seen it earlier it looked more like the Empire State Building. Lol. I am a fan of French food, but it can be a little rich on times.
    Have a great weekend

  14. Pretty photos, especially that first one! I've never been to Paris but would love to go someday with my honey :)

  15. My friend is coming back this week after living in Paris for ten months! I wish I had had the means to visit her.
    And the Eiffel Tower photo is so beautiful.

  16. I think there is too much of the MEAT, being a vege.

  17. wow fantastiske bilder !

  18. The Eiffel Tower is amazing,I love it! I haven't been to Paris for years, I usually go to Lille. Love palmiers, andpain au chocolat, crêpes and galettes!

  19. I've always wanted to go to Paris and the south of France. I'd love to see the Eiffel Tower. And the food shots have me salivating over here!

  20. Yes i like !!!...lovely weekend.....love Ria...x !

  21. Wonderful inspiration. I've never been in Paris.
    Many greetings Sabine

  22. Thanks for fixing the picture. I *still* like the angle!! :-)

  23. NOM!! Great photos!

  24. Paris! I've only been out of the United States going to Aruba & Punta Cana! Beautiful pix!...:)JP

  25. Yummy pictures.

    Blessings for a wonderful 2014, dear Betty.


  26. It's a shame France is so darn far away and I'm such a lousy traveler. I'm quite sure I'd like it... except for the trip.

  27. I shall continue to, and remain to dream about Paris.

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  29. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Hey mate, greetings from Down Under !
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  30. I love the angle of the photo of the Eiffel tower...gorgeous shots

  31. I'd love to see Paris, but that long flight would probably keep me home. The food sure looks scrumptious!

  32. Beautiful is the photo of the Eiffel Tower.

  33. hi. Tour unusual shot of the Eiffel Tower is very interesting. Food looks lovely, now I am hungry!!!

  34. Cool Eiffel Tower Shot ... but I think I'll take the palmier ... Happy New Year!!

  35. As always a post I very much enjoyed though I have to say there is little about France that actually appeals to me.

  36. There is very little French cuisine on the west coast, at least in the inland regions or southern California, as far as I know. We have American, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, German...

  37. I would love to explore France. Going to have to try the Palmier recipe. YUM!

  38. Wonderful photos. The photo of the Chicken Cordon Bleu made my mouth water.

  39. Excelentes fotografias....

  40. Καλώς όρισες αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ!
    Τι υπέροχες εικόνες και τόσο...νόστιμες!!!!
    Τέλειο το ρολό κοτόπουλο!!!
    Εμένα στην Γαλλία με τρελαίνουν τα οστρακοειδή και τα μύδια στην κατσαρόλα!!! Βουνά ολόκληρα με τα τσόφλια από τα μύδια!!!!
    Σου εύχομαι μια ευτυχισμένη χρονιά με τούς αγαπημένους σου, με υγεία και πολλά ταξίδια!!!
    Σου στέλνω μια ζεστή αγκαλιά και πολλά φιλιά!

  41. Muy buenas fotografías...ricos platos gastronómicos.
    Espero y deseo que te vaya todo bien en este Año 2014 que hemos iniciado.
    Un abrazo.

  42. Beautiful pics! Love the The Eiffel Tower shot..Happy New Year!xx

  43. Aww the romantic and perfect Paris! Love your pictures, you always bring lights to my day with your lovely posts!
    Happy 2014!

  44. Elephant ears are one of my favorite pastries. So delicious.


  45. Brillas con la luz propia que solo tú puedes irradiar,
    brillas con la esperanza de que este momento es único e irrepetible,
    brillas con la ilusión de que mañana será aún mejor que el de hoy,
    no importa cómo, pero brillas, porque tu diáfana luz no tiene comparación.

    Y atraída por este radiante manantial de luz te paso a visitar y te invito
    a brindar a mi lado, hoy que celebro el día de mi cumpleaños
    que felizmente contigo me apetece compartirlo, brindando
    al sumar un año más al libro de vida donde no falte
    la salud, el amor y la felicidad para acercarle una modesta sonrisa
    a quienes las quieran cortésmente aceptar.

    Un breve pero sincero abrazo
    Dejo a los pies de tus sentimientos.

    María Del Carmen

  46. The photos are great and you have made me very hungry!
    I hope you had a great holiday season Betty...

  47. I thought maybe you were IN France --until you said that you were dreaming... Have you been there? I have not--but love to go!!!!

    We have a great recipe of Chicken Cordon Bleu... YUM..

    Happy 2014.

  48. Muy bonita esa mirada de Paris, la palmera tiene muy buena pinta.


  49. I love chicken cordon blue and make it semi often. Your images make my tummy growl.. well except for the tower. Lovely perspective.

  50. I love chicken cordon blue and make it semi often. Your images make my tummy growl.. well except for the tower. Lovely perspective.

  51. We've been to Paris several times and always a delight. But you are right ... so much more lies beyond Paris in France.

  52. Wow. Paris looks like such a great place to visit.

  53. Ah, who could resist the magic of all things French?:) Beautiful images and mouthwatering palmier! Happy 2014 to you!

  54. Hello dear Betty,
    good morning,
    I don't know if it's a good description of me,
    but I get lost in my own city =)
    and ... the French food should be delicious =O

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend
    and a fantastic 2014
    hugs and kisses

  55. Paryż to piękne miasto i trochę mi znane, bo byłam tam. Jadłam też i cordon blue z kurczaka - pyszne. Pozdrawiam.
    Paris is a beautiful city and little known to me, because I was there. I ate well and cordon blue chicken - delicious. Yours.

  56. ah i would so love to go to paris...it is on the list...

    elephant ears...we used to go tot he little mall in town when i was growing up and there was a vender there that used to sell elephant ears...and that was always such a treat...you brought back some good memories there...smiles.

  57. Anonymous10:50 PM

    wow - amazing shot of the Eiffel Tower!

  58. I never tire of Paris, your photos are gorgeous, I love the different angles.

    I have a regular series of posts on French A la vie a la mode, to watch, listen and read if you are interested :).


    Have a beautiful weekend!

  59. ooo lala, I'm enJOYing that Chicken Cordon Bleu shot...making me so hungry.
