Then Magic Occurs...

I love this memorable Chinese saying: "A picture is worth a thousand words." It is so true. We are exposed to a wide range of images that in return offer many of different moods.
Likewise, there are pictures that stand out from the rest because they are eloquent, evocative and meaningful.
Some photographs ought to be seen as visual poems that capture a specific emotion, meaning, symbolism.

Join that deep beauty by letting the image sink into the soul rather than watching it in awe from a distance.

An unspoken coordination of era, culture, and architecture.                  
Worn Boats.

Worn by good use but still distinctive and pretty.This photo is literally suggesting an essential harmony between nature and culture.                                     

Then magic occurs...xx                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


Liz Mays said...

Oh, I just love this! I like what you said about the photos too. They really can be like poetry!

Unknown said...

Yes - there is a harmony one achieves with the world around them, as one ages. There is still usefulness under the worn exterior. Love this.

Anonymous said...

so true.....

follow the yellow the brick road...*winks*

Anonymous said...

Great photos! I love the two boat ones! Thanks so much for sharing :)

Lynette Jacobs said...

Lovely thought provoking post.

wenn said...

true, we can age gracefully.

Bossy Betty said...

Oh Betty! That picture of the street geometry is wonderful!! They are all good, but I am in love with that one. Terrific photos! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

true magic!

Mama Hen said...

This was a super post! I love the pictures and how we should look at things! We can gain so much if we just open our eyes and see what is all around us! Have a great day!

Mama Hen

Unknown said...

These are all so lovely, Betty! I LOVE the one of the water splashing, and the street geometry one is really fun too!

Joe Cap said...

Whenever I see random photos like this, I always wonder where in the world they were taken.
Ha ha, FUN soda?

RA said...

I love photos. All kinds of photos. And I can't get enough of pohotos. Thanks, Betty, you made my day! :)
You saying the summer will come scared the shit out of me. Haven't I sweated enough... I mean, I like summer, but this is ridiculous! Especially in Finland! :D

flying eagle woman said...

seeing other's photos gives glimpses into their soul don't you think? I love the water picture the best...but you probably already know about me and water:-) beautiful post and I love how your words made the photos so lyrical
Hugs to you my friend!

A Mother Always said...

Beautiful .......

very poetic too.


KrippledWarrior said...

It's better to Burn Up, than to fade away!
Thank you for being, rather than seeming to be, a friend.

imac said...

Sooooooooooo Trueeeeeeeeeeee.
brill shots and very worthy words to go with them.

Nevine Sultan said...

Oh, Betty. I always love your posts. The magic in these photos is just indescribable. Truly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But it always helps to have a good open mind about things, and also to have open emotions. When we keep our hearts open, beauty jumps in and turns into something meaningful for us.
Another "magical" post, Betty. But then, all of your posts are magical. :-)

Big hugs,

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Magical Betty. How I love these pictures, they really do tell a story all of their own.

The Blonde Duck said...

Magical indeed!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Absolutely lovely photos. Thank you for the cue to think and Monday eye candy!

The Ninja said...

You take some amazing pics!!

Ms. A said...

Yes, yes, yes! Love the clear, shallow water.

Melissa B. said...

Just lovely...I especially love the Street Geometry. Bravo!

Trac~ said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures my friend! I love the wear and tear of the boats - sooo pretty and natural! Have a great week hun! xoxoxo

Kelly said...

Marvelous photo! Each evoking its own special feeling.

Anonymous said...

Some fantastic photos here! Have a great week!

Cheri Pryor said...

Lovin' the boat images.w

BeeCute said...

Hi! I love your pictures, they are so interesting! Thanks for the follow on my blog and FMBT! I now follow u too!

Sahildeki Ev said...

A wonderful posts about photography, and some of your photos are just amazing.

Anonymous said...

I love the photos especially the boats.

Anonymous said...

This is why I love photography and why it's truly an art form. Each pictures tells a beautiful, peaceful, ugly, busy, thoughtful, cruel story.

Great share.


athina said...

Nice photos!

Erin Wallace said...

Thank you for the follow, am now returning the favor! These photos are wonderful. I love to find amazing photography to share with my readers, too.

xo Erin

Momma Fargo said...

Very cool! This was amazing, Betty. Great post. I liked the fact that you look at things and see beyond just what's in front of you.

Amy Walker said...

I'm your newest follower. I am not a good photographer but have a love for great photos and a bit of envy of those who take them:). I look forward to seeing more.
Amy @

yonca said...

Oh, I love the image of refreshment. I'm having an iced tea right now:))

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said...

Great Photos! I am your newest follower from Tag Along Tuesday

I look forwards to reading your blog

Anonymous said...

What a great caleidoscope view of life. Please have a wonderful Wednesday.

daily athens

Erinjeany said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog for Tag Along Tuesday! I am following you now too!

Love the photos! Have a Happy Wednesday!

3 hungry tummies said...

Thanks for the beautiful photos. It is so important to stop and look at things around us be it a beautiful flower or a ship that has seen better days. The fun part is of course putting meanings into every frame :) xxx

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I love photography for this reason. We can gleen so much from an image...and these pics you posted are beautiful.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

love your photos and your blog.

Ah Ngao said...

i take the street geometry,it's cute..!

The Blonde Duck said...

Have a magical Wednesday!

septembermom said...

It was lovely to come here and think for a moment about this kind of magic. Thank you!

Cloudia said...


Am I glad you found me.

Wonderful blog.

This is a beautiful beginning.

Wanna swap links?

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

Mama Hen said...

Thank you for stopping by! These pictures are beautiful to look through again! Have a great day!

Mama Hen

Pat said...

I enjoyed the photos and your interpretation of them!

David Macaulay said...

Hey Betty - haven't caught up with your posts for ages but they are always so bright and uplifting that it was great to read this one and see the pix.

Unknown said...

Blog hopping. Newest follower.


Unknown said...

Oh, I just love this!
I also like what you said about the photos too.

ritsa said...

So BEAUTIFUL pics! Love this.

PeterZ said...

Everything here is pretty!
I liked what you said about the photos too :)

JTG (Misalyn) said...

nice thought provoking post Betty. I like your photos, i particularly like the sunset photo. ahhhh mesmerizing!

I enjoyed looking at your vacation photos. Enjoy your vacation my dear!

Anonymous said...
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