Family and Photography

I totally and utterly love Michal Rubin's exquisite Photography! Her photographs are all magnificent and so very nicely composed.

Thank you so much, Michal. We are so lucky to have you out there.

I would love to ask you, my sweet readers. Do you have any children? If yes, what are their names and ages?
If no, do you want to have kids someday? Just curious. I'd love to hear. xx

(Photos by Michal Rubin )                                     



I want to have kids someday. I love photographing kids also.

You're right, these images are really beautiful. Inspiring.

magda said...

Αχ τι υπέροχες φωτογραφίες Μπέττυ μου !!!
Τι γλυκό είναι να είσαι γονέας...
Ναι έχω και είμαι πολύ ευτυχισμένη γι αυτό !!!
Πολλά φιλάκια σ όλους σας !

Trac~ said...

Good morning to u too my sweet BFF! Hope u had a wonderful weekend and an even better week ahead. We woke up to more dang snow this morning and that does not make me very happy all. Lol. Anyway these photos are just gorgeous! He does such a wonderful job! I wish I could find someone to capture some nice photos of me and my family before my kids are grown and gone. They are Alliye and Michael both 17 years old and are almost gone now. We rarely see them anymore and it makes me so sad. :o(. Have a great day my sweets and thanks for stopping by to say hello! Xoxoxo

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Mine are 13 and 8 respectively boy and girl ... Family and especially children portraiture are fun and always a cheerful ending ...

Bitch said...

Very great photographs by Michal Rubin.. I checked his portfolio..

My daughters are adults.
Vanessa and Bianca.
I posted about them.

Greetings and hugs!!!

KikiMO said...

I love these pics. He's a great photographer.
Thanks for sharing.

I have two kids, John and Elias 30 , 31 year old.

Have a great Monday!

ritsa said...

These are really beautiful photos and such a fun to look at them.
Thanks for sharing.

I have one son, Adam, 25 year old.

Have a great day!


Emm said...

Those portraits are amazing! I wanted to go to a portrait photography masterclass but noticed too late that it was £115 not the normal £30 that the Photo School charges for their classes. Maybe I can go in a month or two.

Emm said...

Oh, sorry, no children for us. We're at the final stages of confirming that we're not able but we're okay with that now.

Betty Manousos said...

hey ritsa, i happen to know, you're my cousin..haha!

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

Still I am very young for having kids.I like kids maybe the children of other people' most.The creation of a family depends from luck.In some people happen but in others not.

Anonymous said...

One son - Daniel, 9 months.

I plan to give him brothers and sisters too! :)

I love baby/child photography. It's the kind of thing I'd splash out on to get someone to take some really beautiful photos of me and my kid(s). I'm the only one in my house who takes photos (and I'm by no means a professional) so there are never any photos of me *with* Daniel!!

Anonymous said...

I like these photos, too.

My kids are 11 (Zach) and 8 (Jackson). Oh, we also have a 2 year old hamster, King Hampton the First.

Betty Manousos said...

i know exactly what you mean, diamondsonmysoles, i hope that you find someone to photograph you with baby Daniel soon. xx

Gaelyn said...

These are all very precious, the kind of captures we all wish for.

I have two step-children; Racheal 41 and Ryan 37. Plus a passel of grandkids.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

What great images, especially the last two.

No children, a long story but I never wanted them. Not that we don't like children, we helped raise Niece #1 and Nephew plus we work(ed) with children. I was a primary school teaching assistant and Husband dearest is a youth worker. What about you?

Bossy Betty said...

Beautiful pictures!

Two Sons: 22 and 18. Love them very much!

Willoughby said...

The pictures are beautiful. I can see why you like them so much.

I have an 18 year old son and an 11 year old daughter. I don't photograph them as often as I should.

MadSnapper said...

these are wonderful, the tu tu in the high heels is my favorite, i thought they were yours until i read below.
i am OLD, 66 years OLD. i have 2 sons, 44 and 46, 3 grands 23,24,25 and 2 great grands 3 and 4. i did say i am old. no plans for more, ha ha

ANRAFERA said...

Tender and agreeable photographies. That you have a marvellous week. Regards.

George said...

These are wonderful pictures -- thanks for sharing them.

I have two children. My son just turned 42 and my daughter is 39. I don't think they plan any more children, and neither do we!

Liz Mays said...

Those are truly lovely!

Nevine Sultan said...

Nope, Betty. No kids for me. By choice. I've worked with kids for so many years, I think my motherly instinct exhausted itself. So, no way! He he he... That doesn't mean I don't like kids. I love kids! I just don't want any of my own. But I don't even teach anymore, so now I'm completely kid-free. It's like I had kids, raised them, and sent them off to do for themselves.

How about it?

Wishing you a delightful week, Betty! :-)

Big hugs,

Pat said...

These are so cute! My kids are grown, Jason and Jessica, and a step-son, Jeff. Three grandkids - Colin, Lauren, and Lily.

Diane AZ said...

I love these photos too! I have a daughter and three sons all grown up and one grandbaby boy. :)

yonca said...

Beautiful pics, Betty!
I'm glad I have my son:))

Ms. A said...

Little girls in high heels, love it! I have four grown kids, 4 grandkids and the 5th due next month. Can't imagine my life without them in it!

Darlene said...

Great pictures. I love how they capture the "mundane" moments. Hubby and I have three grown children. Two sons,30 and 29, one daughter, 28, and one granddaughter, 5 in 5 days!
They sure grow up fast.

Betty Manousos said...

nevine, some people don't plan to have children; its a choice just as having a child is a choice.

childlessness may have its obvious attractions.
i'm sure you have had motherly love with your students.

because as a teacher you can have as many children as you want!
don't you think?

i have no kids of my own either...when i meet somebody and when we decide to we will have kids then maybe we will; but maybe we won't have kids.
Who knows!

Betty Manousos said...

petty witter, no children but i do love kids!!

Kelly said...

These are wonderful photos!!

My babies are all grown up now. My baby boy is 21 and my girls are 23 and 30. How time flies!

Bob Bushell said...

Yahna and Callum, they have become indepence, still I love them.


Wonderful blog! Thank You very much for Your visit!

The Blonde Duck said...

I want 2. And I've got names picke dout, but I won't tell anyone because I know as soon as I say them, they'll become super popular and I don't want my kids to have common names.

Magia da Inês said...

Belíssimas imagens!
•*• ♫° ·.

Ryan said...

Now why don't my family photos turn out like these ha! My two wee terrors (boys) are Stephen 5 and Aidan 3.

Susie said...

Great photographs!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I can't get over that last shot. SO sweet! said...

I always wanted kids, but the window is closed. Now, I'm loving being an auntie. My nephew just turned 4.
These pictures are very sweet.
Hugs to you.

Hilary said...

Such lovely photos. I especially love that little darling in her mama's shoes.

I have two grown sons - Jeffrey 23 and Alex 20. Now I want grandkids. ;)

S. Susan Deborah said...

I find that I have a love-hate moodswings when it comes to kids. Sometimes, I like them and sometimes I don't. Many times I find that other's kids are adorable but I have not wondered about my own. Maybe I might have them or not. Let's see.

But, I did enjoy looking at this photograph.

Joy always,

S. Susan Deborah said...

Ooops, Betty, I saw only one picture as the page wasn't loaded Only now I got to see all the pictures xoxoxo.

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful photos, I love the tutu and high heels.

I have one step daughter, 21 next month, who lives in another state. Children are great for others but not for me, none by choice.

Anonymous said...

These are amazing. I love how they look like the action is still taking place in them.

Sandra Wilkes said...

Gorgeous and touching! Remember the ancient's photos? The ones of our great grandparents and nobody smiled. Boy photography has come a long way baby! I have two adult children. I have such a memory bank of Trip (38) and Jeremy (35)as children and photos are a precious part of that.

David Macaulay said...

nice photos Betty, yup we have kids. they are angels, um most of the time. have a good week - David

love lives in the kitchen said...

dear betty,
these pictures are sooo beautiful! thank you very muich for sharing!
i'm sending you a big hug from milan!

Cinny said...

thanks for coming by and following. Those are some gorgeous pictures! I'm following you back. :)

Amber said...

Adorable pics! I am following you back. Thanks for stopping by :)

Rick said...

Wonderful, joyful shots. We have 4 adult children - Charlene, Michael, Lisa, Julia (the last are twins), and 3 grandchildren - Hailey, Lilly, Graydon - see my blog for photos.

Craver Vii said...

That first photo is by far, my favorite of the set. There is so much to like about it. The simplicity, the metering, the good use of space, etc. Thanks for sharing.

gayle said...

I have two daughters in their thirtys and my grandson who is 4!

Love the photos!

The Hippie Mum said...

I got a 6-month old daughter named Luna. She's the most beautiful and challenging that happened to me!

Sandra said...

Betty, I can't stop looking at those pictures either. The kids were adorable, but the daddies were half bad either :)

Christopher said...

Someday... I think... Possibly...

Jade Rahl said...

<3 the photography! I have an 18 month old son named Lane. Hopefully another baby to be soon!

Newest follower from the Good Friends Just Click Blog Hop.
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Thanks :)

Joop Zand said...

These are all very nice, i 'am glad you show us this lovely work.

BIG Compliments too Michal Rubin.

Greetings and a very nice day Betty,


Anonymous said...

Maybe...sometime...we'll see.

Really nice pics!

Claudia said... sweet! Beautiful photos!


Ire said...

Kids are awesome and I want one too! For now, I love getting my nephew to pose for me!

Thanks for sharing these pics, Betty! :D

bookjunkie said...

the lil girl with the high heels...tooo cute!

Nancy said...

Love these photos. Thanks so much for sharing.

I have two grown boys -- ages 29 and 26. Love them to pieces. :)

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.
Come again ...
I'll follow your!

Rui Pires - OLHAR D'OURO - Portugal

Georgia said...

Amazing photographs!!
No children.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Betty, Thanks for coming to my blog. Please come back anytime and I will return to yours.

The photos are amazing... He is a great photographer. I have 3 grown sons and 5 grands... Life is good for this old retiree...

Thanks again for coming.

Anonymous said...

Love these photos!

I want to have kids someday.

Isabel Soriano said...

Me encanta la imagen de la niña con los zapatitos de tocón. Es muy simpática.

Randy said...

Thank you for visiting my blog today. I really appreciate it. No kids here. I quote Robin Williams in Birdcage, "Not without a miracle."

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I have my two men! They are 100% amazing, even though there is a TON of mess in the bathroom as a result of them.
Elijah is 8, Asher is 4!

Regina said...

How wonderful!
Children are blessings from the Lord.
I have kids.
Thank you for dropping by.
Happy spring.


Pria said...

Pictures like these just gimme a lump in my throat ..
Somedays I just cant wait to be a mom and I want two kids and I am so crazy I've even / almost decided on their names too :)

I hope you get time to yourself soon ..I understand you've been keeping terribly busy ..
Take care B !

Laura said...

He is a great photographer!!
Thanks for sharing. D