Τhrilled By!

Mama Mia movie (2008). Director: Rebecca Murray. 

I absolutely adore Meryl Steep and love all of her movies. Mama Mia  is a superb musical, light-hearted, quite enjoyable movie, directed by Phyllida Lloyd.
Have you seen the it? Did you liked it?
This film is just sheer fun and as I love all of the songs by Abba, Mama Mia song has definitely become my daily music dose lately.
The other day I saw an excellent movie, Julie & Julia, with Meryl Streep, Amy Adams and Stanley Tucci. This is  a comedy-drama film written and directed by Nora Ephron. The film is based on two true stories.
Meryl Streep's performance as Julia Child is absolutely astonishing! I really loved that funny, brilliant, smart, spicy, passionate character. Meryl Streep at her best! Food, recipes, butter, and a lot of cooking skills.
This movie is also about...yeah, blogging, and perspicaciously proves dreams do come true, but alas, our excessive devotion to it might lead to uncontrolled situations. I unreservedly love the moral of this movie.

Read on here and here . This is insanely delightful! I'm sure you'll enjoy this movie as much as I did.

My sweets, have a wonderful week! xx                                   

Bruges and Luxembourg Photos

Upon visiting Bruges, we immediately noticed that this city has carefully cherished its architectural, medieval treasures from the past.
Remarkable is the way the city deals with its past today.
The historic city center was added to the UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2000.
The Bruges canals originally protected the city center.
Bruges is such a fairy-looking little town. So enchanting!
We walked through vivid squares, refreshing parks and beautiful cobbled streets.
We went to a cozy restaurant and had a gorgeous chicken stew, a Belgian specialty cooked with fresh tomatoes, parsley and Belgian cherry beer. We couldn't resist ordering desserts and spoiling our taste buds with delicious Belgian chocolates.
Featured  cobbled street in Luxembourg city, Luxembourg.
Living standards are high. The disposal income or consuming spending per household is so far ahead of the other European countries. The residents of Luxembourg benefit from a standard of life which is well above that of the other counties of the EU. Luxembourg is the "richest". xx                                                        

Vacation Photos: Brussels

Atomium, Brussels. Designed by Andre' Waterkeyn.

Hello, my dears! My brother Michael and I just got back from Brussels after a really interesting journey. Oh yes, we had an absolutely wonderful trip and lots and lots of Belgian waffles. Thank you for being so sweet and leaving so many wonderful comments. I look forward to catching up on your lovely blogs as soon as possible.
Now, I'd love to share with you a few  of my Brussels photos, if you'd like to see.
Atomium, (photo above) the 102m/326ft high steel and aluminum structure is Brussels' best-known landmark.
Designed by architect Andre' Waterkeyn for the 1958 Brussels World Exhibition it represents a molecule of iron magnified 165 million times. (It is consist of 9 spheres). The topmost sphere of Atomium contains a restaurant and a viewing platform.

Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is the administrative center of the European Union. This has earned the city the title of the Capital of Europe since 1958 and in 1967 the administrative centre  of NATO.
The European Parliament.

The European Parliament is the legislative branch of the EU. It currently has 732 representative members of 25 countries, (members-states). Belgium has been culturally divided into French-speaking and Flemish (Dutch-speaking) parts. Nowadays many people are bilingual and speak German and English, too.
Brussels has been given its character by the coexistence of French and Flemish culture and is home to nationalities around the world.
A featured Quick Hamburger Restaurant in Brussels.

In general, the fabulous atmosphere of Brussels is enhanced by medieval cobblestone streets, lively squares, lovely boulevards, stunning monuments, parks (a lot of parks), cozy cafe's and welcoming cozy restaurants.
Brussels with its active cultural life is definitely a cosmopolitan
I always visualized the spirit of Brussels as something creative,
spiritual, intellectual. Apparently this could not be more right.
The simplicity of neoclassical and ancient-Greek inspiration is 
broken by a very ornate decoration.

The Grand' Place (Market Place-1873) is the heart of the Old Town and the finest Gothic town square in Europe. The medieval layout of the lanes just seems to shunt you towards it. We wandered down twisty cobblestone streets. The buildings at Grand' Place were really breathtaking! 
I couldn't stop marvelling at all the magnificent Houses.
Baroque Guilty Houses at Grand' Place.

Baroque-is an artistic style prevalent from the late 16th century to the early 18th century. Bold, massing colonnades, domes, 
painterly colour effects. We were surprised to find the grandest of them suitably decorated with barley and hops, belonged to the Guild of Brewers.
The Town Hall at Grand' Place.

Town Hall is the most remarkable ancient monument of Brussels and also a wonderful example of Gothic architecture in Belgium. Town Hall is still the seat of the Mayor of Brussels.                                                                                                                                                              
When entering the Grand' Place from one of the seven side-streets my eyes were drawn to the Tower of the Town Hall pointing skywards.                                                                                       
The Fish Market with many lovely restaurants along the road.
We strolled in certain areas well- known for their gastronomic 
tables such as Place Sainte-Catherine known as the Fish Market. 
Brussels is also the Capital of gastronomy. 
I ordered an especially delicious meal of mussels mules marinieres with frites, (fries), a local specialty- which is to say truly international. That plate seemed almost too much to get through. We had also Tartar steak with Belgian fries, another Belgian specialty. I ordered a local crisp cherry-flavoured beer, called Kriek.
I couldn't resist ordering a dessert and it was fabulous -a homemade waffle- a classic dish which came in a plate with fresh cream and hot cherry sauce on top.
Oh my gosh, I fell in love with Belgian waffles!
Actually, it would be dishonest to write about Brussels laces, and tapestries. 
Did you know that Belgium produces no fewer than seven hundred beers? Brussels is arguably the capital of beer. We went to Maison Cirio by far the finest bar-a spacious saloon-in Brussels.      

Manneken-Pis, the small bronze fountain sculpture.
The official spirit of Brussels has been a naked cheeky little boy 
gleefully urinating into the fountain's basin in public. Known as Manneken-Pis, the little bronze figure has been the subject of many conflicting legends.
It was designed by Jerome Duquesnoy and put in place in 1619. Its endure popularity is reflected in the number of expensively tailored costumes that are sent in from all over the world to clothe the naked statue on ceremonial occasions. These have ranged from American Army uniforms to matador outfits to Hawaiian folk-dress.                                                                                             
A beautiful chocolate shop in Brussels at Grand' Place.

There are also bike lanes in Brussels. Did you know that the traffic in Brussels is very low compare to other European capitals and drivers are very respectful toward cyclists? I was so taken by the magnificent Grand' Place, the  monuments, the fabulous laces, the tapestries, the Brussels waffles!   
I'm officially obsessed with the city and would recommend it to any aspiring traveler. It had been such a wonderful trip and experience!                                                                                                                                                                                
Brussels made me feel satisfyingly at home.  xx                                                                                            

Promoting Healthy Choices

I've decided to make healthy snack choices from now on.                                      
I really love snacking. Don't you? It can help me curb hunger throughout the day as well as provide energy. The quality of snacks is key.
I tend to keep a good selection of ready-to-eat veggies in the refrigerator or fruit kebabs when I need to snack in front of the TV I use skim milk, fat-free yogurt and fresh fruit to make my smoothies.
Whole-grain snacks, such as whole-grain pretzels, or tortillas, as well as breakfast foods such as whole-grain toast, and high -fiber, whole-grain cereals make great afternoon snacks.

So, go for the grain!
I love mix and match. I serve baby carrots or any other vegetable with fat-free ranch dressing.
I love to dip cracker sticks or fresh fruit in fat-free yogurt, and top celery, sliced apples or bananas with peanut butter.
Tip: Try yogurt with one clove of garlic or mustard seeds. Pour olive oil on it. It's so delicious!

Do you love snacking? xx