Have an Exciting Weekend!

Have a wonderful, fun weekend, my dears! xx


Liz Mays said...

I love it! I can't believe that guy said dust. LOL

Unknown said...

Great pics- great captions!!Enjoyed reading your posts and will continue to do so! Happy weekend!
Yael (from SITS)

Unknown said...


Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you won't be a stranger!

Nevine Sultan said...

Oh no! You do not tell your wife there's dust on the TV. No no no! And I loved that tease from the traffic people. So like them to be snickering at our woes. A great way to start off the weekend, Betty! Thank you.


MsTypo said...

Any husband that escaped death after talking about dust on the tv should count himself lucky. LOL

Sarah RDH said...

nice saturday morning laugh!

ramesh sadasivam said...

LOL...Good ones! :)

Thanks for sharing.

ritsa said...

Hahaha! just love it!

ritsa said...

Hahaha! just love it!

wenn said...

hv a nice weekend..

michael said...

Too funny!!
That guy is so stupid!LOL

Georgia said...

Love this. Too funny!

PeterZ said...

Have a fantastic weekend!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

That man is goofy!

Nelly said...

Love it!

PopisK said...

I love your blog!It is a fantastic experience!!

Anonymous said...

Happy weekend....funny stuff lol;)

Tracie said...

Those are great! That's what's on all my tvs, too!

mia maria said...

LOL! How funny! Have a nice weekend!

Ziggy Stardust said...

That was fun. Happy Halloween!


Pat said...

LOL! As if HE couldn't pick up a dust rag! Dirty rat #@#@#@$$##$!~~~!!

Thanks for the laughs!

Happy Halloween!

athina said...

Best wishes for happy weekend!

Bobbi said...

Those are funny!

Brian the old man said...

I love your blog. I see you are a fellow Superior Scribbler, Congratulations. I appreciate your comments on my blog and for becoming a follower. Have a nice weekend and Happy Halloween.

♥♥ tuğçe♥♥ said...

lol i loved the third one most happy halloween and good weekends take care

Anonymous said...

That fucking husband is off on a fun trip, disguised as business, even the dog knows he's lying!

Good cartoons!

Conquer The Monkey said...

Love this. Is that sign real on the great wall???
you are so right, laughter is SO important!!!
happy halloweeeennn!

Betty's Cuisine said...

Oh my God !!!
I am still laughing!!!
Happy Halloween!

Betty Manousos said...

Conquer The Monkey, I really don't know if this is real. I suppose it is.

Melinda said...

Very funny ... my favorite is the one with the husband. Any man who values his life would know better than to say that! ;0)

Nicole said...

Great pics!I think I'd feel better if the signs on the subway and bus said that last one, instead of "there is a delay, we don't know how long it will take but there is a delay". Hope you have a wonderful Halloween weekend!!!

Vodka Logic said...

Love the dust comment.. unfortunately true in my house as well.

Betty Manousos said...

Vodka Logic, there's in my house too.

Corrie Howe said...

I love the last one. I wonder if the highway worker was able to keep their job. You know some people don't have a sense of humor.

yonca said...

Thanks for the laughs! Happy Halloween!

Sandra Wilkes said...

Thanks for the funnies! We all need a smile!

Claudya Martinez said...

Thank you for the healthy dose of laughter!

Ojibwe Confessions said...

It's great to have a sense of humour. I like the pictures, especially the bill board for car travelers. It was a nice night over here, about 2 degrees.

Andy Lai Ser Wei said...

hi there..first time coming by.. i love the cartoons here..esp the one waiting for his wife to calm down.. LOL.. great one!
btw, i come from www.reanaclaire.com

do keep in touch and have a nice weekend..

Anonymous said...

first time in here....

Betty Manousos said...

Andy Lai Ser Wei, welcome on board!

Ekanthapadhikan said...

That was a good light hearted post. I liked the China Wall sign board.

Betty Manousos said...

Ekan, I am glad to see you!.

Chapters From My Life said...

ROTFLOL ... I love them...Happy Halloween

Phivos Nicolaides said...

I liked the fugitive's thoughts!!

Kate said...

I love them! Happy Halloween

Allison said...

Dust! Yeah he better wait in there! :) So funny!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

perfection! what a great way to start the weekend!

Sassy Chica said...

Love all the pics, especially the guy in timeout!

Sassy Chica

Melissa B. said...

My Hubz is the one who can always get off work to golf. I don't know how he does it. He calls a Friday afternoon round an "Off-site meeting." What a guy!

The Peach Tart said...

Dust....that's classic.

Helene said...

If my husband made a comment like that to me about the dust, he'd be living in the garage for quite awhile!! A man should just know better!

Love the sign on the side of the road...someone has a sense of humor!

MaryRC said...

thanks for the giggles... found you via sits.. happy monday

love lives in the kitchen said...

hehe son funny!
thank you for sharing!
have a sweet day, justyna

Velva said...

Love it! Made me smile, then made me laugh. Great blog post!

Doctor FTSE said...

What a change from the usual self-obsessed ramblings that all-too-many bloggers indulge in. Thanks for the laffs! Hope Halloween was all you hoped it would be;
Very best wishes.

Lynette Jacobs said...

I love the last one...reminds me so much of life in our little city at the moment. Getting ready for the big 2010 Soccer world cup. It looks like gigantic moles have taken over the streets.

Anonymous said...

Thanks--I needed that laugh this morning! (Although the dust comment was a little too close to home...:-) )

natalee said...

LOL!!! THE DUST PIX IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!I love the rtoad sign too

theUngourmet said...

Those are all so funny! I love the last on especially! :D

Thanks for stopping over to see me for SITS day!

Have a great week!

A Cuban In London said...

Lovely and funny. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

I'd like to go on that kind of business trip!

Visiting from SITS.

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KikiMo said...

LOL!Love it!

Anonymous said...

said her friends had passed there about four o’clock in the afternoon Full of anger was he She looked so young and merry, and used such simple but expressive