A Taste of the New

This post was originally posted on September 29th, 2009.

Emile, a fifty year old wine maker, was in charge then, but  he has now handed over his daughter Isabelle, who is continuing to make excellent wines.
I think in matters of wine and taste, the French generally contrive to give an impression of effortless self-sufficiency. 
While my uncle Peter and I were planning a trip to France- long ago-we've decided that we would  begin with a visit to the vineyards of Alsace. It was my first time in my entire life that I visited a winery.

Alsace is one of France's most appealing wine regions. It is scenically beautiful and its climate is reliably mild.
It is a delight for the gastronome (it has more Michelin stars than any other part of France).

Alsace wines are sold in a tall, slender, green bottle, known as a flute .
Most are vinified dry and have respectable levels of alcohol, making them excellent partners for food.
I have very fond memories of my visit to the Wines' Road, in Alsace, France.
I was impressed not only by the pretty villages but by the openness and enthusiasm of the producers.
The Alsace Wine Route runs through small towns and villages, one of which is Dambach la Ville where the winery is.
Dambach la Ville is a traditional village with half-timbered houses, narrow streets and flower-decked-balconies.
My uncle's friends, Emile, his daughter Isabelle and her husband Jacques, gave me a wonderful welcome during my visit to the small village of Dambach la Ville.
The winery is housed in a charming old butter factory and they produce  a dry, food-friendly white wine of the Pinot Gris grape variety.                      
It's fun reading Masters of Wine's description on the bottles: flowery, fruity, spicy, smoky, stylish, fragrant, racy...  
As I relaxed over a glass of their delicious wine I wondered if I would be able to resist wine living so close to a winery. (Haha!) xx         

A Little Time-Off

little girls and kitten
I'm taking a little break from blogging for a while. Just for fun, though, I'll be posting some old blog posts that you may not have seen, so please still visit regularly. Thank you so much. I will continue to visit your blogs whenever possible...

Wish you all a beautiful Friday and a fabulous weekend ahead! Enjoy life...no matter how hard it may seem... xx

Happy Valentine's Day!

I like to keep Valentine's Day low-key, but I love any reason to celebrate love! So what are you up to tonight? Whatever it is, I hope your day is filled with lots of love, smiles and sweet treats.
Let your loved ones know that you love and appreciate them not only on Valentine's Day but every single day.

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! xx

Happy Valentine's Day 2014: How people around the world celebrate

(Photos via andersruff.com )

Love and Gratitude

pink roses in a crystal vase
good morning bunch of beautiful pink roses
pink roses
pink roses
roses in monochrome
pink roses textured in a vase
If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever.
By Alfred Tennyson

I'd like to dedicate this post to all my fellow bloggers, followers and readers. I did not realize how fantastic the blogging community is when I first started out. I'm immensely grateful for the continued support and engagement of a loyal and wonderful readership. I haven't made useful acquaintances, I have made friends.

Just wanted to say thank you so much, truly, for reading Cut and Dry. I have enjoyed getting to know you through this blog so much! Thanks for understanding that I could never write a long enough post to say how much you all mean to me.

With love and gratitude.

Hope you have a great weekend, stay warm! xx