Five Things Tuesday

"I'm not frightened of what people think anymore. Because, when you 're a teenager or in your early 20's, you're always frightened of what people we will  think. When you're young, you're trying on lots of selves. And then suddenly at about 28 all the pieces of the jigsaw start to fit together comfortably."
~Rosamund Pike

I really like this quote. I find it to be so true. Don't get me wrong. I do care about...
what people think to a point. Actually, to be truly happy with who I am is okay, and if others cannot deal with that then sorry, it's their issue not mine. As I've gotten older and wiser, I've realized I do not need to worry about what other people may think of me.
I cope by concentrating on my core goals and only the opinions of those who matter in my life.

What about you? xx


Crissi said...

Wonderful pictures!!!
Have a good day,
hugs Crissi

Lynn said...

Lovely flowers - that peony is breathtaking.

Like you, I do care what people think, but I don't worry about it too much either. It is what it is at this point. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Well I do love those beautiful flowers - I call them eye candy!

And you look still young yet - but you seem mature - a lot of people never get to that point in life - or they can become bitter.

I think I am at the point where - like you I always care what others think to a point - but if I know I am doing what God wants and what I want - then I'm g=okay even if others don't agree.

Great post.


Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hello dear:

I'm over 50 and stopped worrying what others thought about me or anything else years ago.

I am interested in the views of others and will read or listen to just about anything, but will not allow others to direct me unless I wish to be directed.

I find that often others stick their noses into my business and that this is a terrible waste of one's life energies that would be better utilized in making a good life for oneself.

This is my view or opinion and so be it.

Take care,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have struggled with caring what others SEE in me all my life. i am a lot better now, to old to care, but i still do even though i say i don't. inferiority complex to the max all my life and missed out on a lot of life because i was afraid to do things because of how stupid i might look.
like i would like to be in a camera club but dont do it because of how i might look

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Loving that quote - one of the advantages of getting older is the ability to be happy in our skins. Great photographs as well, I especially love that last group of flowers, such pretty colours and a wonderful reminder of spring.

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful photos!

i guess as we age, we give ourselves permission to let our hair down and relax a bit more. :)

Kelly said...

What beautiful flowers, and in such lovely shades!

The older I get, the less I worry about what others think. I've learned my priorities and what really matters. Besides, you're never going to please everyone.

deb duty said...

Beautiful flower photos and I agree with the quote. There are some things that I really love about getting older!

barbara l. hale said...

It took me a while to come to that conclusion but I am there now and am much happier for it.
Fabulous flower photos!!

Craver Vii said...

It is an important lesson to know how to assign value to the opinions of others. As a child, I cared indiscriminately, and that was rough. Now, it is easier to brush off the stuff that shouldn't stick, and to assign gravitas to the words of people who deserve it. I hope I'm making good choices.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. --James 1:5

By the way, those are gorgeous flowers!

Bob Bushell said...

There is no plan, it doesn't matter how old you are, we all get a bit older and wiser. Those flowers are reality, beautiful to look at.

moni said...

Dear Betty,
you present wonderful blossoms, I love it! This flowers makes the day better!

Sylvia K said...

What a great post, Betty! To begin with your captures and the flowers and colors are gorgeous! So much beauty to start my day! I do so agree with you -- my early days as a child starting school were sometimes scary and frequently hurtful as I always seemed like such an odd ball -- even to my parents. But as time passed, I grew older and comfortable in my own shoes. Life has been and is wonderful and I think sometimes that it is overcoming the hurtful things of our youth that makes for a wonderful adulthood -- at least it has for me! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


FilipBlog said...

Fantastic collage.


Bitch said...

Very lovely pictures, dear Betty!!
And to come to your thoughts --
I really don't care for ages what people think about me!
I have to find out by myself what to do or not to do with my life...
There is nobody out there to help..
And so... I really don't care..
I let my hair grow long..
my nails are so long, that I cannot type very quick. Not to speak about
my clothing.......

Hugs from Greece!!!!!

Unknown said...

I think that it simply comes with time and living...and I hope to get to this point. Such a beautiful post.


p.s. I'm doing a fun Kate Spade giveaway I think you might like :-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful images. I have an inferiority complex and so do care what others think. Or should I say that I think of myself too lowly and therefore miss out on things.I am somewhat afraid to step out of my comfort zone,but am getting a little better since my husband passed away. I can no longer hide behind him.

Fábio Martins said...

What a beautiful pictures!

George said...

I like the quote and your thoughts on it. I guess I've been fortunate in that my parents instilled a strong sense of personal identity in me, so I never cared all that much about what others thought. In high school I was a country boy going to a city school and I knew I was an outsider, so I just did my best at whatever I was involved in and then returned to my books.

By the way, your flowers are beautiful.

TrevorW�� said...

I feel that we should always be aware of what other people a different viewpoint....but I certainly don't worry what they think of me or my opinions.....

Very nice images....

-Trevor said...

Such nice, soft colors.
Hugs to you.

magda said...

Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
Έχεις απόλυτο δίκιο. Εγώ μεγαλώνω και ακόμα δεν μπόρεσα να το επιτύχω απολύτως.
Ακόμα με πονάει, όταν αισθάνομαι την κακία.
Αλλά σίγουρα πιο νέα, με πείραζε πιο πολύ.
Είναι θέμα χαρακτήρα.
Εσένα σε εκτιμώ απεριόριστα και σ αγαπώ.
Να είσαι πάντα καλά κι ευτυχισμένη με την οικογένεια σου!
Πολλά φιλάκια

Betty Manousos said...

sandra, some of us have felt low self-esteem for much of our lives...

you're just an awesome woman, sandra, and so valuable to me!! xx

Liz Mays said...

I think we all care what people think, but the older we get, the more we're willing to look beyond what they think and do what's best for us.

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

Usually I care about the opinion of some friends of mine for my actions and not the opinion of people I don't know at all.

Karyna @ PaperSquid said...

Great quote. Yes, there definitely comes a day (or a series of points & events) where you realize that no matter what you do, say, weigh, ect. ect. someone will always have something to say or criticize. Screw them. But I would be lying if I said I didn't care sometimes what some people in certain situations thought BUT it's only certain people. But with time even this begins to dissipate and one (or at least me) is learning to live better, for freely and authentically everyday.

Ms. A said...

I guess it mostly depends on the person, as to whether I care, or not. With the ones that do matter, I'd like to say I don't care what they think about me, but the fact is... I care too much.

Gorgeous flowers, Betty!

dennistheeremite said...

Some people make it an issue of what is important and what is not. My take is that everything is important, including what other peopole think, but some priorities are simply mutually exclusive and therefore completely unreasonable. I cannot serve expecations or demands that would make me insane or unable to do what I need to do or be what I need to be. Otherwise I am very adolescent. How many pictures did you take last month? I think I took well over a hundred.

Unknown said...

Good evening Betty.
I love your beautiful photographs and your narrative.

Betty Manousos said...

ruth, thank you for sharing that which is most personal to you.
thank you ever so much for your honesty.
so happy to hear that you're starting to put things in perspective. sounds like a conscious decision to me? xx

kenju said...

Betty, thanks for the visit and comments! You have some gorgeous photos here. I'll be back.

Lisa Gordon said...

I love the quote, and wholeheartedly agree!
These are beautiful photographs Betty.
Reminds me of a warm summer day!

Betty Manousos said...

thank you all so much for sharing your opinions and a part of yourself with us; they are taken seriously with great admiration.

Rick said...

Gorgeous blooms, Betty - brighten up what may be a dull day in many parts (esp. where our kids live - record rainfall and gloomy skies today). And you're so right that as we 'discover ourselves' what others think matters less and less.

Have a great week !

Cloudia said...

Great shots and wise thoughts.

Must say I agree.

BTW: I think you are pretty cool!

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >


< ° ) } } > <

Anonymous said...

What breath-taking shots of these gorgeous flowers!

And I agree - once you hit your thirties, you stop caring so much about fitting the mould!

Reena said...

It took me until my 40's to begin fitting comfortably with the person I was meant to be!

Red Nomad OZ said...

I'm quite happy these days for people to have opinions that differ from mine. What I DO object to, however, is people who have opinions about me that aren't based in fact!

BlueShell said...

Well, as I'm getting older and wiser too I do not worry about what other people think. I act acording my

Thank you, Thank you,Thank you, for asking about my husband. He's better now. But we are always afraid…because a cancer is a disease that may come suddenly in another area: the cancer was in the intestine,…but we know the odds of appearing in another part of his body are many…
He suffered so much…and I felt useless because there was nothing I could do to help him.

Thank you for your concern: I won’t forget it and I thank you once more: I appreciate your kindness: you are a good person.
I hug you!
Isabel (AKA BlueShell)

BlueShell said...

Oh...I was forgeting: the flowers...magnificent!!!
Love it!

Leovi said...

Beautiful pictures, lovely flowers, I like the light given off with delicate and exquisite tone, full of poetry. Greetings.

The Blonde Duck said...

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Love the flowers!

dianne said...

Your flower images are so beautiful Betty dear.
That is a good quote from Rosamund Pike, I like her she is a good actress.
I do care what people think of me but only up to a point. I am quite comfortable with who I am, I am a good friend and try to help others as much as I can. As I get older I realise how much I still have to learn, the journey continues.

xoxoxo ♡

Kitty Moore said...

It's true - I care less about conforming to society's norms the older I get but I think I'll always care what my loved ones think.

Pat said...

Wonderful quote! Beautiful photos!

Panagiotis Sp said...

ευχαριστώ κι΄γω για σύνδεση
και το δικό σου blog πολύ καλό
καλή συνέχεια

Unknown said...

For the most part, I agree with your quote. I like to think I don't care anymore, too old to worry about it, but then you go and leave a nice comment on my blog, I get very happy, so I guess I do care?

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Estupendas las cosas que nos dejas, como siempre un placer haberme pasado de nuevo por tu casa.

Saludos y un abrazo.

Anonymous said...

Thank you !

Please have a good Thursday.

χρυσάνθη said...

Μαγαλώνοντας η ψυχή γαληνεύει και αλλάζει η θεώρηση των πραγμάτων.Ετσι πρέπει να γίνεται και τυχεροί όσοι το επιτυγχάνουν!!!
Τα λουλούδια υπέροχα!!Τα χρώματα , τα λατρεμένα μου!!!Φιλάκια

Randy said...

Excellent post Betty!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful flowers Betty.
I think as we get older we realize how much time we are wasting on trying to live up to the imagine we want others to have of us. If people can't take me as I am then they are too superficial to care about.

diane b said...

Beautiful shots and interesting discussion. the older you get the less you worry about what others think. In fact old age gives you the ability to act silly and get away with it. Like my friends in the birthday bear group.

Nancy said...

First of all, lovely flowers! Nice to see them this time of year.

I strive to be myself, until it comes to my Mother. I try a little harder to be the daughter she is proud of -- she is 82 and I want her to not to worry, but rather be happy in her later years. :)

Nicholas Garcia (Nick) said...

It is good to be happy in ones own skin.

Blessings and Happy Holiday.

Chapters From My Life said...

Very beautiful flowers, makes me feel like touching them.

I agree totally with what you have say...good quote

Kim Stevens said...

Here from This and That Thursday and I couldn't agree more! I see a lot of people lately freaked because they are turning 30! Heck I'll be 50 and will shout it from the roof tops! haha I really think what is more important than a number is how much child you still allow in your "self".

And lovely, lovely photos! : )

Melanie said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL shots! I can very much relate to not caring what every darn person thinks of every little thing you do! At 30, I am actually feeling sooo much more comfortable in my skin!

Thanks so much for the kind comment!

Jaymi said...

oooh I love the purple flowers, so pretty!

Ellie said...

Oh you have got some beautiful flowers there and I love your quote.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I just love your pictures today!

Anonymous said...

Oh lovely shots, esp the 2nd.

I agree, I care to a point, & I admit that I am self conscience about some things, but I am who I am & that's that! =)

Fer said...

Excelentes colores, unas tomas muy bien realizadas, saludos...

Leovi said...

I never tire of enjoying your beautiful flowers. Good night hugs.

Unknown said...

Beautiful flowers and photos.
Good quote.
I'm not sure I was feeling that way at 28.
Not sure I'm there even yet,
but well on my way.

ritsa said...

Hey it's always nice to look at your gorgeous pictures!!

michael said...

I worry incessantly about what other people think.

Beautiful flowers and pics, btw.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Age definitely brings more self assurance!

Anonymous said...

Easier said than done.

Such nice colors and flowers!

deb duty said...

Thank you for your kind words and for linking up today!

Gina Kleinworth said...

Oh my goodness those are pretty!

Unknown said...

That is some very, very good advice.
Gorgeous images. So pretty : )

Unknown said...

I'm with you this one. I'm now 41 and if somebody have a problem with my personality so what, we don't have to mates, I 'm not going to change in this age and I don't want to. I like myself:)
Gorgeous flowers, I want them.

Magic Moments said...

Beautiful photos and beautiful Blog.Wishing you a nice weekend

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wonderful photos from this different flowers. Great capture !

Georgia said...

wonderful captures.
Great colors!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful florals, love the peony. It was one of the few favorites that I did not have the pleasure of capturing this year.

Emm said...

I absolutely found that. The 20s were so hard and then suddenly I turned 30 and everything made sense again. I am sorry it's taken me so long to catch up Betty! Last week was hard with exams both for my students and for me.